Esempio n. 1
        private static void Main()
            Input      input  = new Input();
            TotalModel model  = new TotalModel(input);
            Output     output = new Output(model);


            //string json;

            //using (var web = new WebClient())
            //    var url = $"{tickers}";
            //    json = web.DownloadString(url);

            ////Google adds a comment before the json for some unknown reason, so we need to remove it
            //json = json.Replace("//", "");

            //var v = JArray.Parse(json);

            //foreach (var i in v)
            //    var ticker = i.SelectToken("t");
            //    var price = (decimal)i.SelectToken("l");

            //    Console.WriteLine($"{ticker} : {price}");

            //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
        public TotalModel NextObjectiveValue(int[] NFlip, BitArray X, TotalModel prevTotalModel, KnapsackModel model)
            var totalModel = new TotalModel();

            totalModel.TotalCost   = prevTotalModel.TotalCost;
            totalModel.TotalWeight = prevTotalModel.TotalWeight;

            //for each changed bit in start array
            foreach (var bitNumber in NFlip)
                if (bitNumber != 0)                             //stop because there is no bitNumber elements left
                    //if add element
                    if (X[bitNumber - 1] == false)
                        totalModel.TotalCost   += model.Items[bitNumber - 1].Item1;
                        totalModel.TotalWeight += model.Items[bitNumber - 1].Item2;
                    //if delete element
                        totalModel.TotalCost   -= model.Items[bitNumber - 1].Item1;
                        totalModel.TotalWeight -= model.Items[bitNumber - 1].Item2;
            if (totalModel.TotalWeight > model.C)
                totalModel.IsModelAppropriate = false;
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Index()
                int GYM_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GYM_ID"]);
                var Offers = db.Offers.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).OrderByDescending(i => i.ID).ToList();
                List <OfferTotalModel> OfferTotalModelList = new List <OfferTotalModel>();
                foreach (var d in Offers)
                    OfferTotalModel OfferTotalModel = new OfferTotalModel();
                    OfferModel      offerModel      = new OfferModel();
                    TotalModel      totalModel      = new TotalModel();
                    offerModel.Discount   = d.Discount;
                    offerModel.End_Date   = d.End_Date;
                    offerModel.ID         = d.ID;
                    offerModel.Name       = d.Name;
                    offerModel.Start_Date = d.Start_Date;
                    offerModel.Status     = d.Status;
                    totalModel.Branch     = db.Branch_Wise_Offer.Where(i => i.Offer_ID == d.ID && i.Status == true).Count();
           = totalModel;
                    OfferTotalModel.Offer = offerModel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Contact", "Home"));
        // GET: ShoppingCart/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(Guid?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            TotalModel       oTotal         = new TotalModel();
            List <ItemModel> existItemLists = (List <ItemModel>)Session["itemList"];

            var oProduct = existItemLists.Single(x => x.ProductID == id);

            if (oProduct == null)
                decimal totalVal = 0;
                foreach (var item in existItemLists)
                    totalVal = totalVal + (item.Qty * item.Rate);

                oTotal.Total        = totalVal;
                Session["itemList"] = existItemLists;
                Session["totModel"] = oTotal;

            ShoppingCartViewModel oModel = new ShoppingCartViewModel((List <ItemModel>)Session["itemList"], (TotalModel)Session["totModel"]);

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShoppingCart", oModel));
Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult Index()
                int GYM_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GYM_ID"]);
                var Plane  = db.Planes.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).OrderByDescending(i => i.ID).ToList();
                List <PlaneTotalModel> PlaneTotalModelList = new List <PlaneTotalModel>();
                foreach (var d in Plane)
                    PlaneTotalModel PlaneTotalModel = new PlaneTotalModel();
                    PlaneModel      planeModel      = new PlaneModel();
                    TotalModel      totalModel      = new TotalModel();
                    planeModel.Name            = d.Name;
                    planeModel.Duration        = d.Duration;
                    planeModel.Duration_No     = d.Duration_No;
                    planeModel.GST             = d.GST;
                    planeModel.GYM_ID          = d.GYM_ID;
                    planeModel.ID              = d.ID;
                    planeModel.Is_Active       = d.Is_Active;
                    planeModel.Worth           = d.Worth;
                    totalModel.Branch          = db.Branch_Wise_Plane.Where(i => i.Plane_ID == d.ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                    PlaneTotalModel.TotalModel = totalModel;
                    PlaneTotalModel.PlaneModel = planeModel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Contact", "Home"));
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult Index()
                int GYM_ID    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GYM_ID"]);
                var Equipment = db.Equipments.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).OrderByDescending(i => i.ID).ToList();
                List <EquipmentTotalModel> EquipmentTotalModelList = new List <EquipmentTotalModel>();
                foreach (var d in Equipment)
                    EquipmentTotalModel EquipmentTotalModel = new EquipmentTotalModel();
                    EquipmentModel      EquipmentModel      = new EquipmentModel();
                    TotalModel          TotalModel          = new TotalModel();
                    EquipmentModel.Name = d.Name;
                    EquipmentModel.ID   = d.ID;
                    var Equipment_Number = db.Branch_Wise_Equipment.Where(i => i.Equipment_ID == d.ID && i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).ToList();
                    foreach (var Equipments in Equipment_Number)
                        TotalModel.Equipment = TotalModel.Equipment + Convert.ToInt32(Equipments.Number);
                    EquipmentTotalModel.TotalModel     = TotalModel;
                    EquipmentTotalModel.EquipmentModel = EquipmentModel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Contact", "Home"));
        public TotalModel CalculateNewObjective(BitArray X, KnapsackModel model, double alpha)
            var totalModel = new TotalModel();

            for (int i = 0; i < model.N; i++)
                totalModel.TotalCost   += model.Items[i].Item1 * Convert.ToDouble(X[i]);
                totalModel.TotalWeight += model.Items[i].Item2 * Convert.ToDouble(X[i]);
            totalModel.TotalCost = totalModel.TotalCost - alpha * Math.Max(totalModel.TotalWeight - model.C, 0);
        public TotalModel CalculateObjectiveValue(BitArray X, KnapsackModel model)
            var totalModel = new TotalModel();

            for (int i = 0; i < model.N; i++)
                totalModel.TotalCost   += model.Items[i].Item1 * Convert.ToDouble(X[i]);
                totalModel.TotalWeight += model.Items[i].Item2 * Convert.ToDouble(X[i]);
                if (totalModel.IsModelAppropriate && totalModel.TotalWeight > model.C)
                    totalModel.IsModelAppropriate = false;
Esempio n. 9
        public void WriteFile(BitArray X, TotalModel model, string fileName)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var b in X)
                sb.Append((bool)b ? "1" : "0");
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                       new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\User\Downloads\" + fileName + ".txt", true))
                file.WriteLine(model.TotalCost + "\t" + model.TotalWeight);
Esempio n. 10
        public ActionResult Manager()
                int Branvch_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Branvch_ID"]);
                var Trainer    = db.Trainers.Join(db.Branches, u => u.Branvch_ID, j => j.ID, (u, j) => new { Trainer = u, Branch = j }).Where(i => i.Branch.ID == i.Trainer.Branvch_ID && i.Trainer.Role_ID == 3 && i.Branch.ID == Branvch_ID).ToList();
                List <TrainerTotalModel> TrainerTotalModelList = new List <TrainerTotalModel>();
                ViewBag.Total_Student = db.Students.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == Branvch_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Trainer = db.Trainers.Where(i => i.Role_ID == 3 && i.Branvch_ID == Branvch_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Today_Joining = db.Demoes.Where(d => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(d.Start_Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && d.Branch_ID == Branvch_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Student_Fee   = db.Students.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == Branvch_ID && i.Status != true).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Offer   = db.Branch_Wise_Offer.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == Branvch_ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Plane   = db.Branch_Wise_Plane.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == Branvch_ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                foreach (var d in Trainer)
                    TrainerTotalModel TrainerTotalModel = new TrainerTotalModel();
                    TrainerModel      trainerModel      = new TrainerModel();
                    TotalModel        TotalModel        = new TotalModel();
                    trainerModel.Branvch_ID   = d.Trainer.Branvch_ID;
                    trainerModel.Email_ID     = d.Trainer.Email_ID;
                    trainerModel.First_Name   = d.Trainer.First_Name;
                    trainerModel.Last_Name    = d.Trainer.Last_Name;
                    trainerModel.ID           = d.Trainer.ID;
                    trainerModel.Role_ID      = d.Trainer.Role_ID;
                    TotalModel.Student        = db.Students.Where(i => i.Trainer_ID == d.Trainer.ID).Count();
                    TrainerTotalModel.Trainer = trainerModel;
                    TrainerTotalModel.Total   = TotalModel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Contact", "Home"));
Esempio n. 11
 public static void Total(this ScenarioContext context, TotalModel model)
     context.Set(TotalKey, model);
Esempio n. 12
        public ResultModel NewFirstAscendHillClimbingMethod(KnapsackModel model, double alpha, bool needObjectiveDetails = false)
            //selec inital X at random
            BitArray X = XInit != null ? XInit : new RandomBitGeneration().GenerateBitArray(model.N);

            //initialize settings
            var neighborhood = new Neighborhood();

            neighborhood.InitNFlip(1, model.N);
            var objectiveCalculation = new ObjectiveCalculation();
            var xTotalModel          = objectiveCalculation.CalculateNewObjective(X, model, alpha);

            new FileProcess().WriteFile(X, xTotalModel, "ResultFAHillClimbing");

            //for objective Details
            var objectiveDetails = new List <double>();

            if (needObjectiveDetails)
                objectiveDetails.Add(xTotalModel.IsModelAppropriate ? xTotalModel.TotalCost : -1);

            while (!neighborhood.stop)
                BitArray Y           = neighborhood.GetNextNeighborhood(X);
                var      yTotalModel = objectiveCalculation.CalculateNewObjective(Y, model, alpha);
                if (xTotalModel.TotalCost < yTotalModel.TotalCost)
                    X           = (BitArray)Y.Clone();
                    xTotalModel = new TotalModel
                        TotalCost          = yTotalModel.TotalCost,
                        TotalWeight        = yTotalModel.TotalWeight,
                        IsModelAppropriate = yTotalModel.IsModelAppropriate
                    neighborhood.InitNFlip(1, model.N);
                    new FileProcess().WriteFile(X, xTotalModel, "ResultFAHillClimbing");

                    if (needObjectiveDetails)
                        objectiveDetails.Add(xTotalModel.IsModelAppropriate ? xTotalModel.TotalCost : -1);

            var resultModel = new ResultModel();

            resultModel.ResultC = xTotalModel.TotalCost;
            resultModel.ResultW = xTotalModel.TotalWeight;
            resultModel.X       = (BitArray)X.Clone();
            if (needObjectiveDetails)
                resultModel.ObjectiveDetails = objectiveDetails;

        // GET: ShoppingCart
        public ActionResult Index(Guid?id)
            if (id == null)
                ShoppingCartViewModel oModel = new ShoppingCartViewModel((List <ItemModel>)Session["itemList"], (TotalModel)Session["totModel"]);
                List <ItemModel> itemListModels = new List <ItemModel>();
                List <ItemModel> existItemLists = new List <ItemModel>();
                TotalModel       existTotal     = new TotalModel();
                TotalModel       oTotal         = new TotalModel();
                //Session["itemList"] = null;
                //Session["totModel"] = null;
                if (Session["itemList"] == null)
                    var       oProduct = context.tblProducts.Where(x => x.ProductID == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    ItemModel oItem    = new ItemModel();
                    oItem.ProductID = oProduct.ProductID;
                    oItem.Name      = oProduct.Name;
                    oItem.Qty       = 1;
                    oItem.Rate      = oProduct.Price.Value;
                    oItem.ItemTotal = oProduct.Price.Value;

                    oTotal.Total = oItem.Rate * 1;

                    Session["itemList"] = itemListModels;
                    Session["totModel"] = oTotal;
                    existItemLists = (List <ItemModel>)Session["itemList"];
                    existTotal     = (TotalModel)Session["totModel"];
                    var oProductExist = existItemLists.Where(x => x.ProductID == id).FirstOrDefault();

                    decimal totalVal = existTotal.Total;
                    // bool isNewItem = false;

                    if (oProductExist != null)
                        foreach (var item in existItemLists)
                            if (item.ProductID == oProductExist.ProductID)
                                item.Qty = item.Qty + 1;
                                totalVal = totalVal + (1 * item.Rate);
                        var       oProduct = context.tblProducts.Where(x => x.ProductID == id).FirstOrDefault();
                        ItemModel oItem    = new ItemModel();
                        oItem.ProductID = oProduct.ProductID;
                        oItem.Name      = oProduct.Name;
                        oItem.Qty       = 1;
                        oItem.Rate      = oProduct.Price.Value;
                        oItem.ItemTotal = oProduct.Price.Value;
                        totalVal        = totalVal + (oItem.Qty * oItem.Rate);

                    //if (isNewItem)

                    oTotal.Total        = totalVal;
                    Session["itemList"] = existItemLists;
                    Session["totModel"] = oTotal;

                ShoppingCartViewModel oModel = new ShoppingCartViewModel((List <ItemModel>)Session["itemList"], (TotalModel)Session["totModel"]);

Esempio n. 14
 public Output(TotalModel model)
Esempio n. 15
        public ActionResult Owner()
                int GYM_ID  = Convert.ToInt32(Session["GYM_ID"]);
                var Branche = db.Branches.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && i.IS_Active == true).ToList();
                List <BranchTotalModel> BranchTotalModelList = new List <BranchTotalModel>();
                ViewBag.Total_Student = db.Students.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Trainer = db.Trainers.Where(i => i.Role_ID == 3 && i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Manager = db.Trainers.Where(i => i.Role_ID == 2 && i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Branch  = db.Branches.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && i.IS_Active == true).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Offer   = db.Offers.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                ViewBag.Total_Plane   = db.Planes.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && i.Is_Active == true).Count();
                ViewBag.Visit         = db.Demoes.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(i.Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now)).Count();
                ViewBag.Today_Joining = db.Demoes.Where(d => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(d.Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && d.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.New_Student   = db.Students.Where(d => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(d.Start_Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && d.GYM_ID == GYM_ID).Count();
                var Today_Earning = db.Fees.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(i.Payment_Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now)).ToList();
                var Earning       = 0;
                foreach (var Earnings in Today_Earning)
                    Earning = Earning + Convert.ToInt32(Earnings.Payment_Amount);
                ViewBag.Today_Earning = Earning;

                var Month_Earnings = db.Fees.Where(i => i.GYM_ID == GYM_ID && i.Payment_Date.Value.Month == DateTime.Now.Month).ToList();
                var Earningss      = 0;
                foreach (var Month_Earning in Month_Earnings)
                    Earningss = Earningss + Convert.ToInt32(Month_Earning.Payment_Amount);
                ViewBag.Month_Earning = Earningss;

                foreach (var d in Branche)
                    BranchTotalModel BranchTotalModel = new BranchTotalModel();
                    BranchModel      BranchModel      = new BranchModel();
                    TotalModel       TotalModel       = new TotalModel();
                    BranchModel.ID           = d.ID;
                    BranchModel.Name         = d.Name;
                    TotalModel.Student       = db.Students.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == d.ID).Count();
                    TotalModel.Trainer       = db.Trainers.Where(i => i.Branvch_ID == d.ID && i.Role_ID == 3).Count();
                    TotalModel.Manager       = db.Trainers.Where(i => i.Branvch_ID == d.ID && i.Role_ID == 2).Count();
                    TotalModel.Plane         = db.Branch_Wise_Plane.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == d.ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                    TotalModel.Offer         = db.Branch_Wise_Offer.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == d.ID && i.Status == true).Count();
                    TotalModel.Demo          = db.Demoes.Where(i => i.Branch_ID == d.ID && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(i.Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now)).Count();
                    ViewBag.Today_Joining    = db.Demoes.Where(i => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(i.Start_Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && i.Branch_ID == d.ID).Count();
                    ViewBag.New_Student      = db.Students.Where(i => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(i.Start_Date) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && i.Branch_ID == d.ID).Count();
                    TotalModel.Today_Earning = Earning;
                    TotalModel.Month_Earning = Earningss;
                    BranchTotalModel.Total   = TotalModel;
                    BranchTotalModel.Branch  = BranchModel;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Contact", "Home"));