private void BtnCheckOut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (adpurchasedflag == 1 && adpurchasedcourse == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Thank you for shopping with us\n Your total for Anima Designer Product with key code storage is : " + "\n" + cashout);
     else if (adpurchasedcourse == 1 && adpurchasedflag == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Thank you for shopping with us\n Your total for Anima course and Anima Designer Product is : " + cashout);
     else if (adpurchasedflag == 1 && adpurchasedcourse == 1)
             cashout = (TotalAfterDiscount + 1100);
             MessageBox.Show("Thank you for shopping with us\n Your total for Anima course, key code storage, and Anima Designer Product is : " + cashout);
         catch (Exception)
             MessageBox.Show("Not a valid input");
         MessageBox.Show("Thank you for shopping with us\nYour total for Anima Designer is : " + TotalAfterDiscount.ToString());
     //clear boxes
        private void Txt_Amt_Sold_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Discounts are available, depending on the quantity selected.Here is a list
            //of quantity discounts:
            //course will have same discounts
            //10 - 19       20% discount
            //20 - 49       30% discount
            //50 - 99       40% discount
            //100 or more   50% discount

            // Declare the Variables
            // PackagePrice is the price of 1 package before the discount.
            // AmountSold quantity of the products customer has selected.
            // TotalPrice is the price of the total.
            // DiscountRate is the weight of discount depending on the total amount sold.
            // TotalAfterDiscount is the TotalPrice with discoun

            string DiscountLabel;

            if (Txt_Amt_Sold.Text != "")
                AmountSold = int.Parse(Txt_Amt_Sold.Text);

            //Declare the variables for the calculation
            TotalPrice         = AmountSold * PackagePrice;
            TotalAfterDiscount = TotalPrice;
            DiscountLabel      = "";

            //If user inputs an ammount less then 10 there is no discount.
            if (AmountSold < 10)
                DiscountLabel        = "";
                TotalAfterDiscount   = TotalPrice;
                Discount_Amount.Text = "$" + 0.ToString();
            //if user inputs amount between 10-19 they recieve discount of 20%
            if (AmountSold >= 10 && AmountSold <= 19)
                DiscountLabel        = "20%";
                TotalAfterDiscount   = TotalPrice * (1 - 0.2);
                Discount_Amount.Text = "$" + (TotalPrice * 0.2).ToString();
            //if user inputs amount between 20-49 they recieve discount of 30%
            if (AmountSold >= 20 && AmountSold <= 49)
                DiscountLabel        = "30%";
                TotalAfterDiscount   = TotalPrice * (1 - 0.3);
                Discount_Amount.Text = "$" + (TotalPrice * 0.3).ToString();
            //if user inputs amount between 50-100 they recieve a discount of 40%
            if (AmountSold >= 50 && AmountSold <= 99)
                DiscountLabel        = "40%";
                TotalAfterDiscount   = TotalPrice * (1 - 0.4);
                Discount_Amount.Text = "$" + (TotalPrice * 0.4).ToString();
            //if user inputs amount greater then a 100 they recieve discount of 50%
            if (AmountSold >= 100)
                DiscountLabel        = "50%";
                TotalAfterDiscount   = TotalPrice * (1 - 0.5);
                Discount_Amount.Text = "$" + (TotalPrice * 0.5).ToString();
            //converts the discount from a decimal into a string and inputs it into the specific text boxes
            Ttl_Before_Discount.Text = "$" + TotalPrice.ToString();
            Total_Amount.Text        = "$" + TotalAfterDiscount.ToString();
            Discount_Percent.Text    = DiscountLabel;