Esempio n. 1
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // configure
            var settings = new TorSharpSettings
                ZippedToolsDirectory    = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorZipped"),
                ExtractedToolsDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorExtracted"),
                PrivoxyPort             = 1337,
                TorSocksPort            = 1338,
                TorControlPort          = 1339,
                TorControlPassword      = "******",
                ToolRunnerType          = ToolRunnerType.Simple

            // download tools
            await new TorSharpToolFetcher(settings, new HttpClient()).FetchAsync();

            // execute
            var proxy   = new TorSharpProxy(settings);
            var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxyPort))
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler);
            await proxy.ConfigureAndStartAsync();

            Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
            await proxy.GetNewIdentityAsync();

            Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
Esempio n. 2
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // configure
            var settings = new TorSharpSettings
                ZippedToolsDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorZipped"),
                ExtractedToolsDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorExtracted"),
                PrivoxyPort = 1337,
                TorSocksPort = 1338,
                TorControlPort = 1339,
                TorControlPassword = "******",
                ToolRunnerType = ToolRunnerType.Simple

            // download tools
            await new TorSharpToolFetcher(settings, new HttpClient()).FetchAsync();

            // execute
            var proxy = new TorSharpProxy(settings);
            var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxyPort))
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler);
            await proxy.ConfigureAndStartAsync();
            Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
            await proxy.GetNewIdentityAsync();
            Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
Esempio n. 3
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // configure
            var settings = new TorSharpSettings
                ZippedToolsDirectory    = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorZipped"),
                ExtractedToolsDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorExtracted"),
                PrivoxySettings         =
                    Port = 1337,
                TorSettings =
                    SocksPort       =     1338,
                    ControlPort     =     1339,
                    ControlPassword = "******",

            // download tools
            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                var fetcher = new TorSharpToolFetcher(settings, httpClient);
                var updates = await fetcher.CheckForUpdatesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Current Privoxy: {updates.Privoxy.LocalVersion?.ToString() ?? "(none)"}");
                Console.WriteLine($" Latest Privoxy: {updates.Privoxy.LatestDownload.Version}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Current Tor: {updates.Tor.LocalVersion?.ToString() ?? "(none)"}");
                Console.WriteLine($" Latest Tor: {updates.Tor.LatestDownload.Version}");
                if (updates.HasUpdate)
                    await fetcher.FetchAsync(updates);

            // execute
            using (var proxy = new TorSharpProxy(settings))
                var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                    Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxySettings.Port))

                using (handler)
                    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler))
                        await proxy.ConfigureAndStartAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
                        await proxy.GetNewIdentityAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));

 public void StopProxy()
Esempio n. 5
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // configure
            var settings = new TorSharpSettings
                ZippedToolsDirectory    = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorZipped"),
                ExtractedToolsDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TorExtracted"),
                PrivoxySettings         =
                    Port = 18118,
                TorSettings =
                    SocksPort       =    19050,
                    ControlPort     =    19051,
                    ControlPassword = "******",

            // output runtime information
            var message = new StringBuilder();

            message.Append($"Running the sample on {settings.OSPlatform} OS and {settings.Architecture} architecture.");
            message.Append($" OS description: {RuntimeInformation.OSDescription}.");

            // download tools
            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                var fetcher = new TorSharpToolFetcher(settings, httpClient);
                var updates = await fetcher.CheckForUpdatesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Current Privoxy: {updates.Privoxy.LocalVersion?.ToString() ?? "(none)"}");
                Console.WriteLine($" Latest Privoxy: {updates.Privoxy.LatestDownload.Version}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Current Tor: {updates.Tor.LocalVersion?.ToString() ?? "(none)"}");
                Console.WriteLine($" Latest Tor: {updates.Tor.LatestDownload.Version}");
                if (updates.HasUpdate)
                    await fetcher.FetchAsync(updates);

            // execute
            using (var proxy = new TorSharpProxy(settings))
                var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                    Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxySettings.Port))

                using (handler)
                    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler))
                        await proxy.ConfigureAndStartAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
                        await proxy.GetNewIdentityAsync();

                        Console.WriteLine(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));

                        using (var controlClient = await proxy.GetControlClientAsync())
                            var read = await controlClient.GetTrafficReadAsync();

                            Console.WriteLine("Bytes read    : {0}", read);
                            var written = await controlClient.GetTrafficWrittenAsync();

                            Console.WriteLine("Bytes written : {0}", written);

Esempio n. 6

        // MAIN ===================================================================================
        /// <param name="args"> Command line arguements passed to executable. </param>
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Creates a Logger object from Serilog. Writes up to Debug level prints.

            Log.Logger.Information("Darkweb Data Scraper start...");

            // Parses command line arguements and stores them in "parsedArgs"

            // I made this function to move this setup out of main.
            // Returns a TorSharpSettings object for use with TorSharp.
            var settings = SetupTorSharpSettings();

            // Idk exactly how this works but like... its for torsharp
            // its uh... setting up torsharp "tools"...also its asyncronous
            await SetupTorSharpTools(settings);

            // * starts tor proxy -----------------------------------------------------------------
            using (var proxy = new TorSharpProxy(settings))
                var waiting = true;
                while (waiting)
                    // block untill we wait for TorSharp Proxy to be configured
                    await proxy.ConfigureAndStartAsync();

                    waiting = false;

                // * SETUP AND EXECUTE CRAWLER ================================================
                // Setup Crawler configuration
                CrawlConfigurationX crawlConfig = new CrawlConfigurationX
                    MaxPagesToCrawl = 30,                               // Max total urls this crawler should crawl
                    MaxCrawlDepth   = 1,                                // Depth for crawler to traverse urls
                    IsJavascriptRenderingEnabled = false,               // Should crawler render JS?
                    JavascriptRenderingWaitTimeInMilliseconds = 2000,   // How long to wait for js to process
                    MaxConcurrentSiteCrawls = 1,                        // Only crawl a single site at a time
                    MaxRetryCount           = 3                         // Retries to connect and crawl site 'x' times

                if (parsedArgs.InputFile == null) // THIS IS "-s" or "--single"
                    var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                        Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxySettings.Port))

                    // Crawl
                    await DataScraper.Crawl(crawlConfig, handler, parsedArgs.handlerType, parsedArgs.StartingUri);

                    BuildBsonDocument(DataScraper.allParsedText, parsedArgs.StartingUri);

                    //reset vals for next crawl
                    DataScraper.allParsedText = new List <string>();
                    DataScraper.siteTitle     = "";
                    DataScraper.dataDocuments = new List <BsonDocument>();

                    if (MONGO_URI == "")
                        Log.Logger.Information("Database information is no longer accessible or available." +
                                               "You will need to provide your own Mongo details in \"Crawler.cs\".");
                else // THIS IS "-m" or "--multi"
                    string inputFilePath = @parsedArgs.InputFile;

                    var sitesToCrawl = GenerateSiteList(inputFilePath);

                    for (int i = 0; i < sitesToCrawl.Count; i++)
                        var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                            Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:" + settings.PrivoxySettings.Port))

                        // Crawl
                        await DataScraper.Crawl(crawlConfig, handler, parsedArgs.handlerType, sitesToCrawl[i]);

                        BuildBsonDocument(DataScraper.allParsedText, sitesToCrawl[i]);

                        if (MONGO_URI == "")
                            Log.Logger.Information("Database information is no longer accessible or available." +
                                                   "You will need to provide your own Mongo details in \"Crawler.cs\".");

                        if (MONGO_URI != "" && MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME != "" && MONGO_DATABASE_NAME != "")
                            var client     = new MongoClient(MONGO_URI);
                            var database   = client.GetDatabase(MONGO_DATABASE_NAME);
                            var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME);


                        //reset vals for next crawl
                        DataScraper.allParsedText = new List <string>();
                        DataScraper.siteTitle     = "";
                        DataScraper.dataDocuments = new List <BsonDocument>();
                // * ==========================================================================

                // Stop the TorSharp tools so that the proxy is no longer listening on the configured port.
            // * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------