Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            ConsoleKeyInfo instruction;

                Console.Write("\n\nInput String: ");
                var input = Console.ReadLine();


                List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} palindromic substrings.", output.Count);

                foreach (var substring in output)
                    Console.WriteLine("-> {0}", substring);

                Console.Write("\n\n'E' or 'e' to Exit. Any other key to continue. ");
                instruction = Console.ReadKey();
            } while (!(instruction.KeyChar == 'e' || instruction.KeyChar == 'E'));
        public void SampleInput_Top0_MinLength2()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(0, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "sqrrqabccbatudefggfedvwhijkllkjihxymnnmzpop";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, output.Count, "Empty list was not returned when top 0 was requested.");
        public void OverlappingPalindrome_Top3_MinLength6_Expecting0()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 6);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "waccacc";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, output.Count, "Empty list was not returned for an input with palindromes less than 6 chars in length.");
        public void NoPalindrome_Top3_MinLength2()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "abcd";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, output.Count, "Empty list was not returned for an input with no palindromes.");
        public void Palindrome1_Top3_MinLength2()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "wacca";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, output.Count, "List with one palindrome was not returned for an input with one palindrome.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: acca, Index: 1, Length: 4", output[0], "Output string not as expected");
        public void SampleInput_Top1_MinLength2()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(1, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "sqrrqabccbatudefggfedvwhijkllkjihxymnnmzpop";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, output.Count, "List with one palindrome was not returned when top 1 requested.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: hijkllkjih, Index: 23, Length: 10", output[0], "First output string not as expected");
        public void TestingUniqueness_Top3_MinLength2()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "babab";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, output.Count, "List with 3 palindromes was not returned when top 3 requested.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: babab, Index: 0, Length: 5", output[0], "First output string not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: bab, Index: 0, Length: 3", output[1], "Second output string not as expected");
        public void OverlappingPalindrome_Top3_MinLength2_Expecting3()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new PalindromicSubstringsFinder(algo, formatter);

            var           input  = "waccacc";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, output.Count, "List with 3 palindrome was not returned when top 3 requested.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: ccacc, Index: 2, Length: 5", output[0], "First output string not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: acca, Index: 1, Length: 4", output[1], "Second output string not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: cc, Index: 5, Length: 2", output[2], "Third output string not as expected");
        public void SampleInput_Top3_MinLength2_AlternativeAlgoRunner()
            IOutputFormatter formatter = new TopXLongestPalindromesWithMinLengthY(3, 2);
            IAlgorithm       algo      = new ModifiedManachersAlgorithm();
            IAlgorithmRunner finder    = new AlternativeAlgoRunner(algo.RunOn, formatter.Format);

            var           input  = "sqrrqabccbatudefggfedvwhijkllkjihxymnnmzpop";
            List <string> output = finder.RunOn(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, output.Count, "List with 3 palindromes was not returned when top 3 requested.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: hijkllkjih, Index: 23, Length: 10", output[0], "First output string not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: defggfed, Index: 13, Length: 8", output[1], "Second output string not as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text: abccba, Index: 5, Length: 6", output[2], "Third output string not as expected");