Esempio n. 1
 static bool Prefix(SGNavigationActiveFactionWidget __instance, List <string> activeFactions, string OwnerFaction, List <HBSButton> ___FactionButtons, List <Image> ___FactionIcons, SimGameState ___simState)
     try {
         ___FactionButtons.ForEach(delegate(HBSButton btn) {
         int index = 0;
         foreach (string faction in activeFactions)
             FactionDef factionDef = FactionEnumeration.GetFactionByName(faction).FactionDef;
             ___FactionIcons[index].sprite = factionDef.GetSprite();
             HBSTooltip component = ___FactionIcons[index].GetComponent <HBSTooltip>();
             if (component != null)
             ___FactionButtons[index].SetState(ButtonState.Enabled, false);
     catch (Exception e) {
Esempio n. 2
        static void Postfix(SimGameOptionsMenu __instance,
                            HBSDOTweenButton ___saveGame, HBSTooltipHBSButton ___saveTooltip,
                            HBSDOTweenButton ___restartMission, HBSTooltipHBSButton ___restartTooltip)
            CombatGameState combatGameState = SharedState.Combat;

            if (combatGameState != null && !combatGameState.TurnDirector.IsMissionOver && combatGameState.TurnDirector.GameHasBegun)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("SGOM:CS - in combat.");

                if (Mod.Config.Fixes.DisableCombatRestarts)
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Disabling combat restarts.");

                    string             title   = new Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Tooltips[ModText.TT_CombatRestartMission_Title]).ToString();
                    string             details = new Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Tooltips[ModText.TT_CombatRestartMission_Details]).ToString();
                    BaseDescriptionDef def     = new BaseDescriptionDef("SGMTipData", title, details, null);
                    ___restartTooltip.SetStateDataForButtonState(ButtonState.Disabled, TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject(def));

                if (Mod.Config.Fixes.DisableCombatSaves && ___saveGame.State != ButtonState.Disabled)
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Disabling combat saves.");

                    string             title   = new Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Tooltips[ModText.TT_CombatSave_Title]).ToString();
                    string             details = new Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Tooltips[ModText.TT_CombatSave_Details]).ToString();
                    BaseDescriptionDef def     = new BaseDescriptionDef("SGMTipData", title, details, null);
                    ___saveTooltip.SetStateDataForButtonState(ButtonState.Disabled, TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject(def));
        public static void Postfix(SGBarracksRosterSlot __instance)
            if (__instance.Pilot == null)

            HBSTooltip tooltip = __instance.gameObject.GetComponent <HBSTooltip>() ?? __instance.gameObject.AddComponent <HBSTooltip>();

            Pilot  pilot = __instance.Pilot;
            string Desc  = tooltip.GetText();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Desc))
                Desc = "";

            foreach (PilotTooltipTag pqTag in Main.settings.pqTooltipTags)
                if (pilot.pilotDef.PilotTags.Contains(pqTag.tag))
                    Desc += $"{pqTag.tooltipText}\n\n";

            Desc += PilotQuirkManager.Instance.getPilotToolTip(pilot);
            Desc += "<b>Pilot Affinities:</b>\n\n";
            Desc += PilotAffinityManager.Instance.getPilotToolTip(pilot);

            var descriptionDef = new BaseDescriptionDef("Tags", pilot.Callsign, Desc, null);

            public static void Postfix(SGBarracksDossierPanel __instance, Pilot p, Image ___portrait)
                if (p == null)

                var tooltip = ___portrait.gameObject.GetComponent <HBSTooltip>() ??
                              ___portrait.gameObject.AddComponent <HBSTooltip>();

                var desc = tooltip.GetText();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                    desc = "";

                var specDesc = Descriptions.GetPilotSpecializationsOrProgress(p);

                desc += specDesc;

                var descDef = new BaseDescriptionDef("PilotSpecs", p.Callsign, desc, null);

Esempio n. 5
        public static void Postfix(MechBayMechInfoWidget __instance, MechDef ___selectedMech,
                                   GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip)
            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null)

            //SkillBasedInit.Logger.Log($"MechBayMechInfoWidget::SetInitiative::post - disabling text");
            if (___selectedMech == null)
                List <string> details = new List <string>();

                // Static initiative from tonnage
                float tonnage    = ___selectedMech.Chassis.Tonnage;
                int   tonnageMod = UnitHelper.GetTonnageModifier(tonnage);
                details.Add($"Tonnage Base: {tonnageMod}");

                // Any modifiers that come from the chassis/mech/vehicle defs
                int componentsMod = UnitHelper.GetNormalizedComponentModifier(___selectedMech);
                if (componentsMod > 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#00FF00>{componentsMod:+0} components</color>");
                else if (componentsMod < 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>{componentsMod:0} components </color>");

                // Modifier from the engine
                int engineMod = UnitHelper.GetEngineModifier(___selectedMech);
                if (engineMod > 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#00FF00>{engineMod:+0} engine</color>");
                else if (engineMod < 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>{engineMod:0} engine</color>");

                // --- Badge ---
                ___initiativeText.SetText($"{tonnageMod + componentsMod + engineMod}");

                // --- Tooltip ---
                int maxInit = Math.Max(tonnageMod + componentsMod + engineMod, Mod.MinPhase);
                details.Add($"Expected Phase: <b>{maxInit}</b> ");

                string             tooltipTitle   = $"{___selectedMech.Name}";
                string             tooltipText    = String.Join("\n", details.ToArray());
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("MB_MIW_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Postfix(SGBarracksSkillPip __instance, string type, int index, bool hasPassives, AbilityDef ability)
            if (!hasPassives)

            var simGame = LazySingletonBehavior <UnityGameInstance> .Instance.Game.Simulation;

            if (simGame == null)

            // get the abilities that are not primary
            var abilities = simGame.GetAbilityDefFromTree(type, index).Where(x => !x.IsPrimaryAbility).ToList();

            // gets the first ability that has a tooltip
            var passiveAbility = abilities.Find(x => !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Description.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Description.Details)));

            // clear the dot on tooltip-less dots
            if (passiveAbility == null)
                Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("skillPassiveTraitDot").GetValue <SVGImage>().gameObject.SetActive(false);

            if (passiveAbility != null)
                __instance.gameObject.FindFirstChildNamed("obj-pip").GetComponent <HBSTooltip>()
Esempio n. 7
            public static void Postfix(SGBarracksMWDetailPanel __instance,
                                       Pilot p,
                                       SGBarracksAdvancementPanel ___advancement
                var sim = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.Simulation;

                var gunPips   = Traverse.Create(___advancement).Field("gunPips").GetValue <List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >();
                var pilotPips = Traverse.Create(___advancement).Field("pilotPips").GetValue <List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >();
                var gutPips   = Traverse.Create(___advancement).Field("gutPips").GetValue <List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >();
                var tacPips   = Traverse.Create(___advancement).Field("tacPips").GetValue <List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >();

                var abilityDefs = p.pilotDef.AbilityDefs.Where(x => x.IsPrimaryAbility == true);

                //loop through abilities the pilot has, and place those ability icons/tooltips in the appropriate pip slot.
                foreach (AbilityDef ability in abilityDefs)
                    if (ability.ReqSkill == SkillType.Gunnery)
                        Traverse.Create(gunPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = ability.AbilityIcon;
                        Traverse.Create(gunPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()

                foreach (AbilityDef ability in abilityDefs)
                    if (ability.ReqSkill == SkillType.Piloting)
                        Traverse.Create(pilotPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = ability.AbilityIcon;
                        Traverse.Create(pilotPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()

                foreach (AbilityDef ability in abilityDefs)
                    if (ability.ReqSkill == SkillType.Guts)
                        Traverse.Create(gutPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = ability.AbilityIcon;
                        Traverse.Create(gutPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()

                foreach (AbilityDef ability in abilityDefs)
                    if (ability.ReqSkill == SkillType.Tactics)
                        Traverse.Create(tacPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = ability.AbilityIcon;
                        Traverse.Create(tacPips[ability.ReqSkillLevel - 1]).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()
        public static void SetTooltip(this GameObject go, List <Text> errors, string caption)
            var tooltip = go.GetComponent <HBSTooltip>();

            if (tooltip != null)
                string text = errors.Join(i => i.ToString(), "\n");
                var    desc = new BaseDescriptionDef("tooltip", caption, text, null);

Esempio n. 9
            public static void Postfix(HBSTagView __instance, TagSet tagSet, GameContext context)
                if (!Pre_Control.settings.MechBonding)

                if (tagSet.Contains("PQ_Mech_Mastery"))
                    bool HasTattoo = PilotHolder.pilotDef.PilotTags.Any(x => x.StartsWith("PQ_Pilot_GUID"));
                    if (!HasTattoo)

                    string PilotTattoo = PilotHolder.pilotDef.PilotTags.First(x => x.StartsWith("PQ_Pilot_GUID"));
                    if (!MechBonding.PilotsAndMechs.Keys.Contains(PilotTattoo) || MechBonding.PilotsAndMechs[PilotTattoo].Count() == 0)

                    var    MechExperience = MechBonding.PilotsAndMechs[PilotTattoo];
                    var    BondedMech     = MechExperience.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key;
                    string MasteryTier    = "";
                    if (MechExperience[BondedMech] >= Pre_Control.settings.Tier4)
                        MasteryTier = "Elite ";
                    else if (MechExperience[BondedMech] >= Pre_Control.settings.Tier3)
                        MasteryTier = "Veteran ";
                    else if (MechExperience[BondedMech] >= Pre_Control.settings.Tier2)
                        MasteryTier = "Regular ";
                    else if (MechExperience[BondedMech] >= Pre_Control.settings.Tier1)
                        MasteryTier = "Green ";

                    string DescriptionName = MasteryTier + " 'Mech Pilot";

                    var    item         = new TagDataStruct("HACK_GENCON_UNIT", true, true, "name", DescriptionName, "description");
                    string contextItem  = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", "TDSF", item.Tag);
                    string friendlyName = item.FriendlyName;
                    var    itemTT       = TooltipUtilities.GetGameContextTooltipString(contextItem, friendlyName);

                    __instance.AddTag(itemTT, item.FriendlyName);
        protected virtual void SetTooltip(string caption, string text)
            if (Tooltip == null)

            var loctext = new Text(text);
            var captest = new Text(caption);

            var desc = new BaseDescriptionDef("hardpoint", captest.ToString(), loctext.ToString(),
                                              HPInfo == null ? "" : HPInfo.WeaponCategory.Icon);

Esempio n. 11
            public static void Postfix(SGBarracksSkillPip __instance, SGBarracksSkillPip.PurchaseState purchaseState,
                                       bool canClick, bool showXP, bool needXP, bool isLocked, int ___idx, string ___type, HBSTooltip ___AbilityTooltip)
                if (purchaseState == SGBarracksSkillPip.PurchaseState.Unselected)
                    var sim = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.Simulation;
                    var abilityDictionaries = sim.AbilityTree.Select(x => x.Value).ToList();

                    var abilityDefs = new List <AbilityDef>();
                    foreach (var abilityDictionary in abilityDictionaries)
                        abilityDefs.AddRange(abilityDictionary[___idx].Where(x => x.ReqSkill.ToString() == ___type));

                    var title = $"{___type}: Level {___idx+1} Ability Options";

                    var desc = "";

                    foreach (var ability in abilityDefs)
                        var abilityFilter = modSettings.abilityReqs.Values.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();

                        List <AbilityDef> abilitiesWithReqs = abilityDefs.Where(x => abilityFilter.Any(y => y.Equals(x.Id))).ToList();

                        if (abilitiesWithReqs.Contains(ability))
                            var reqAbilityName = modSettings.abilityReqs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Contains(ability.Description.Id)).Key;
                            var allAbilities   = new List <AbilityDef>();

                            allAbilities = sim.AbilityTree[___type].SelectMany(x => x.Value).ToList();

                            var reqAbility = allAbilities.Find(x => x.Id == reqAbilityName);

                            desc += "<b><u>" + ability.Description.Name + "</b></u> - Requires: " + reqAbility.Description.Name + "\n\n" + ability.Description.Details + "\n\n\n";
                            desc += "<b><u>" + ability.Description.Name + "</b></u>\n\n" + ability.Description.Details + "\n\n\n";

                    var descDef = new BaseDescriptionDef("PilotSpecs", title, desc, null);
        // pass in a bunch of ___ variables so we can get access to private members of MechBayMechInfoObject.
        // And we'll return false so that the original function doesn't get called.
        public static bool Prefix(MechBayMechInfoWidget __instance, MechDef ___selectedMech,
                                  GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip)
            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null)
            if (___selectedMech == null)

            int num = 1;             // default to assault phase

            float f_walkSpeed = ___selectedMech.Chassis.MovementCapDef.MaxWalkDistance;

            if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseSpecialMinSpeed)
                num = 5;                  //special phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseLightMinSpeed)
                num = 4;                  //light phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseMediumMinSpeed)
                num = 3;                  //medium phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseHeavyMinSpeed)
                num = 2;                  //heavy phase

            if (___initiativeTooltip != null)
                // build the tooltip.  Going to use the mech's name and tell where its speed puts it, initiative-wise.
                string             tooltipTitle   = $"{___selectedMech.Name}";
                string             tooltipText    = "A max walking speed of " + $"{f_walkSpeed}" + "m per turn means this mech moves in initiative phase " + $"{num}" + ".";
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("MB_MIW_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
Esempio n. 13
        public static void SimGameOptionsMenu_SetSaveTooltip_Postfix(SimGameOptionsMenu __instance, HBSTooltipHBSButton ___saveTooltip, SaveReason ___reason, HBSDOTweenButton ___saveGame)
            if (___saveTooltip == null)

            GameInstance    battleTechGame = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame;
            CombatGameState combat         = battleTechGame.Combat;

            if (combat != null && !combat.TurnDirector.IsMissionOver && combat.TurnDirector.GameHasBegun)
                string             details = "Saving during combat missions disabled to prevent errors and bugs.";
                BaseDescriptionDef def     = new BaseDescriptionDef("SGMTipData", "Unable to Save", details, null);
                ___saveTooltip.SetStateDataForButtonState(ButtonState.Disabled, TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject(def));
            public static void Postfix(SGContractsWidget __instance, Contract contract,
                                       HBSTooltip ___ContractTypeTooltip)
                string arg;

                if (contract.IsPriorityContract)
                    arg = "Priority";
                    arg = contract.Override.ContractTypeValue.Name;

                var text2 = string.Format("ContractType{0}", arg);

                text2.Replace(" ", null);

                var specDesc =

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2) &&
                    sim.DataManager.Exists(BattleTechResourceType.BaseDescriptionDef, text2))
                    var def2 = sim.DataManager.BaseDescriptionDefs.Get(text2);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specDesc))
                        if (!def2.Details.Contains(specDesc))
                            var details = def2.GetLocalizedDetails();

                            var deets = details.ToString();

Esempio n. 15
            public static void Postfix(SGBarracksRosterSlot __instance)
                if (__instance.Pilot == null)

                var tooltip = __instance.gameObject.GetComponent <HBSTooltip>()
                              ?? __instance.gameObject.AddComponent <HBSTooltip>();

                var    p       = __instance.Pilot;
                string TagDesc = "";

                if (p.pilotDef.PilotTags.Contains("pilot_fatigued"))
                    TagDesc += "<b>***PILOT FATIGUED***</b>\nPilot will suffer from Low Spirits if used in combat. The lance will also experience reduced Resolve per turn during combat.\n\n";
                else if (p.pilotDef.PilotTags.Contains("pilot_lightinjury"))
                    TagDesc += "<b>***PILOT LIGHT INJURY***</b>\nPilot cannot drop into combat. This pilot requires rest after dropping too frequently while fatigued.\n\n";

                foreach (var tag in p.pilotDef.PilotTags)
                    if (Pre_Control.settings.TagIDToDescription.Keys.Contains(tag))
                        TagDesc += "<b>" + Pre_Control.settings.TagIDToNames[tag] + ": </b>" +
                                   Pre_Control.settings.TagIDToDescription[tag] + "\n\n";
                    else if (tag == "PQ_Mech_Mastery")
                        TagDesc = MechMasterTagDescription(__instance.pilot, TagDesc);

                var descriptionDef = new BaseDescriptionDef("Tags", p.Callsign, TagDesc, null);

Esempio n. 16
 public static void Postfix(HBSTooltip RoninTooltip, Pilot pilot)
     if (RoninTooltip != null)
         string text;
         if (pilot.pilotDef.IsVanguard || pilot.pilotDef.IsRonin)
             text = "UnitMechWarriorSpecial";
             if (pilot != UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.Simulation.Commander)
             text = "UnitMechWarriorCommander";
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.DataManager.BaseDescriptionDefs.Exists(text))
             BaseDescriptionDef def = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.DataManager.BaseDescriptionDefs.Get(text);
Esempio n. 17
            public static bool Prefix(
                SGBarracksAdvancementPanel __instance,
                Pilot ___curPilot,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___gunPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___pilotPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___gutPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___tacPips,
                string type,
                int value)
                    if (modSettings.debugXP == true)
                        ___curPilot.AddExperience(0, "", 100000);

                    var sim  = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.Simulation;
                    var pips = new Dictionary <string, List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >
                        { "Gunnery", ___gunPips },
                        { "Piloting", ___pilotPips },
                        { "Guts", ___gutPips },
                        { "Tactics", ___tacPips },

                    // removal of pip
                    if (___curPilot.StatCollection.GetValue <int>(type) > value)
                        Trace($"Removing {type} {value}");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, -sim.GetLevelCost(value));
                        //    Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("ForceResetCharacter").GetValue();

                    // add non-ability pip
                    if (!Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("hasAbility").GetValue <bool>())
                        Trace("Non-ability pip");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // Ability pips
                    // build complete list of defs from HBS and imported json

                    //                    var abilityDefs = Helpers.ModAbilities
                    //                        .Where(x => x.ReqSkillLevel == value + 1 && x.ReqSkill.ToString() == type).ToList();

                    var abilityDictionaries = sim.AbilityTree.Select(x => x.Value).ToList();

                    //List<AbilityDef> abilityDefs = sim.GetAbilityDefFromTree(type, value); //does same thing as below?
                    var abilityDefs = new List <AbilityDef>();
                    foreach (var abilityDictionary in abilityDictionaries)
                        abilityDefs.AddRange(abilityDictionary[value].Where(x => x.ReqSkill.ToString() == type));

                    // don't create choice popups with 1 option
                    if (abilityDefs.Count <= 1)
                        Trace($"Single ability for {type}|{value}, skipping");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // prevents which were ability buttons before other primaries were selected from being abilities
                    // not every ability button is visible all the time
                    var curButton   = Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("curButton").GetValue <HBSDOTweenToggle>();
                    var skillButton = Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("skillButton").GetValue <HBSDOTweenToggle>();
                    if (curButton != skillButton)
                        Trace(new string('=', 50));
                        Trace("curButton != skillButton");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // dynamic buttons based on available abilities

                    //new code below//
                    //new code below for ability requirements
                    List <string> pilotAbilityDefNames = ___curPilot.pilotDef.abilityDefNames;

                    var abilityFilter = modSettings.abilityReqs.Values.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();

                    List <AbilityDef> abilitiesWithReqs = abilityDefs.Where(ability => abilityFilter.Any(filter => filter.Equals(ability.Id))).ToList();

                    var abilityDefsForDesc = new List <AbilityDef>();
                    foreach (var abilityWithReq in abilitiesWithReqs)
                        if (!pilotAbilityDefNames.Contains(modSettings.abilityReqs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Contains(abilityWithReq.Id)).Key))

                    //original code continues below//
                    string abilityDescs = null;
                    foreach (var abilityDefDesc in abilityDefsForDesc)
                        if (abilityDefs.Contains(abilityDefDesc))
                            string abilityID   = abilityDefDesc.Id + "Desc";
                            string abilityName = abilityDefDesc.Description.Name;
                            if (modSettings.usePopUpsForAbilityDesc == true)
                                abilityDescs += "[[DM.BaseDescriptionDefs[" + abilityID + "],<b>" + abilityName + "</b>]]" + "\n\n";
                                abilityDescs += "<color=#33f9ff>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Name + ": </color>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Details + "\n\n";
                            var    dm          = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.DataManager;
                            string abilityID   = abilityDefDesc.Id + "Desc";
                            string abilityName = abilityDefDesc.Description.Name;

                            var reqAbilityName = modSettings.abilityReqs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Contains(abilityDefDesc.Id)).Key;
                            var allAbilities   = new List <AbilityDef>();

                            allAbilities = sim.AbilityTree[type].SelectMany(x => x.Value).ToList();
                            // allAbilities.AddRange(Traverse.Create(dm).Field("abilityDefs").GetValue<List<AbilityDef>>());

                            var reqAbility = allAbilities.Find(x => x.Id == reqAbilityName);

                            if (modSettings.usePopUpsForAbilityDesc == true)
                                //abilityDescs += "<color=#FF0000>(Requirements Unmet)</color> " + "[[DM.BaseDescriptionDefs[" + abilityID + "],<b>" + abilityName + "</b>]]" + "\n\n";
                                abilityDescs += "<color=#FF0000> Requires <u>" + reqAbility.Description.Name + "</u></color> " + "[[DM.BaseDescriptionDefs[" + abilityID + "],<b>" + abilityName + "</b>]]" + "\n\n";
                                //abilityDescs += "<color=#FF0000>(Requirements Unmet)</color> " + "<color=#0000FF>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Name + ": </color>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Details + "\n\n";
                                abilityDescs += "<color=#FF0000> Requires <u>" + reqAbility.Description.Name + "</u></color> " + "<color=#33f9ff>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Name + ": </color>" + abilityDefDesc.Description.Details + "\n\n";

                    var popup = GenericPopupBuilder
                                .Create("Select an ability",
                    popup.AlwaysOnTop = true;
                    var pip = pips[type][value];
                    foreach (var abilityDef in abilityDefs)
                                        () =>
                            // have to change the Ability so SetPips later, SetActiveAbilityVisible works
                            Traverse.Create(pip).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = abilityDef.AbilityIcon;
                            Traverse.Create(pip).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()
                            Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value), abilityDef);
                catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 18
        public static void Postfix(LanceLoadoutSlot __instance, GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText,
                                   UIColorRefTracker ___initiativeColor, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip, LanceConfiguratorPanel ___LC)
            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null || ___initiativeColor == null || ___initiativeTooltip == null)

            //SkillBasedInit.Logger.Log($"LanceLoadoutSlot::RefreshInitiativeData::post - disabling text");
            bool bothSelected = __instance.SelectedMech != null && __instance.SelectedPilot != null;

            if (!bothSelected)
                int initValue = 0;

                // --- MECH ---
                MechDef       selectedMechDef = __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef;
                List <string> details         = new List <string>();

                // Static initiative from tonnage
                float tonnage    = __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Chassis.Tonnage;
                int   tonnageMod = UnitHelper.GetTonnageModifier(tonnage);
                initValue += tonnageMod;
                details.Add($"Tonnage Base: {tonnageMod}");

                // Any special modifiers by type - NA, Mech is the only type

                // Any modifiers that come from the chassis/mech/vehicle defs
                int componentsMod = UnitHelper.GetNormalizedComponentModifier(selectedMechDef);
                initValue += componentsMod;
                if (componentsMod > 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#00FF00>{componentsMod:+0} components</color>");
                else if (componentsMod < 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>{componentsMod:0} components</color>");

                // Modifier from the engine
                int engineMod = UnitHelper.GetEngineModifier(selectedMechDef);
                initValue += engineMod;
                if (engineMod > 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#00FF00>{engineMod:+0} engine</color>");
                else if (engineMod < 0)
                    details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>{engineMod:0} engine</color>");

                // --- PILOT ---
                Pilot selectedPilot = __instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot;

                int tacticsMod = PilotHelper.GetTacticsModifier(selectedPilot);
                details.Add($"<space=2em>{tacticsMod:+0} tactics");
                initValue += tacticsMod;

                int pilotTagsMod = PilotHelper.GetTagsModifier(selectedPilot);
                initValue += pilotTagsMod;

                int[] randomnessBounds = PilotHelper.GetRandomnessBounds(selectedPilot);

                // --- LANCE ---
                if (___LC != null)
                    initValue += ___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier;
                    if (___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier > 0)
                        details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#00FF00>{___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier:+0} lance</color>");
                    else if (___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier < 0)
                        details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>{___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier:0} lance</color>");

                // --- Badge ---
                ___initiativeText.color =;

                // --- Tooltip ---
                int maxInit = Math.Max(initValue - randomnessBounds[0], Mod.MinPhase);
                int minInit = Math.Max(initValue - randomnessBounds[1], Mod.MinPhase);
                details.Add($"<space=2em><color=#FF0000>-{randomnessBounds[0]} to -{randomnessBounds[1]} randomness</color> (piloting)");
                details.Add($"<b>Expected Phase<b>: {maxInit} to {minInit}");

                string             tooltipTitle   = $"{selectedMechDef.Name}: {selectedPilot.Name}";
                string             tooltipText    = String.Join("\n", details.ToArray());
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("LLS_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
Esempio n. 19
        public static void AddVariantsToDescriptions(
            MechBayChassisInfoWidget __instance, ChassisDef ___selectedChassis,
            TextMeshProUGUI ___mechDetails, HBSTooltip ___chassisStorageTooltip,
            GameObject ___readyBtnObj, GameObject ___partsCountObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___partsCountText)
            if (___selectedChassis == null)

            if (!Control.Settings.AssemblyVariants)

            var list = ChassisHandler.GetCompatible(___selectedChassis.Description.Id);

            if (___selectedChassis.MechPartCount != 0)
                int min = ChassisHandler.GetInfo(___selectedChassis.Description.Id).MinParts;

                if (___selectedChassis.MechPartCount >= ___selectedChassis.MechPartMax)
                    ___chassisStorageTooltip.SetDefaultStateData(TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject("Enough parts to assemble: Press Ready to move to a Bay"));
                    if (list == null || ___selectedChassis.MechPartCount < min || list.Sum(i => ChassisHandler.GetCount(i.Description.Id)) < ___selectedChassis.MechPartMax)
                        ___partsCountText.SetText($"{___selectedChassis.MechPartCount} / {___selectedChassis.MechPartMax}");
                        ___chassisStorageTooltip.SetDefaultStateData(TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject($"Chassis still needs at least {min} base and total {___selectedChassis.MechPartMax} compatible parts to be completed"));
                        ___chassisStorageTooltip.SetDefaultStateData(TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject("Chassis can by assembled using other parts: Press Ready to move to a Bay"));
                ___chassisStorageTooltip.SetDefaultStateData(TooltipUtilities.GetStateDataFromObject("Chassis in storage: Press Ready to move to a Bay"));

            string add = "";

            if (list == null)
                add = $"\n<color=#FFFF00>Special mech: cannot be assembled using other variants</color>";
            else if (list.Count > 1)
                add = $"\n<color=#32CD32>Compatible with owned variants:";

                if (list.Count > Control.Settings.MaxVariantsInDescription + 1)
                    int showed = 0;
                    foreach (var mechDef in list)
                        if (mechDef.ChassisID == ___selectedChassis.Description.Id)
                        add    += "\n" + new Text(mechDef.Description.UIName).ToString();
                        showed += 1;
                        if (showed == Control.Settings.MaxVariantsInDescription - 1)

                    add += $"\n and {Control.Settings.MaxVariantsInDescription - showed} other variants</color>";
                    foreach (var mechDef in list)
                        if (mechDef.ChassisID == ___selectedChassis.Description.Id)
                        add += "\n" + new Text(mechDef.Description.UIName).ToString();

                    add += "</color>";

            ___mechDetails.SetText(___mechDetails.text + add);
Esempio n. 20
        public static void Postfix(MechBayMechInfoWidget __instance, MechDef ___selectedMech,
                                   GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("MBMIW:SI:post - entered.");

            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null)

            if (___selectedMech == null)
                List <string> details = new List <string>();

                // Static initiative from tonnage

                int initPhase    = PhaseHelper.TonnageToPhase((int)Math.Ceiling(___selectedMech.Chassis.Tonnage));
                int initLabelVal = (Mod.MaxPhase + 1) - initPhase;
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_BASE], new object[] { initLabelVal }).ToString());

                // Any bonuses from equipment
                int    componentBonus = UnitHelper.GetNormalizedComponentModifier(___selectedMech);
                string componentColor = "FFFFFF";
                if (componentBonus > 0)
                    componentColor = "00FF00";
                if (componentBonus < 0)
                    componentColor = "FF0000";
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_COMPONENT], new object[] { componentColor, componentBonus }).ToString());
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Component bonus is: {componentBonus}");

                // No Lance bonus
                // No Pilot bonus

                // --- Badge ---
                int summaryInitLabel = initLabelVal + componentBonus;
                if (summaryInitLabel > Mod.MaxPhase)
                    summaryInitLabel = Mod.MaxPhase;
                else if (summaryInitLabel < Mod.MinPhase)
                    summaryInitLabel = Mod.MinPhase;


                // --- Tooltip ---
                string             tooltipTitle   = $"{___selectedMech.Name}";
                string             detailsS       = String.Join("\n", details.ToArray());
                string             tooltipText    = new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_MB_TT_SUMMARY], new object[] { detailsS, summaryInitLabel }).ToString();
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("MB_MIW_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
        // return false so original function does not get called.
        public static bool Prefix(LanceLoadoutSlot __instance, GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText,
                                  UIColorRefTracker ___initiativeColor, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip, LanceConfiguratorPanel ___LC)
            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null || ___initiativeColor == null)
            if (__instance.SelectedMech == null || __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef == null || __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Chassis == null)
            if (__instance.SelectedPilot == null || __instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot == null || __instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot.pilotDef == null)

            int num  = 1;            // default to assault phase
            int num2 = 0;            // default to no modification by effects

            float f_walkSpeed = __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Chassis.MovementCapDef.MaxWalkDistance;

            if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseSpecialMinSpeed)
                num = 5;                  //special phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseLightMinSpeed)
                num = 4;                  //light phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseMediumMinSpeed)
                num = 3;                  //medium phase
            else if (f_walkSpeed >= TheEngineInitiative.Settings.MechPhaseHeavyMinSpeed)
                num = 2;                  //heavy phase
            // check if pilot mods initiative
            if (__instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot.pilotDef.AbilityDefs != null)
                foreach (AbilityDef abilityDef in __instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot.pilotDef.AbilityDefs)
                    foreach (EffectData effect in abilityDef.EffectData)
                        if (MechStatisticsRules.GetInitiativeModifierFromEffectData(effect, true, null) == 0)
                            num2 += MechStatisticsRules.GetInitiativeModifierFromEffectData(effect, false, null);
            // check if any of the mech's inventory changes initiative.
            if (__instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Inventory != null)
                foreach (MechComponentRef mechComponentRef in __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Inventory)
                    if (mechComponentRef.Def != null && mechComponentRef.Def.statusEffects != null)
                        foreach (EffectData effect2 in mechComponentRef.Def.statusEffects)
                            if (MechStatisticsRules.GetInitiativeModifierFromEffectData(effect2, true, null) == 0)
                                num2 += MechStatisticsRules.GetInitiativeModifierFromEffectData(effect2, false, null);
            // is there a lance bonus?
            int num3 = 0;

            if (___LC != null)
                num3 = ___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier;
            num2 += num3;

            // make sure initiative is within the valid range.
            int num4 = Mathf.Clamp(num + num2, 1, 5);

            //set our text.
            if (___initiativeTooltip != null)
                // build the tooltip.  Going to use the mech's name and tell where its speed puts it, initiative-wise.
                string tooltipTitle = $"{__instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Name}";
                string tooltipText  = "A max walking speed of " + $"{f_walkSpeed}" + "m per turn means this mech moves in initiative phase " + $"{num}" + ".";

                // if there are effects, tell the player what they've changed initiative to.
                if (num2 != 0)
                    tooltipText += " Effects have modified this to phase " + $"{num4}" + ".";
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("MB_MIW_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
            // if we've been bumped up, make it gold, if bumped down, make it red, else white.
            ___initiativeColor.SetUIColor((num2 > 0) ? UIColor.Gold : ((num2 < 0) ? UIColor.Red : UIColor.White));

Esempio n. 22
        public static void Postfix(LanceLoadoutSlot __instance, GameObject ___initiativeObj, TextMeshProUGUI ___initiativeText,
                                   UIColorRefTracker ___initiativeColor, HBSTooltip ___initiativeTooltip, LanceConfiguratorPanel ___LC)
            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("LLS:RID:post - entered.");

            if (___initiativeObj == null || ___initiativeText == null || ___initiativeColor == null || ___initiativeTooltip == null)

            bool bothSelected = __instance.SelectedMech != null && __instance.SelectedPilot != null;

            if (!bothSelected)
                // --- MECH ---
                MechDef       selectedMechDef = __instance.SelectedMech.MechDef;
                List <string> details         = new List <string>();

                // Static initiative from tonnage
                int initPhase    = PhaseHelper.TonnageToPhase((int)Math.Ceiling(__instance.SelectedMech.MechDef.Chassis.Tonnage));
                int initLabelVal = (Mod.MaxPhase + 1) - initPhase;
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_BASE], new object[] { initLabelVal }).ToString());

                // Any bonuses from equipment
                int    componentBonus = UnitHelper.GetNormalizedComponentModifier(__instance.SelectedMech.MechDef);
                string componentColor = "FFFFFF";
                if (componentBonus > 0)
                    componentColor = "00FF00";
                if (componentBonus < 0)
                    componentColor = "FF0000";
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_COMPONENT], new object[] { componentColor, componentBonus }).ToString());
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Component bonus is: {componentBonus}");

                // --- LANCE ---
                int lanceBonus = 0;
                if (___LC != null)
                    lanceBonus = ___LC.lanceInitiativeModifier;
                string lanceColor = "FFFFFF";
                if (lanceBonus > 0)
                    lanceColor = "00FF00";
                if (lanceBonus < 0)
                    lanceColor = "FF0000";
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_LANCE], new object[] { lanceColor, lanceBonus }).ToString());

                // --- PILOT ---
                // TODO: Get pilot modifiers from abilities - coordinate with BD
                Pilot selectedPilot = __instance.SelectedPilot.Pilot;
                int   pilotBonus    = 0;
                foreach (Ability ability in selectedPilot.PassiveAbilities)
                    foreach (EffectData effectData in ability.Def.EffectData)
                        if (effectData.effectType == EffectType.StatisticEffect && effectData.statisticData != null && effectData.statisticData.statName == "BaseInitiative")
                            int mod = Int32.Parse(effectData.statisticData.modValue) * -1;
                            if (effectData.statisticData.operation == StatCollection.StatOperation.Int_Add)
                                pilotBonus += mod;
                            else if (effectData.statisticData.operation == StatCollection.StatOperation.Int_Subtract)
                                pilotBonus -= mod;

                string pilotColor = "FFFFFF";
                if (pilotBonus > 0)
                    pilotColor = "00FF00";
                if (pilotBonus < 0)
                    pilotColor = "FF0000";
                details.Add(new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_TT_PILOT], new object[] { pilotColor, pilotBonus }).ToString());

                // --- Badge ---
                int summaryInitLabel = initLabelVal + componentBonus + pilotBonus + lanceBonus;
                if (summaryInitLabel > Mod.MaxPhase)
                    summaryInitLabel = Mod.MaxPhase;
                else if (summaryInitLabel < Mod.MinPhase)
                    summaryInitLabel = Mod.MinPhase;
                ___initiativeText.color =;

                // --- Tooltip ---
                string             tooltipTitle   = $"{selectedMechDef.Name}: {selectedPilot.Name}";
                string             detailsS       = String.Join("\n", details.ToArray());
                string             tooltipText    = new Text(Mod.Config.LocalizedText[ModConfig.LT_LC_TT_SUMMARY], new object[] { detailsS, summaryInitLabel }).ToString();
                BaseDescriptionDef initiativeData = new BaseDescriptionDef("LLS_MECH_TT", tooltipTitle, tooltipText, null);
                ___initiativeTooltip.enabled = true;
Esempio n. 23
            public static bool Prefix(
                SGBarracksAdvancementPanel __instance,
                Pilot ___curPilot,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___gunPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___pilotPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___gutPips,
                List <SGBarracksSkillPip> ___tacPips,
                string type,
                int value)
                    ___curPilot.AddExperience(0, "", 100000);

                    var sim  = UnityGameInstance.BattleTechGame.Simulation;
                    var pips = new Dictionary <string, List <SGBarracksSkillPip> >
                        { "Gunnery", ___gunPips },
                        { "Piloting", ___pilotPips },
                        { "Guts", ___gutPips },
                        { "Tactics", ___tacPips },

                    // removal of pip
                    if (___curPilot.StatCollection.GetValue <int>(type) > value)
                        Trace($"Removing {type} {value}");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, -sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // add non-ability pip
                    if (!Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("hasAbility").GetValue <bool>())
                        Trace("Non-ability pip");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // Ability pips
                    // build complete list of defs from HBS and imported json

//                    var abilityDefs = Helpers.ModAbilities
//                        .Where(x => x.ReqSkillLevel == value + 1 && x.ReqSkill.ToString() == type).ToList();

                    var abilityDefs         = new List <AbilityDef>();
                    var abilityDictionaries = sim.AbilityTree.Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
                    foreach (var abilityDictionary in abilityDictionaries)
                        abilityDefs.AddRange(abilityDictionary[value].Where(x => x.ReqSkill.ToString() == type));

                    // don't create choice popups with 1 option
                    if (abilityDefs.Count <= 1)
                        Trace($"Single ability for {type}|{value}, skipping");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // prevents which were ability buttons before other primaries were selected from being abilities
                    // not every ability button is visible all the time
                    var curButton   = Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("curButton").GetValue <HBSDOTweenToggle>();
                    var skillButton = Traverse.Create(pips[type][value]).Field("skillButton").GetValue <HBSDOTweenToggle>();
                    if (curButton != skillButton)
                        Trace(new string('=', 50));
                        Trace("curButton != skillButton");
                        Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value));

                    // dynamic buttons based on available abilities
                    string abilityDescs = null;
                    foreach (var abilityDef in abilityDefs)
                        string abilityID   = abilityDef.Id + "Desc";
                        string abilityName = abilityDef.Description.Name;
                        if (Mod.modSettings.usePopUpsForAbilityDesc == true)
                            abilityDescs += "[[DM.BaseDescriptionDefs[" + abilityID + "],<b>" + abilityName + "</b>]]" + "\n\n";
                            abilityDescs += abilityDef.Description.Name + ": " + abilityDef.Description.Details + "\n\n";

                    var popup = GenericPopupBuilder
                                .Create("Select an ability",
                    popup.AlwaysOnTop = true;
                    var pip = pips[type][value];
                    foreach (var abilityDef in abilityDefs)
                                        () =>
                            // have to change the Ability so SetPips later, SetActiveAbilityVisible works
                            Traverse.Create(pip).Field("abilityIcon").GetValue <SVGImage>().vectorGraphics = abilityDef.AbilityIcon;
                            Traverse.Create(pip).Field("AbilityTooltip").GetValue <HBSTooltip>()
                            Helpers.SetTempPilotSkill(type, value, sim.GetLevelCost(value), abilityDef);

                catch (Exception ex)
