Esempio n. 1
 public ProjectCollection (IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
                 IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, IEnumerable<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers,
                 ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations,
                 int maxNodeCount, bool onlyLogCriticalEvents)
         throw new NotImplementedException ();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the node with the id and the callback object
        /// </summary>
        internal Node
            int nodeId, 
            LoggerDescription[] nodeLoggers, 
            IEngineCallback parentCallback,
            BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalProperties,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetSearchLocations,
            string parentStartupDirectory
            this.nodeId = nodeId;
            this.parentCallback = parentCallback;

            this.exitNodeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            this.buildRequests = new Queue<BuildRequest>();

            this.requestToLocalIdMapping = new Hashtable();
            this.lastRequestIdUsed = 0;

            this.centralizedLogging = false;
            this.nodeLoggers = nodeLoggers;

            this.localEngine = null;
            this.launchedEngineLoopThread = false;
            this.nodeShutdown = false;
            this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalProperties;
            this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolsetSearchLocations;
            this.parentStartupDirectory = parentStartupDirectory;
Esempio n. 3
 public ProjectCollection (IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers,
                 ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
         : this (globalProperties, loggers, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations, 1, false)
Esempio n. 4
 internal override void CreateFromStream(BinaryReader reader)
     #region EnvironmentVariables
     int numberOfVariables = reader.ReadInt32();
     environmentVariables = new Hashtable(numberOfVariables);
     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++)
         string key = reader.ReadString();
         string variable = reader.ReadString();
         environmentVariables.Add(key, variable);
     #region NodeLoggers
     if (reader.ReadByte() == 0)
         nodeLoggers = null;
         int numberOfLoggers = reader.ReadInt32();
         nodeLoggers = new LoggerDescription[numberOfLoggers];
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLoggers; i++)
             LoggerDescription logger = new LoggerDescription();
             nodeLoggers[i] = logger;
     nodeId = reader.ReadInt32();
     parentProcessId = reader.ReadInt32();
     #region ParentGlobalProperties
     if (reader.ReadByte() == 0)
         parentGlobalProperties = null;
         parentGlobalProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup();
     toolsetSearchLocations = (ToolsetDefinitionLocations)reader.ReadByte();
     parentStartupDirectory = (string)reader.ReadString();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor
        /// </summary>
        private BuildParameters(BuildParameters other)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(other, "other");

            _buildId = other._buildId;
            _culture = other._culture;
            _defaultToolsVersion = other._defaultToolsVersion;
            _enableNodeReuse = other._enableNodeReuse;
            _buildProcessEnvironment = other._buildProcessEnvironment != null ? new Dictionary<string, string>(other._buildProcessEnvironment) : null;
            _environmentProperties = other._environmentProperties != null ? new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(other._environmentProperties) : null;
            _forwardingLoggers = other._forwardingLoggers != null ? new List<ForwardingLoggerRecord>(other._forwardingLoggers) : null;
            _globalProperties = other._globalProperties != null ? new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(other._globalProperties) : null;
            _hostServices = other._hostServices;
            _loggers = other._loggers != null ? new List<ILogger>(other._loggers) : null;
            _maxNodeCount = other._maxNodeCount;
            _memoryUseLimit = other._memoryUseLimit;
            _nodeExeLocation = other._nodeExeLocation;
            _nodeId = other._nodeId;
            _onlyLogCriticalEvents = other._onlyLogCriticalEvents;
            _buildThreadPriority = other._buildThreadPriority;
            _toolsetProvider = other._toolsetProvider;
            _toolsetDefinitionLocations = other._toolsetDefinitionLocations;
            _toolsetProvider = other._toolsetProvider;
            _uiCulture = other._uiCulture;
            _detailedSummary = other._detailedSummary;
            _shutdownInProcNodeOnBuildFinish = other._shutdownInProcNodeOnBuildFinish;
            this.ProjectRootElementCache = other.ProjectRootElementCache;
            this.ResetCaches = other.ResetCaches;
            this.LegacyThreadingSemantics = other.LegacyThreadingSemantics;
            _saveOperatingEnvironment = other._saveOperatingEnvironment;
            _useSynchronousLogging = other._useSynchronousLogging;
            _disableInProcNode = other._disableInProcNode;
            _logTaskInputs = other._logTaskInputs;
            _logInitialPropertiesAndItems = other._logInitialPropertiesAndItems;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any:
        /// allows you to specify which of the registry and configuration file to
        /// read from by providing ToolsetInitialization
        /// </summary>
        internal static string ReadAllToolsets(Dictionary <string, Toolset> toolsets, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
                                   environmentProperties, globalProperties, locations));
Esempio n. 7
 public Engine(BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework(TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version20))
     this.global_properties = globalProperties;
     toolsetLocations       = locations;
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any:
 /// allows you to specify which of the registry and configuration file to
 /// read from by providing ToolsetInitialization
 /// </summary>
 internal static string ReadAllToolsets(Dictionary<string, Toolset> toolsets, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     return ReadAllToolsets(toolsets, null, null, environmentProperties, globalProperties, locations);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers toolset data from the registry + configuration file + VS setup API, if any.
        /// NOTE:  this method is internal for unit testing purposes only.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string ReadAllToolsets
            Dictionary <string, Toolset> toolsets,
            ToolsetRegistryReader registryReader,
            ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReader,
            PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties,
            PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations
            var defaultVer = ReadAllToolsetsNative


            const string _CUR       = MSBuildConstants.CurrentToolsVersion;
            string       currentDir = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildToolsDirectory.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            foreach (var vs in VisualStudioLocationHelper.GetInstances())
                string vstr    = $"{vs.Version.Major}.0";
                string toolbin = FileUtilities.CombinePaths
                    vs.Version.Major >= 16 ? _CUR : vstr,

                if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                    string toolbin64 = FileUtilities.CombinePaths(toolbin, "amd64");
                    if (Directory.Exists(toolbin64))
                        toolbin = toolbin64;

                if (!toolsets.ContainsKey(vstr))
                    // For Mono
                    var buildProperties = CreateStandardProperties(globalProperties, vstr, NativeMethodsShared.FrameworkBasePath, toolbin);

                        new Toolset

            if (!toolsets.ContainsKey(_CUR))
                var actual = toolsets.GetMostActual();
                if (actual != null)
                    toolsets.Add(_CUR, actual);
                        new Toolset
                            new PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance>(),
                            new PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance>(),

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the local node provider
        /// Only happens on the parent node.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeLocalNodeProvider(ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
            // Check if the local node provider has already been initialized
            if (initializedLocaLNodeProvider)

            // Don't register a local node provider if this is a child node engine
            if (!Router.ChildMode && numberOfCpus > 1)
                LocalNodeProvider localNodeProvider = new LocalNodeProvider();

                string configuration = string.Empty;
                if (localNodeProviderParameters.EndsWith(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    configuration = localNodeProviderParameters + "maxcpucount=" + Convert.ToString(numberOfCpus, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    configuration = localNodeProviderParameters + ";maxcpucount=" + Convert.ToString(numberOfCpus, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                localNodeProvider.Initialize(configuration, engineCallback, engineGlobalProperties, locations, startupDirectory);

                initializedLocaLNodeProvider = true;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate ToolsetStateMap with a dictionary of (toolset version, ToolsetState) 
        /// using information from the registry and config file, if any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Internal for unit testing purposes only</remarks>
        /// <param name="locations"></param>
        internal void PopulateToolsetStateMap(ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
            BuildPropertyGroup initialProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup();

            string defaultVersionFromReaders = ToolsetReader.ReadAllToolsets(toolsets, GlobalProperties, initialProperties, locations);

            // If we got a default version from the registry or config file, we should
            // use that from now on. The readers guarantee that any default version they return
            // has a corresponding Toolset too.
            if (defaultVersionFromReaders != null)
                this.DefaultToolsVersion = defaultVersionFromReaders;
                // We're going to choose a hard coded default tools version of 2.0.
                // But don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
                if (!toolsetStateMap.ContainsKey(Constants.defaultToolsVersion))
                    string pathTo20Framework = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20;

                    if (pathTo20Framework == null)
                        // We have been given no default, so we want to choose 2.0, but .NET 2.0 is not installed.
                        // In general we do not verify that MSBuildToolsPath's point to a valid location, 
                        // so failing here would be inconsistent. The build might not even use this toolset.
                        // Instead, synthesize what would be the path to the .NET 2.0 install location.
                        // If the build tries to use the default toolset, the problem will be discovered then.
                        pathTo20Framework = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727");

                    // There's no tools path already for 2.0, so use the path to the v2.0 .NET Framework.
                    // If an old-fashioned caller sets BinPath property, or passed a BinPath to the constructor,
                    // that will overwrite what we're setting here.
                    toolsets.Add(new Toolset(Constants.defaultToolsVersion, pathTo20Framework));

                // Now update the default tools version to 2.0
                DefaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultToolsVersion;

Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor used to initialize an Engine on a child node. Called only by LocalNode to create a child node's engine.
 /// </summary>
 internal Engine(BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations, int numberOfCpus, bool isChildNode, int parentNodeId, string startupDirectory, string localNodeProviderParameters)
     : this(numberOfCpus, isChildNode, parentNodeId, localNodeProviderParameters, globalProperties, locations)
     // Override the startup directory with the one we were passed
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(startupDirectory != null, "Need startup directory");
     this.startupDirectory = startupDirectory;
     forwardPropertiesFromChild = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBuildForwardPropertiesFromChild");
     // Get a list of properties which should be serialized
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(forwardPropertiesFromChild))
         propertyListToSerialize = forwardPropertiesFromChild.Split(new char[]{';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor to init all data except for BinPath which is initialized separately because 
        /// a parameterless constructor is needed for COM interop
        /// </summary>
        internal Engine
            int numberOfCpus, 
            bool isChildNode, 
            int parentNodeId, 
            string localNodeProviderParameters,
            BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, 
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations
            // No need to check whether locations parameter 
            // is null, because it is a value type

            this.startupDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            this.engineGlobalProperties = globalProperties == null ? new BuildPropertyGroup() : globalProperties;
            this.environmentProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            this.toolsetStateMap = new Dictionary<string, ToolsetState>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            this.toolsets = new ToolsetCollection(this);

            // Every environment variable can be referenced just like a property
            // from the project file.  Here, we go ahead and add all the environment
            // variables to the property bag, so they can be treated just like any
            // other property later on.

            this.projectsLoadedByHost = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            this.cacheOfBuildingProjects = new ProjectManager();

            this.eventSource = new EventSource();

            this.buildEnabled = true;

            this.flushRequestEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.primaryLoggingServices = new EngineLoggingServicesInProc(eventSource, false, flushRequestEvent);

            // Read any toolsets from the registry and config file

            this.nodeId = parentNodeId;
            this.localNodeProviderParameters = localNodeProviderParameters;
            this.numberOfCpus = numberOfCpus;

            if (this.numberOfCpus == 1 && !isChildNode)
                this.primaryLoggingServices.FlushBuildEventsImmediatly = true;

            this.buildRequests = new DualQueue<BuildRequest>();

            this.taskOutputUpdates = new DualQueue<TaskExecutionContext>();

            this.engineCommands = new DualQueue<EngineCommand>();

            this.engineCallback = new EngineCallback(this);
            this.nodeManager = new NodeManager(this.numberOfCpus, isChildNode, this);
            this.scheduler = new Scheduler(this.nodeId, this);
            this.router = new Router(this, scheduler);
            this.cacheManager = new CacheManager(this.DefaultToolsVersion);

            this.lastUsedLoggerId = EngineLoggingServicesInProc.FIRST_AVAILABLE_LOGGERID;

            this.enabledCentralLogging = false;

            this.introspector = new Introspector(this, cacheOfBuildingProjects, nodeManager);

            // Initialize the node provider
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor used by msbuild.exe and any other multiproc aware MSBuild hosts.
 /// </summary>
 public Engine(BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations, int numberOfCpus, string localNodeProviderParameters)
     : this(numberOfCpus, false, 0  /* default NodeId */, localNodeProviderParameters, globalProperties, locations)
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to specify the global properties the engine should inherit and 
 /// the locations the engine should inspect for toolset definitions.
 /// </summary>
 public Engine(BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(1 /* cpu */, false /* not child node */, 0 /* default NodeId */, null/*No msbuild.exe path*/, globalProperties, locations)
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to specify whether toolsets should be initialized from the msbuild configuration file and from the registry 
 /// </summary>
 public Engine(ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(null, locations)
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor which will load toolsets from the specified locations.
 /// </summary>
 public ToolsetProvider(string defaultToolsVersion, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
     InitializeToolsetCollection(defaultToolsVersion, environmentProperties, globalProperties, toolsetDefinitionLocations);
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// This methods activates the local node
        /// </summary>
        internal void Activate
            Hashtable environmentVariables,
            LoggerDescription[] nodeLoggers,
            int nodeId,
            BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalProperties,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetSearchLocations,
            int parentId,
            string parentStartupDirectory
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(node == null, "Expected node to be null on activation.");

            this.parentProcessId = parentId;



            // Clear the environment so that we dont have extra variables laying around, this 
            // may be a performance hog but needs to be done
            IDictionary variableDictionary = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            foreach (string variableName in variableDictionary.Keys)
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(variableName, null);

            foreach(string key in environmentVariables.Keys)

            // Host the msbuild engine and system
            node = new Node(nodeId, nodeLoggers, engineCallback, parentGlobalProperties, toolsetSearchLocations, parentStartupDirectory);

            // Write the initialization complete event out directly
            LocalCallDescriptorForInitializationComplete callDescriptor =
                new LocalCallDescriptorForInitializationComplete(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id);

            // Post the message indicating that the initialization is complete
            engineCallback.PostMessageToParent(callDescriptor, true);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any:
 /// allows you to specify which of the registry and configuration file to
 /// read from by providing ToolsetInitialization
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="toolsets"></param>
 /// <param name="globalProperties"></param>
 /// <param name="initialProperties"></param>
 /// <param name="locations"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static string ReadAllToolsets(ToolsetCollection toolsets, BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, BuildPropertyGroup initialProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     return ReadAllToolsets(toolsets, null, null, globalProperties, initialProperties, locations);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any:
 /// allows you to specify which of the registry and configuration file to
 /// read from by providing ToolsetInitialization
 /// </summary>
 internal static string ReadAllToolsets(Dictionary <string, Toolset> toolsets, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     return(ReadAllToolsets(toolsets, null, null, environmentProperties, globalProperties, locations));
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any.
        /// NOTE:  this method is internal for unit testing purposes only.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string ReadAllToolsets
            Dictionary<string, Toolset> toolsets,
            ToolsetRegistryReader registryReader,
            ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReader,
            PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties,
            PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations
            PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> initialProperties = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(environmentProperties);


            // The ordering here is important because the configuration file should have greater precedence
            // than the registry, and we do a check and don't read in the new toolset if there's already one. 
            string defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration = null;
            string overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration = null;
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile)
                if (configurationReader == null && ToolsetConfigurationReaderHelpers.ConfigurationFileMayHaveToolsets())
                    // We haven't been passed in a fake configuration reader by a unit test,
                    // and it looks like we have a .config file to read, so create a real
                    // configuration reader
                    configurationReader = new ToolsetConfigurationReader(environmentProperties, globalProperties);

                if (configurationReader != null)
                    // Accumulation of properties is okay in the config file because it's deterministically ordered
                    defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration = configurationReader.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties,
                        initialProperties, true /* accumulate properties */, out overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration,
                        out defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration);

            string defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry = null;
            string overrideTasksPathFromRegistry = null;
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry)
                // If we haven't been provided a registry reader (i.e. unit tests), create one
                registryReader = registryReader ?? new ToolsetRegistryReader(environmentProperties, globalProperties);

                // We do not accumulate properties when reading them from the registry, because the order
                // in which values are returned to us is essentially random: so we disallow one property
                // in the registry to refer to another also in the registry
                defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry = registryReader.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties,
                    initialProperties, false /* do not accumulate properties */, out overrideTasksPathFromRegistry,
                    out defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry);

            // The 2.0 .NET Framework installer did not write a ToolsVersion key for itself in the registry. 
            // The 3.5 installer writes one for 2.0, but 3.5 might not be installed.  
            // The 4.0 and subsequent installers can't keep writing the 2.0 one, because (a) it causes SxS issues and (b) we 
            // don't want it unless 2.0 is installed.
            // So if the 2.0 framework is actually installed, we're reading the registry, and either the registry or the config
            // file have not already created the 2.0 toolset, mock up a fake one.  
            if (
                ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) != 0) &&
                !toolsets.ContainsKey("2.0") &&
                FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20 != null
                Toolset synthetic20Toolset = new Toolset("2.0", FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20, environmentProperties, globalProperties, null /* 2.0 did not have override tasks */, null /* 2.0 did not have a default override toolsversion */);
                toolsets.Add("2.0", synthetic20Toolset);

            // We'll use the path from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a override in which case we'll just return null.
            string overrideTasksPath = overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration ?? overrideTasksPathFromRegistry;

            // We'll use the path from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a override in which case we'll just return null.
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersion = defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration ?? defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry;

            // We'll use the default from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a default, in which case we'll just return null.
            string defaultToolsVersion = defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration ?? defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry;

            // If we got a default version from the registry or config file, and it
            // actually exists, fine.
            // Otherwise we have to come up with one.
            if (defaultToolsVersion == null || !toolsets.ContainsKey(defaultToolsVersion))
                // We're going to choose a hard coded default tools version of 2.0.
                defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultToolsVersion;

                // But don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
                if (!toolsets.ContainsKey(Constants.defaultToolsVersion))
                    // There's no tools path already for 2.0, so use the path to the v2.0 .NET Framework.
                    // If an old-fashioned caller sets BinPath property, or passed a BinPath to the constructor,
                    // that will overwrite what we're setting here.
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(Constants.defaultToolsVersion == "2.0", "Getting 2.0 FX path so default should be 2.0");
                    string pathToFramework = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20;

                    // We could not find the default toolsversion because it was not installed on the machine. Fallback to the 
                    // one we expect to always be there when running msbuild 4.0.
                    if (pathToFramework == null)
                        pathToFramework = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV40;
                        defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultFallbackToolsVersion;

                    // Again don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
                    if (!toolsets.ContainsKey(defaultToolsVersion))
                        Toolset defaultToolset = new Toolset(defaultToolsVersion, pathToFramework, environmentProperties, globalProperties, overrideTasksPath, defaultOverrideToolsVersion);
                        toolsets.Add(defaultToolsVersion, defaultToolset);

            return defaultToolsVersion;
Esempio n. 22
        public void Initialize
            string configuration,
            IEngineCallback parentEngineCallback,
            BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalPropertyGroup,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolSetSearchLocations,
            string startupDirectory
            // Get from the environment how long we should wait in seconds for shutdown to complete
            string shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODESHUTDOWNTIMEOUT");
            int    result;

            if (int.TryParse(shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment, out result) && result >= 0)
                shutdownTimeout = result;

            this.cpuCount = 1;

            if (configuration != null)
                // Split out the parameter sets based on ;
                string[] parameters;
                parameters = configuration.Split(parameterDelimiters);
                // Go through each of the parameter name value pairs and split them appart
                for (int param = 0; param < parameters.Length; param++)
                    if (parameters[param].Length > 0)
                        string[] parameterComponents = parameters[param].Split(valueDelimiters);
                        // If there is a name and value associated with the parameter, apply the paramter to the provider
                        if (parameterComponents.Length == 2)
                            ApplyParameter(parameterComponents[0], parameterComponents[1]);
                        else // Only the parameter name is known, this could be for a boolean parameter
                            ApplyParameter(parameters[param], null);

            /* If we dont get a path passed in as a parameter, we can only assume that our path
             * is in the current appdomain basedirectory, this is the base directory
             * that the assembly resolver uses to probe for assemblies
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.locationOfMSBuildExe))
                this.locationOfMSBuildExe = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            if ((cpuCount - 1) <= 0)

            this.exitCommunicationThreads = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.activeNodeCount          = 0;
            this.responseCountChangeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.nodeStateLock = new object();
            this.nodesToLaunch = new Queue <int>();
            this.nodeLoggers   = new List <LoggerDescription>();

            nodeData = new LocalNodeInfo[cpuCount - 1];

            // Initialize the internal state indicating that no nodes have been launched
            int lastUsedNodeNumber = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeData.Length; i++)
                nodeData[i]        = new LocalNodeInfo(lastUsedNodeNumber);
                lastUsedNodeNumber = nodeData[i].NodeNumber + 1;

            // Set up the callback
            this.engineCallback         = parentEngineCallback;
            this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalPropertyGroup;
            this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolSetSearchLocations;
            this.startupDirectory       = startupDirectory;

            // Default node settings
            centralizedLogging       = false;
            onlyLogCriticalEvents    = false;
            useBreadthFirstTraversal = true;
            shuttingDown             = false;

            // Start the thread that will be processing the calls from the parent engine
            ThreadStart threadState = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryWriterThread);
            Thread      taskThread  = new Thread(threadState);

            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent->Child Writer";
            threadState     = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryReaderThread);
            taskThread      = new Thread(threadState);
            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent<-Child Reader";
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any.
        /// NOTE:  this method is internal for unit testing purposes only.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string ReadAllToolsets
            Dictionary <string, Toolset> toolsets,
            ToolsetRegistryReader registryReader,
            ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReader,
            PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties,
            PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations
            var initialProperties =
                new PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance>(environmentProperties);


            // The ordering here is important because the configuration file should have greater precedence
            // than the registry, and we do a check and don't read in the new toolset if there's already one.
            string defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration         = null;
            string overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration           = null;
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile)
                if (configurationReader == null)
                    configurationReader = new ToolsetConfigurationReader(environmentProperties, globalProperties);

                // Accumulation of properties is okay in the config file because it's deterministically ordered
                defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration = configurationReader.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties,
                                                                                        initialProperties, true /* accumulate properties */, out overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration,
                                                                                        out defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration);

            string defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry         = null;
            string overrideTasksPathFromRegistry           = null;
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry)
                if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows || registryReader != null)
                    // If we haven't been provided a registry reader (i.e. unit tests), create one
                    registryReader = registryReader ?? new ToolsetRegistryReader(environmentProperties, globalProperties);

                    // We do not accumulate properties when reading them from the registry, because the order
                    // in which values are returned to us is essentially random: so we disallow one property
                    // in the registry to refer to another also in the registry
                    defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry = registryReader.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties,
                                                                                  initialProperties, false /* do not accumulate properties */, out overrideTasksPathFromRegistry,
                                                                                  out defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry);
                    var currentDir = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildToolsDirectory.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                    var props      = new PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance>();

                    var libraryPath = NativeMethodsShared.FrameworkBasePath;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libraryPath))
                        // The 4.0 toolset is installed in the framework directory
                        var v4Dir =
                        if (v4Dir != null && !toolsets.ContainsKey("4.0"))
                            // Create standard properties. On Mono they are well known
                            var buildProperties =
                                CreateStandardProperties(globalProperties, "4.0", libraryPath, v4Dir);

                                new Toolset(

                        // Other toolsets are installed in the xbuild directory
                        var xbuildToolsetsDir = Path.Combine(libraryPath, $"xbuild{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}");
                        if (FileSystems.Default.DirectoryExists(xbuildToolsetsDir))
                            var r = new Regex(Regex.Escape(xbuildToolsetsDir) + @"\d+\.\d+");
                            foreach (var d in Directory.GetDirectories(xbuildToolsetsDir).Where(d => r.IsMatch(d)))
                                var version = Path.GetFileName(d);
                                var binPath = Path.Combine(d, "bin");
                                if (toolsets.ContainsKey(version))

                                if (NativeMethodsShared.IsMono && Version.TryParse(version, out Version parsedVersion) && parsedVersion.Major > 14)

                                // Create standard properties. On Mono they are well known
                                var buildProperties =
                                    CreateStandardProperties(globalProperties, version, xbuildToolsetsDir, binPath);

                                    new Toolset(
                    if (!toolsets.ContainsKey(MSBuildConstants.CurrentToolsVersion))
                            new Toolset(
                                new PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance>(),

            // The 2.0 .NET Framework installer did not write a ToolsVersion key for itself in the registry.
            // The 3.5 installer writes one for 2.0, but 3.5 might not be installed.
            // The 4.0 and subsequent installers can't keep writing the 2.0 one, because (a) it causes SxS issues and (b) we
            // don't want it unless 2.0 is installed.
            // So if the 2.0 framework is actually installed, we're reading the registry, and either the registry or the config
            // file have not already created the 2.0 toolset, mock up a fake one.
            if (((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) != 0) && !toolsets.ContainsKey("2.0") &&
                FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20 != null)
                var synthetic20Toolset = new Toolset(
                    null /* 2.0 did not have override tasks */,
                    null /* 2.0 did not have a default override toolsversion */);
                toolsets.Add("2.0", synthetic20Toolset);

            string defaultToolsVersionFromLocal         = null;
            string overrideTasksPathFromLocal           = null;
            string defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromLocal = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Local) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Local)
                var localReader = new ToolsetLocalReader(environmentProperties, globalProperties);

                defaultToolsVersionFromLocal = localReader.ReadToolsets(
                    false /* accumulate properties */,
                    out overrideTasksPathFromLocal,
                    out defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromLocal);

            // We'll use the path from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a override in which case we'll just return null.
            var overrideTasksPath = overrideTasksPathFromConfiguration ?? overrideTasksPathFromRegistry ?? overrideTasksPathFromLocal;

            // We'll use the path from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a override in which case we'll just return null.
            var defaultOverrideToolsVersion = defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromConfiguration
                                              ?? defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromRegistry
                                              ?? defaultOverrideToolsVersionFromLocal;

            // We'll use the default from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a default, in which case we'll just return null.
            var defaultToolsVersion = defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration ?? defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry ?? defaultToolsVersionFromLocal;

            // If we got a default version from the registry or config file, and it
            // actually exists, fine.
            // Otherwise we have to come up with one.
            if (defaultToolsVersion != null && toolsets.ContainsKey(defaultToolsVersion))
            // We're going to choose a hard coded default tools version of 2.0.
            defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultToolsVersion;

            // But don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
            if (toolsets.ContainsKey(Constants.defaultToolsVersion))
            // There's no tools path already for 2.0, so use the path to the v2.0 .NET Framework.
            // If an old-fashioned caller sets BinPath property, or passed a BinPath to the constructor,
            // that will overwrite what we're setting here.
                Constants.defaultToolsVersion == "2.0",
                "Getting 2.0 FX path so default should be 2.0");
            var pathToFramework = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20;

            // We could not find the default toolsversion because it was not installed on the machine. Fallback to the
            // one we expect to always be there when running msbuild 4.0.
            if (pathToFramework == null)
                pathToFramework     = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV40;
                defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultFallbackToolsVersion;

            // Again don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
            if (toolsets.ContainsKey(defaultToolsVersion))
            var defaultToolset = new Toolset(
            toolsets.Add(defaultToolsVersion, defaultToolset);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any.
        /// NOTE:  this method is internal for unit testing purposes only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toolsets"></param>
        /// <param name="registryReader"></param>
        /// <param name="configurationReader"></param>
        /// <param name="globalProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="initialProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="locations"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string ReadAllToolsets(ToolsetCollection toolsets,
                                               ToolsetRegistryReader registryReader,
                                               ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReader,
                                               BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties,
                                               BuildPropertyGroup initialProperties,
                                               ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
            // The 2.0 .NET Framework installer did not write a ToolsVersion key for itself in the registry.
            // The 3.5 installer writes one for 2.0, but 3.5 might not be installed.
            // The 4.0 and subsequent installers can't keep writing the 2.0 one, because (a) it causes SxS issues and (b) we
            // don't want it unless 2.0 is installed.
            // So if the 2.0 framework is actually installed, and we're reading the registry, create a toolset for it.
            // The registry and config file can overwrite it.
            if (
                ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) != 0) &&
                !toolsets.Contains("2.0") &&
                FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20 != null
                Toolset synthetic20Toolset = new Toolset("2.0", FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20, initialProperties);

            // The ordering here is important because the configuration file should have greater precedence
            // than the registry
            string defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry = null;

            ToolsetRegistryReader registryReaderToUse = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry)
                registryReaderToUse = registryReader ?? new ToolsetRegistryReader();
                // We do not accumulate properties when reading them from the registry, because the order
                // in which values are returned to us is essentially random: so we disallow one property
                // in the registry to refer to another also in the registry
                defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry =
                    registryReaderToUse.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties, initialProperties, false /* do not accumulate properties */);

            string defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration = null;

            ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReaderToUse = null;

            if ((locations & ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile) == ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile)
                if (configurationReader == null && ConfigurationFileMayHaveToolsets())
                    // We haven't been passed in a fake configuration reader by a unit test,
                    // and it looks like we have a .config file to read, so create a real
                    // configuration reader
                    configurationReader = new ToolsetConfigurationReader();

                if (configurationReader != null)
                    configurationReaderToUse = configurationReader ?? new ToolsetConfigurationReader();
                    // Accumulation of properties is okay in the config file because it's deterministically ordered
                    defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration =
                        configurationReaderToUse.ReadToolsets(toolsets, globalProperties, initialProperties, true /* accumulate properties */);

            // We'll use the default from the configuration file if it was specified, otherwise we'll try
            // the one from the registry.  It's possible (and valid) that neither the configuration file
            // nor the registry specify a default, in which case we'll just return null.
            string defaultToolsVersion = defaultToolsVersionFromConfiguration ?? defaultToolsVersionFromRegistry;

            // If we got a default version from the registry or config file, and it
            // actually exists, fine.
            // Otherwise we have to come up with one.
            if (defaultToolsVersion == null || !toolsets.Contains(defaultToolsVersion))
                // We're going to choose a hard coded default tools version of 2.0.
                defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultToolsVersion;

                // But don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
                if (!toolsets.Contains(Constants.defaultToolsVersion))
                    // There's no tools path already for 2.0, so use the path to the v2.0 .NET Framework.
                    // If an old-fashioned caller sets BinPath property, or passed a BinPath to the constructor,
                    // that will overwrite what we're setting here.
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(Constants.defaultToolsVersion == "2.0", "Getting 2.0 FX path so default should be 2.0");
                    string pathToFramework = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV20;

                    // We could not find the default toolsversion because it was not installed on the machine. Fallback to the
                    // one we expect to always be there when running msbuild 4.0.
                    if (pathToFramework == null)
                        pathToFramework     = FrameworkLocationHelper.PathToDotNetFrameworkV40;
                        defaultToolsVersion = Constants.defaultFallbackToolsVersion;

                    // Again don't overwrite any existing tools path for this default we're choosing.
                    if (!toolsets.Contains(defaultToolsVersion))
                        Toolset defaultToolset = new Toolset(defaultToolsVersion, pathToFramework, initialProperties);

Esempio n. 25
 public Engine(ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework(TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version20))
     toolsetLocations = locations;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gathers toolset data from the registry and configuration file, if any:
 /// allows you to specify which of the registry and configuration file to
 /// read from by providing ToolsetInitialization
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="toolsets"></param>
 /// <param name="globalProperties"></param>
 /// <param name="initialProperties"></param>
 /// <param name="locations"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static string ReadAllToolsets(ToolsetCollection toolsets, BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, BuildPropertyGroup initialProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     return(ReadAllToolsets(toolsets, null, null, globalProperties, initialProperties, locations));
Esempio n. 27
 internal LocalCallDescriptorForInitializeNode
     Hashtable environmentVariablesToSend, 
     LoggerDescription[] nodeLoggers,
     int nodeId,
     BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalProperties,
     ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetSearchLocations,
     int parentProcessId,
     string parentStartupDirectory
     : base(LocalCallType.InitializeNode)
     this.environmentVariables = environmentVariablesToSend;
     this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalProperties;
     this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolsetSearchLocations;
     this.nodeLoggers = nodeLoggers;
     this.nodeId = nodeId;
     this.parentProcessId = parentProcessId;
     this.parentStartupDirectory = parentStartupDirectory;
Esempio n. 28
        private void InitializeToolsetCollection(PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
            _toolsets = new Dictionary <string, Toolset>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            ToolsetReader.ReadAllToolsets(_toolsets, environmentProperties, globalProperties, toolsetDefinitionLocations);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates BuildParameters from a ProjectCollection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectCollection">The ProjectCollection from which the BuildParameters should populate itself.</param>
        public BuildParameters(ProjectCollection projectCollection)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(projectCollection, "projectCollection");

            Initialize(new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(projectCollection.EnvironmentProperties), projectCollection.ProjectRootElementCache, new ToolsetProvider(projectCollection.Toolsets));

            _maxNodeCount = projectCollection.MaxNodeCount;
            _onlyLogCriticalEvents = projectCollection.OnlyLogCriticalEvents;
            _toolsetDefinitionLocations = projectCollection.ToolsetLocations;
            _defaultToolsVersion = projectCollection.DefaultToolsVersion;

            _globalProperties = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(projectCollection.GlobalPropertiesCollection);
Esempio n. 30
 void INodeProvider.Initialize(string configuration, IEngineCallback engineCallback, BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalProperties,
                ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetSearchLocations, string startDirectory)
     this.initConfiguration = configuration;
     this.initEngineCallback = engineCallback;
     this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalProperties;
     this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolsetSearchLocations;
     this.startDirectory = startDirectory;
Esempio n. 31
 public ProjectCollection (ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
         : this (null, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations)
Esempio n. 32
 public Engine(ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework (TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version20))
     //toolsetLocations = locations;
Esempio n. 33
 public ToolsetProvider(string defaultToolsVersion, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary <ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
     InitializeToolsetCollection(environmentProperties, globalProperties, toolsetDefinitionLocations);
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate Toolsets with a dictionary of (toolset version, Toolset) 
        /// using information from the registry and config file, if any.  
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeToolsetCollection(string defaultToolsVersion, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> environmentProperties, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
            _toolsets = new Dictionary<string, Toolset>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            defaultToolsVersion = ToolsetReader.ReadAllToolsets(_toolsets, environmentProperties, globalProperties, toolsetDefinitionLocations);
Esempio n. 35
 public ProjectCollection(ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
     : this(null, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations)
Esempio n. 36
 public ProjectCollection(IDictionary <string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable <ILogger> loggers,
                          ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
     : this(globalProperties, loggers, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations, 1, false)
Esempio n. 37
 public Engine(BuildPropertyGroup globalProperties, ToolsetDefinitionLocations locations)
     : this(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework (TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version20))
     this.global_properties = globalProperties;
     //toolsetLocations = locations;
Esempio n. 38
        public void Initialize
            string configuration,
            IEngineCallback parentEngineCallback,
            BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalPropertyGroup,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolSetSearchLocations,
            string startupDirectory
            // Get from the environment how long we should wait in seconds for shutdown to complete
            string shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODESHUTDOWNTIMEOUT");
            int result;
            if (int.TryParse(shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment, out result) && result >= 0)
                shutdownTimeout = result;

            this.cpuCount = 1;

            if (configuration != null)
                // Split out the parameter sets based on ;
                string[] parameters;
                parameters = configuration.Split(parameterDelimiters);
                // Go through each of the parameter name value pairs and split them appart
                for (int param = 0; param < parameters.Length; param++)

                    if (parameters[param].Length > 0)
                        string[] parameterComponents = parameters[param].Split(valueDelimiters);
                        // If there is a name and value associated with the parameter, apply the paramter to the provider
                        if (parameterComponents.Length == 2)
                            ApplyParameter(parameterComponents[0], parameterComponents[1]);
                        else // Only the parameter name is known, this could be for a boolean parameter
                            ApplyParameter(parameters[param], null); 

            /* If we dont get a path passed in as a parameter, we can only assume that our path
             is in the current appdomain basedirectory, this is the base directory 
              that the assembly resolver uses to probe for assemblies
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.locationOfMSBuildExe))
                this.locationOfMSBuildExe = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            if ( (cpuCount - 1) <= 0)

            this.exitCommunicationThreads = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.activeNodeCount = 0;
            this.responseCountChangeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.nodeStateLock = new object();
            this.nodesToLaunch = new Queue<int>();
            this.nodeLoggers = new List<LoggerDescription>();

            nodeData = new LocalNodeInfo[cpuCount - 1];

            // Initialize the internal state indicating that no nodes have been launched
            int lastUsedNodeNumber = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeData.Length; i++)
                nodeData[i] = new LocalNodeInfo(lastUsedNodeNumber);
                lastUsedNodeNumber = nodeData[i].NodeNumber + 1;

            // Set up the callback 
            this.engineCallback = parentEngineCallback;
            this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalPropertyGroup;
            this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolSetSearchLocations;
            this.startupDirectory = startupDirectory;

            // Default node settings
            centralizedLogging = false;
            onlyLogCriticalEvents = false;
            useBreadthFirstTraversal = true;
            shuttingDown = false;

            // Start the thread that will be processing the calls from the parent engine
            ThreadStart threadState = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryWriterThread);
            Thread taskThread = new Thread(threadState);
            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent->Child Writer";
            threadState = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryReaderThread);
            taskThread = new Thread(threadState);
            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent<-Child Reader";