Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports materials for host object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">
        /// The ExporterIFC object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="hostObject">
        /// The host object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elemHnd">
        /// The host IFC handle.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">
        /// The geometry element.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">
        /// The IFCProductWrapper.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="levelId">
        /// The level id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="direction">
        /// The IFCLayerSetDirection.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if exported successfully, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool ExportHostObjectMaterials(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, HostObject hostObject,
                                                     IFCAnyHandle elemHnd, GeometryElement geometryElement, IFCProductWrapper productWrapper,
                                                     ElementId levelId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection direction)
            IList <IFCAnyHandle> elemHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

            return(ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, hostObject, elemHnds, geometryElement, productWrapper, levelId, direction));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports materials for host object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="hostObject">The host object.</param>
        /// <param name="elemHnd">The host IFC handle.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="levelId">The level id.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The IFCLayerSetDirection.</param>
        /// <param name="containsBRepGeometry">True if the geometry contains BRep geoemtry.  If so, we will export an IfcMaterialList.  If null, we will calculate.</param>
        /// <returns>True if exported successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ExportHostObjectMaterials(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, HostObject hostObject,
                                                     IFCAnyHandle elemHnd, GeometryElement geometryElement, ProductWrapper productWrapper,
                                                     ElementId levelId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection direction, bool?containsBRepGeometry)
            IList <IFCAnyHandle> elemHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();


            // Setting doesContainBRepGeometry to false below preserves the original behavior that we created IfcMaterialLists for all geometries.
            // TODO: calculate, or pass in, a valid bool value for Ceilings, Roofs, and Wall Sweeps.
            bool doesContainBRepGeometry = containsBRepGeometry.HasValue ? containsBRepGeometry.Value : false;

            return(ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, hostObject, elemHnds, geometryElement, productWrapper, levelId, direction, doesContainBRepGeometry));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports materials for host object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="hostObject">The host object.</param>
        /// <param name="elemHnds">The host IFC handles.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="levelId">The level id.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The IFCLayerSetDirection.</param>
        /// <param name="containsBRepGeometry">True if the geometry contains BRep geoemtry.  If so, we will export an IfcMaterialList</param>
        /// <returns>True if exported successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ExportHostObjectMaterials(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, HostObject hostObject,
                                                     IList <IFCAnyHandle> elemHnds, GeometryElement geometryElement, ProductWrapper productWrapper,
                                                     ElementId levelId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection direction, bool containsBRepGeometry)
            if (hostObject == null)
                return(true); //nothing to do
            if (elemHnds == null || (elemHnds.Count == 0))
                return(true); //nothing to do
            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                if (productWrapper != null)

                double scaledOffset = 0.0, scaledWallWidth = 0.0, wallHeight = 0.0;
                Wall   wall = hostObject as Wall;
                if (wall != null)
                    scaledWallWidth = UnitUtil.ScaleLength(wall.Width);
                    scaledOffset    = -scaledWallWidth / 2.0;
                    BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = wall.get_BoundingBox(null);
                    if (boundingBox != null)
                        wallHeight = boundingBox.Max.Z - boundingBox.Min.Z;

                ElementId    typeElemId       = hostObject.GetTypeId();
                IFCAnyHandle materialLayerSet = ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerSetCache.Find(typeElemId);
                // Roofs with no components are only allowed one material.  We will arbitrarily choose the thickest material.
                IFCAnyHandle primaryMaterialHnd = ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerSetCache.FindPrimaryMaterialHnd(typeElemId);
                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(materialLayerSet))
                    HostObjAttributes hostObjAttr = hostObject.Document.GetElement(typeElemId) as HostObjAttributes;
                    if (hostObjAttr == null)
                        return(true); //nothing to do
                    List <ElementId> matIds = new List <ElementId>();
                    List <double>    widths = new List <double>();
                    List <MaterialFunctionAssignment> functions = new List <MaterialFunctionAssignment>();
                    ElementId         baseMatId = CategoryUtil.GetBaseMaterialIdForElement(hostObject);
                    CompoundStructure cs        = hostObjAttr.GetCompoundStructure();
                    if (cs != null)
                        //TODO: Vertically compound structures are not yet supported by export.
                        if (!cs.IsVerticallyHomogeneous() && !MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(wallHeight))
                            cs = cs.GetSimpleCompoundStructure(wallHeight, wallHeight / 2.0);

                        for (int i = 0; i < cs.LayerCount; ++i)
                            ElementId matId = cs.GetMaterialId(i);
                            if (matId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                            // save layer function into ProductWrapper,
                            // it's used while exporting "Function" of Pset_CoveringCommon

                    if (matIds.Count == 0)
                        widths.Add(cs != null ? cs.GetWidth() : 0);

                    // We can't create IfcMaterialLayers without creating an IfcMaterialLayerSet.  So we will simply collate here.
                    IList <IFCAnyHandle> materialHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                    IList <int>          widthIndices = new List <int>();
                    double thickestLayer = 0.0;
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < matIds.Count; ++ii)
                        // Require positive width for IFC2x3 and before, and non-negative width for IFC4.
                        if (widths[ii] < -MathUtil.Eps())

                        bool almostZeroWidth = MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(widths[ii]);
                        if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.FileVersion != IFCVersion.IFC4 && almostZeroWidth)

                        if (almostZeroWidth)
                            widths[ii] = 0.0;

                        IFCAnyHandle materialHnd = CategoryUtil.GetOrCreateMaterialHandle(exporterIFC, matIds[ii]);
                        if (primaryMaterialHnd == null || (widths[ii] > thickestLayer))
                            primaryMaterialHnd = materialHnd;
                            thickestLayer      = widths[ii];


                        if ((productWrapper != null) && (functions[ii] == MaterialFunctionAssignment.Finish1 || functions[ii] == MaterialFunctionAssignment.Finish2))

                    int numLayersToCreate = widthIndices.Count;
                    if (numLayersToCreate == 0)

                    if (!containsBRepGeometry)
                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> layers = new List <IFCAnyHandle>(numLayersToCreate);

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numLayersToCreate; ii++)
                            int          widthIndex    = widthIndices[ii];
                            double       scaledWidth   = UnitUtil.ScaleLength(widths[widthIndex]);
                            IFCAnyHandle materialLayer = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateMaterialLayer(file, materialHnds[ii], scaledWidth, null);

                        string layerSetName = exporterIFC.GetFamilyName();
                        materialLayerSet = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateMaterialLayerSet(file, layers, layerSetName);

                        ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerSetCache.Register(typeElemId, materialLayerSet);
                        ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerSetCache.RegisterPrimaryMaterialHnd(typeElemId, primaryMaterialHnd);
                        foreach (IFCAnyHandle elemHnd in elemHnds)
                            CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociations(exporterIFC, elemHnd, matIds);

                // IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage is not supported for IfcWall, only IfcWallStandardCase.
                IFCAnyHandle layerSetUsage = null;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < elemHnds.Count; ii++)
                    IFCAnyHandle elemHnd = elemHnds[ii];
                    if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(elemHnd))

                    SpaceBoundingElementUtil.RegisterSpaceBoundingElementHandle(exporterIFC, elemHnd, hostObject.Id, levelId);
                    if (containsBRepGeometry)

                    HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> relDecomposesSet = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetRelDecomposes(elemHnd);

                    IList <IFCAnyHandle> subElemHnds = null;
                    if (relDecomposesSet != null && relDecomposesSet.Count == 1)
                        IFCAnyHandle relAggregates = relDecomposesSet.First();
                        if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(relAggregates, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAggregates))
                            subElemHnds = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute <List <IFCAnyHandle> >(relAggregates, "RelatedObjects");

                    bool hasSubElems = (subElemHnds != null && subElemHnds.Count != 0);
                    bool isRoof      = IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(elemHnd, IFCEntityType.IfcRoof);
                    if (!hasSubElems && !isRoof && !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(elemHnd, IFCEntityType.IfcWall))
                        if (layerSetUsage == null)
                            bool flipDirSense = true;
                            if (wall != null)
                                // if we have flipped the center curve on export, we need to take that into account here.
                                // We flip the center curve on export if it is an arc and it has a negative Z direction.
                                LocationCurve locCurve = wall.Location as LocationCurve;
                                if (locCurve != null)
                                    Curve curve        = locCurve.Curve;
                                    Plane defPlane     = new Plane(XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY, XYZ.Zero);
                                    bool  curveFlipped = GeometryUtil.MustFlipCurve(defPlane, curve);
                                    flipDirSense = !(wall.Flipped ^ curveFlipped);
                            else if (hostObject is Floor)
                                flipDirSense = false;

                            double            offsetFromReferenceLine = flipDirSense ? -scaledOffset : scaledOffset;
                            IFCDirectionSense sense = flipDirSense ? IFCDirectionSense.Negative : IFCDirectionSense.Positive;

                            layerSetUsage = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateMaterialLayerSetUsage(file, materialLayerSet, direction, sense, offsetFromReferenceLine);
                        ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerRelationsCache.Add(layerSetUsage, elemHnd);
                        if (hasSubElems)
                            foreach (IFCAnyHandle subElemHnd in subElemHnds)
                                if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(subElemHnd))
                                    ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerRelationsCache.Add(materialLayerSet, subElemHnd);
                        else if (!isRoof)
                            ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerRelationsCache.Add(materialLayerSet, elemHnd);
                        else if (primaryMaterialHnd != null)
                            ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerRelationsCache.Add(primaryMaterialHnd, elemHnd);

        /// <summary>
        /// Exports materials for host object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="hostObject">The host object.</param>
        /// <param name="elemHnds">The host IFC handles.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="levelId">The level id.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The IFCLayerSetDirection.</param>
        /// <param name="containsBRepGeometry">True if the geometry contains BRep geoemtry.  If so, we will export an IfcMaterialList</param>
        /// <returns>True if exported successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ExportHostObjectMaterials(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, HostObject hostObject,
                                                     IList <IFCAnyHandle> elemHnds, GeometryElement geometryElement, ProductWrapper productWrapper,
                                                     ElementId levelId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection direction, bool containsBRepGeometry, IFCAnyHandle typeHnd = null)
            if (hostObject == null)
                return(true); //nothing to do
            if (elemHnds == null || (elemHnds.Count == 0))
                return(true); //nothing to do
            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                //if (productWrapper != null)
                //    productWrapper.ClearFinishMaterials();

                double scaledOffset = 0.0, scaledWallWidth = 0.0, wallHeight = 0.0;
                Wall   wall = hostObject as Wall;

                if (wall != null)
                    scaledWallWidth = UnitUtil.ScaleLength(wall.Width);
                    scaledOffset    = -scaledWallWidth / 2.0;
                    BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = wall.get_BoundingBox(null);
                    if (boundingBox != null)
                        wallHeight = boundingBox.Max.Z - boundingBox.Min.Z;

                List <ElementId> matIds;
                IFCAnyHandle     primaryMaterialHnd;
                IFCAnyHandle     materialLayerSet = ExporterUtil.CollectMaterialLayerSet(exporterIFC, hostObject, productWrapper, out matIds, out primaryMaterialHnd);

                // For IFC4 RV, material layer may still be created even if the geometry is Brep/Tessellation
                if ((containsBRepGeometry && matIds.Count > 0) &&
                    !(ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4ReferenceView && !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(materialLayerSet)))
                    foreach (IFCAnyHandle elemHnd in elemHnds)
                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, elemHnd, matIds);

                if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(materialLayerSet))
                    // If there is an override for creating IfcMaterial instead of IfcMaterialLayer for a single material/layer, assign the material directly to type or element(s)
                    if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(materialLayerSet, IFCEntityType.IfcMaterial))
                        if (typeHnd != null)
                            CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, typeHnd, materialLayerSet);
                        foreach (IFCAnyHandle elemHnd in elemHnds)
                            CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, elemHnd, materialLayerSet);
                        // IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage is not supported for IfcWall, only IfcWallStandardCase.
                        IFCAnyHandle layerSetUsage = null;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < elemHnds.Count; ii++)
                            IFCAnyHandle elemHnd = elemHnds[ii];
                            if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(elemHnd))

                            SpaceBoundingElementUtil.RegisterSpaceBoundingElementHandle(exporterIFC, elemHnd, hostObject.Id, levelId);

                            // Even if it is Tessellated geometry in IFC4RV, the material layer will still be assigned
                            if (containsBRepGeometry && !ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4ReferenceView)

                            HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> relDecomposesSet = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetRelDecomposes(elemHnd);

                            IList <IFCAnyHandle> subElemHnds = null;
                            if (relDecomposesSet != null && relDecomposesSet.Count == 1)
                                IFCAnyHandle relAggregates = relDecomposesSet.First();
                                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(relAggregates, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAggregates))
                                    subElemHnds = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute <List <IFCAnyHandle> >(relAggregates, "RelatedObjects");

                            bool hasSubElems          = (subElemHnds != null && subElemHnds.Count != 0);
                            bool isRoof               = IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(elemHnd, IFCEntityType.IfcRoof);
                            bool isDisallowedWallType = (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsTypeOf(elemHnd, IFCEntityType.IfcWall) && !ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4);

                            // Create IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage unless we have sub-elements, are exporting a Roof, or are exporting a pre-IFC4 IfcWall.
                            if (!hasSubElems && !isRoof && !isDisallowedWallType)
                                bool materialAlreadyAssoc = false;
                                if (typeHnd != null)
                                    CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, typeHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                    //materialAlreadyAssoc = true;

                                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4ReferenceView)
                                    if (!materialAlreadyAssoc)
                                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, elemHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                    if (layerSetUsage == null)
                                        bool flipDirSense = true;
                                        if (wall != null)
                                            // if we have flipped the center curve on export, we need to take that into account here.
                                            // We flip the center curve on export if it is an arc and it has a negative Z direction.
                                            LocationCurve locCurve = wall.Location as LocationCurve;
                                            if (locCurve != null)
                                                Curve     curve        = locCurve.Curve;
                                                Transform lcs          = Transform.Identity;
                                                bool      curveFlipped = GeometryUtil.MustFlipCurve(lcs, curve);
                                                flipDirSense = !(wall.Flipped ^ curveFlipped);
                                        else if (hostObject is CeilingAndFloor)
                                            flipDirSense = false;

                                        double            offsetFromReferenceLine = flipDirSense ? -scaledOffset : scaledOffset;
                                        IFCDirectionSense sense = flipDirSense ? IFCDirectionSense.Negative : IFCDirectionSense.Positive;

                                        layerSetUsage = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateMaterialLayerSetUsage(file, materialLayerSet, direction, sense, offsetFromReferenceLine);
                                    ExporterCacheManager.MaterialLayerRelationsCache.Add(layerSetUsage, elemHnd);
                                if (hasSubElems)
                                    foreach (IFCAnyHandle subElemHnd in subElemHnds)
                                        // TODO: still need to figure out the best way to create type for the sub elements because at this time a lot of information is not available, e.g.
                                        //    the Revit Element to get the type, other information for name, GUID, etc.
                                        if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(subElemHnd))
                                            CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, subElemHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                else if (!isRoof)
                                    if (typeHnd != null)
                                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, typeHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, elemHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                else if (primaryMaterialHnd != null)
                                    if (typeHnd != null)
                                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, typeHnd, materialLayerSet);
                                        CategoryUtil.CreateMaterialAssociation(exporterIFC, elemHnd, materialLayerSet);