Esempio n. 1
        public static ResultLogObjectWriter GetConverterObjects(ToolFileConverterBase converter, byte[] inputData)
            var result = new ResultLogObjectWriter();

            using (var input = new MemoryStream(inputData))
                converter.Convert(input, result, OptionallyEmittedData.None);

        // Create the converter for the specified toolFormat, if possible;
        // otherwise, delegate to the next converter in the Chain of Responsibility,
        // if any.
        public ToolFileConverterBase CreateConverter(string toolFormat)
            ToolFileConverterBase converter = this.CreateConverterCore(toolFormat);

            if (converter != null)

            if (this.Next != null)

Esempio n. 3
        public static string GetConverterJson(ToolFileConverterBase converter, byte[] inputData)
            using (var input = new MemoryStream(inputData))
                using (var output = new StringWriter())
                    var json = new JsonTextWriter(output);
                    json.Formatting  = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
                    json.CloseOutput = false;
                    using (var outputWriter = new ResultLogJsonWriter(json))
                        converter.Convert(input, outputWriter, LoggingOptions.None);

        public void BuiltInConverterFactory_HasMatchingConverterTypeNamesForAllRegisteredToolFormats()
            foreach (string toolFormat in Utilities.GetToolFormats())
                Lazy <ToolFileConverterBase> lazyConverter;

                // There's another test that ensures that all the required keys do in fact exist.
                if (BuiltInConverterFactory.BuiltInConverters.TryGetValue(toolFormat, out lazyConverter))
                    // The only way to tell what subtype of ToolFileConverterBase is stored in each dictionary
                    // entry is to instantiate it. Accessing the "Value" property of a Lazy<T> instantiates the object.
                    ToolFileConverterBase converter = lazyConverter.Value;

                    string expectedConverterTypeName = toolFormat.ConverterTypeName();
                    string actualConverterTypeName   = converter.GetType().Name;

                    Assert.Equal(expectedConverterTypeName, actualConverterTypeName);
Esempio n. 5
 public static ResultLogObjectWriter GetConverterObjects(ToolFileConverterBase converter, string inputData)
     return(GetConverterObjects(converter, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputData)));
Esempio n. 6
 public static string GetConverterJson(ToolFileConverterBase converter, string inputData)
     return(GetConverterJson(converter, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputData)));