protected void WritePrependNewlines(TomlObject obj) { if (this.ShouldPrependWithNewline(obj)) { this.writer.WriteLine(); } }
protected void WriteAppendComments(TomlObject obj) { var append = obj.Comments.Where((c) => this.config.GetCommentLocation(c) == TomlCommentLocation.Append); foreach (var a in append) { this.writer.Write(" #"); this.writer.Write(FixMultilineComment(a.Text)); } }
protected void WritePrependComments(TomlObject obj) { var prepend = obj.Comments.Where((c) => this.config.GetCommentLocation(c) == TomlCommentLocation.Prepend); foreach (var p in prepend) { this.writer.Write('#'); this.writer.Write(FixMultilineComment(p.Text)); this.writer.WriteLine(); } }
private static IEnumerable <TomlObject> ProcessArray(TomlObject obj, ReadOnlyMemory <char> pathM) { var path = pathM.Span; if (path[0] != '[') { throw new ArgumentException("Expected array open breacket", nameof(pathM)); } for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++) { if (path[i] == ']') { if (i == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Empty array indexer", nameof(pathM)); } var indexer = path.Slice(1, i - 1); var rest = pathM.Slice(i + 1); bool cont = rest.Length > 0; // select if (indexer.Length == 1 && indexer[0] == '*') { var ret = obj.GetAllArrayItems(); if (cont) { if (IsArray(rest.Span)) { return(ret.SelectMany(x => ProcessArray(x, rest))); } else if (IsDot(rest.Span)) { return(ret.SelectMany(x => ProcessDot(x, rest))); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression after array indexer", nameof(pathM)); } } return(ret); } else { var ret = obj.GetArrayItemByIndex(indexer); if (ret is null) { return(Enumerable.Empty <TomlObject>()); } if (cont) { if (IsArray(rest.Span)) { return(ProcessArray(ret, rest)); } else if (IsDot(rest.Span)) { return(ProcessDot(ret, rest)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression after array indexer", nameof(pathM)); } } return(new[] { ret }); } } } throw new ArgumentException("Missing array close bracket", nameof(pathM)); }
private static IEnumerable <TomlObject> ProcessIdentifier(TomlObject obj, ReadOnlyMemory <char> pathM) { if (pathM.IsEmpty) { return(Enumerable.Empty <TomlObject>()); } var path = pathM.Span; switch (path[0]) { case '*': { var rest = pathM.Slice(1); if (rest.IsEmpty) { return(obj.GetAllSubItems()); } if (IsArray(rest.Span)) { return(obj.GetAllSubItems().SelectMany(x => ProcessArray(x, rest))); } else if (IsDot(rest.Span)) { return(obj.GetAllSubItems().SelectMany(x => ProcessDot(x, rest))); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression after wildcard", nameof(pathM)); } } case '[': throw new ArgumentException("Invalid array open bracket", nameof(pathM)); case ']': throw new ArgumentException("Invalid array close bracket", nameof(pathM)); case '.': throw new ArgumentException("Invalid dot", nameof(pathM)); default: { var subItemName = path; var rest = ReadOnlyMemory <char> .Empty; bool cont = false; for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++) { // todo allow in future if (path[i] == '*') { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid wildcard position", nameof(pathM)); } var currentSub = path.Slice(i); if (!IsIdentifier(currentSub)) // if (!IsName) { cont = true; subItemName = path.Slice(0, i); rest = pathM.Slice(i); break; } } var item = obj.GetSubItemByName(subItemName); if (item is null) { return(Enumerable.Empty <TomlObject>()); } if (cont) { if (IsArray(rest.Span)) { return(ProcessArray(item, rest)); } else if (IsDot(rest.Span)) { return(ProcessDot(item, rest)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression name identifier", nameof(pathM)); } } return(new[] { item }); } } }
// *** Convenience method for setting values to a toml object. *** public static TomlObject Set <T>(this TomlTable tomlTable, string key, T value) { if (tomlTable is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tomlTable)); } if (key is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } // I literally have no idea how to write it better with this toml library. // Note for TimeSpan: since TimeSpan as Nett (de)serializes it is not standartized we have to cast it manually TomlObject retobj = tomlTable.TryGetValue(key); if (retobj is null) { if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (bool)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (string)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (double)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (float)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, /*auto*/ (ushort)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (int)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(long)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (long)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (long)(ulong)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, SerializeTime((TimeSpan)(object)value)).Added); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime)) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, (DateTime)(object)value).Added); } else if (typeof(T).IsEnum) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, value.ToString()).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <bool> enubool) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enubool).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <string> enustring) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enustring).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <double> enudouble) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enudouble).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <float> enufloat) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enufloat).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <ushort> enuushort) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enuushort.Select(x => (int)x)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <int> enuint) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enuint).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <long> enulong) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enulong).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <ulong> enuulong) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enuulong.Select(x => (long)x)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <TimeSpan> enuTimeSpan) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enuTimeSpan.Select(SerializeTime)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <DateTime> enuDateTime) { return(tomlTable.Add(key, enuDateTime).Added); } } else { TomlComment[] docs = null; if (retobj.Comments.Any()) { docs = retobj.Comments.ToArray(); } if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (bool)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (string)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (double)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (float)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, /*auto*/ (ushort)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, /*auto*/ (int)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(long)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (long)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (long)(ulong)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(TimeSpan)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, SerializeTime((TimeSpan)(object)value)).Added; } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime)) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, (DateTime)(object)value).Added; } else if (typeof(T).IsEnum) { retobj = tomlTable.Update(key, value.ToString()).Added; } else if (value is IEnumerable <bool> enubool) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enubool).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <string> enustring) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enustring).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <double> enudouble) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enudouble).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <float> enufloat) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enufloat).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <ushort> enuushort) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enuushort.Select(x => (int)x)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <int> enuint) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enuint).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <long> enulong) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enulong).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <ulong> enuulong) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enuulong.Select(x => (long)x)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <TimeSpan> enuTimeSpan) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enuTimeSpan.Select(SerializeTime)).Added); } else if (value is IEnumerable <DateTime> enuDateTime) { return(tomlTable.Update(key, enuDateTime).Added); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("The type is not supported"); } if (docs != null) { retobj.AddComments(docs); } return(retobj); } throw new NotSupportedException("The type is not supported"); }
private static void DowngradeMelonPreferences(string destination, bool legacy_version) { if (!legacy_version || (Program.CurrentInstalledVersion == null) || (Program.CurrentInstalledVersion.CompareTo(new Version("0.3.0")) < 0)) { return; } string userdatapath = Path.Combine(destination, "UserData"); if (!Directory.Exists(userdatapath)) { return; } string oldfilepath = Path.Combine(userdatapath, "MelonPreferences.cfg"); if (!File.Exists(oldfilepath)) { return; } string filestr = File.ReadAllText(oldfilepath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filestr)) { return; } DocumentSyntax docsyn = Toml.Parse(filestr); if (docsyn == null) { return; } TomlTable model = docsyn.ToModel(); if (model.Count <= 0) { return; } string newfilepath = Path.Combine(userdatapath, "modprefs.ini"); if (File.Exists(newfilepath)) { File.Delete(newfilepath); } IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(newfilepath); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keypair in model) { string category_name = keypair.Key; TomlTable tbl = (TomlTable)keypair.Value; if (tbl.Count <= 0) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> tblkeypair in tbl) { string name = tblkeypair.Key; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { continue; } TomlObject obj = TomlObject.ToTomlObject(tblkeypair.Value); if (obj == null) { continue; } switch (obj.Kind) { case ObjectKind.String: iniFile.SetString(category_name, name, ((TomlString)obj).Value); break; case ObjectKind.Boolean: iniFile.SetBool(category_name, name, ((TomlBoolean)obj).Value); break; case ObjectKind.Integer: iniFile.SetInt(category_name, name, (int)((TomlInteger)obj).Value); break; case ObjectKind.Float: iniFile.SetFloat(category_name, name, (float)((TomlFloat)obj).Value); break; default: break; } } } File.Delete(oldfilepath); }
private bool ShouldPrependWithNewline(TomlObject obj) => (obj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.Table && ((TomlTable)obj).TableType != TomlTable.TableTypes.Inline) || obj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.ArrayOfTables;
public T ConvertFrom(TomlObject value, ITomlSerializerContext context) => value is TomlValue <T> tomlValue
public TCollection ConvertFrom(TomlObject value, ITomlSerializerContext context) => value is TomlArray tomlArray
public TNewType ConvertFrom(TomlObject value, ITomlSerializerContext context) => _constructor(_innerConverter.ConvertFrom(value, context));
public override bool Clear(TomlObject target) => target switch {
public override TomlObject Get(TomlObject target) => target switch {
public override bool ParseKey(string key, TomlObject tomlObj, ParseContext ctx) { if (base.ParseKey(key, tomlObj, ctx)) { return(true); } switch (key) { case "host": MatchHost = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (MatchHost == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<host> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "groupid": MatchClientGroupId = TomlTools.GetValues <ulong>(tomlObj); if (MatchClientGroupId == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<groupid> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "useruid": MatchClientUid = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (MatchClientUid == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<useruid> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "perm": MatchPermission = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (MatchPermission == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<perm> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "rule": if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.ArrayOfTables) { var childTables = (TomlTableArray)tomlObj; foreach (var childTable in childTables.Items) { var rule = new RightsRule(); Children.Add(rule); rule.Parent = this; rule.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); } return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("Misused key with reserved name \"rule\"."); return(false); } default: // group if (key.StartsWith("$")) { if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.Table) { var childTable = (TomlTable)tomlObj; var group = new RightsGroup(key); Children.Add(group); group.Parent = this; group.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add($"Misused key for group declaration: {key}."); } } return(false); } }
private void WhenTargetPropertyNotFound(string[] tomlKeyChain, object targetObject, TomlObject targetValue) { var lineNumber = GuessSourceLine(tomlKeyChain, targetValue); var targetType = targetObject .GetType(); var typeName = targetType .FullName ?.Replace($"{nameof(TabularCsv)}.", string.Empty); var propertyName = $"{typeName}.{string.Join(".", tomlKeyChain)}"; var targetPropertyName = tomlKeyChain.LastOrDefault(); var targetSectionName = tomlKeyChain.Length > 1 ? tomlKeyChain[tomlKeyChain.Length - 2] : default; var message = $"'{propertyName}' is not a known property name."; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPropertyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetSectionName)) { message = $"'{targetPropertyName}' is not a known [{targetSectionName}] property name."; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPropertyName)) { var bestGuess = BestGuess( targetPropertyName, targetType .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty) .Where(p => !ExcludedPropertyNames.Contains(p.Name)), propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bestGuess)) { message = $"{message} {bestGuess}"; } } message = $"{message} See for details."; if (lineNumber.HasValue) { throw new ParseException($"Line {lineNumber}: {message}"); } throw new ParseException(message); }
internal override void Load(MelonPreferences_Entry entry, TomlObject obj) => entry.SetValue(((TomlArray)obj).ToArray <int>());
public Guid ConvertFrom(TomlObject value, ITomlSerializerContext context) => Guid.Parse(context.GetConverter <string>().ConvertFrom(value, context));
public override TomlObject Apply(TomlObject obj, Func <TomlObject> _, PathSettings settings) => this.ApplyKey(obj, this.ThrowWhenKeyNotFound, ThrowOnError, settings);
public static TomlTable TransformToSourceTable(this TomlTable table, IConfigSource source, TomlObject rootSource = null) { table.CheckNotNull(nameof(table)); var sourcesTable = rootSource == null ? Toml.Create(table.TableType) : TomlObjectFactory.CreateEmptyAttachedTable(rootSource, table.TableType); foreach (var r in table.Rows) { if (r.Value.TomlType == TomlObjectType.Table) { sourcesTable[r.Key] = ((TomlTable)r.Value).TransformToSourceTable(source, sourcesTable); } else if (r.Value.TomlType == TomlObjectType.ArrayOfTables) { var arr = (TomlTableArray)r.Value; var sourcesArray = new TomlTableArray(table.Root, arr.Items.Select(t => t.TransformToSourceTable(source, sourcesTable))); sourcesTable[r.Key] = sourcesArray; } else { sourcesTable[r.Key] = new TomlSource(sourcesTable.Root, source); } } return(sourcesTable); }
public override TomlObject TryApply(TomlObject obj, Func <TomlObject> __, PathSettings settings) => this.ApplyKey(obj, _ => null, ReturnDefaultOnError, settings);
// *** TomlPath engine *** public static IEnumerable <TomlObject> ByPath(this TomlObject obj, string path) { var pathM = path.AsMemory(); return(ProcessIdentifier(obj, pathM)); }
public abstract void FromToml(TomlObject tomlObject);
public static bool TryGetValue <T>(this TomlObject tomlObj, out T value) { switch (tomlObj.TomlType) { case TomlObjectType.Int: if (typeof(T) == typeof(long)) { // The base storage type for TomlInt is long, so we can simply return it. value = (T)(object)((TomlInt)tomlObj).Value; return(true); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong)) { // ulong is the only type which needs to be casted so we can use it. // This might not be the greatest solution, but we can express ulong.MaxValue with -1 for example. value = (T)(object)(ulong)((TomlInt)tomlObj).Value; return(true); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint) || typeof(T) == typeof(int) || typeof(T) == typeof(ushort) || typeof(T) == typeof(short) || typeof(T) == typeof(byte) || typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte) || typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { // All other types will be converted to catch overflow issues. try { value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(((TomlInt)tomlObj).Value, typeof(T)); return(true); } catch (OverflowException) { } } break; case TomlObjectType.Float: if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { // Same here, double is the base type for TomlFloat. value = (T)(object)((TomlFloat)tomlObj).Value; return(true); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { // double -> float cast works as we expect it. value = (T)(object)(float)((TomlFloat)tomlObj).Value; return(true); } break; case TomlObjectType.Bool: case TomlObjectType.DateTime: case TomlObjectType.TimeSpan: if (tomlObj is TomlValue <T> tomlValue && typeof(T) == tomlValue.Value.GetType()) { value = tomlValue.Value; return(true); } break; case TomlObjectType.String: if (typeof(T).IsEnum) { try { value = (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), ((TomlString)tomlObj).Value, true); return(true); } catch (ArgumentException) { } catch (OverflowException) { } } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { value = ((TomlValue <T>)tomlObj).Value; return(true); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(TimeSpan)) { try { value = (T)(object)TextUtil.ParseTime(((TomlString)tomlObj).Value); return(true); } catch (FormatException) { } } break; } value = default; return(false); }
public void SetValue(TomlObject applyTo, TomlObject value, PathSettings settings = PathSettings.CreateTables) { var target = this.prefixPath.Apply(applyTo, settings); this.segment.SetValue(target, value, settings); }
private static TomlTable TryGetTableEntry(TomlObject obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } var tbl = obj as TomlTable; var arr = obj as TomlTableArray; return tbl ?? arr?.Last(); }
public void RemoveItem(string key) { dynamicTables.Remove(key); TomlObject.Remove(key); }
public override bool ParseKey(string key, TomlObject tomlObj, ParseContext ctx) { if (base.ParseKey(key, tomlObj, ctx)) { return(true); } switch (key) { case "host": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var host)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchHost(host)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<host> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "groupid": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <ulong>(out var servergroupid)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchServerGroupId(servergroupid.Select(ServerGroupId.To))); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<groupid> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "channelgroupid": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <ulong>(out var channelgroupid)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchChannelGroupId(channelgroupid.Select(ChannelGroupId.To))); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<channelgroupid> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "useruid": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var useruid)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchClientUid(useruid.Select(Uid.To))); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<useruid> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "perm": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var perm)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchPermission(perm, ctx)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<perm> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "apitoken": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var apitoken)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchToken(apitoken)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<apitoken> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "bot": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var bot)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchBot(bot)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<bot> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "isapi": if (tomlObj.TryGetValue <bool>(out var isapi)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchIsApi(isapi)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<isapi> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "ip": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <string>(out var ip)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchApiCallerIp(ip.Select(x => { if (IPAddress.TryParse(x, out var ipa)) { return(ipa); } ctx.Errors.Add($"<ip> Field value '{x}' could not be parsed."); return(null !); }).Where(x => x != null))); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<ip> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "visibility": if (tomlObj.TryGetValueArray <TextMessageTargetMode>(out var visibility)) { Matcher.Add(new MatchVisibility(visibility)); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("<visibility> Field has invalid data."); } return(true); case "rule": if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.ArrayOfTables) { var childTables = (TomlTableArray)tomlObj; foreach (var childTable in childTables.Items) { var rule = new RightsRule(); Children.Add(rule); rule.Parent = this; rule.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); } return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("Misused key with reserved name \"rule\"."); return(false); } default: // group if (key.StartsWith("$")) { if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.Table) { var childTable = (TomlTable)tomlObj; var group = new RightsGroup(key); Children.Add(group); group.Parent = this; group.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add($"Misused key for group declaration: {key}."); } } return(false); } }
public TDictionary ConvertFrom(TomlObject value, ITomlSerializerContext context) => value is TomlTable tomlTable
private bool ShouldAppendWithNewline(TomlObject obj) => !this.ShouldPrependWithNewline(obj);
private static void AssertCommentsAre(TomlObject o, params string[] comments) { var tc = comments.Select(c => new TomlComment(c)); o.Comments.Should().BeEquivalentTo(tc); }
private void WriteValue(TomlObject obj) { switch (obj.TomlType) { case TomlObjectType.Bool: this.writer.Write(((TomlBool)obj).Value.ToString().ToLower()); break; case TomlObjectType.Float: this.writer.Write("{0:0.0###############}", ((TomlFloat)obj).Value); break; case TomlObjectType.Int: this.writer.Write(((TomlInt)obj).Value); break; case TomlObjectType.DateTime: this.writer.Write(((TomlDateTime)obj).ToString()); break; case TomlObjectType.TimeSpan: this.writer.Write(((TomlTimeSpan)obj).Value); break; case TomlObjectType.String: { this.writer.Write('\"'); this.writer.Write(((TomlString)obj).Value.Escape() ?? string.Empty); this.writer.Write('\"'); break; } default: Assert(false, "This method should only get called for simple TOML Types. Check invocation code."); break; } }
public void Set(TomlObject target, Func <TomlObject, TomlObject> createNewValueObject) { var tgt = this.parent?.Resolve(target) ?? target; this.segment.Set(tgt, createNewValueObject); }
public TomlObject Get(TomlObject target) { var tgt = this.parent?.Get(target) ?? target; return(this.segment.Get(tgt)); }
public override bool ParseKey(string key, TomlObject tomlObj, ParseContext ctx) { if (base.ParseKey(key, tomlObj, ctx)) { return(true); } switch (key) { case "host": var host = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (host == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<host> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchHost = new HashSet <string>(host); } return(true); case "groupid": var groupid = TomlTools.GetValues <ulong>(tomlObj); if (groupid == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<groupid> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchClientGroupId = new HashSet <ulong>(groupid); } return(true); case "channelgroupid": var cgroupid = TomlTools.GetValues <ulong>(tomlObj); if (cgroupid == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<channelgroupid> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchChannelGroupId = new HashSet <ulong>(cgroupid); } return(true); case "useruid": var useruid = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (useruid == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<useruid> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchClientUid = new HashSet <string>(useruid); } return(true); case "perm": var perm = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (perm == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<perm> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchPermission = new HashSet <string>(perm); } return(true); case "apitoken": var apitoken = TomlTools.GetValues <string>(tomlObj); if (apitoken == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<apitoken> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchToken = new HashSet <string>(apitoken); } return(true); case "isapi": if (!TomlTools.TryGetValue <bool>(tomlObj, out var isapi)) { ctx.Errors.Add("<isapi> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchIsApi = isapi; } return(true); case "visibility": var visibility = TomlTools.GetValues <TextMessageTargetMode>(tomlObj); if (visibility == null) { ctx.Errors.Add("<visibility> Field has invalid data."); } else { MatchVisibility = visibility; } return(true); case "rule": if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.ArrayOfTables) { var childTables = (TomlTableArray)tomlObj; foreach (var childTable in childTables.Items) { var rule = new RightsRule(); Children.Add(rule); rule.Parent = this; rule.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); } return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add("Misused key with reserved name \"rule\"."); return(false); } default: // group if (key.StartsWith("$")) { if (tomlObj.TomlType == TomlObjectType.Table) { var childTable = (TomlTable)tomlObj; var group = new RightsGroup(key); Children.Add(group); group.Parent = this; group.ParseChilden(childTable, ctx); return(true); } else { ctx.Errors.Add($"Misused key for group declaration: {key}."); } } return(false); } }
public void WriteDottedKeyValue(TomlObject value, params TomlKey[] keySegments) { this.WriteDotteKey(keySegments); this.WriteValue(value); }