public LessonInfoViewModel(LessonInfo lessonInfo, TimetableInfo timetableInfo) { LessonInfo = lessonInfo; this.timetableInfo = timetableInfo; Statistics = new(GetStatistics); LocalizationResourceManager.Current.PropertyChanged += (_, _) => OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Statistics)); }
private TimetableModel MapTimetable(TimetableInfo parsedTimetable) { var timetable = new TimetableModel(); timetable.Key = CreateTimetableId(parsedTimetable.Groups); timetable.SheetTitle = parsedTimetable.SheetTitle; timetable.Groups = parsedTimetable.Groups; timetable.Subjects = MapSubjects(parsedTimetable.Subjects); return(timetable); }
public List <TimetableInfo> ParseExcelFile(string fileName) { ConsoleHelper.HorizontalLine(); var timetables = new List <TimetableInfo>(); using (var stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { // Auto-detect format: // Binary Excel files (2.0-2003 format; *.xls), OpenXml Excel files (2007 format; *.xlsx) using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream)) { do { if (reader.VisibleState != "visible") { continue; } var timetable = new TimetableInfo() { SheetTitle = reader.Name, Groups = GetGroupNumbers(reader.Name), Subjects = new List <SubjectInfo>() }; ParseHeader(reader, timetable); SubjectInfo subject = null; do { subject = ParseRowsOfSubject(reader); if (subject != null) { timetable.Subjects.Add(subject); } }while (subject != null); timetables.Add(timetable); } while (reader.NextResult()); } } ConsoleHelper.HorizontalLine(); return(timetables); }
private void ParseHeader(IExcelDataReader reader, TimetableInfo timetable) { const int headerHeight = 5; for (int currentRow = 1; currentRow <= headerHeight; currentRow++) { if (!reader.Read()) { return; } //if (!_skipThisRows.Contains(currentRow)) //{ // timetable.Groups = GetGroupNumbers(reader); //} } }
public ResumeForm(UserSettings settings, Route route, MainForm.UserAction mainFormAction, Activity activity, TimetableInfo timetable, MainForm parentForm) { MainForm = parentForm; SelectedAction = mainFormAction; Multiplayer = SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.MultiplayerClient || SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.MultiplayerServer; InitializeComponent(); // Needed so that setting StartPosition = CenterParent is respected. Localizer.Localize(this, catalog); // Windows 2000 and XP should use 8.25pt Tahoma, while Windows // Vista and later should use 9pt "Segoe UI". We'll use the // Message Box font to allow for user-customizations, though. Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; Settings = settings; Route = route; Activity = activity; Timetable = timetable; checkBoxReplayPauseBeforeEnd.Checked = Settings.ReplayPauseBeforeEnd; numericReplayPauseBeforeEnd.Value = Settings.ReplayPauseBeforeEndS; gridSaves_SelectionChanged(null, null); if (SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.SinglePlayerTimetableGame) { Text = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", Text, route.Name, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Timetable.fileName)); pathNameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Visible = true; } else { Text = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", Text, route.Name, activity.FilePath != null ? activity.Name : activity.Name == "+ " + catalog.GetString("Explore in Activity Mode") + " +" ? catalog.GetString("Explore in Activity Mode") : catalog.GetString("Explore Route")); pathNameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Visible = activity.FilePath == null; } if (Multiplayer) { Text += " - Multiplayer "; } LoadSaves(); }
public ManageLessonsPage(SavedEntity savedEntity) { InitializeComponent(); Title += $": {savedEntity.Name}"; timetable = EventsRepository.GetTimetableLocal(savedEntity); if (timetable == null) { return; } List <LessonInfo> lessonInfo = timetable.LessonsInfo; lessons = new ObservableCollection <LessonInfo> ( timetable.Lessons() .Select(lesson => lessonInfo.FirstOrDefault(li => li.Lesson == lesson) ?? new LessonInfo { Lesson = lesson }) .OrderBy(lesson => !timetable.Events.Where(e => e.Start >= DateTime.Now).Any(e => e.Lesson == lesson.Lesson)) .ThenBy(lesson => lesson.Lesson.ShortName) ); LessonsList.ItemsSource = lessons; if (lessons.Count == 0) { NoSourceLayout.IsVisible = true; } MessagingCenter.Subscribe <LessonSettingsPage, LessonInfo>(this, "OneLessonSettingsChanged", (sender, newLessonSettings) => { for (int i = 0; i < lessons.Count; i++) { if (lessons[i].Lesson == newLessonSettings.Lesson) { lessons[i] = newLessonSettings; lessons[i].Settings.NotifyChanged(); break; } } }); }
internal ResumeForm(UserSettings settings, Route route, MainForm.UserAction mainFormAction, Activity activity, TimetableInfo timeTable, IEnumerable <Route> mainRoutes, ICatalog catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; globalRoutes = mainRoutes; SelectedAction = mainFormAction; multiplayer = SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.MultiplayerClient || SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.MultiplayerServer; InitializeComponent(); // Needed so that setting StartPosition = CenterParent is respected. Localizer.Localize(this, catalog); this.settings = settings; this.route = route; this.activity = activity; this.timeTable = timeTable; checkBoxReplayPauseBeforeEnd.Checked = settings.ReplayPauseBeforeEnd; numericReplayPauseBeforeEnd.Value = settings.ReplayPauseBeforeEndS; GridSaves_SelectionChanged(null, null); if (SelectedAction == MainForm.UserAction.SinglePlayerTimetableGame) { Text += $" - {route.Name} - {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(timeTable.FileName)}"; pathNameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Visible = true; } else { Text += $" - { route.Name} - {(activity.GetType() == typeof(Activity) ? activity.Name : activity is ExploreThroughActivity ? catalog.GetString("Explore in Activity Mode") : catalog.GetString("Explore Route"))}"; pathNameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Visible = activity.FilePath == null; } if (multiplayer) { Text += $" - {catalog.GetString("Multiplayer")} "; } }
public static async Task <List <LessonInfo> > UpdateLessonIdsAsync(TimetableInfo timetable) { try { List <Lesson> lessons = timetable.Lessons().ToList(); bool areAllIdsPresent = lessons .Select(l => timetable.GetAndAddLessonsInfo(l)) .All(li => li.DlNureInfo.LessonId != null); if (areAllIdsPresent) { return(timetable.LessonsInfo); } List <FullCourse> courses = await new MoodleRepository().GetEnrolledCoursesAsync(); foreach (var lesson in lessons) { var lessonInfo = timetable.GetAndAddLessonsInfo(lesson); if (lessonInfo.DlNureInfo.LessonId != null) { continue; } lessonInfo.DlNureInfo.LessonId = courses.Find(lesson).FirstOrDefault()?.Id; } await EventsRepository.UpdateLessonsInfo(timetable); return(timetable.LessonsInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { EnrichException(ex, timetable.Entity); ExceptionService.LogException(ex); return(timetable.LessonsInfo); } }
private void UpdateEvents(SavedEntity selectedEntity) { if (selectedEntity == null) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Title = LN.AppName; }); TimetableLayout.IsVisible = false; NoSourceLayout.IsVisible = true; return; } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Title = selectedEntity.Name; }); NoSourceLayout.IsVisible = false; TimetableLayout.IsVisible = true; } lock (enumeratingEvents) { timetableInfo = EventsRepository.GetEvents(selectedEntity) ?? new TimetableInfo(); if (ApplyHiddingSettings) { timetableInfo.ApplyLessonSettings(); } } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (timetableInfo.Count == 0) { Timetable.DataSource = null; } else { int retriesLeft = 25; Exception exception = null; do { try { lock (enumeratingEvents) { Timetable.MinDisplayDate = timetableInfo.StartDate(); Timetable.MaxDisplayDate = timetableInfo.EndDate(); Timetable.WeekViewSettings.StartHour = 0; Timetable.WeekViewSettings.EndHour = 24; Timetable.WeekViewSettings.StartHour = timetableInfo.StartTime().TotalHours; Timetable.WeekViewSettings.EndHour = timetableInfo.EndTime().TotalHours + (Timetable.TimeInterval / 60 / 2); Timetable.DayViewSettings.StartHour = 0; Timetable.DayViewSettings.EndHour = 24; Timetable.DayViewSettings.StartHour = timetableInfo.StartTime().TotalHours; Timetable.DayViewSettings.EndHour = timetableInfo.EndTime().TotalHours + (Timetable.TimeInterval / 60 / 2); } UpdateTimetableHeight(); // Fix for bug when view header isn`t updating on first swipe try { Timetable.VisibleDatesChangedEvent -= Timetable_VisibleDatesChangedEvent; DateTime currebtDate = visibleDates.Count > 0 ? visibleDates[0] : DateTime.Now; Timetable.NavigateTo(currebtDate.AddDays(7)); Timetable.NavigateTo(currebtDate); } catch { } finally { Timetable.VisibleDatesChangedEvent += Timetable_VisibleDatesChangedEvent; } Timetable.DataSource = timetableInfo.Events.Select(ev => new EventViewModel(ev)).ToList(); UpdateTimeLeft(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { // Potential error with the SfSchedule control. Needs investigation! exception = ex; } retriesLeft--; } while (retriesLeft > 0); if (retriesLeft == 0 && exception != null) { MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, MessageTypes.ExceptionOccurred, exception); DisplayAlert(LN.TimetableDisplay, LN.TimetableDisplayError, LN.Ok); return; } } }); }
public static List <TimetableInfo> GetTimetableFromCist(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, params Group[] groups) { List <Group> groupsAllowed = groups.ToList(); //SettingsDataStore.CheckCistTimetableUpdateRights(groups); using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251"); try { List <TimetableInfo> timetables = new List <TimetableInfo>(); //GetTimetableLocal(groupsAllowed.ToArray()); // Getting events Uri uri = new Uri(Urls.CistGroupTimetableUrl(Urls.CistTimetableFormat.Csv, dateStart, dateEnd, groupsAllowed.Select(g => g.ID).ToArray())); string data = client.DownloadString(uri); Dictionary <string, List <Event> > newEvents = ParseCistCsvTimetable(data, groupsAllowed.Count > 1); if (newEvents == null) { // Parsing error return(null); } // Updating events and adding new timetables foreach (var group in groupsAllowed) { var groupEvents = new List <Event>(); if (newEvents.Keys.Contains(group.Name)) { groupEvents = newEvents[group.Name]; } else if (groupsAllowed.Count == 1 && newEvents.Count == 1) { groupEvents = newEvents.Values.First(); } TimetableInfo groupTimetable = timetables.FirstOrDefault(tt => tt.Group.ID == group.ID); if (groupTimetable == null) { groupTimetable = new TimetableInfo(group); timetables.Add(groupTimetable); } groupTimetable.Events = groupEvents; } // Updating lesson info if needed List <Group> groupsLessonInfoAllowed = groupsAllowed; //SettingsDataStore.CheckCistLessonsInfoUpdateRights(groupsAllowed.ToArray()); if (groupsLessonInfoAllowed.Count > 0) { uri = new Uri(Urls.CistGroupTimetableUrl(Urls.CistTimetableFormat.Xls, DateTime.Now, dateEnd, groupsLessonInfoAllowed.Select(g => g.ID).ToArray())); data = client.DownloadString(uri); Dictionary <string, List <LessonInfo> > groupsLessons = ParseCistXlsLessonInfo(data, groupsLessonInfoAllowed.ToArray()); if (groupsLessons != null) { foreach (var group in groupsLessonInfoAllowed) { TimetableInfo timetable = timetables.First(tt => tt.Group.ID == group.ID); // Updating lesson info excluding lesson settings foreach (var newLessonInfo in groupsLessons[group.Name]) { LessonInfo oldLessonInfo = timetable.LessonsInfo.FirstOrDefault(li => li.ShortName == newLessonInfo.ShortName); if (oldLessonInfo == null) { oldLessonInfo = new LessonInfo(); timetable.LessonsInfo.Add(oldLessonInfo); } oldLessonInfo.ShortName = newLessonInfo.ShortName; oldLessonInfo.LongName = newLessonInfo.LongName; oldLessonInfo.EventTypesInfo = newLessonInfo.EventTypesInfo; oldLessonInfo.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; } } } } // Updating LastUpdated for saved groups //List<SavedGroup> AllSavedGroups = GroupsDataStore.GetSaved(); //foreach (var group in AllSavedGroups) //{ // if (groupsAllowed.Exists(g => g.ID == group.ID)) // { // group.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; // } //} //GroupsDataStore.UpdateSaved(AllSavedGroups); // Saving timetables //foreach (var newTimetable in timetables) //{ // UpdateTimetableLocal(newTimetable); // MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, MessageTypes.TimetableUpdated, newTimetable.Group.ID); //} return(timetables); } catch (Exception) { //ExceptionService.LogException(ex); } } return(null); }
// GET: /<controller>/ public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { string user = Request.Cookies["Username"]; string pass = Request.Cookies["Password"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { return(Redirect("/Login/")); } var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); var uri = new Uri($"{user}&txtPwd={pass}&btnSubmit=Login"); var z = await GetLocation(uri.ToString()); var x = await GetCookies(z); Response.Cookies.Append("Token", x[0].Value); WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(""); foreach (var cookie in x) { webRequest.TryAddCookie(new Cookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value, "/", "")); } HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse(); var encoding = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII; string responseText; using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), encoding)) { responseText = reader.ReadToEnd(); } htmlDoc.LoadHtml(responseText); var elem1 = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("body").FirstOrDefault(); var index = elem1.Descendants("table").ToList().IndexOf(elem1.Descendants("table").FirstOrDefault(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Semester: 2 Term: 1"))); var elem2 = elem1.Descendants("table").ElementAt(index + 1); var elem3 = elem2.Descendants("tr"); var classes = elem2.Descendants("td").Where(t => t.InnerText.Contains("- RM.")); List <Class> classesList = new List <Class>(); for (int i = 0; i < classes.ToList().Count; i++) { classesList.Add(Class.parse(classes.ElementAt(i).InnerText)); var periods = classes.ElementAt(i).ParentNode.ChildNodes.Where(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Period:")); if (periods.FirstOrDefault().InnerText.Contains("RM.")) { classesList[i].Period = "0"; } else { classesList[i].Period = periods.FirstOrDefault().InnerText.Split(";")[1].Substring(0, 1); if (periods.FirstOrDefault().InnerText.Contains("HR")) { classesList[i].isHomeRoom = true; } } } int classesListSize = classesList.Count; for (int i = 1; i < classesListSize; i++) { int currentPeriod = int.Parse(classesList[i].Period); int lastPeriod = int.Parse(classesList[i - 1].Period); if (currentPeriod == 4) { if (currentPeriod != lastPeriod + 2 && currentPeriod != lastPeriod) { classesList.Add(new Class() { ClassCode = "Spare", Period = (currentPeriod - 2).ToString(), ClassRoom = "", Teacher = "" }); } } else { if (currentPeriod != lastPeriod + 1 && currentPeriod != lastPeriod) { classesList.Add(new Class() { ClassCode = "Spare", Period = (currentPeriod - 1).ToString(), ClassRoom = "", Teacher = "" }); } } } classesList = classesList.OrderBy(t => int.Parse(t.Period)).ToList(); var studentinfo = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("body").FirstOrDefault().Descendants("table").ElementAt(1).Descendants("tr").ElementAt(0).Descendants("td"); TimetableInfo tbi = new TimetableInfo(); tbi.FirstName = studentinfo.ElementAt(0).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.Split(",").LastOrDefault().Trim(); tbi.LastName = studentinfo.ElementAt(0).ChildNodes[0].InnerText.Split(",").FirstOrDefault().Trim(); tbi.StudentNum = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("td").FirstOrDefault(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Student#")).InnerText.Split(" ")[2].Substring(0, 9); tbi.OenNum = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("td").FirstOrDefault(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Student#")).InnerText.Split(" ").LastOrDefault(); tbi.Grade = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("td").FirstOrDefault(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Grade: ")).InnerText.Split(" ").LastOrDefault(); tbi.LockNum = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("td").FirstOrDefault(t => t.InnerText.Contains("Locker #: ")).InnerText.Split(" ").LastOrDefault(); tbi.Classes = classesList; return(View(model: tbi)); }
public static Timetable ParseTimetableFiles(IEnumerable <string> filesContents, DateTime date) { string[] dni = { "PN", "WT", "ŚR", "CZW", "PT", "SO", "NIE" }; Timetable timetable = new Timetable() { Date = date }; foreach (var content in filesContents) { var lines = Regex.Split(content, Environment.NewLine); Dictionary <string, string> groups = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> degrees = TimetableOLD.Models.Dictionaries.DegreesDictionary2; TimetableInfo currentInfo = new TimetableInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i].ToUpper().Trim() == "GROUPS") { string[] grs = lines.Skip(i + 1).TakeWhile(l => l.ToLower().Trim() != "end_groups.").ToArray(); foreach (var gr in grs) { string[] g = gr.Split(';'); if (!groups.ContainsKey(g[0].Trim())) { groups.Add(g[0].Trim(), g.Length > 1 ? g[1].Trim() : ""); } } i += grs.Length + 1; } else if (lines[i].ToUpper().Trim() == "INFO") { string[] infoLines = lines.Skip(i + 1).TakeWhile(l => l.ToLower().Trim() != "end_info.").ToArray(); string[] infos = infoLines[0].Split(';'); currentInfo = new TimetableInfo() { AcademicYear = infos[0].Trim(), Department = infos[1].Trim(), Mode = infos[2].Trim(), Field = infos[3].Trim(), Degree = degrees.ContainsKey(infos[4].Trim().ToUpper()) ? degrees[infos[4].Trim().ToUpper()] : infos[4].Trim(), Semester = Convert.ToInt32(infos[5].Trim()), Year = Convert.ToInt32(infos[6].Trim()), }; i += infoLines.Length + 1; } else if (dni.Contains(lines[i].ToUpper().Trim())) { DayOfWeek day = 0; for (int j = 0; j < dni.Length; j++) { if (lines[i].ToUpper().Trim() == dni[j]) { day = (DayOfWeek)j; } } string[] dayLines = lines.Skip(i + 1).TakeWhile(l => l.ToLower().Trim() != "end_day.").ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < dayLines.Length;) { string[] eventLines = lines.Skip(i + j + 1).TakeWhile(l => l.ToLower().Trim() != "end_event.").ToArray(); string name, type, room, building, remarks; List <string> lecturers = new List <string>(), facultyGroups = new List <string>(); List <string> groupsNrs = new List <string>(); DateTime startTime, endTime; name = eventLines[0].Split(';')[0].Trim(); try { type = eventLines[0].Split(';')[1].Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { type = "?"; } //TODO: add facultygroups foreach (string s in eventLines[1].Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { groupsNrs.Add(s.Trim()); } List <TimetableGroup> eventGroups = new List <TimetableGroup>(); foreach (var item in groupsNrs) { eventGroups.Add(new TimetableGroup() { Group = item, Specialization = groups.ContainsKey(item) ? groups[item] : "" }); } startTime = DateTime.ParseExact(eventLines[2].Split('-')[0], new[] { "HH:mm", "H:mm" }, null, DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces); endTime = DateTime.ParseExact(eventLines[2].Split('-')[1], new[] { "HH:mm", "H:mm" }, null, DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces); string[] where = eventLines[3].Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); room = where.Length > 0 ? where[0].Trim() : ""; building = where.Length > 1 ? where[1].Trim() : ""; foreach (string l in eventLines[4].Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { lecturers.Add(l.Trim()); } remarks = eventLines[5].Trim(); TimetableEvent ev = new TimetableEvent() { Name = name, Type = type, Groups = eventGroups, FacultyGroups = new List <string>(), StartTime = startTime, EndTime = endTime, Room = room, Building = building, Lecturers = lecturers, Remarks = remarks }; TimetableAcademicYear k = MakeTimetableAcademicYear(currentInfo.AcademicYear, currentInfo.Department, currentInfo.Mode, currentInfo.Field, currentInfo.Semester, currentInfo.Degree, currentInfo.Year, day, ev); MergeToTimetable(timetable, k); j += eventLines.Length + 1; } } } } //sorting all events SortTimetable(timetable); return(timetable); }