public void cancel() { TimerTask task = this.m_task; this.setTask((TimerTask)null); task?.cancel(); }
public Timer() { this.m_task = (TimerTask)null; this.m_delay = 0; this.m_period = 0; this.m_isFixedRate = false; }
//精力计时完成 protected void JingLiCalEnd(TimerTask task) { if (player.totalJingli > player.RTData.curJingLi) { player.RTData.curJingLi += 1; if (lab_Energy != null) { lab_Energy.SafeText(player.curJingLi.ToString() + "/" + player.totalJingli.ToString()); float res = (float)player.curJingLi / (float)player.totalJingli; if (energySlider != null) { energySlider.value = res; } } } // Debug.LogWarning (" jing li end total jingli = " + player.totalJingli + " cur jingli " + player.RTData.curJingLi); if (player.totalJingli > player.RTData.curJingLi) { long nNow = Core.TimerEng.curTime; TimerTask MonaTask = new TimerTask(nNow, nNow + player.RTData.unixTimeForJingLi, 1, ThreadType.MainThread); MonaTask.taskId = TaskID.CalJingLi; MonaTask.onEventEnd += JingLiCalEnd; MonaTask.onEvent += JingliMinus; MonaTask.DispatchToRealHandler(); } }
void OnDayChanged(TimerTask tTask) { /// /// 新手引导的时候不能执行 /// if (Core.Data.guideManger.isGuiding) { return; } HttpTask task = new HttpTask(ThreadType.MainThread, TaskResponse.Default_Response); task.AppendCommonParam(RequestType.MESSAGE_INFORMATION, new PlayerIDParam(Core.Data.playerManager.PlayerID, 100)); task.afterCompleted = (BaseHttpRequest request, BaseResponse response) => { recordDayChanged(Core.Data.playerManager.RTData.systemTime); /// /// -------- 弹出提醒用户签到 -------- /// if (CurScenesName == SceneName.MAINUI) { string content = Core.Data.stringManager.getString(55); string btn = Core.Data.stringManager.getString(5030); UIInformation.GetInstance().SetInformation(content, btn, DBUIController.mDBUIInstance.SyncBackToMainUI, DBUIController.mDBUIInstance.SyncBackToMainUI); } }; task.ErrorOccured = (BaseHttpRequest request, string error) => { ConsoleEx.DebugLog("SendFightRequest is error!"); }; task.DispatchToRealHandler(); }
//线程安全 public void deleteTask(TimerTask task) { if (task != null && taskList != null) { taskList.Remove(task); } }
void EndTimeHandleQphD(TimerTask task) { if (_UISecretShop != null) { _UISecretShop.Back_OnClick(); } }
/// <summary> /// Dispatchs to timer. Multi-thread safe. /// </summary> /// <param name="task">Task. If task equals Null, we will ignore it.</param> public void dispatchToTimer(TimerTask task) { if (task != null && taskList != null) { taskList.Add(task); } }
/// <summary> /// 开始记录下,第二天凌晨12点的时间。防止有部分用户会在晚上玩游戏之后不关闭游戏,导致服务器状态和客户端状态不一致 /// 与此同时,也记录下当天晚上9点的时间。 /// </summary> public void recordDayChanged(long sysTime) { // //------ 当天结束 ------- // long LeftOfDayEnd = DateHelper.getLeftTimingbeforeDayChanged(sysTime); ConsoleEx.DebugLog("Start to recording Day Changed.. leaving seconds = " + LeftOfDayEnd, ConsoleEx.YELLOW); long now = Core.TimerEng.curTime; TimerTask task = new TimerTask(now, now + LeftOfDayEnd, 1); task.onEventEnd = OnDayChanged; task.DispatchToRealHandler(); // // ------ 当天晚上9点 ------- // long LeftOfNineNight = DateHelper.getNineNight(sysTime); ConsoleEx.DebugLog("Start to recording 21:00.. leaving seconds = " + LeftOfNineNight, ConsoleEx.YELLOW); if (LeftOfNineNight > 0) { TimerTask task2 = new TimerTask(now, now + LeftOfNineNight, 1); task2.onEventEnd = OnNineChanged; task2.DispatchToRealHandler(); } }
void checkClientStatus(TimerTask task) { long now = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //申请读锁 readerWriterLock.EnterReadLock(); int dis = 0; foreach (VirtualClient client in ClientPool.Values) { long delta = now - client.HeartTick; if (delta > Timeout) { client.curStatus = client.curStatus.set(ClientStatus.Timeout); dis += 1; //TODO : 超时了,还算有效的链接吗, //需要 ConnectedClientCount -=1 & ReadyClientCount -= 1 吗? } else { client.curStatus = client.curStatus.clear(ClientStatus.Timeout); } } //释放读锁 readerWriterLock.ExitReadLock(); DisConnectedCount = dis; }
public PTimer(PTimerManager manager, TimerTask task) { m_manager = manager; m_manager.AddTimer(this); m_task = task; m_timeRemainingInSeconds = m_intervalInSeconds; }
//召唤结束后 清空 时间 回调 等 public void CallDragonTimeCompleted(TimerTask timerTask) { if (timerTask.taskId == TaskID.CallEarthDragonTimer) { Core.Data.dragonManager.callEarthDragonTimeCompletedDelegate = null; Core.Data.dragonManager.callEarthDragonTime = 0; this.callDragonTime = 0; Core.Data.dragonManager.DragonList[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.EarthDragon] = 0; Core.Data.dragonManager.callDragonSucceed[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.EarthDragon] = true; this.callDragonCompletedTaskID[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.EarthDragon] = timerTask.taskId; } else if (timerTask.taskId == TaskID.CallNMKXDragonTimer) { Core.Data.dragonManager.callNMKXDragonTimeCompletedDelegate = null; Core.Data.dragonManager.callNMKXDragonTime = 0; this.callDragonTime = 0; Core.Data.dragonManager.DragonList[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.NMKXDragon] = 0; Core.Data.dragonManager.callDragonSucceed[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.NMKXDragon] = true; this.callDragonCompletedTaskID[(int)DragonManager.DragonType.NMKXDragon] = timerTask.taskId; } showCallDragonTime(); // Debug.Log(" check call dragon succeed in CallDragonTimeCompleteddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"); if (Application.loadedLevelName != "GameUI") { return; } checkCallDragonSucceed(); }
protected void CleanUp(string testFolder = DefaultRuntimeFolder) { Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up test."); if (TimerTask != null) { TestTimer.Stop(); TimerTask.Dispose(); TimerTask = null; } // Wait for file upload task to complete Thread.Sleep(500); string dir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), testFolder); try { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } } catch (IOException) { // do not fail if clean up is unsuccessful } }
public IActionResult Remove(Guid id) { using (var db = new AllInOneContext.AllInOneContext()) { using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { TimerTask delObj = db.TimerTask.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TimerTaskId.Equals(id)); if (delObj == null || !delObj.PlanId.Equals(id)) { return(NotFound()); } db.TimerTask.Remove(delObj); db.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); //移除任务服务器的预案 string url = string.Format("{0}/Task/PlanAction/{1}", GlobalSetting.TaskServerBaseUrl, id); string responseContent = ""; HttpClientHelper.Delete(url, ref responseContent); return(NoContent()); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); _logger.LogError("删除定时任务异常,Message:{0}\r\nStackTrace:{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(ex)); } } } }
public TimerTask AddTimerTask(Action ac, float interval) { var task = new TimerTask(ac, interval); mTimerTaskList.Add(task); return(task); }
public IActionResult Add([FromBody] TimerTask task) { if (task == null) { return(BadRequest()); } using (var db = new AllInOneContext.AllInOneContext()) { try { //计算预案的下一执行时间 db.TimerTask.Add(task); db.SaveChanges(); //将预案发送到任务服务器 string url = string.Format("{0}/Task/PlanAction", GlobalSetting.TaskServerBaseUrl); HttpClientHelper.Post <TimerTask>(task, url); return(CreatedAtAction("", task)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("新增定时任务异常,Message:{0}\r\nStackTrace{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(ex)); } } }
public IActionResult Update([FromBody] TimerTask task) { if (task == null) { return(BadRequest("TimerTask object is null!")); } using (var db = new AllInOneContext.AllInOneContext()) { using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { db.TimerTask.Update(task); transaction.Commit(); return(NoContent()); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); _logger.LogError("更新定时任务异常,Message:{0}\r\nStackTrace{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(ex)); } } } }
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId) { Task.Run(() => { try { PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)GetSystemService(Context.PowerService); PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.NewWakeLock(WakeLockFlags.Partial, "My Tag"); wl.Acquire(); var counter = new TimerTask(); counter.RunTimer(_cts, startId).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (_cts.IsCancellationRequested) { var message = new CancelledMessage(); //Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread( // () => MessagingCenter.Send(message, "CancelledMessage") //); } } }, _cts.Token); return(StartCommandResult.Sticky); }
/// <summary> /// start auto cycle. </summary> /// <param name="delay"> delay time </param> /// <param name="duration"> animation duration time. </param> /// <param name="autoRecover"> if recover after user touches the slider. </param> public virtual void startAutoCycle(long delay, long duration, bool autoRecover) { if (mCycleTimer != null) { mCycleTimer.Cancel(); } if (mCycleTask != null) { mCycleTask.Cancel(); } if (mResumingTask != null) { mResumingTask.Cancel(); } if (mResumingTimer != null) { mResumingTimer.Cancel(); } mSliderDuration = duration; mCycleTimer = new Timer(); mAutoRecover = autoRecover; mCycleTask = new TimerTaskAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this); mCycleTimer.Schedule(mCycleTask, delay, mSliderDuration); mCycling = true; mAutoCycle = true; }
public void RemoveTimerTask(TimerTask task) { if (mTimerTaskList.Contains(task)) { mTimerTaskList.Remove(task); } }
public void startMianZhanTimer(long startTime, long endTime) { TimerTask task = new TimerTask(startTime, endTime, 1); task.taskId = TaskID.DragonMianZhanTimer; task.onEventEnd += mianZhanTimeCompleted; this.mianZhanTime = endTime - startTime; this.mianZhanTime = this.mianZhanTime <= 0 ? 0 : this.mianZhanTime; if (this.mianZhanTimerEvent != null) { this.mianZhanTimerEvent(this.mianZhanTime); } task.onEvent += (TimerTask t) => { if (task.taskId == TaskID.DragonMianZhanTimer) { this.mianZhanTime = t.leftTime; if (this.mianZhanTimerEvent != null) { this.mianZhanTimerEvent(this.mianZhanTime); } } }; task.DispatchToRealHandler(); }
void OnTimer(TimerTask task) { int pron = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> itor in m_dicTimer) { if (itor.Value == task._Id) { pron = itor.Key; break; } } if (pron != -1) { if (m_dicZhaomuData.ContainsKey(pron)) { ZhaoMuStateData state = m_dicZhaomuData [pron]; state.coolTime = task.leftTime; } else { RED.LogWarning("zhaomu pron data not find " + pron); } } else { RED.LogWarning("zhaomu timer task id not find " + task._Id); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Start(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.Information("Message Bus starting"); if (_cancellationTokenSource != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Message Bus not Stopped"); } _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _cancellationTokenRegistration = cancellationToken.Register(Stop); SendHandshake(); // ReSharper disable once InconsistentlySynchronizedField foreach (var subscribeHandler in _subscribeHandlers) { subscribeHandler.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token, SyncMode); } // ReSharper disable once InconsistentlySynchronizedField foreach (var requestHandler in _requestHandlers) { requestHandler.Start(_cancellationTokenSource.Token, SyncMode); } _handshakeTask = new TimerTask(); if (!SyncMode) { _handshakeTask.Start(SendHandshake, 30000, _cancellationTokenSource.Token); } _logger.Information("Message Bus started"); }
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CMSEmergencySystem.Email.GetExcelFile.DataTable(); //Controllers.EmailController.JobSchedule.Start(); TimerTask tt = new TimerTask(); //tt.initAllTimerTask(); }
public void scheduleRepeated(TimerTask task, long period) { lock (this) { if (_instance == null) { throw new Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException(); } Token token = new Token(Time.currentMonotonicTimeMillis() + period, ++_tokenId, period, task); try { _tasks.Add(task, token); _tokens.Add(token, null); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { Debug.Assert(false); } if (token.scheduledTime < _wakeUpTime) { Monitor.Pulse(this); } } }
protected void CleanUp(string testFolder = DefaultRuntimeFolder) { Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "Cleaning up test."); if (_enableRealtimeLogUpload) { if (TimerTask != null) { TestTimer.Stop(); TimerTask.Dispose(); TimerTask = null; } // Wait for file upload task to complete Thread.Sleep(500); } string dir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), testFolder); try { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } } catch (IOException) { // do not fail if clean up is unsuccessful } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { // do not fail if clean up is unsuccessful } }
Token(long scheduledTime, int id, long delay, TimerTask task) { this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; = id; this.delay = delay; this.task = task; }
/// <summary> /// Called from <see cref="Handle.Stop"/> to remove a task from the queue. /// </summary> /// <param name="taskObj"></param> /// <param name="evt"></param> private void ForceStopFromHandle(object taskObj, TimerEvent evt) { TimerTask task = (taskObj as TimerTask); this.tasks[(int)evt].Remove(task); this.taskHandleMapping.Remove(task.handle); }
public ActionResult AddTask(TimerTask timerTask, string email) { try { var destPath = Server.MapPath("~/XmlDataBase/Timerdb.xml"); XElement root = XElement.Load(destPath); IEnumerable <XElement> xElement = root.Elements(); if (xElement != null) { var test = xElement.FirstOrDefault(x => { var element = x.Element("Email"); return(element != null && element.Value == email); }); test?.Add(new XElement("AddedTask", new XElement("NameofTask", timerTask.NameOfTask), new XElement("Description", timerTask.Description), new XElement("ElaspedTime", timerTask.Timer) )); } root.Save(destPath); return(RedirectToAction("CounterView", new { id = timerTask.Timer })); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["status"] = "error"; TempData["msg"] = ex.InnerException; return(View()); } }
void StartTimer(ZhaoMuStateData state) { if (m_dicZhaomuData.ContainsKey(state.pron)) { m_dicZhaomuData [state.pron] = state; } else { m_dicZhaomuData.Add(state.pron, state); } if (m_dicTimer.ContainsKey(state.pron)) { Core.TimerEng.deleteTask(m_dicTimer [state.pron]); m_dicTimer.Remove(state.pron); } long curTime = Core.TimerEng.curTime; if (state.coolTime > 0) { TimerTask task = new TimerTask(curTime, curTime + state.coolTime, 1, ThreadType.MainThread); task.onEventEnd = OnTimeEnd; task.onEvent = OnTimer; task.DispatchToRealHandler(); m_dicTimer.Add(state.pron, task._Id); } }
public static void StopTimerTask(TimerTask timerTask) { if (_RunningTimerTaskList.Contains(timerTask)) { timerTask.bTaskRunning = false; _RunningTimerTaskList.Remove(timerTask); } }
public void Schedule(IThreadRunnable task, long delay) { Timer timer = new Timer(); TimerTask task2 = new TimerTask(this, timer, task); timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(task2.OnTimedEvent); timer.AutoReset = false; timer.Interval = (delay < 1L) ? ((double) 1L) : ((double) delay); lock (this) { this._timers.Add(timer); } timer.Start(); }
public bool cancel(TimerTask task) { lock(this) { if(_instance == null) { return false; } Token token; if(!_tasks.TryGetValue(task, out token)) { return false; } _tasks.Remove(task); _tokens.Remove(token); return true; } }
protected void debugTimerTestThread() { // create set (timer task). initially empty TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask("ShortTimers"); Console.WriteLine("Start timers " + DateTime.Now); // create two types of timers TimerList timers_5sec = new TimerList("5sec", 5 * 1000, 100, this.Timer5sHandler, timerTask); TimerList timers_30sec = new TimerList("30sec", 30 * 1000, 100, this.Timer30sHandler, timerTask); timerTask.Start(); // start some timers timers_5sec.Start(); timers_5sec.Start(); timers_5sec.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); timers_5sec.Start(); ITimer timer; long timerId; timers_30sec.Start(out timer, out timerId, null, false); timers_5sec.Start(); debugTimerShowCallback(null, null, null); // wait for the first timer to expire Thread.Sleep(10 * 1000); timers_30sec.Stop(timer, timerId); Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); debugTimerShowCallback(null, null, null); // clean up timers_5sec.Dispose(); timers_30sec.Dispose(); timerTask.Dispose(); }
public void AddTimerTask(TimerTask task) { lock (this.dicTimerContent) { if (this.dicTimerContent.ContainsKey(task.Name)) { this.dicTimerContent.Remove(task.Name); } this.dicTimerContent.Add(task.Name, task); } }
public PTimer(PTimerManager manager, TimerTask task) { m_manager = manager; m_manager.AddTimer(this); m_task = task; }
public void Schedule(TimerTask field98257B, long l, long l1) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public void RenewTimer() { if (null != timer) timer.Cancel (); timer_task = new MyTimerTask2 (this); timer = new Timer (); timer.Schedule (timer_task, SCREEN_ON_TIMEOUT_MS); }
public void scheduleRepeated(TimerTask task, long period) { lock(this) { if(_instance == null) { throw new Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException(); } Token token = new Token(Time.currentMonotonicTimeMillis() + period, ++_tokenId, period, task); try { _tasks.Add(task, token); _tokens.Add(token, null); } catch(System.ArgumentException) { Debug.Assert(false); } if(token.scheduledTime < _wakeUpTime) { System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(this); } } }
public Token(long scheduledTime, int id, long delay, TimerTask task) { this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; = id; this.delay = delay; this.task = task; }