Esempio n. 1
 public PortGPIB(int BoardNumber, Address GPIBAddress, TimeoutValue Timeout)
     dev = new Device(BoardNumber, GPIBAddress)
         IOTimeout = Timeout
Esempio n. 2
 public RedLockTimeouts(
     TimeoutValue expiry,
     TimeoutValue minValidityTime)
     this.Expiry          = expiry;
     this.MinValidityTime = minValidityTime;
Esempio n. 3
        private async Task <bool> DoKeepaliveAsync(TimeoutValue keepaliveCadence, CancellationToken stateChangedToken)
            await Task.Delay(keepaliveCadence.InMilliseconds, stateChangedToken).TryAwait();

            if (stateChangedToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // retrieve only after the delay to avoid this reference longer than needed
            if (!this._weakConnection.TryGetTarget(out var connection))

            // We do a zero-wait try-lock here because if the connection is in-use then someone is querying with it. In that case,
            // There's no need for us to run a keepalive query. Since we are using zero timeout, we don't bother to pass the cancellationToken;
            // this saves us from having to handle cancellation exceptions
            using var connectionLockHandle = await this._connectionLock.TryAcquireAsync(TimeSpan.Zero, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (connectionLockHandle != null)
                using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.SetCommandText("SELECT 0 /* DistributedLock connection keepalive */");
                // Since this query is very fast and non-blocking, we don't bother trying to cancel it. This avoids having
                // to deal with the overhead of throwing exceptions within ExecuteNonQueryAsync()
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken.None, disallowAsyncCancellation : false, isConnectionMonitoringQuery : true).AsTask().TryAwait();

Esempio n. 4
        public async ValueTask <IDistributedSynchronizationHandle?> TryAcquireAsync <TLockCookie>(
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            IDbSynchronizationStrategy <TLockCookie> strategy,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            where TLockCookie : class
            IDistributedSynchronizationHandle?result = null;
            IAsyncDisposable?connectionResource      = null;

                DatabaseConnection connection;
                if (contextHandle != null)
                    connection = GetContextHandleConnection <TLockCookie>(contextHandle);
                    connectionResource = connection = this._connectionFactory();
                    if (connection.IsExernallyOwned)
                        if (!connection.CanExecuteQueries)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("The connection and/or transaction are disposed or closed");
                        await connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (this._transactionScopedIfPossible) // for an internally-owned connection, we must create the transaction
                            await connection.BeginTransactionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var lockCookie = await strategy.TryAcquireAsync(connection, this._name, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (lockCookie != null)
                    result = new Handle <TLockCookie>(connection, strategy, this._name, lockCookie, transactionScoped: this._transactionScopedIfPossible && connection.HasTransaction, connectionResource);
                    if (!this._keepaliveCadence.IsInfinite)
                // if we fail to acquire or throw, make sure to clean up the connection
                if (result == null && connectionResource != null)
                    await connectionResource.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

 public AgPowerSupply(byte address, TimeoutValue timeout)
     : this()
     settings             = AgSettings.DefaultSettings;
     settings.GpibAddress = address;
     settings.GpibTimeout = timeout;
     this.InternalConnect( );
Esempio n. 6
 public TimeoutTask(TimeoutValue timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     this._cleanupTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
     this._linkedTokenSource  = cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled
         ? CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, this._cleanupTokenSource.Token)
         : null;
     this.Task = Task.Delay(timeout.TimeSpan, this._linkedTokenSource?.Token ?? this._cleanupTokenSource.Token);
 public void SetTimeout(TimeoutValue operationTimeout)
     this._command.CommandTimeout = operationTimeout.IsInfinite
                                    // use the infinite timeout of 0
                                    // (see
         ? 0
                                    // command timeout is in seconds. We always wait at least the given timeout plus a buffer
         : operationTimeout.InSeconds + 30;
        public async ValueTask <Result> TryAcquireAsync <TLockCookie>(
            string name,
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            IDbSynchronizationStrategy <TLockCookie> strategy,
            TimeoutValue keepaliveCadence,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            bool opportunistic)
            where TLockCookie : class
            using var mutextHandle = await this._mutex.TryAcquireAsync(opportunistic?TimeSpan.Zero : Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (mutextHandle == null)
                // mutex wasn't free, so just give up
                // The current lock is busy so we allow retry but on a different lock instance. We can't safely dispose
                // since we never acquired the mutex so we can't check _heldLocks
                return(new Result(MultiplexedConnectionLockRetry.Retry, canSafelyDispose: false));

                if (this._heldLocksToKeepaliveCadences.ContainsKey(name))
                    // we won't try to hold the same lock twice on one connection. At some point, we could
                    // support this case in-memory using a counter for each multiply-held lock name and being careful
                    // with modes
                    return(this.GetFailureResultNoLock(isAlreadyHeld: true, opportunistic, timeout));

                if (!this._connection.CanExecuteQueries)
                    await this._connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var lockCookie = await strategy.TryAcquireAsync(this._connection, name, opportunistic?TimeSpan.Zero : timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (lockCookie != null)
                    var handle = new ManagedFinalizationDistributedLockHandle(new Handle <TLockCookie>(this, strategy, name, lockCookie));
                    this._heldLocksToKeepaliveCadences.Add(name, keepaliveCadence);
                    if (!keepaliveCadence.IsInfinite)
                    return(new Result(handle));

                // we failed to acquire the lock, so we should retry if we were being opportunistic and artificially
                // shortened the timeout
                return(this.GetFailureResultNoLock(isAlreadyHeld: false, opportunistic, timeout));
                await this.CloseConnectionIfNeededNoLockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
 public AMP_FL8611(byte address, TimeoutValue timeout)
     : this()
     settings             = AgSettings.DefaultSettings;
     settings.GpibAddress = address;
     settings.GpibTimeout = timeout;
     this.gpib            = new GpibDriver(this.settings.GpibAddress);
     gpib.GetIdentity( );
        async ValueTask <OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockUpgradeableHandle?> IInternalDistributedUpgradeableReaderWriterLock <OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockHandle, OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockUpgradeableHandle> .InternalTryAcquireUpgradeableReadLockAsync(
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var innerHandle = await this._internalLock
                              .TryAcquireAsync(timeout, OracleDbmsLock.UpdateLock, cancellationToken, contextHandle : null).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(innerHandle != null ? new OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockUpgradeableHandle(innerHandle, this._internalLock) : null);
        async ValueTask <OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockHandle?> IInternalDistributedReaderWriterLock <OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockHandle> .InternalTryAcquireAsync(
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            bool isWrite)
            var innerHandle = await this._internalLock
                              .TryAcquireAsync(timeout, isWrite?OracleDbmsLock.ExclusiveLock : OracleDbmsLock.SharedLock, cancellationToken, contextHandle : null).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(innerHandle != null ? new OracleDistributedReaderWriterLockNonUpgradeableHandle(innerHandle) : null);
Esempio n. 12
        private DatabaseCommand CreateAcquireCommand(
            DatabaseConnection connection,
            string lockName,
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            out IDbDataParameter returnValue)
            var command = connection.CreateCommand();

            if (connection.IsExernallyOwned || this._isUpgrade)
                returnValue = command.AddParameter("Result", type: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output);

                const string CurrentOwnerMode  = "APPLOCK_MODE('public', @Resource, @LockOwner)",
                             GetAppLock        = "EXEC @Result = dbo.sp_getapplock @Resource=@Resource, @LockMode=@LockMode, @LockOwner=@LockOwner, @LockTimeout=@LockTimeout, @DbPrincipal='public'";
                var alternateOwnerHasLockCheck = connection.IsExernallyOwned && connection.HasTransaction
                    ? " OR APPLOCK_MODE('public', @Resource, 'Session') != 'NoLock'"
                    : string.Empty;

                if (this._isUpgrade)
                        $@"DECLARE @Mode NVARCHAR(32) = {CurrentOwnerMode}
                        IF @Mode = 'NoLock'
                            SET @Result = {InvalidUpgradeExitCode}
                        ELSE IF @Mode != '{GetModeString(Mode.Update)}'{alternateOwnerHasLockCheck}
                            SET @Result = {AlreadyHeldExitCode}
                        $@"IF {CurrentOwnerMode} != 'NoLock'{alternateOwnerHasLockCheck}
                            SET @Result = {AlreadyHeldExitCode}
                returnValue = command.AddParameter(type: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.ReturnValue);

            command.AddParameter("Resource", lockName);
            command.AddParameter("LockMode", GetModeString(this._mode));
            command.AddParameter("LockOwner", connection.HasTransaction ? "Transaction" : "Session");
            command.AddParameter("LockTimeout", timeout.InMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// The lock expiry determines how long the lock will be held without being extended. However, since it takes some amount
        /// of time to acquire the lock, we will not have all of expiry available upon acquisition.
        /// This value sets a minimum amount which we'll be guaranteed to have left once acquisition completes.
        /// Defaults to 90% of the specified lock expiry.
        /// </summary>
        public RedisDistributedSynchronizationOptionsBuilder MinValidityTime(TimeSpan minValidityTime)
            var minValidityTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(minValidityTime, nameof(minValidityTime));

            if (minValidityTimeoutValue.IsZero)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minValidityTime), minValidityTime, "may not be zero");
            this._minValidityTime = minValidityTimeoutValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies how long the lock will last, absent auto-extension. Because auto-extension exists,
        /// this value generally will have little effect on program behavior. However, making the expiry longer means that
        /// auto-extension requests can occur less frequently, saving resources. On the other hand, when a lock is abandoned
        /// without explicit release (e. g. if the holding process crashes), the expiry determines how long other processes
        /// would need to wait in order to acquire it.
        /// Defaults to 30s.
        /// </summary>
        public RedisDistributedSynchronizationOptionsBuilder Expiry(TimeSpan expiry)
            var expiryTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(expiry, nameof(expiry));

            if (expiryTimeoutValue.IsInfinite || expiryTimeoutValue.CompareTo(MinimumExpiry) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(expiry), expiry, $"Must be >= {MinimumExpiry.TimeSpan} and < ∞");
            this._expiry = expiryTimeoutValue;
 public DedicatedConnectionOrTransactionDbDistributedLock(
     string name,
     Func <DatabaseConnection> connectionFactory,
     bool useTransaction,
     TimeoutValue keepaliveCadence)
     this._name = name;
     this._connectionFactory       = connectionFactory;
     this._scopeToOwnedTransaction = useTransaction;
     this._keepaliveCadence        = keepaliveCadence;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a lock with the given <paramref name="name"/>.
        /// <paramref name="abandonmentCheckCadence"/> specifies how frequently we refresh our <see cref="Semaphore"/> object in case it is abandoned by
        /// its original owner. The default is 2s.
        /// Unless <paramref name="exactName"/> is specified, <paramref name="name"/> will be escaped/hashed to ensure name validity.
        /// </summary>
        public WaitHandleDistributedSemaphore(string name, int maxCount, TimeSpan?abandonmentCheckCadence = null, bool exactName = false)
            if (maxCount < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxCount), maxCount, "must be positive");

            this.Name     = DistributedWaitHandleHelpers.ValidateAndFinalizeName(name, exactName);
            this.MaxCount = maxCount;
            this._abandonmentCheckCadence = DistributedWaitHandleHelpers.ValidateAndFinalizeAbandonmentCheckCadence(abandonmentCheckCadence);
Esempio n. 17
        public GpibDriver(byte primaryAddress, TimeoutValue timeout)
            device_ = null;
            int  boardId          = 0;
            byte secondaryAddress = 0;

            device_ = new Device(boardId, primaryAddress, secondaryAddress, timeout);
            device_.SynchronizeCallbacks       = true;
            device_.DefaultBufferSize          = 1048576;
            device_.EndOfStringCharacter       = 0x0A;
            device_.TerminateReadOnEndOfString = true;
Esempio n. 18
 public RedLockHandle(
     IRedLockExtensibleSynchronizationPrimitive primitive,
     Dictionary <IDatabase, Task <bool> > tryAcquireTasks,
     TimeoutValue extensionCadence,
     TimeoutValue expiry)
     this._primitive        = primitive;
     this._tryAcquireTasks  = tryAcquireTasks;
     this._extensionCadence = extensionCadence;
     this._expiry           = expiry;
     // important to set this last, since the monitor constructor will read other fields of this
     this._monitor = new LeaseMonitor(this);
Esempio n. 19
        async ValueTask <EventWaitHandleDistributedLockHandle?> IInternalDistributedLock <EventWaitHandleDistributedLockHandle> .InternalTryAcquireAsync(
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var @event = await DistributedWaitHandleHelpers.CreateAndWaitAsync(
                createHandle : this.CreateEvent,
                abandonmentCheckCadence : this._abandonmentCheckCadence,
                timeout : timeout,
                cancellationToken : cancellationToken

            return(@event != null ? new EventWaitHandleDistributedLockHandle(@event) : null);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies how long the lease will last, absent auto-renewal.
        /// If auto-renewal is enabled (the default), then a shorter duration means more frequent auto-renewal requests,
        /// while an infinite duration means no auto-renewal requests. Furthermore, if the lease-holding process were to
        /// exit without explicitly releasing, then duration determines how long other processes would need to wait in
        /// order to acquire the lease.
        /// If auto-renewal is disabled, then duration determines how long the lease will be held.
        /// Defaults to 30s.
        /// </summary>
        public AzureBlobLeaseOptionsBuilder Duration(TimeSpan duration)
            var durationTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(duration, nameof(duration));

            if (durationTimeoutValue.CompareTo(MinLeaseDuration) < 0 ||
                (!durationTimeoutValue.IsInfinite && durationTimeoutValue.CompareTo(MaxNonInfiniteLeaseDuration) > 0))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(duration), duration, $"Must be infinite or in [{MinLeaseDuration}, {MaxNonInfiniteLeaseDuration}]");

            this._duration = durationTimeoutValue;
        private void SetKeepaliveCadenceNoLock()
            TimeoutValue minCadence = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;

            foreach (var kvp in this._heldLocksToKeepaliveCadences)
                if (kvp.Value.CompareTo(minCadence) < 0)
                    minCadence = kvp.Value;
Esempio n. 22
        public static async Task <bool> WaitAsync(this Task task, TimeoutValue timeout)
            if (!task.IsCompleted)
                using var timeoutTask = new TimeoutTask(timeout, CancellationToken.None);
                if (await Task.WhenAny(task, timeoutTask.Task) != task)

            await task;

Esempio n. 23
        public static bool WaitUntil(Func <bool> condition, TimeoutValue timeout = TimeoutValue.High, double delay = 0.5)
            var watch = DateTime.Now.ToEpoch();

            while (watch + (int)timeout > DateTime.Now.ToEpoch())
                if (condition())

Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the <paramref name="sessionTimeout"/> for connections to ZooKeeper. Because the underlying ZooKeeper client periodically renews
        /// the session, this value generally will not impact behavior. Lower values mean that locks will be released more quickly following a crash
        /// of the lock-holding process, but also increase the risk that transient connection issues will result in a dropped lock.
        /// Defaults to 20s.
        /// </summary>
        public ZooKeeperDistributedSynchronizationOptionsBuilder SessionTimeout(TimeSpan sessionTimeout)
            var sessionTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(sessionTimeout, nameof(sessionTimeout));

            if (sessionTimeoutValue.IsZero)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(sessionTimeout), "must be positive");
            if (sessionTimeoutValue.IsInfinite)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(sessionTimeout), "must not be infinite");

            this._sessionTimeout = sessionTimeoutValue;
Esempio n. 25
        public static async ValueTask <bool> ParseExitCodeAsync(int exitCode, TimeoutValue timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // sp_getapplock exit codes documented at

            switch (exitCode)
            case 0:
            case 1:

            case TimeoutExitCode:

            case -2:     // canceled
                throw new OperationCanceledException(GetErrorMessage(exitCode, "canceled"));

            case -3:     // deadlock
                throw new DeadlockException(GetErrorMessage(exitCode, "deadlock"));

            case -999:     // parameter / unknown
                throw new ArgumentException(GetErrorMessage(exitCode, "parameter validation or other error"));

            case InvalidUpgradeExitCode:
                // should never happen unless something goes wrong (e. g. user manually releases the lock on an externally-owned connection)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot upgrade to an exclusive lock because the update lock is not held");

            case AlreadyHeldExitCode:
                return(timeout.IsZero ? false
                        : timeout.IsInfinite ? throw new DeadlockException("Attempted to acquire a lock that is already held on the same connection")
                        : await WaitThenReturnFalseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));

                if (exitCode <= 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(GetErrorMessage(exitCode, "unknown"));
                return(true);    // unknown success code

            async ValueTask <bool> WaitThenReturnFalseAsync()
                await SyncViaAsync.Delay(timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

 public OptimisticConnectionMultiplexingDbDistributedLock(
     string name,
     string connectionString,
     MultiplexedConnectionLockPool multiplexedConnectionLockPool,
     TimeoutValue keepaliveCadence)
     this._name             = name;
     this._connectionString = connectionString;
     this._multiplexedConnectionLockPool = multiplexedConnectionLockPool;
     this._keepaliveCadence = keepaliveCadence;
     this._fallbackLock     = new DedicatedConnectionOrTransactionDbDistributedLock(
         () => this._multiplexedConnectionLockPool.ConnectionFactory(this._connectionString),
         useTransaction: false,
         keepaliveCadence: keepaliveCadence
        public ValueTask <IDistributedSynchronizationHandle?> TryAcquireAsync <TLockCookie>(
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            IDbSynchronizationStrategy <TLockCookie> strategy,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            where TLockCookie : class
            // cannot multiplex for updates, since we cannot predict whether or not there will be a request to elevate
            // to an exclusive lock which asks for a long timeout
            if (!strategy.IsUpgradeable && contextHandle == null)
                return(this._multiplexedConnectionLockPool.TryAcquireAsync(this._connectionString, this._name, timeout, strategy, keepaliveCadence: this._keepaliveCadence, cancellationToken));

            // otherwise, fall back to our fallback lock
            return(this._fallbackLock.TryAcquireAsync(timeout, strategy, cancellationToken, contextHandle));
        /// <summary>
        /// Waiting to acquire a lock requires a busy wait that alternates acquire attempts and sleeps.
        /// This determines how much time is spent sleeping between attempts. Lower values will raise the
        /// volume of acquire requests under contention but will also raise the responsiveness (how long
        /// it takes a waiter to notice that a contended the lock has become available).
        /// Specifying a range of values allows the implementation to select an actual value in the range
        /// at random for each sleep. This helps avoid the case where two clients become "synchronized"
        /// in such a way that results in one client monopolizing the lock.
        /// The default is [10ms, 800ms]
        /// </summary>
        public RedisDistributedSynchronizationOptionsBuilder BusyWaitSleepTime(TimeSpan min, TimeSpan max)
            var minTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(min, nameof(min));
            var maxTimeoutValue = new TimeoutValue(max, nameof(max));

            if (minTimeoutValue.IsInfinite)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(min), "may not be infinite");
            if (maxTimeoutValue.IsInfinite || maxTimeoutValue.CompareTo(min) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(max), max, "must be non-infinite and greater than " + nameof(min));

            this._minBusyWaitSleepTime = minTimeoutValue;
            this._maxBusyWaitSleepTime = maxTimeoutValue;
Esempio n. 29
        async ValueTask <object?> IDbSynchronizationStrategy <object> .TryAcquireAsync(
            DatabaseConnection connection,
            string resourceName,
            TimeoutValue timeout,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return(await this.ExecuteAcquireCommandAsync(connection, resourceName, timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) ? Cookie : null);
            catch (OperationCanceledException) when(cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                // If the command is canceled, I believe there's a slim chance that acquisition just completed before the cancellation went through.
                // In that case, I'm pretty sure it won't be rolled back. Therefore, to be safe we issue a try-release
                await ExecuteReleaseCommandAsync(connection, resourceName, isTry : true).ConfigureAwait(false);

Esempio n. 30
        public void TestProperties()
            Assert.AreEqual(0, default(TimeoutValue).InMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, default(TimeoutValue).InSeconds);

            TimeoutValue infinite = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;

            Assert.AreEqual(-1, infinite.InMilliseconds);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => infinite.InSeconds.ToString());

            TimeoutValue normal = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.4);

            Assert.AreEqual(10400, normal.InMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, normal.InSeconds);
 // Summary:
 //     Opens and initializes a device and configures it according to the specified
 //     board number, primary address, secondary address, and timeout.
 // Parameters:
 //   boardNumber:
 //     Index of the access board for the device.
 //   primaryAddress:
 //     The primary GPIB address of the device.
 //   secondaryAddress:
 //     The secondary GPIB address of the device.
 //   timeoutValue:
 //     The I/O timeout value.
 // Exceptions:
 //   NationalInstruments.NI4882.GpibException:
 //     The NI-488.2 driver returns an error as a result of calling this method.
 //   System.ObjectDisposedException:
 //     This member is called after the NationalInstruments.NI4882.Device.Dispose()
 //     method has been called directly from your code or indirectly through a finalizer.
 //   System.DllNotFoundException:
 //     The NI-488.2 driver library cannot be found.
 //   System.EntryPointNotFoundException:
 //     A required operation in the NI-488.2 driver library cannot be found.
 //   System.ArgumentException:
 //      The primaryAddress parameter is invalid.
 //     -or-
 //     The secondaryAddress parameter is invalid.
 //   System.InvalidOperationException:
 //      The inner exception is set to the NationalInstruments.NI4882.GpibException
 //     due to one of the following conditions:
 //     A different process owns a lock for the interface.
 //     -or-
 //     boardNumber is within the range 0-99, but the interface board described by
 //     boardNumber is not installed nor properly configured.
 //     -or-
 //     Asynchronous I/O operation in progress.
 //     -or-
 //     The interface board is not Controller-In-Charge.
 //     -or-
 //     DMA error.
 //     -or-
 //     GPIB bus error.
 // Remarks:
 //     NationalInstruments.NI4882.Device.SetEndOnWrite is set to true, and NationalInstruments.NI4882.Device.EndOfStringCharacter
 //     is set to 0 during constructor.
 public Device(int boardNumber, byte primaryAddress, byte secondaryAddress, TimeoutValue timeoutValue);