public TimelineState GetTimelineState(GameObject sourceObject = null) { if (_timelineState == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_file._filePath)) { if (_stateMachine != null) { foreach (TimelineState state in _stateMachine._states) { if (state._stateId == _stateId) { _timelineState = state; break; } } } else { throw new Exception("TimelineStateRefProperty need to be fixed up by TimelineStateMachine"); } } else { TextAsset asset = _file.LoadAsset(); _stateMachine = TimelineStateMachine.FromTextAsset(asset, sourceObject); _file.UnloadAsset(); _timelineState = _stateMachine.GetTimelineState(_stateId); } } return(_timelineState); }
public static void FixupStateRefs(TimelineStateMachine timeLineStateMachine, object obj) { if (obj != null) { object[] nodeFieldObjects = SerializedFieldInfo.GetSerializedFieldInstances(obj); foreach (object nodeFieldObject in nodeFieldObjects) { TimelineStateRef stateRefProperty = nodeFieldObject as TimelineStateRef; if (stateRefProperty != null) { stateRefProperty.FixUpRef(timeLineStateMachine); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR LocalisedStringRef localisedstring = nodeFieldObject as LocalisedStringRef; if (localisedstring != null) { localisedstring.SetEditorStateMachine(timeLineStateMachine); } #endif } FixupStateRefs(timeLineStateMachine, nodeFieldObject); } } }
public void Save() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentFileName)) { //If we're in state view first need to apply state changes to state machine view if (_currentMode == eMode.ViewingState) { _editedState.GetEditableObject()._timeline = _stateEditor.ConvertToTimeline(); } //Update state machine name to reflect filename TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = ConvertToTimelineStateMachine(); stateMachine._name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_currentFileName); //Save to file SerializeConverter.ToFile(stateMachine, _currentFileName); ClearDirtyFlag(); _stateEditor.ClearDirtyFlag(); GetEditorWindow().DoRepaint(); //Hack, save string on save scene Localisation.SaveStrings(); } else { SaveAs(); } }
public static void OnTimelineStateStarted(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineState state, string fileName) { TimelineStateMachine parentStateMachine = state._debugParentStateMachine; if (parentStateMachine != null) { if (parentStateMachine != null) { StateInfo stateInfo; if (!_stateMachineMap.TryGetValue(stateMachine.gameObject, out stateInfo)) { stateInfo = new StateInfo(); _stateMachineMap.Add(stateMachine.gameObject, stateInfo); } stateInfo._stateMachine = parentStateMachine; stateInfo._state = state; stateInfo._time = 0.0f; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { stateInfo._fileName = fileName; } } } }
private void UpdateStateName() { _editorStateName = "<none>"; switch (_editorLinkType) { case eType.External: { if (_file._editorAsset != null) { TimelineStateMachine stateMachines = SerializeConverter.FromTextAsset <TimelineStateMachine>(_file._editorAsset); TimelineState[] states = stateMachines._states; foreach (TimelineState state in states) { if (state._stateId == _stateId) { _editorStateName = + ":" + StringUtils.GetFirstLine(state.GetDescription()); break; } } } } break; case eType.Internal: { if (GetTimelineState() != null) { _editorStateName = StringUtils.GetFirstLine(_timelineState.GetDescription()); } } break; } }
private static IEnumerator DoStateThenGoTo(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineStateRef TimelineState, TimelineStateRef goToState) { yield return(stateMachine.StartCoroutine(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, TimelineState))); stateMachine.GoToState(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, goToState)); yield break; }
public bool IsConditionMet(StateMachine stateMachine) { ITimelineStateMachineTimer timer = TimelineStateMachine.GetTimer(stateMachine.gameObject); _time -= timer.GetDeltaTime(); return(_time <= 0.0f); }
public void FixUpRef(TimelineStateMachine stateMachine) { _stateMachine = stateMachine; _timelineState = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR _editorStateName = null; #endif }
public eEventTriggerReturn Update(StateMachine stateMachine, float eventTime) { if (_condition.IsConditionMet(stateMachine)) { stateMachine.GoToState(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, _state)); return(eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinishedExitState); } return(eEventTriggerReturn.EventOngoing); }
public TimelineState LoadTimelineState(GameObject sourceObject = null) { if (_file != null) { TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = TimelineStateMachine.FromTextAsset(_file, sourceObject); return(stateMachine.GetTimelineState(_timelineId)); } return(null); }
public static TimelineStateMachine FromTextAsset(TextAsset asset, GameObject sourceObject = null) { TimelineStateMachine timelineStateMachine = SerializeConverter.FromTextAsset <TimelineStateMachine>(asset); if (sourceObject != null) { GameObjectRef.FixupGameObjectRefs(sourceObject, timelineStateMachine); } return(timelineStateMachine); }
private bool DrawStateNamePopUps() { TimelineState[] states = null; switch (_editorLinkType) { case eType.External: { TimelineStateMachine stateMachines = SerializeConverter.FromFile <TimelineStateMachine>(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_file._editorAsset)); states = stateMachines._states; } break; case eType.Internal: { if (_stateMachine != null) { states = _stateMachine._states; } } break; } if (states != null && states.Length > 0) { string[] stateNames = new string[states.Length + 1]; int index = 0; stateNames[0] = "<none>"; for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) { stateNames[i + 1] = "State" + states[i]._stateId + " (" + StringUtils.GetFirstLine(states[i].GetDescription()) + ")"; if (states[i]._stateId == _stateId) { index = i + 1; } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Timeline", index, stateNames); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { _stateId = index == 0 ? -1 : (int)states[index - 1]._stateId; _timelineState = null; _editorStateName = null; return(true); } } return(false); }
public void New() { _currentFileName = null; _editorPrefs._fileName = null; _editorPrefs._stateId = -1; SaveEditorPrefs(); TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = new TimelineStateMachine(); SetStateMachine(stateMachine); _stateEditor.SetTimeline(null); SwitchToStatemachineView(); GetEditorWindow().DoRepaint(); }
public eEventTriggerReturn Trigger(StateMachine stateMachine) { switch (_stateType) { case eStateType.Coroutine: { stateMachine.GoToState(_coroutine.RunCoroutine()); } break; case eStateType.Timeline: { stateMachine.GoToState(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, _state)); } break; } return(eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinishedExitState); }
private void SetStateMachine(TimelineStateMachine stateMachine) { ClearObjects(); #if DEBUG _playModeHighlightedState = null; #endif for (int i = 0; i < stateMachine._states.Length; i++) { AddNewObject(stateMachine._states[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < stateMachine._editorNotes.Length; i++) { AddNewObject(stateMachine._editorNotes[i]); } CenterCamera(); }
public eEventTriggerReturn Trigger(StateMachine stateMachine) { eEventTriggerReturn ret = eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinished; if (_condition != null) { _condition.OnStartConditionChecking(stateMachine); if (_condition.IsConditionMet(stateMachine)) { stateMachine.GoToState(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, _state)); ret = eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinishedExitState; } if (_duration > 0.0f) { ret = eEventTriggerReturn.EventOngoing; } } return(ret); }
private TimelineStateMachine ConvertToTimelineStateMachine() { List <TimelineState> states = new List <TimelineState>(); List <TimelineStateMachineNote> notes = new List <TimelineStateMachineNote>(); foreach (TimelineStateEditorGUI editorGUI in _editableObjects) { if (editorGUI.IsNote) { notes.Add((TimelineStateMachineNote)editorGUI.GetEditableObject()); } else if (!editorGUI.IsExternal) { states.Add(editorGUI.GetEditableObject()); } } TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = new TimelineStateMachine(); stateMachine._states = states.ToArray(); stateMachine._editorNotes = notes.ToArray(); return(stateMachine); }
private void LoadFile(string fileName) { _currentFileName = fileName; TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = SerializeConverter.FromFile <TimelineStateMachine>(fileName); if (stateMachine != null) { if (_editorPrefs._fileName != fileName) { _editorPrefs._fileName = fileName; _editorPrefs._stateId = -1; SaveEditorPrefs(); } SetStateMachine(stateMachine); _stateEditor.SetTimeline(null); if (_editorPrefs._stateId != -1) { SwitchToStateView(_editorPrefs._stateId); } else { SwitchToStatemachineView(); } } else { _editorPrefs._fileName = null; _editorPrefs._stateId = -1; SaveEditorPrefs(); } GetEditorWindow().DoRepaint(); }
void Start() { StateMachine stateMachine = GetComponent <StateMachine>(); stateMachine.GoToState(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, _initialState)); }
private static IEnumerator PerformState(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineState state, Timeline timeline) { if (timeline != null && timeline._events.Length > 0) { ITimelineStateMachineTimer timer = TimelineStateMachine.GetTimer(stateMachine.gameObject); float currentTime = 0.0f; List <Event> nonInstantEvents = new List <Event>(); int eventIndex = 0; Event currentEvent = timeline._events[eventIndex]; while (currentEvent != null || nonInstantEvents.Count > 0) { IStateMachineEvent currentStateMachineEvent = currentEvent as IStateMachineEvent; if (currentStateMachineEvent == null && currentEvent != null) { throw new System.Exception("Event doesn't implement IStateMachineEvent"); } float nextEventTime = currentEvent != null ? timeline._events[eventIndex].GetTime() : 0.0f; //Wait until event time while (currentTime < nextEventTime || (currentEvent == null && nonInstantEvents.Count > 0)) { currentTime += timer.GetDeltaTime(); #if DEBUG TimelineStateMachineDebug.OnTimelineStateTimeProgress(stateMachine, state, currentTime); #endif //Updated non instant events, if any now wants to exit the state then break out of coroutine if (UpdateNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents, currentTime)) { EndNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents); yield break; } yield return(null); } if (currentEvent == null) { break; } //Trigger event eEventTriggerReturn status = currentStateMachineEvent.Trigger(stateMachine); switch (status) { case eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinished: //Do nothing, just move on to next event break; case eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinishedExitState: //Exit state so break out of coroutine EndNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents); yield break; case eEventTriggerReturn.EventOngoing: //Track timed event, move on to next event nonInstantEvents.Add(currentEvent); break; } //Get next currentEvent = ++eventIndex < timeline._events.Length ? timeline._events[eventIndex] : null; } } #if DEBUG TimelineStateMachineDebug.OnTimelineStateStoped(stateMachine); #endif yield break; }
public void OnAddedNewXmlNode(object obj) { TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = ConvertToTimelineStateMachine(); TimelineStateMachine.FixupStateRefs(stateMachine, obj); }
public IEnumerator GetGoToState(StateMachine stateMachine) { return(TimelineStateMachine.Run(stateMachine, _goToState)); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); Rect foldoutPosition = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); _foldout = EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutPosition, _foldout, property.displayName); _height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (_foldout) { int origIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel++; Rect filePosition = new Rect(position.x, position.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); SerializedProperty fileProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("_file"); fileProp.objectReferenceValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(filePosition, "File", fileProp.objectReferenceValue, typeof(TextAsset), true); _height += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (fileProp.objectReferenceValue != null) { SerializedProperty TimelineProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("_timelineId"); //Load all time lines from a file //Get gameobject from property TimelineStateMachine stateMachine = TimelineStateMachine.FromTextAsset((TextAsset)fileProp.objectReferenceValue, FindParentGameObject(property)); if (stateMachine != null) { TimelineState[] states = stateMachine._states; if (states != null && states.Length > 0) { string[] stateNames = new string[states.Length]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) { stateNames[i] = "State" + states[i]._stateId + " (" + states[i]._editorDescription + ")"; if (states[i]._stateId == TimelineProp.intValue) { index = i; } } Rect TimelinePosition = new Rect(position.x, position.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); index = EditorGUI.Popup(TimelinePosition, "Timeline", index, stateNames); TimelineProp.intValue = states[index]._stateId; _height += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; } Rect editButtonPosition = new Rect(position.x + EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth, position.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 3, position.width - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); if (GUI.Button(editButtonPosition, "Edit")) { TimelineStateMachineEditorWindow.Load(fileProp.objectReferenceValue as TextAsset); } _height += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; } } EditorGUI.indentLevel = origIndent; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public void SetEditorStateMachine(TimelineStateMachine stateMachine) { _editorStateMachine = stateMachine; }