public async Task <ProblemsDto> GetProblemsV2Async(IEnumerable <WithOrWithout <ProblemFields> > fields = null, string nextPageKey = null, int?pageSize = null, Timeframe from = null, Timeframe to = null, ProblemSelector problemSelector = null, EntitySelector entitySelector = null, IEnumerable <AscendingOrDescending <ProblemSorts> > sort = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(fields)] = string.Join(",", (fields ?? Enumerable.Empty <WithOrWithout <ProblemFields> >()) .Distinct() .Select(x => $"+{x.ToString().ToCamelCase()}")), [nameof(nextPageKey)] = nextPageKey, [nameof(pageSize)] = pageSize, [nameof(from)] = from?.ToString(), [nameof(to)] = to?.ToString(), [nameof(problemSelector)] = problemSelector?.ToString(), [nameof(entitySelector)] = entitySelector?.ToString(), [nameof(sort)] = string.Join(",", sort ?? Enumerable.Empty <AscendingOrDescending <ProblemSorts> >()) .Distinct() .Select(x => x.ToString().ToCamelCase()) }; var response = await GetProblemsV2Url() .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonWithErrorCheckingAsync <ProblemsDto>(cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
public async Task <Slo> GetServiceLevelObjectiveAsync(string id, Timeframe from = null, Timeframe to = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(from)] = from?.ToString(), [nameof(to)] = to?.ToString() }; var response = await GetServiceLevelObjectivesUrl() .AppendPathSegment(id) .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonWithErrorCheckingAsync <Slo>(cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
public async Task <Entity> GetMonitoredEntityV2Async(string entityId, Timeframe from = null, Timeframe to = null, IEnumerable <WithOrWithout <ProblemFields> > fields = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(from)] = from?.ToString(), [nameof(to)] = to?.ToString(), [nameof(fields)] = string.Join(",", (fields ?? Enumerable.Empty <WithOrWithout <ProblemFields> >()) .Distinct() .Select(x => $"+{x.ToString().ToCamelCase()}")) }; var response = await GetMonitoredEntitiesV2Url() .AppendPathSegment(entityId) .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonWithErrorCheckingAsync <Entity>(cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
public async Task <UpdateJobList> GetAutoUpdateJobsAsync(string agId, Timeframe from = null, Timeframe to = null, VersionCompareTypes?startVersionCompareType = null, string startVersion = null, AutoUpdateJobUpdateTypes?updateType = null, VersionCompareTypes?targetVersionCompareType = null, string targetVersion = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(from)] = from?.ToString(), [nameof(to)] = to?.ToString(), [nameof(startVersionCompareType)] = s_versionCompareTypesConverter.ConvertToString(startVersionCompareType), [nameof(startVersion)] = startVersion, [nameof(updateType)] = s_autoUpdateJobUpdateTypesConverter.ConvertToString(updateType), [nameof(targetVersionCompareType)] = s_versionCompareTypesConverter.ConvertToString(targetVersionCompareType), [nameof(targetVersion)] = targetVersion }; var response = await GetActiveGatesAutoUpdateJobsUrl(agId) .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonWithErrorCheckingAsync <UpdateJobList>(cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
public async Task <MetricDescriptorCollection> GetAllAvailableMetricsV2Async(MetricResultFormats?resultFormat = null, string nextPageKey = null, int?pageSize = null, IEnumerable <string> metricSelector = null, string text = null, IEnumerable <WithOrWithout <MetricFields> > fields = null, Timeframe writtenSince = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(nextPageKey)] = nextPageKey, [nameof(pageSize)] = pageSize, [nameof(metricSelector)] = string.Join(",", metricSelector ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>()), [nameof(text)] = text, [nameof(fields)] = string.Join(",", (fields ?? Enumerable.Empty <WithOrWithout <MetricFields> >()) .Distinct()), [nameof(writtenSince)] = writtenSince?.ToString() }; var response = await GetMetricsV2Url() .WithHeader("Accept", s_metricResultFormatsConverter.ConvertToString(resultFormat ?? MetricResultFormats.ApplicationJson)) .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonWithErrorCheckingAsync <MetricDescriptorCollection>(cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
public async Task <SloList> GetAllServiceLevelObjectivesAsync(string nextPageKey = null, int?pageSize = null, Timeframe from = null, Timeframe to = null, string sloSelector = null, bool?sortAscending = null, bool?demo = null, string timeFrame = null, bool?evaluate = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(nextPageKey)] = nextPageKey, [nameof(pageSize)] = pageSize, [nameof(from)] = from?.ToString(), [nameof(to)] = to?.ToString(), [nameof(sloSelector)] = sloSelector, ["sort"] = sortAscending == true ? "name" : "-name", [nameof(demo)] = demo, [nameof(timeFrame)] = timeFrame, [nameof(evaluate)] = evaluate }; var response = await GetServiceLevelObjectivesUrl() .SetQueryParams(queryParamValues) .GetJsonIfNotEmptyAsync(new SloList(), cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response); }
//=============== END History =============================================================================== //=============== Read conf =============================================================================== protected void InitFile() { trueInitPath = PathToLogFile + "\\" + BuyFileName + ".csv"; LogSW = new StreamReader(File.Open(trueInitPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); if (LogSW != null) { st = ""; string line; while ((line = LogSW.ReadLine()) != null) { k2 = 0; name2 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++) { if (line[j] == ';') { k2++; if (k2 == 2) { name2 = st; } //Print("{0} - {1}",Instrument.Name,st); } if (name2 == Instrument.Name) { if (k2 == 2) { name = st; } // Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 3) { kl = Convert.ToInt32(st); } //Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 4) { if (st == "1") { tu = true; } if (st == "2") { td = true; } } //Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 5) { if (st == "1") { nu = true; } if (st == "2") { nd = true; } } // Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 6) { if (st == "0") { n2 = false; } if (st == "1") { n2 = true; } } // Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 7) { NKZ = Convert.ToInt32(st); } if (k2 == 8) { TP2 = Convert.ToInt32(st); } if (k2 == 9) { lot = Convert.ToDouble(st); } if (k2 == 10) { SL1 = Convert.ToInt32(st); } if (k2 == 11) { dl = Convert.ToInt32(st); } if (k2 == 12) { frac = Convert.ToInt32(st); } if (k2 == 13) { kof = Convert.ToInt32(st); } } st = ""; } else { st = st + line[j]; } } } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M30") { kl = kl * 2; } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M15") { kl = kl * 4; } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M5") { kl = kl * 12; } Print("{14} - File INIT name={0} - kl={1} tu={2} td={3} nu={4} nd={5} n2={6} NKZ={7} TP2={8} lot={9} SL1={10} dl={11} frac={12} kof={13}", name, kl, tu, td, nu, nd, n2, NKZ, TP2, lot, SL1, dl, frac, kof, Instrument.Name); LogSW.Close(); } }
//=============== Read conf =============================================================================== protected void InitFile() { trueInitPath = PathToLogFile + "\\m.csv"; LogSW = new StreamReader(File.Open(trueInitPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); if (LogSW != null) { st = ""; string line; while ((line = LogSW.ReadLine()) != null) { k2 = 0; name2 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++) { if (line[j] == ';') { k2++; if (k2 == 2) { name2 = st; } //Print("{0} - {1}",Instrument.Name,st); } if (name2 == Instrument.Name) { if (k2 == 2) { name = st; } //Print("{0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 3) { kl = Convert.ToInt32(st); } //Print("----------------- {0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 4) { if (st == "1") { tu = true; td = false; } if (st == "2") { td = true; tu = false; } } //Print("----------------- {0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 5) { if (st == "1") { nu = true; } if (st == "2") { nd = true; } } //Print("----------------- {0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 6) { if (st == "0") { n2 = false; } if (st == "1") { n2 = true; } } //Print("----------------- {0} - {1}",k2,st ); } if (k2 == 7) { NKZ = Convert.ToInt32(st); } //Print("----------------- {0} - {1} - {2}",k2,st,NKZ ); } if (k2 == 8) { if (st == "1") { torg = true; } if (st == "0") { torg = false; } } if (k2 == 9) { tp2 = Convert.ToDouble(st); } } st = ""; } else { st = st + line[j]; } } } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M30") { kl = kl * 2; } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M15") { kl = kl * 4; } if (Timeframe.ToString() == "M5") { kl = kl * 12; } XXPrint("{0} INIT name={1} - kl={2} tu={3} td={4} nu={5} nd={6} n2={7} NKZ={8}", DTime, name, kl, tu, td, nu, nd, n2, NKZ); LogSW.Close(); } }
internal static string ToDescriptionString(this Timeframe val) { DescriptionAttribute[] attributes = (DescriptionAttribute[])val.GetType().GetField(val.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return(attributes.Length > 0 ? attributes[0].Description : string.Empty); }