Esempio n. 1
        private void OnTimerStarted(TimeManager.GameTime time)
            _beginCell = GameManager.Instance.MapManager.GetCell(0, 0);
            ConstructNewDistrict(_beginCell, GetBuilding(1));

        private void OnNewMonth(TimeManager.GameTime time)
            var income           = 0.0;
            var marketShares     = new List <double>();
            var totalSubscribers = 0;

            foreach (var customersManager in this._networks)
                income += customersManager.MonthlyIncome;
                totalSubscribers += customersManager.SubscribersNumber;
                Debug.Log($"Network: {customersManager.NetworkType} - Customer Satisfaction Variation {customersManager.CustomerSatisfactionVariation} - Market variation: {customersManager.MarketShareVariation} - Satisfaction: {customersManager.CustomerSatisfaction} (+/- {customersManager.CustomerSatisfactionVariation})");
            if (marketShares.Any())
                this.MarketShare = marketShares.Average();
            var maintenanceCost = this._infrastructuresList.Sum(e => e.MaintenanceCost);

            this.MaintenanceCosts = maintenanceCost + 10 * totalSubscribers;
            this.Income           = income;
            this.Money           += this.Income - this.MaintenanceCosts;
            Debug.Log($"Account: {this.Money}€ - Maintenance costs: {this.MaintenanceCosts}€ - Income: {this.Income}€ - Market Share: {this.MarketShare * 100}% of {GameManager.Instance.TownExpensionManager.GetPeoplesNumber()} habs - Subscribers: {totalSubscribers}");
            if (this.Money < 0)
 public Speed1200Bits()
     this.Name                    = "1200 bit/s";
     this.Description             = "This is slow, like reaaaaaaaally slow.";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 0;
     this.BuildCost               = 1500;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 40;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.40;
     this.Range                   = 50;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime {
         Months = 0, Years = 1980
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime {
         Months = 0, Years = 1990
Esempio n. 4
 public LevelOne()
     this.Name                    = "Level 1";
     this.Description             = "This is low capacity, like reaaaaaaaally low capacity.";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Capacity;
     this.Level                   = 0;
     this.BuildCost               = 1500;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 40;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.40;
     this.Range                   = 50;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime {
         Months = 0, Years = 1980
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime {
         Months = 0, Years = 1990
Esempio n. 5
 public FiveG()
     this.Name                    = "5G";
     this.Description             = "Ok, this is still slow, but faster than before, right? RIGHT?";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 4;
     this.BuildCost               = 24000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 800;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.25;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2008
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2030
 public LevelTwo()
     this.Name                    = "Level 2";
     this.Description             = "Ok, this is still low capacity, but bigger than before, right? RIGHT?";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Capacity;
     this.Level                   = 1;
     this.BuildCost               = 3000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 80;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.25;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1994
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1998
Esempio n. 7
 public ADSL()
     this.Name                    = "ADSL";
     this.Description             = "More Speed ! I can watch a video and play videogames!";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 3;
     this.BuildCost               = 40000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 6000;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.2;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1998
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2016
Esempio n. 8
 public AOL()
     this.Name                    = "AOL";
     this.Description             = "Amazing, more speed ! Well.. It's not perfect... But works";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 2;
     this.BuildCost               = 6000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 160;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.15;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1996
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2000
Esempio n. 9
 public VDSL()
     this.Name                    = "VDSL";
     this.Description             = "I can play to an mmorpg during my mother and my father are watching a movie on their computer !";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 4;
     this.BuildCost               = 40000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 6000;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.1;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2012
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2030
Esempio n. 10
 public Fibre()
     this.Name                    = "Fiber";
     this.Description             = "Too much speed ! My computer can't follow my network ! Love it";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 5;
     this.BuildCost               = 160000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 24000;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.3;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2020
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 2050
Esempio n. 11
        private void OnNewMonth(TimeManager.GameTime time)
            if (time.Months % 3 == 0)
                int number            = _random.Next(0, 101);
                int numberOfBuildings = 1;

                if (number == 100)
                    numberOfBuildings = 3;
                else if (number >= 89)
                    numberOfBuildings = 2;

                TestToConstruct(_beginCell, -1, numberOfBuildings);
Esempio n. 12
 public Speed56K()
     this.Name                    = "56 kbit/s";
     this.Description             = "Ok, this is still slow, but faster than before, right? RIGHT?";
     this.InfrastructureLevelType = InfrastructureLevelType.Technology;
     this.Level                   = 1;
     this.BuildCost               = 3000;
     this.MaintenanceCost         = 80;
     this.SatisfactionProvided    = 1.1;
     this.Range                   = 55;
     this.CreationDate            = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1994
     this.ExpirationDate = new TimeManager.GameTime()
         Months = 0, Years = 1998
Esempio n. 13
 private void ViewMonth(TimeManager.GameTime time)
     textMonth.GetComponent <TranslateText>().SetText("Month: {0}", new object[] { time.Months });
     textYear.GetComponent <TranslateText>().SetText("Year: {0}", new object[] { time.Years });
Esempio n. 14
 private void OnTimerPaused(TimeManager.GameTime time)
     _gameIsPaused = true;
Esempio n. 15
 private void OnTimerResumed(TimeManager.GameTime time)
     _gameIsPaused = false;