Esempio n. 1
    // Add cube
    public void AddCube(TimeCube cube)
        // Create a clone
        GameObject clone = (GameObject)Instantiate(this.Prefab); = "playerClone" + this.Cubes.Count;
        cube.Clone = clone.GetComponent <Clone>();

        // A cube should always remember its index
        cube.Index = this.Cubes.Count;

        // Add cube to list
Esempio n. 2
    // Called once per physics step
    void FixedUpdate()
        // If exists, get a rewinding cube
        TimeCube rewindingCube = this.TCM.RewindingCube;

        // Check if rewinding (or will rewind)
        if (rewindingCube == null)
            // If not, increment world time as usual

            // If we've never seen this moment before, update furthest time
            if (this.WorldTime == this.FurthestTime + 1)

            // Debug:  Show this step's WorldTime
            // Debug.Log("Just finished Globals.FixedUpdate!  wT = " + this.WorldTime);
            // Spaghetti code:  Necessary because it affects WorldTime update,
            // which must happen first.
            if (rewindingCube.WillRewind)

            // If rewinding, let player adjust position

            // Now that rewind has occurred, update world time
            this.WorldTime = rewindingCube.ActiveInterval.Start + Mathf.RoundToInt(rewindingCube.RewindPosition);

        // Exit
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
Esempio n. 3
    // 'Standard' controls, called by Update
    public void ControlStandard()
        // If grounded and pressing jump, then launch
        if (isGrounded && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !isLaunching && !isHanging)
            animator.SetTrigger("Jump_Launch"); isLaunching = true;

        // If hanging and pressing jump, then climb
        if (isHanging && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !isClimbing)
            animator.SetTrigger("Climb"); isClimbing = true;

        // If grounded, pressing fire and near cube, activate or enter cube
        if (isGrounded && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
            // TODO:  We need to streamline these linecast points.
            // We need to make sure we're not hitting terrain...
            // We should check on a single layer only, if possible.

            // Get linecast points
            float   x1    = transform.position.x + (isFacingRight ? 1 : -1) * 1.2f;
            float   y1    = transform.position.y + - 0.4f * box.size.y;
            float   y2    = transform.position.y + + 0.4f * box.size.y;
            Vector2 start = new Vector2(x1, y1);
            Vector2 end   = new Vector2(x1, y2);
            //Debug.Log("start = " + start + ", end = " + end);
            Debug.DrawLine(start, end,;

            // Perform linecast
            int result = Physics2D.LinecastNonAlloc(start, end, hits);
            // if(result > 0) { Debug.Log(string.Format("result = {0}, other = {1}", result, hits[0].collider.gameObject.tag)); }
            if (result > 0 && hits[0].collider.gameObject.tag == "TimeCube")
                // Remember nearby cube
                cube = hits[0].collider.gameObject.GetComponent <TimeCube>();

                // If cube is off, activate
                if (!cube.IsRecording && !cube.IsRewinding)
                    animator.SetTrigger("PushButton"); controls = "Activating";

                // If cube is recording, enter
                else if (cube.IsRecording)

        // Bug:  Check isLaunching
        AnimatorStateInfo state = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);

        if (isLaunching && !state.IsName("Jump_Launch"))
            isLaunching = false;
Esempio n. 4
    // Called once per physics step
    void FixedUpdate()
        // Get world time
        int t = this.globals.WorldTime;
        // Check if in past
        bool inPast = t < this.globals.FurthestTime ? true : false;
        // Check if at least one cube is recording
        bool isRecording = this.IsRecording;
        // Get minimum recording start time
        int minStart = this.MinStart;

        // Loop over non-time-traveler histories
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Histories.Count; i++)
            // Get element
            History history = this.Histories[i];

            // For non-time-travelers, the rules are simpler...
            if (!history.IsTimeTraveler)
                // CASE 1 OF 2:  NOT A TIME TRAVELER

                // If (in present and recording) or (in past and altered), store
                if (!inPast && isRecording)
                    history.StoreBones(t - minStart);

                // If (in past and unaltered), restore
                if (inPast)
                    history.RestoreBones(t - minStart);

        // Loop over time traveler histories
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Cubes.Count; i++)
            // Get element
            TimeCube cube = this.Cubes[i];

            // Get clone history
            History history = cube.Clone.History;

            // If cube is recording, store
            if (cube.IsRecording)
                history.StoreBones(t - minStart);

            // If cube is rewinding or replaying, restore
            if (cube.IsRewinding || cube.IsReplaying)
                history.RestoreBones(t - minStart);

        // If all cubes are off, delete all intervals
        if (this.MaxEnd < t)
            // Loop through cubes
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Cubes.Count; i++)
                // Get element
                TimeCube cube = this.Cubes[i];

                // Delete intervals
                if (cube.Intervals.Count > 0)

                    // Debug:  History clear message
                    Debug.Log( + " history has been cleared!");