Esempio n. 1
    public GlTF_Attributes(
        GlTF_Globals G, ObjectName meshName, GlTF_VertexLayout layout)
        // This prefix should be used with possibly-nonconforming gltf data:
        // - texcoords that are not 2-element or that don't contain texture coordinates
        // - made-up / mythical semantics like VERTEXID
        string nonconformingPrefix = (G.GltfCompatibilityMode) ? "_TB_UNITY_" : "";

        m_layout = layout;

            AttributeInfo positionInfo = layout.PositionInfo;
            positionAccessor = G.CreateAccessor(
                GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(meshName, "position"),
                positionInfo.accessorType, positionInfo.accessorComponentType);
            m_accessors.Add("POSITION", positionAccessor);

        { if (layout.NormalInfo is AttributeInfo normalInfo)
              normalAccessor = G.CreateAccessor(
                  GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(meshName, "normal"),
                  normalInfo.accessorType, normalInfo.accessorComponentType);
              // Genius particles put things that don't look like normals into the normal attribute.
              bool   isNonconforming = (layout.m_tbLayout.normalSemantic == Semantic.Position);
              string prefix          = isNonconforming ? nonconformingPrefix : "";
              m_accessors.Add(prefix + "NORMAL", normalAccessor);

        { if (layout.ColorInfo is AttributeInfo cInfo)
              colorAccessor = G.CreateAccessor(
                  GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(meshName, "color"),
                  cInfo.accessorType, cInfo.accessorComponentType,
                  normalized: true);
              m_accessors.Add(G.Gltf2 ? "COLOR_0" : "COLOR", colorAccessor);

        { if (layout.TangentInfo is AttributeInfo tangentInfo)
              tangentAccessor = G.CreateAccessor(
                  GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(meshName, "tangent"),
                  tangentInfo.accessorType, tangentInfo.accessorComponentType);
              m_accessors.Add("TANGENT", tangentAccessor);

        if (layout.PackVertexIdIntoTexcoord1W)
            // The vertexid hack modifies the gl layout to extend texcoord1 so the vertexid
            // can be stuffed into it
            Debug.Assert(layout.m_tbLayout.GetTexcoordInfo(1).size == 3);
            Debug.Assert(layout.GetTexcoordSize(1) == 4);

        GlTF_Accessor MakeAccessorFor(int texcoord)
            var txcInfo = layout.GetTexcoordInfo(texcoord);

            if (txcInfo == null)
            Semantic tbSemantic = layout.m_tbLayout.GetTexcoordInfo(texcoord).semantic;
            string   attrName   = $"{nonconformingPrefix}TEXCOORD_{texcoord}";

            // Timestamps are tunneled into us via a texcoord because there's not really a better way
            // due to GeometryPool limitations. But that's an internal implementation detail. I'd like
            // them to have a better attribute name in the gltf.
            if (tbSemantic == Semantic.Timestamp)
                // For b/141876882; Poly doesn't like _TB_TIMESTAMP
                if (!G.Gltf2)
                attrName = "_TB_TIMESTAMP";
            var ret = G.CreateAccessor(
                GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(meshName, $"uv{texcoord}"),
                txcInfo.Value.accessorType, txcInfo.Value.accessorComponentType);

            m_accessors.Add(attrName, ret);

        texCoord0Accessor = MakeAccessorFor(0);
        texCoord1Accessor = MakeAccessorFor(1);
        texCoord2Accessor = MakeAccessorFor(2);
        texCoord3Accessor = MakeAccessorFor(3);

        if (G.GltfCompatibilityMode)
            TiltBrush.GeometryPool.VertexLayout tbLayout = layout.m_tbLayout;
            switch (tbLayout.texcoord0.semantic)
            case Semantic.Unspecified when tbLayout.texcoord0.size == 2:
            case Semantic.XyIsUv:
            case Semantic.XyIsUvZIsDistance: {
                GlTF_Accessor accessor = GlTF_Accessor.CloneWithDifferentType(
                    G, texCoord0Accessor, GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2);
                m_accessors.Add("TEXCOORD_0", accessor);
            // No need to check the other texcoords because TB only ever puts texture coordinates
            // in texcoord0
Esempio n. 2
    private void PopulateUv(
        int channel, TiltBrush.GeometryPool pool, GlTF_Accessor accessor,
        Semantic semantic)
        bool packVertId = m_layout.PackVertexIdIntoTexcoord1W && channel == 1;

        if (packVertId)
            // Guaranteed by GlTF_VertexLayout
            Debug.Assert(m_layout.m_tbLayout.GetTexcoordInfo(channel).size == 3);
            Debug.Assert(m_layout.GetTexcoordSize(channel) == 4);
        if (accessor == null)
        if (channel < 0 || channel > 3)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid channel");
        TiltBrush.GeometryPool.TexcoordData texcoordData = pool.GetTexcoordData(channel);

        if (semantic == Semantic.XyIsUvZIsDistance && accessor.type != GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3)
            throw new ArgumentException("XyIsUvZIsDistance semantic can only be applied to VEC3");

        bool flipY;

        if (semantic == Semantic.Unspecified && channel == 0 &&
            accessor.type == GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2)
            Debug.LogWarning("Assuming Semantic.XyIsUv");
            semantic = Semantic.XyIsUv;
        switch (semantic)
        case Semantic.Position:
        case Semantic.Vector:
        case Semantic.Timestamp:
            flipY = false;

        case Semantic.XyIsUvZIsDistance:
        case Semantic.XyIsUv:
            flipY = true;

            throw new ArgumentException("semantic");

        switch (accessor.type)
        case GlTF_Accessor.Type.SCALAR:
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        case GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2:
            accessor.Populate(texcoordData.v2, flipY: flipY, calculateMinMax: false);

        case GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3:
            accessor.Populate(texcoordData.v3, flipY: flipY, calculateMinMax: false);

        case GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC4:
            if (packVertId)
                // In the vertexId case, we actually have a vec3, which needs to be augmented to a vec4.
                // TODO: this should happen at some higher level.
                int i  = 0;
                var v4 = texcoordData.v3.ConvertAll <Vector4>((v => new Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, i++)));
                accessor.Populate(v4, flipY: flipY, calculateMinMax: false);
                accessor.Populate(texcoordData.v4, flipY: flipY, calculateMinMax: false);

            throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected accessor.type");