public void Reset() { loader.Reset(); world.Reset(); TileFactory.Clear(); GameUtils.Seed = 0; Serialization.Reset(); player.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, -3f, 10f); player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; Active = false; boids.StopBoids(); boids.StartBoids(); menuGlow.color = Tile.Brighten(RenderSettings.fogColor, 0.5f); RenderSettings.fogColor = Tile.Brighten(Color.Lerp(RenderSettings.fogColor,, 0.9f), 0.05f); RenderSettings.skybox.SetColor("_Tint", RenderSettings.fogColor); RenderSettings.fogDensity = 10f; RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = 0f; sun.intensity = 0f; afterburner.SetActive(false); clockText.text = ""; chunkText.text = ""; dayText.text = ""; scoreText.text = ""; nameText.text = ""; logMessage.text = ""; startGame.playMusic.StopPlaying(); StartCoroutine(GetRandomWord()); showPanels.ShowMenu(); }
private void LoadStage() { string stageFileName = null; int requestedFactoryID = TileFactory.UNDEFINED_FACTORY_ID; TileFactory modelComponent = null; int modelIndex = -1; Vector2 stageDimensions =; Vector3 cameraPosition =; float halfStageHeight = 0f; float newOrthoSize = 0f; StageSettings stageSettings = null; if (stageIndex < 0) { return; } if (stageObject == null) { stageObject = new GameObject("Stage"); stageObject.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false); stageObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; stageObject.transform.localScale =; stageObject.transform.localPosition =; stageComponent = stageObject.AddComponent <StageController>(); stageComponent.SetGameController(this); stageComponent.SetItemDatabase(itemDatabase); stageComponent.SetPlayerModel(playerModel); stageComponent.SetEnemyModels(enemyModels); } else { if (stageComponent != null) { stageComponent.Reset(); } } if (tileFactoryComponent != null) { tileFactoryComponent.Clear(); tileFactoryComponent = null; } if (tileFactoryObject != null) { Destroy(tileFactoryObject); tileFactoryObject = null; } /*halmeida - get the file name and the model of the tile factory that the stage wants to use.*/ if (stageSettingComponents != null) { if (stageSettingComponents.Length > stageIndex) { stageSettings = stageSettingComponents[stageIndex]; /*halmeida - since the array is previously verified, the element is surely not null.*/ stageFileName = stageSettings.fileName; requestedFactoryID = stageSettings.tileFactoryID; if (tileFactoryModelComponents != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tileFactoryModelComponents.Length; i++) { modelComponent = tileFactoryModelComponents[i]; if (modelComponent != null) { if (modelComponent.factoryID == requestedFactoryID) { modelIndex = i; break; } } } } } else { /*halmeida - player reached the end of the game.*/ if (stageComponent != null) { stageComponent.Clear(); stageComponent = null; } Destroy(stageObject); stageObject = null; DisplayEnding(); } } if ((stageFileName != null) && (modelIndex > -1)) { tileFactoryObject = Instantiate(tileFactoryModels[modelIndex],, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; if (tileFactoryObject != null) { tileFactoryComponent = tileFactoryObject.GetComponent <TileFactory>(); if ((tileFactoryComponent != null) && (stageComponent != null)) { if (inputManager != null) { inputManager.SetStageController(stageComponent); } stageComponent.SetTileFactory(tileFactoryComponent); stageComponent.SetEnemyStateDurations(stageSettings.durationFragileGhost, stageSettings.durationRecoveringGhost); if (stageComponent.LoadFromResourcesFile("Stages/" + stageFileName)) { if (cameraObject != null) { stageDimensions = stageComponent.GetStructureDimensions(); halfStageHeight = stageDimensions.y / 2f; cameraPosition = cameraObject.transform.position; cameraPosition.x = stageDimensions.x / 2f; cameraPosition.y = -halfStageHeight; cameraObject.transform.position = cameraPosition; if (cameraComponent != null) { newOrthoSize = (halfStageHeight > cameraOriginalOrthoSize) ? halfStageHeight : cameraOriginalOrthoSize; cameraComponent.orthographicSize = newOrthoSize; } } } } } } }