Esempio n. 1
    private void OnEnable()
        //Debug.Log ("OnEnable");
        //Debug.Log ("IsTappable: " + IsTappable);
        if (IsTappable)
            GetComponent <TapGesture>().Tapped += TappedHandler;

        //Debug.Log ("IsFlickable: " + IsFlickable);
        if (IsFlickable)
            foreach (var flick in GetComponents <FlickGesture>())
                flick.Flicked += FlickedHandler;

        tileEngine = (TileEngine)FindObjectOfType(typeof(TileEngine));
        //Debug.Log ("TileEngine was found: " + (tileEngine != null));
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            if (!DrawMe)

            foreach (var t in Tiles)
                var texture = TileEngine.GetTexture(t.ID);

                if (t.ID == GameConstants.TILE_EMPTY)

                Color dColor = WorldTimer.GetWorldColorTint();
                if (t.HasCollision)
                    dColor = Color.Red;

                var player = GameScreen.GetPlayer();
                if (player != null)
                    if (t.IDInt >= GameConstants.TILE_ROOF_LEFT_TOP_CORNER && t.IDInt <= GameConstants.TILE_ROOF_RIGHT_TOP_CORNER)
                        if (player.ObjectRectangle.Intersects(t.ObjectRectangle))
                            dColor.A = 1;

                spriteBatch.Draw(texture.Texture, new Rectangle((int)(t.Position.X * BaseTileOffsetX), (int)(t.Position.Y * BaseTileOffsetY), Tile.DEFAULT_WIDTH, Tile.DEFAULT_HEIGHT),
                                 dColor, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, t.Depth);
Esempio n. 3
    void DrawBorder(Vector2 position, int width, int height)
        TileIndex borderTiles = new TileIndex(0, 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
            int row;
            if (j == 0) row = 0;
            else if (j == height - 1) row = 2;
            else row = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                int column;
                if (i == 0) column = 0;
                else if (i == width - 1) column = 2;
                else column = 1;

                TileIndex tile = borderTiles + new TileIndex(column, row);
                TileEngine.DrawTile(Assets.UITiles, tile, position + new Vector2(i, j) * Assets.CellSize);
Esempio n. 4
 public override void TappedHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     TileEngine.TappedCollectible(gameObject, Type);
Esempio n. 5
 public DrawableSheet(string path, ContentManager contentManager, TileEngine tileEngine)
     : base(path)
     texture         = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(path);
     this.tileEngine = tileEngine;
Esempio n. 6
        // asettaa oikeat parametrit tileparameters oliolle ja tekee niistä keypairit
        private TileParameters GetRightTileParameters(BaseSerializedLayer serializedLayer, TileEngine tileEngine)
            dynamic layer = serializedLayer;

            TileParameters tileParameters = new TileParameters(serializedLayer.MdiData, new List <BaseSerializedTile>(layer.Tiles), tileEngine);

Esempio n. 7
 public TileSheet(string path, ContentManager contentManager, TileEngine tileEngine)
     : base(path, contentManager, tileEngine)
Esempio n. 8
 public LayerFactory(KhvGame game, TileEngine tileEngine)
 {       = game;
     this.tileEngine = tileEngine;
Esempio n. 9
        public Layer(KhvGame game, string name, bool transparent, bool visible, Size size, TileEngine tileEngine)
   = name;

            Transparent = transparent;
            Visible     = visible;

            this.size       = size;
            this.tileEngine = tileEngine;

            drawOrder  = new DrawOrder(name);
            components = new LayerComponentManager();
Esempio n. 10
 public AnimationTileSheet(string path, ContentManager contentManager, TileEngine tileEngine, AnimationManager animationManager)
     : base(path, contentManager, tileEngine)
     AnimationManager = animationManager;
Esempio n. 11
 public TileActor(TileEngine tileEngine, Tile tile)
     this.tileEngine = tileEngine;
     this.tile       = tile;
Esempio n. 12
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())


            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
                    string headJs  = "<script defer src=\"\"  crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script><script src=\"[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js\" integrity=\"sha512-GffPMF3RvMeYyc1LWMHtK8EbPv0iNZ8/oTtHPx9/cc2ILxQ+u905qIwdpULaqDkyBKgOaB57QTMg7ztg8Jm2Og==\" crossorigin=\"\"></script>";
                    string headCss = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css\"\r\n   integrity=\"sha512-xwE/Az9zrjBIphAcBb3F6JVqxf46+CDLwfLMHloNu6KEQCAWi6HcDUbeOfBIptF7tcCzusKFjFw2yuvEpDL9wQ==\"\r\n   crossorigin=\"\"/>";
                    string js      = "var mymap ='mapid').setView([37.20980175586231,-93.27173709668480], 13);";
                    js            += "L.tileLayer('https://localhost:44364/v1/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}/tile.png', {\r\n    attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href=\"\">CC-BY-SA</a>',\r\n    maxZoom: 18,\r\n    id: 'osm',\r\n    accessToken: ''\r\n}).addTo(mymap);";
                    js            += "var myIcon = L.divIcon({iconSize: [35,80],className:'', html:'<div class=\"fa-3x\"><span class=\"fa-layers fa-fw\"><i class=\"fas fa-map-marker\" style=\"color:red;\"></i><span class=\"fa-layers-text fa-inverse\" data-fa-transform=\"shrink-11.5 up-2\" style=\"font-weight:900;z-index:500;\">JW</span></span></div>'});\r\nL.marker([37.20980175586231,-93.27173709668480], {icon: myIcon}).addTo(mymap);";

                    await context.Response.WriteAsync("<!doctype html><html><head>" + headCss + headJs + "<style>body{margin:0;padding:0;} #mapid {height: 100vh; width: 80vw;}</style></head><body><div id=\"mapid\"></div><script>" + js + "</script>" +
                                                      //"<script defer src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-+Ga2s7YBbhOD6nie0DzrZpJes+b2K1xkpKxTFFcx59QmVPaSA8c7pycsNaFwUK6l\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n<script defer src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-7ox8Q2yzO/uWircfojVuCQOZl+ZZBg2D2J5nkpLqzH1HY0C1dHlTKIbpRz/LG23c\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>" +
                endpoints.MapGet("/v1/{engine}/{zoom?}/{x?}/{y?}/tile.png", async context =>
                    string engine;
                    switch (context.GetRouteValue("engine")?.ToString()?.ToLower())
                    case "cycle":
                        engine = "cycle";

                    case "wikimedia":
                        engine = "wikimedia";

                        engine = "osm";
                    var renderer = new TileEngine(engine, "data;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=SPS_WEB_UTILITIES;", app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IModularDbClient>());
                    int x        = DataUtility.ParseInt(context.GetRouteValue("x"));
                    int y        = DataUtility.ParseInt(context.GetRouteValue("y"));
                    int zoom     = DataUtility.ParseInt(context.GetRouteValue("zoom"));
                    zoom         = Math.Min(Math.Max(zoom, 1), 18);
                    int max      = DataUtility.ParseInt(Math.Pow(2, zoom));
                    x            = ((x % max) + max) % max;
                    y            = ((y % max) + max) % max;

                    var tile = renderer.FetchTile(x, y, zoom);
                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(tile.GetAsPng());
                endpoints.MapGet("/staticmap.php", async context =>
                    int zoom      = DataUtility.ParseInt(context.Request.Query.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("zoom", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value.ToString() ?? "");
                    zoom          = Math.Min(Math.Max(zoom, 0), 15);
                    PointF center = MapEngine.ParsePointF(context.Request.Query.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("center", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value.ToString() ?? "");

                    center.Y    = DataUtility.ParseFloat(Math.Max(Math.Min(center.Y, 37.3122615), 37.085441));
                    center.X    = DataUtility.ParseFloat(Math.Max(Math.Min(center.X, -93.113170), -93.5115452));
                    Size size   = MapEngine.ParseSize(context.Request.Query.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("size", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value.ToString() ?? "");
                    size.Height = Math.Max(Math.Min(1024, size.Height), 1);
                    size.Width  = Math.Max(Math.Min(1024, size.Width), 1);

                    var renderer = new MapEngine("wikimedia", "data;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=SPS_WEB_UTILITIES;", app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IModularDbClient>());
                    var map      = renderer.FetchMapImage(center.Y, center.X, zoom, size.Width, size.Height);

                    string sMarkers = context.Request.Query.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("markers", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value.ToString() ?? ""; //"37.20980175586231,-93.27173709668480,fa-marker-red|37.20980175586231,-93.27173709668480,fa-marker-blue";

                        renderer.OverlayMarkers(map, center.Y, center.X, zoom, sMarkers);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {}

//                    var marker = new MapMarker(sMarkers);
                    //await context.Response.WriteAsync($"x: {p.X}, y:{p.Y}\n");
                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(map.GetAsPng());
Esempio n. 13
 public MapObjectProcessor(KhvGame game, TileEngine tileEngine, string[] objectNamespaces)
 {             = game;
     this.tileEngine       = tileEngine;
     this.objectNamespaces = objectNamespaces;
Esempio n. 14
    public void Update()
        List<Action> diagnostics = new List<Action>();

        AnimationTimer += 1;
        bool advanceFrame = false;
        if (AnimationTimer >= Assets.AnimationPeriod)
            AnimationTimer -= Assets.AnimationPeriod;
            advanceFrame = true;

        // Conversations:
        List<Creature> availableConversers = new List<Creature>();
        foreach (Creature creature in Creatures)
            if (creature != Player)
                float distance = (creature.Position - Player.Position).Length();

                if (creature.Conversation.Length > 0 && distance < 96)

                if (creature.CanKill && State == GameState.Playing && distance < 48)
                    State = GameState.Losing;

                if (creature.CanWin && State == GameState.Playing && distance < 48)
                    State = GameState.Winning;

        Conversers.RemoveAll(x => !availableConversers.Contains(x));

        if (!InConversation && availableConversers.Count > 0 && Engine.GetKeyDown(Key.J))
            // Begin a conversation:
            Creature other = availableConversers[0];
            ConversationPage = 0;

            if (other.Thought == Thought.WaitToJoin) other.Thought = Thought.Follow;
        else if (InConversation && Engine.GetKeyDown(Key.J))
            // Continue a conversation:
            ConversationPage += 1;

        // Player input:
        Vector2 input = Vector2.Zero;
        if (Engine.GetKeyHeld(Key.A)) input.X -= 1;
        if (Engine.GetKeyHeld(Key.D)) input.X += 1;
        if (Engine.GetKeyHeld(Key.W)) input.Y -= 1;
        if (Engine.GetKeyHeld(Key.S)) input.Y += 1;
        Player.Movement = input;

        if (input.Length() != 0)
            ShowMoveTip = false;

        // AI:
        foreach (Creature creature in Creatures)
            if (creature.Thought == Thought.Follow)
                Vector2 vectorToPlayer = Player.Position - creature.Position;
                float distanceToPlayer = vectorToPlayer.Length();
                if (distanceToPlayer > creature.FollowDistanceMin && distanceToPlayer < creature.FollowDistanceMax)
                    creature.Movement = vectorToPlayer.Normalized();
                    creature.Movement = Vector2.Zero;

        // Physics:
        foreach (Creature creature in Creatures)
            if (State != GameState.Playing)
                creature.Movement = Vector2.Zero;
                creature.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;

            creature.Velocity += creature.Movement * creature.MaxAcceleration * Engine.TimeDelta;
            creature.Velocity.X = Clamp(creature.Velocity.X, -creature.Speed, creature.Speed);
            creature.Velocity.Y = Clamp(creature.Velocity.Y, -creature.Speed, creature.Speed);

            // Update sprite facing:
            if (creature.Movement.X < 0) creature.Facing = TextureMirror.Horizontal;
            if (creature.Movement.X > 0) creature.Facing = TextureMirror.None;

            // Update position and collide:
                // These bounds describe the "solid" part of the entity; it is independent of position.
                Bounds2 creatureShape = new Bounds2(
                    new Vector2(1 / 8f, 6 / 8f) * Assets.CellSize,
                    new Vector2(6 / 8f, 2 / 8f) * Assets.CellSize);

                Vector2 motion = creature.Velocity * Engine.TimeDelta;
                TileIndex nearest = GetCellAt(creature.Position, Assets.WallTiles);

                // Find everything that could be collided with:
                List<Bounds2> obstacles = new List<Bounds2>();
                for (int row = nearest.Row - 2; row <= nearest.Row + 2; row++)
                    for (int column = nearest.Column - 2; column <= nearest.Column + 2; column++)
                        if (Obstacles[column, row])
                            Bounds2 obstacleBounds = new Bounds2(
                                new Vector2(column, row) * Assets.CellSize,

                            // The effective bounds are the sum of the obstacle's and the mover's bounds:
                            Vector2 min = obstacleBounds.Min - creatureShape.Max;
                            Vector2 max = obstacleBounds.Max - creatureShape.Min;
                            Bounds2 totalBounds = new Bounds2(min, max - min);

                            if (Game.DebugCollision && creature == Player)
                                diagnostics.Add(() => Engine.DrawRectEmpty(obstacleBounds.Translated(Origin), Color.Green));

                // Calculate collision along the X and Y axes independently.
                // Each calculation considers only motion along that axis.
                // Performing these steps sequentially ensures that objects can't move diagonally through other objects.

                // X step:
                Vector2 position = creature.Position;
                Vector2 newPosition = position + new Vector2(motion.X, 0);
                foreach (Bounds2 bounds in obstacles)
                    // Leftward:
                    if (motion.X < 0 &&
                        position.Y > bounds.Position.Y &&
                        position.Y < bounds.Position.Y + bounds.Size.Y)
                        float limit = bounds.Position.X + bounds.Size.X;
                        if (position.X >= limit && newPosition.X < limit) newPosition.X = limit;

                    // Rightward:
                    if (motion.X > 0 &&
                        position.Y > bounds.Position.Y &&
                        position.Y < bounds.Position.Y + bounds.Size.Y)
                        float limit = bounds.Position.X;
                        if (position.X <= limit && newPosition.X > limit) newPosition.X = limit;
                creature.Position.X = newPosition.X;

                // Y step:
                position = creature.Position;
                newPosition = position + new Vector2(0, motion.Y);
                foreach (Bounds2 bounds in obstacles)
                    // Upward:
                    if (motion.Y < 0 &&
                        position.X > bounds.Position.X &&
                        position.X < bounds.Position.X + bounds.Size.X)
                        float limit = bounds.Position.Y + bounds.Size.Y;
                        if (position.Y >= limit && newPosition.Y < limit) newPosition.Y = limit;

                    // Downward:
                    if (motion.Y > 0 &&
                        position.X > bounds.Position.X &&
                        position.X < bounds.Position.X + bounds.Size.X)
                        float limit = bounds.Position.Y;
                        if (position.Y <= limit && newPosition.Y > limit) newPosition.Y = limit;
                creature.Position.Y = newPosition.Y;

                if (Game.DebugCollision && creature == Player)
                    diagnostics.Add(() =>
                        Engine.DrawRectEmpty(creatureShape.Translated(Origin + creature.Position), Color.Green);

            // Slow to a stop when there is no input -- separately on each axis:
            if (creature.Movement.X == 0)
                float speed = Math.Abs(creature.Velocity.X);
                speed = Math.Max(0, speed - creature.Deceleration);
                creature.Velocity.X = Math.Sign(creature.Velocity.X) * speed;

            if (creature.Movement.Y == 0)
                float speed = Math.Abs(creature.Velocity.Y);
                speed = Math.Max(0, speed - creature.Deceleration);
                creature.Velocity.Y = Math.Sign(creature.Velocity.Y) * speed;

        // Scroll to keep the player onscreen:
            Vector2 margin = new Vector2(300, 250);
            Origin.X = Clamp(Origin.X,
                -Player.Position.X + margin.X,
                -(Player.Position.X + Assets.PropTiles.DestinationSize.X) + Game.Resolution.X - margin.X);
            Origin.Y = Clamp(Origin.Y,
                -Player.Position.Y + margin.Y,
                -(Player.Position.Y + Assets.PropTiles.DestinationSize.Y) + Game.Resolution.Y - margin.Y);

        // Draw the static part of the map:
        for (int row = 0; row < MapHeight; row++)
            for (int column = 0; column < MapWidth; column++)
                TileEngine.DrawTile(Assets.WallTiles, Walls[column, row], Origin + new Vector2(column, row) * Assets.CellSize);

        // Draw creatures back-to-front:
        foreach (Creature creature in Creatures.OrderBy(x => x.IsFlat ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(x => x.Position.Y))
            TileEngine.DrawTile(Assets.PropTiles, creature.Appearance[creature.Frame], Origin + creature.Position,
                mirror: creature.Facing);

            if (advanceFrame)
                creature.Frame = (creature.Frame + 1) % creature.Appearance.Length;

        // Draw UI:
        if (InConversation)
            string speech = Conversers[0].Conversation[ConversationPage];
            int width = 16;
            int height = 3;
            Vector2 pos = new TileIndex((20 - width) / 2, 12 - height) * Assets.CellSize;
            DrawBorder(pos, width, height);
            pos += 0.5f * Assets.CellSize;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, speech, pos);
        else if (availableConversers.Count > 0)
            string text = "\x18 Converse";
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2((20 - (text.Length + 1) / 2) / 2, 11) * Assets.CellSize;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, text, pos);
        else if (ShowMoveTip)
            string text = "\x1C \x1D \x1E \x1F Move";
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2((20 - (text.Length + 1) / 2) / 2, 11) * Assets.CellSize;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, text, pos);

        // End of game cinematics:
        if (State == GameState.Losing)
            if (advanceFrame)
                EndGameFrame += 1;
                if (EndGameFrame == Assets.EndMusicFrame) Engine.PlayMusic(Assets.LosingMusic, fadeTime: 6.0f);
            Color background = Color.Black.WithAlpha(EndGameFrame / 5f);
            Engine.DrawRectSolid(new Bounds2(Vector2.Zero, Game.Resolution), background);

            string text = "You died";
            float textAlpha = Clamp((EndGameFrame - 8) / 5f, 0, 1);
            Color textColor = Assets.LosingTextColor.WithAlpha(textAlpha);
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2((20 - (text.Length + 1) / 2) / 2, 5) * Assets.CellSize;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, text, pos, color: textColor);
        else if (State == GameState.Winning)
            if (advanceFrame)
                EndGameFrame += 1;
                if (EndGameFrame == Assets.EndMusicFrame) Engine.PlayMusic(Assets.WinningMusic, fadeTime: 6.0f);
            Color background = Color.White.WithAlpha(EndGameFrame / 5f);
            Engine.DrawRectSolid(new Bounds2(Vector2.Zero, Game.Resolution), background);

            string text = "You escaped!";
            float textAlpha = Clamp((EndGameFrame - 8) / 5f, 0, 1);
            Color textColor = Assets.WinningTextColor.WithAlpha(textAlpha);
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2((20 - (text.Length + 1) / 2) / 2, 5) * Assets.CellSize;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, text, pos, color: textColor);

        if (EndGameFrame > 20)
            string text = "\x1A New game";
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2((20 - (text.Length + 1) / 2) / 2, 11) * Assets.CellSize;
            Color color = (State == GameState.Winning) ? Assets.WinningTextColor : Assets.LosingTextColor;
            TileEngine.DrawTileString(Assets.FontTiles, text, pos, color: color);

            if (Engine.GetKeyDown(Key.N))
                Restart = true;

        // Debug information:
        if (Game.Debug)
            foreach (Action action in diagnostics)
Esempio n. 15
 internal void drawOverheads(TileEngine.MapTile tile, Position3D position)
     // base entities do not draw, but they can have overheads, so we draw those.
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Overhead> overhead in _overheads)
         if (!overhead.Value.IsDisposed)
             overhead.Value.Draw(tile, position);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the map, with TL in map at mapOffset. Screenviewport is the screen viewport in tile dimensions (for now)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapToRender"></param>
        /// <param name="mapOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="screenViewport"></param>
        public static void RenderMap(TileEngine.TileMap mapToRender, Point mapOffset, Rectangle screenViewport)
            //For libtcod
            //tileID = ascii char
            //flags = color

            //Get screen handle
            RootConsole rootConsole = RootConsole.GetInstance();

            if (mapOffset.x >= mapToRender.Columns || mapOffset.y >= mapToRender.Rows)
                throw new Exception("Point outside map " + mapOffset);

            //Calculate visible area of map
            int maxColumn = mapOffset.x + screenViewport.Width - 1;
            int maxRow = mapOffset.y + screenViewport.Height - 1;

            if (maxColumn >= mapToRender.Columns)
                maxColumn = mapToRender.Columns - 1;
            if (maxRow >= mapToRender.Rows)
                maxRow = mapToRender.Rows - 1;

            //Render layers in order
            foreach (TileEngine.TileLayer layer in mapToRender.Layer)
                for (int y = mapOffset.y; y <= maxRow; y++)
                    for (int x = mapOffset.x; x <= maxColumn; x++)
                        TileEngine.TileCell thisCell = layer.Rows[y].Columns[x];

                        if (thisCell.TileID == -1)

                        //Flags is a color for libtcod
                        LibtcodColorFlags colorFlags = thisCell.TileFlag as LibtcodColorFlags;
                        if (colorFlags == null)
                            rootConsole.ForegroundColor = ColorPresets.White;
                            rootConsole.BackgroundColor = ColorPresets.Black;
                            if (colorFlags.BackgroundColor == null)
                                rootConsole.BackgroundColor = ColorPresets.Black;
                                rootConsole.BackgroundColor = colorFlags.BackgroundColor;

                            rootConsole.ForegroundColor = colorFlags.ForegroundColor;

                        //Id is the char
                        char screenChar = Convert.ToChar(thisCell.TileID);

                        //Screen coords
                        int screenX = screenViewport.X + (x - mapOffset.x);
                        int screenY = screenViewport.Y + (y - mapOffset.y);

                        rootConsole.PutChar(screenX, screenY, screenChar);

            //Reset colors - this matters for systems that don't use the tile renderer
            rootConsole.ForegroundColor = ColorPresets.White;
            rootConsole.BackgroundColor = ColorPresets.Black;
Esempio n. 17
        public MdiLayer(KhvGame game, string name, bool transparent, bool visible, Size size, TileEngine tileEngine, Index startIndex)
            : base(game, name, transparent, visible, size, tileEngine)
            rectangle = new Rectangle(startIndex.X * tileEngine.TileSize.Width,
                                      startIndex.Y * tileEngine.TileSize.Height,
                                      size.Width * tileEngine.TileSize.Width,
                                      size.Height * tileEngine.TileSize.Height);

            originalPosition = new Vector2(startIndex.X * tileEngine.TileSize.Width,
                                           startIndex.Y * tileEngine.TileSize.Height);

            position = new Vector2(OriginalPosition.X, OriginalPosition.Y);
Esempio n. 18
        public TileParameters(SerializedMdiData mdiData, List <BaseSerializedTile> serializedTiles, TileEngine tileEngine)
            this.mdiData         = mdiData;
            this.serializedTiles = serializedTiles;
            this.tileEngine      = tileEngine;

            tileParams = new List <TileParameter>();
Esempio n. 19
    void Awake()
        tileEngine = FindObjectOfType<TileEngine>();
		audio = this.GetComponent<AudioSource> ();