protected void OnBrushLoad(object o, EventArgs args) { try { if (tilemap == null) { ErrorDialog.ShowError("Brush: No tilemap selected", "You have to select a tilemap before you load a brush"); return; } fileChooser.Title = "Choose a Brush"; fileChooser.Action = Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open; fileChooser.SetCurrentFolder(Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir); fileChooser.Filter = fileChooser.Filters[3]; int result = fileChooser.Run(); fileChooser.Hide(); if (result != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { return; } Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir = fileChooser.CurrentFolder; Settings.Instance.Save(); string brushFile = fileChooser.Filename; TileBrushTool editor = new TileBrushTool(this, level.Tileset, brushFile); SetTool(editor); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.Exception(e); } }
protected void OnBrushSaveAs(object o, EventArgs args) { try { ITool editor = sectorSwitchNotebook.CurrentRenderer.Editor; if (!(editor is TileBrushTool)) { ErrorDialog.ShowError("No brush editor active", "You need to open a brush before you can save changes to it"); return; } TileBrushTool brushTool = (TileBrushTool)editor; fileChooser.Title = "Choose a Brush"; fileChooser.Action = Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save; fileChooser.SetCurrentFolder(Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir); fileChooser.Filter = fileChooser.Filters[3]; int result = fileChooser.Run(); fileChooser.Hide(); if (result != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { return; } Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir = fileChooser.CurrentFolder; Settings.Instance.Save(); string brushFile = fileChooser.Filename; brushTool.Brush.saveToFile(brushFile); /* * try { * LispSerializer serializer = new LispSerializer(typeof(Brush)); * serializer.Write(brushFile, brushEditor.Brush); * } catch(Exception e) { * ErrorDialog.Exception("Couldn't save brush", e); * } */ } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.Exception(e); } }
protected void OnBrushLoad(object o, EventArgs args) { try { if (tilemap == null) { ErrorDialog.ShowError("Brush: No tilemap selected", "You have to select a tilemap before you load a brush"); return; } fileChooser.Title = "Choose a Brush"; fileChooser.Action = Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open; fileChooser.SetCurrentFolder(Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir); fileChooser.Filter = fileChooser.Filters[3]; int result = fileChooser.Run(); fileChooser.Hide(); if(result != (int) Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) return; Settings.Instance.LastBrushDir = fileChooser.CurrentFolder; Settings.Instance.Save(); string brushFile = fileChooser.Filename; TileBrushTool editor = new TileBrushTool(this, level.Tileset, brushFile); SetTool(editor); } catch(Exception e) { ErrorDialog.Exception(e); } }