Esempio n. 1
    //pick the first point of which to allocate to a starting region
    //if starting point doesnt have any free neighbours then it retries, if freepoints >1
    private bool allocatePointToRegion(Tile.Region region, HashSet <Pair> noneNeighbours)
        int         randIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, freePoints.Count); //pick a random free point to assign to region
        int         xPos      = freePoints[randIndex].first;
        int         yPos      = freePoints[randIndex].second;
        List <Pair> nlist     = findNeighbours(xPos, yPos);

        foreach (Pair p in nlist)
            if (isNoneRegion(p)) //add to hashset of noneneighbours only if the tile is none
        if (noneNeighbours.Count >= 1 || freePoints.Count < 1)  // set random neighbour to city
            int  rand = Random.Range(0, noneNeighbours.Count);
            Pair p    = noneNeighbours.ElementAt(rand); // slow O(n) but should be ok considering relatively small dimensions
            tileBoard[p.first, p.second].region = region;
            noneNeighbours.Remove(p);                   //also slow O(n)
                                                        //Debug.Log(noneNeighbours.Count + " neighbours count for " + region);
            freePoints.RemoveAt(randIndex);             //remove this point as it is no longer free
            tileBoard[xPos, yPos].region = region;
            //try again.. shouldnt cause infinite loop?
            Debug.Log("attempting to find a better starting point...");
            allocatePointToRegion(region, noneNeighbours);
Esempio n. 2
    //given a region and amount (counter) allocate tiles to that region
    private void AllocateTiles(Tile.Region region, int counter)
        //pick random free tile from the list of tiles and allocate it to city
        HashSet <Pair> noneNeighbours = new HashSet <Pair>(); //avoid dupllicate points here. no way to select specific index/ random elem from hashset however :(

        Debug.Log("allocating" + counter + " " + region + " tiles...");
        //Debug.Log("allocate tiles: counter : " + counter + " , freePoints count: " + freePoints.Count);
        allocatePointToRegion(region, noneNeighbours);
        while (counter > 0 && freePoints.Count > 0)
            allocateNeighbourToRegion(region, noneNeighbours);
Esempio n. 3
    private HashSet <Pair> allocateNeighbourToRegion(Tile.Region region, HashSet <Pair> noneNeighbours)
        //pick random point in neighbours list, set it to region
        int  rand = Random.Range(0, noneNeighbours.Count);
        Pair p    = noneNeighbours.ElementAt(rand);

        tileBoard[p.first, p.second].region = region;
        //remove this point from neighbours and freepoints as it is no longer free
        //////////freePoints.RemoveAt(rand); issue removing from free points properly
        //find neighbours of this point and add them to the neighbours list
        List <Pair> nlist = findNeighbours(p.first, p.second);

        foreach (Pair pair in nlist)
            if (isNoneRegion(pair)) //add to hashset of noneneighbours only if the tile is none
        return(noneNeighbours); //doesnt need to return as parameter object is mutable and changes within this method