Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                //REMARS - works without access to mikrotik router

                FirewallMangleList dest   = CreateList();
                FirewallMangleList srcTmp = CreateList();

                List <FirewallMangle> src = new List <FirewallMangle>(srcTmp);
                FirewallMangle        additionalMangle = new FirewallMangle()
                    SrcAddress = "", Action = "allow"
                src.Insert(0, additionalMangle);

                dest.MergeSubset(dest, src, dest.First(), m => m.SrcAddress,
                                 (d, s) => d.Action = s.Action);

                foreach (FirewallMangle mangle in dest)
                Console.WriteLine("I/U/D/M {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", dest.NewCount, dest.UpdatedCount, dest.DeletedCount, dest.MovesCount);
Esempio n. 2
 public static Task <IEnumerable <IPAddress> > ReadPublicIpv4AddressesFromMikrotikRouter(Config config)
     return(Task.Run(() =>
         Log.Trace("Reading public IPv4 addresses from Mikrotik Router ({0})...", config.routerAddress);
         using (var session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
             var password = UnprotectSecret(config.routerPassword, config.randomString);
             session.Open(config.routerAddress, config.routerUser, password);
             Log.Trace("Connected to router OK.");
             var conn = (Tik4Net.Connector.Api.IApiConnector)session.Connector;
             var result = new List <IPAddress>();
             foreach (var iface in config.routerPublicInterfaces)
                 var publicIp = conn.ApiExecuteReader("/ip/address/print\n?interface=" + iface).FirstOrDefault();
                 if (publicIp == null)
                     Log.Warn("Unable to find interface in router: " + iface);
                 var ipAndMask = publicIp.GetStringValueOrNull("address", true);
                 var ip = ipAndMask.Substring(0, ipAndMask.LastIndexOf('/'));
                 Log.Debug("Read public IPv4 address '{0}' from Mikrotik Router OK.", ip);
             return result.AsEnumerable();
Esempio n. 3
 private void btnConsoleClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (consoleSession != null)
         consoleSession = null;
Esempio n. 4
 private void btnConsoleClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (consoleSession != null)
         consoleSession = null;
Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                SystemResource resource = SystemResource.LoadInstance();
                Console.WriteLine("Mikrotik version: {0}", resource.Version);
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                SystemResource resource = SystemResource.LoadInstance();
                Console.WriteLine("Mikrotik version: {0}", resource.Version);
        internal TikPropertyParser(TikSession session, string request, List <string> responseDataRows)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(responseDataRows, "responseDataRows");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(request, "request");

            string[] items = request.Split('\n');
            if (items[0].Contains(@"/print")) //remove /print sufix if present
                this.entityPath = items[0].Substring(0, items[0].IndexOf(@"/print"));
                this.entityPath = items[0];

            StringHelper.GetEntityFqn(entityPath, out entityNamespace, out entityName);

            //response -> properties
            props            = new Dictionary <string, FieldType>();
            entityExampleRow = "";
            foreach (string responseDataRow in responseDataRows)
                if (responseDataRow.StartsWith("!re"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityExampleRow))
                        entityExampleRow = responseDataRow;

                    ITikEntityRow row = session.Connector.CreateEntityRow(responseDataRow);
                    foreach (string key in row.Keys)
                        bool      nullable  = StringHelper.DetermineFieldNulable(key);
                        FieldType fieldType = StringHelper.DetermineFieldTypeFromValue(row.GetStringValueOrNull(key, true), nullable);

                        if (!props.ContainsKey(key))
                            props.Add(key, fieldType);
                            FieldType actualType = props[key];
                            if (actualType != fieldType) //set type=string if there more than one variant
                                props[key] = nullable ? FieldType.StringNulable : FieldType.String;
Esempio n. 8
 private void btnConsoleOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (consoleSession != null)
         throw new Exception("Console session is already active.");
         consoleSession = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api);
         consoleSession.Open(tbHost.Text, int.Parse(tbPort.Text), tbUser.Text, tbPassword.Text);
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                Tik4Net.Objects.System.SystemResource resource = Tik4Net.Objects.System.SystemResource.LoadInstance();

                IApiConnector apiConnector = (IApiConnector)session.Connector;

                //ip-scan example
                List <ITikEntityRow> ipScanList = apiConnector.ApiExecuteReader("/tool/ip-scan", new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "address-range", "" },
                    { "interface", "ether1" },
                    { "duration", "120" }
                foreach (ITikEntityRow row in ipScanList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}, MAC: {1}, DNS: {2}",
                                      row.GetStringValueOrNull("address", true),
                                      row.GetStringValueOrNull("mac-address", false),
                                      row.GetStringValueOrNull("dns", false));

                //mac-scan sample
                List <ITikEntityRow> macScanList = apiConnector.ApiExecuteReader("/tool/mac-scan", new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "interface", "ether1" },
                    { "duration", "120" }
                foreach (ITikEntityRow row in macScanList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}, MAC: {1}",
                                      row.GetStringValueOrNull("address", true),
                                      row.GetStringValueOrNull("mac-address", true));

                //logging example
                apiConnector.Log("Test", Tik4Net.Objects.LogLevel.Info); //REMARKS - you should use LogList.LogDebug for this case.

                //execute scalar - select for single value
                string result = apiConnector.ApiExecuteScalar("/ip/firewall/connection/print", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "count-only", "" }
Esempio n. 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                Tik4Net.Objects.System.SystemResource resource = Tik4Net.Objects.System.SystemResource.LoadInstance();

                IApiConnector apiConnector = (IApiConnector)session.Connector;

                //ip-scan example
                List<ITikEntityRow> ipScanList = apiConnector.ApiExecuteReader("/tool/ip-scan", new Dictionary<string, string>
                        {"address-range", ""},
                        {"interface", "ether1"},
                        {"duration", "120" }
                foreach (ITikEntityRow row in ipScanList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}, MAC: {1}, DNS: {2}",
                        row.GetStringValueOrNull("address", true),
                        row.GetStringValueOrNull("mac-address", false),
                        row.GetStringValueOrNull("dns", false));

                //mac-scan sample
                List<ITikEntityRow> macScanList = apiConnector.ApiExecuteReader("/tool/mac-scan", new Dictionary<string, string>
                        {"interface", "ether1" },
                        {"duration", "120" }
                foreach (ITikEntityRow row in macScanList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}, MAC: {1}",
                        row.GetStringValueOrNull("address", true),
                        row.GetStringValueOrNull("mac-address", true));

                //logging example
                apiConnector.Log("Test", Tik4Net.Objects.LogLevel.Info); //REMARKS - you should use LogList.LogDebug for this case.

                //execute scalar - select for single value
                string result = apiConnector.ApiExecuteScalar("/ip/firewall/connection/print", new Dictionary<string,string>{{"count-only", ""}});
Esempio n. 11
        internal TikPropertyParser(TikSession session, string request, List<string> responseDataRows)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(responseDataRows, "responseDataRows");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(request, "request");

            string[] items = request.Split('\n');
            if (items[0].Contains(@"/print")) //remove /print sufix if present
                this.entityPath = items[0].Substring(0, items[0].IndexOf(@"/print"));
                this.entityPath = items[0];

            StringHelper.GetEntityFqn(entityPath, out entityNamespace, out entityName);

            //response -> properties
            props = new Dictionary<string, FieldType>();
            entityExampleRow = "";
            foreach (string responseDataRow in responseDataRows)
                if (responseDataRow.StartsWith("!re"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityExampleRow))
                        entityExampleRow = responseDataRow;

                    ITikEntityRow row = session.Connector.CreateEntityRow(responseDataRow);
                    foreach (string key in row.Keys)
                        bool nullable = StringHelper.DetermineFieldNulable(key);
                        FieldType fieldType = StringHelper.DetermineFieldTypeFromValue(row.GetStringValueOrNull(key, true), nullable);

                        if (!props.ContainsKey(key))
                            props.Add(key, fieldType);
                            FieldType actualType = props[key];
                            if (actualType != fieldType) //set type=string if there more than one variant
                                props[key] = nullable ? FieldType.StringNulable : FieldType.String;
Esempio n. 12
        private void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get instanct of TikSession
            TikSession ts = PubConst.tikSession;

                //Connect to router
                ts.Open(ConnectToTextBox.Text, loginTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // working on exception
                MessageBox.Show("Login failed!" + ex.Message);
            // hide self & show mainform
            MainForm mf = new MainForm();

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InterfaceList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public InterfaceList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IpAddressList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public IpAddressList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                //load potential login errors
                LogList logItems = new LogList();

                //load actual addresslist
                FirewallAddressListList addrListItems = new FirewallAddressListList();

                //Find all logon erros (possible atack)
                Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> atacksPerIp = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>(); //<ip, <user, cnt>>
                foreach (Log log in logItems)
                    Match match = loginErrorRegex.Match(log.Message);
                    if (match.Success) //is logon error format
                        string atackerIp = match.Groups["IP"].Value;
                        string atackerTechnology = match.Groups["CONN"].Value;
                        string atackerLogin = match.Groups["USER"].Value;
                        if (!atackerIp.StartsWith(IP_PREFIX_WHITELIST, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))  //IP is not in white-list
                            if (checkedTechnology.Contains(atackerTechnology, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //technology is in checked list (should be handled)
                                if (!atacksPerIp.ContainsKey(atackerIp))
                                    atacksPerIp.Add(atackerIp, new Dictionary<string, int>());

                                if (!atacksPerIp[atackerIp].ContainsKey(atackerLogin))
                                    atacksPerIp[atackerIp].Add(atackerLogin, 0);

                                atacksPerIp[atackerIp][atackerLogin] = atacksPerIp[atackerIp][atackerLogin] + 1;

                    //Disable all atackers
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, int>> atackFromIp in atacksPerIp)
                        if (atackFromIp.Value.Keys.Any(login => LOGIN_BLACKLIST.Contains(login)) //in blacklist
                            || atackFromIp.Value.Keys.Count >= CNT_OF_LOGINS_PER_IP_LIMIT
                            || atackFromIp.Value.Any(p=>p.Value >= CNT_OF_ERRORS_PER_LOGIN_LIMIT))
                            //should be disabled
                            if (!addrListItems.Any(i => i.Address == atackFromIp.Key))
                                //not already in disabled list
                                addrListItems.Add(new FirewallAddressList()
                                        Address = atackFromIp.Key,
                                        Disabled = false,
                                        List = DROP_ADDR_LIST

                    if (addrListItems.IsModified)
Esempio n. 16
        };                                                                         //if user name is in blacklist, than previous two lines limit is treated as 1

        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (TikSession session = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api))
                session.Open(HOST, USER, PASS);

                //load potential login errors
                LogList logItems = new LogList();

                //load actual addresslist
                FirewallAddressListList addrListItems = new FirewallAddressListList();

                //Find all logon erros (possible atack)
                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > atacksPerIp = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >(); //<ip, <user, cnt>>
                foreach (Log log in logItems)
                    Match match = loginErrorRegex.Match(log.Message);
                    if (match.Success) //is logon error format
                        string atackerIp         = match.Groups["IP"].Value;
                        string atackerTechnology = match.Groups["CONN"].Value;
                        string atackerLogin      = match.Groups["USER"].Value;
                        if (!atackerIp.StartsWith(IP_PREFIX_WHITELIST, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))      //IP is not in white-list
                            if (checkedTechnology.Contains(atackerTechnology, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //technology is in checked list (should be handled)
                                if (!atacksPerIp.ContainsKey(atackerIp))
                                    atacksPerIp.Add(atackerIp, new Dictionary <string, int>());

                                if (!atacksPerIp[atackerIp].ContainsKey(atackerLogin))
                                    atacksPerIp[atackerIp].Add(atackerLogin, 0);

                                atacksPerIp[atackerIp][atackerLogin] = atacksPerIp[atackerIp][atackerLogin] + 1;

                    //Disable all atackers
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, int> > atackFromIp in atacksPerIp)
                        if (atackFromIp.Value.Keys.Any(login => LOGIN_BLACKLIST.Contains(login)) || //in blacklist
                            atackFromIp.Value.Keys.Count >= CNT_OF_LOGINS_PER_IP_LIMIT ||
                            atackFromIp.Value.Any(p => p.Value >= CNT_OF_ERRORS_PER_LOGIN_LIMIT))
                            //should be disabled
                            if (!addrListItems.Any(i => i.Address == atackFromIp.Key))
                                //not already in disabled list
                                addrListItems.Add(new FirewallAddressList()
                                    Address  = atackFromIp.Key,
                                    Disabled = false,
                                    List     = DROP_ADDR_LIST

                    if (addrListItems.IsModified)
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="QueueSimpleList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public QueueSimpleList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public LogList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SystemResourceList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public SystemResourceList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FirewallMangleList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public FirewallMangleList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 21
 private void btnConsoleOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (consoleSession != null)
         throw new Exception("Console session is already active.");
         consoleSession = new TikSession(TikConnectorType.Api);
         consoleSession.Open(tbHost.Text, int.Parse(tbPort.Text), tbUser.Text, tbPassword.Text);
Esempio n. 22
 private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
     if (consoleSession != null)
         consoleSession = null;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InterfaceEthernetList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public InterfaceEthernetList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InterfaceWirelessList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public InterfaceWirelessList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FirewallNatList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public FirewallNatList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="ILogConnector.Log"/> for details.
 /// </summary>
 public static void LogWarning(string message)
     TikSession.CastActiveConnector <ILogConnector>().Log(message, LogLevel.Warning);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FirewallFilterList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public FirewallFilterList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="ILogConnector.Log"/> for details.
 /// </summary>
 public static void LogError(string message)
     TikSession.CastActiveConnector <ILogConnector>().Log(message, LogLevel.Error);
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FirewallAddressListList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public FirewallAddressListList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="QueueTypeList"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session used to access mikrotik.</param>
 public QueueTypeList(TikSession session)
     : base(session)