private TicketVo toTicketVo(Ticket t)
            var tv = new TicketVo
                AssetNo          = t.AssetNo,
                Attach           = t.Attach,
                Category         = t.Category,
                Company          = t.Company,
                CompanyCode      = t.CompanyCode,
                CompanyWBS       = t.CompanyWBS,
                Counter          = t.Counter,
                CreatedBy        = t.CreatedBy,
                CreatedDate      = t.CreatedDate,
                DeptCodeEscalate = t.DeptCodeEscalate,
                DeptEscalate     = t.DeptEscalate,
                DescStatus       = t.DescStatus,
                DetailCategory   = t.DetailCategory,
                DetailCategoryId = t.DetailCategoryId,
                DeviceType       = t.DeviceType,
                DeviceTypeId     = t.DeviceTypeId,
                Email            = t.Email,
                EndDate          = t.EndDate,
                EndDateAct       = t.EndDateAct,
                EndTime          = t.EndTime,
                EndTimeAct       = t.EndTimeAct,
                Escalate         = t.Escalate,
                EscalateSn       = t.EscalateSn,
                ExistingDevice   = t.ExistingDevice,
                Ext = t.Ext,
                FromDeptCodeEscalate = t.FromDeptCodeEscalate,
                FromDeptEscalate     = t.FromDeptEscalate,
                FromEscalate         = t.FromEscalate,
                FromEscalateSn       = t.FromEscalateSn,
                IdNumber             = t.IdNumber,
                Idx              = t.Idx,
                IdxReqProblem    = t.IdxReqProblem,
                Impact           = t.Impact,
                IsSmup           = t.IsSmup,
                LastIp           = t.LastIp,
                LastUpdate       = t.LastUpdate,
                LastUser         = t.LastUser,
                Location         = t.Location,
                LocationId       = t.LocationId,
                MTicketId        = t.MTicketId,
                Phone            = t.Phone,
                Priority         = t.Priority,
                PrjId            = t.PrjId,
                PrjName          = t.PrjName,
                Problem          = t.Problem,
                ProblemHeader    = t.ProblemHeader,
                Product          = t.Product,
                Reason           = t.Reason,
                ReferenceNo      = t.ReferenceNo,
                ReopenLevel      = t.ReopenLevel,
                ReportBy         = t.ReportBy,
                ReportDate       = t.ReportDate,
                ReportedTime     = t.ReportedTime,
                ReportHelpdeskBy = t.ReportHelpdeskBy,
                ReportTime       = t.ReportTime,
                ReportVia        = t.ReportVia,
                Resolution       = t.Resolution,
                RevenueType      = t.RevenueType,
                Sla              = t.Sla,
                StartDate        = t.StartDate,
                StartTime        = t.StartTime,
                StatusTicket     = t.StatusTicket,
                SubRevenueType   = t.SubRevenueType,
                TicketId         = t.TicketId,
                TimeDetail       = t.TimeDetail,
                Urgency          = t.Urgency,
                UserAccess       = t.UserAccess,
                Warranty         = t.Warranty,
                WBSNo            = t.WBSNo,
                WorkingTime      = t.WorkingTime,
                YearPurchase     = t.YearPurchase

        public TransferAssetRequestDTO GetDummyData(TicketVo t)
            var workflow = new List <RoutingItemDTO>
                new RoutingItemDTO
                    ActualDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    BaseDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Division       = "Warehouse",
                    DivisionStatus = false,
                    Instruction    = "Fixed the information please!",
                    PlanDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Response       = "Muke gile...",
                    RoutingStatus  = ERoutingStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
                    SaStatus       = false,
                    Step           = 1
                new RoutingItemDTO
                    ActualDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    BaseDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Division       = "Sales Admin",
                    DivisionStatus = false,
                    Instruction    = "Fixed the information please!",
                    PlanDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Response       = "Muke gile juga!",
                    RoutingStatus  = ERoutingStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
                    SaStatus       = false,
                    Step           = 2

            var routings = new List <TransferAssetRoutingInfoDTO>();
            var rbh      = new TransferAssetByHolderRoutingInfoDTO
                CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                CurrentStep  = 1,
                IdrWebNumber = "123456",
                NewContract  = new TransferAssetNewContractDTO
                    DeliveryOrderToUser = "******",
                    Device               = "Laptop",
                    DeviceSn             = "343234",
                    EquipDesc            = "Laptop Lenovo i3",
                    Equipment            = "234324",
                    NewHolderName        = "Bromo Kunto Adji",
                    NewLineNumber        = "32",
                    NewLocation          = "Jakarta",
                    NewNumber            = "NEW-54534534",
                    NewSalaryNumber      = "SAL-2234324",
                    ReturnDeliveryNumber = "RET-2343224",
                    SoDeliveryNumber     = "SOD-2342344"
                OldContract = new TransferAssetOldContractDTO
                    Device          = "Laptop",
                    DeviceSn        = "343234",
                    EquipDesc       = "Laptop Lenovo i3",
                    Equipment       = "234324",
                    OldHolderName   = "Indra Birowo",
                    OldLineNumber   = "32",
                    OldLocation     = "Jakarta",
                    OldNumber       = "OLD-54534534",
                    OldSalaryNumber = "SAL-4323423",
                RoutingMemo = "Please dikerjakan semua ya!",
                Routings    = workflow,
                SubScenario = ESubScenario.BY_HOLDER_NAME


            var rbl = new TransferAssetByLocationRoutingInfoDTO
                CreateDate   = DateTime.Now,
                CurrentStep  = 1,
                IdrWebNumber = "123456",
                UpdContract  = new TransferAssetUpdatedContractDTO
                    Device          = "Laptop",
                    DeviceSn        = "343234",
                    EquipDesc       = "Laptop Lenovo i3",
                    Equipment       = "234324",
                    OldHolderName   = "Indra Birowo",
                    OldLineNumber   = "32",
                    OldLocation     = "Jakarta",
                    OldNumber       = "OLD-54534534",
                    OldSalaryNumber = "SAL-4323423",
                    UpdLocation     = "Bangka Belitung"
                OldContract = new TransferAssetOldContractDTO
                    Device          = "Laptop",
                    DeviceSn        = "343234",
                    EquipDesc       = "Laptop Lenovo i3",
                    Equipment       = "234324",
                    OldHolderName   = "Indra Birowo",
                    OldLineNumber   = "32",
                    OldLocation     = "Jakarta",
                    OldNumber       = "OLD-54534534",
                    OldSalaryNumber = "SAL-4323423",
                RoutingMemo = "Please dikerjakan semua ya!",
                Routings    = workflow,
                SubScenario = ESubScenario.BY_HOLDER_NAME


            var req = new TransferAssetRequestDTO
                Id          = _indexDao.NewServiceRequestId(),
                RequestInfo = new TransferAssetRequestInfoDTO
                    Company        = t.Company,
                    DetailCategory = t.DetailCategory,
                    Email          = t.Email,
                    Id             = t.IdNumber,
                    Location       = t.Location,
                    RequestMemo    = t.Problem,
                    RequestedBy    = t.ReportBy,
                    RequestedDate  = DateTime.ParseExact(t.ReportDate, Properties.Settings.Default.HelpdeskDateFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    RequestedVia   = t.ReportVia,
                    SnOrIdNumber   = t.IdNumber,
                    TicketCategory = t.Category
                IssuedBy   = "Helpdesk",
                IssuedDate = DateTime.Now,
                Scenario   = EScenario.TRANSFER_ASSET,
                State      = EServiceRequestState.DRAFT,
                Routings   = routings
