Esempio n. 1
        public static List <TicketStatus> GetTicketStatus(string Code, string ConnectionString)
            TicketFacade        tac       = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
            List <TicketStatus> lstStatus = new List <TicketStatus>();

            lstStatus = tac.GetAttributeTypeForTicketForClients(Code).ToList(); // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
            if (Code == "101")                                                  //101 = PRIORITY_STATUS
                lstStatus = lstStatus.OrderByDescending(x => x.Code).ToList();
            else if (Code == "102") //101 = TICKET_STATUS
                if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.IndexOf("edit") < 0)
                    lstStatus = lstStatus.Where(x => x.Code == "102001").ToList(); //102001=Created
                    lstStatus = lstStatus.Where(x => x.Code == "102001" || x.Code == "102005").ToList(); //102001=Created, 102005=Closed
            else if (Code == "103" && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.IndexOf("edit") < 0)//103 = TICKET SOURCE
                lstStatus = lstStatus.Where(x => x.Value == "Web Application").ToList();
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult CloseTicket(int id, int pageNo, int pageSize)
            TicketEntity objTicket = new TicketEntity();
            TicketFacade tac       = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));

            objTicket = tac.GetTicketByIDByClients(id);  // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
            TicketAuditEntity objAudit = new TicketAuditEntity();

            objAudit.Status        = 102005; // 102005=Closed
            objAudit.AssignedTo    = 0;
            objAudit.ChangedByUser = Helper.UserName;
            objAudit.Priority      = objTicket.Priority;
            objAudit.Notes         = objTicket.IssueDescription;
            objAudit.TicketId      = id;
            tac.InsertUpdateTicketAuditForClient(objAudit, null, null, null, null, 0);      // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
            int finalsortOrder        = 12;
            int totalCount            = 0;
            List <TicketEntity> model = new List <TicketEntity>();

            //List all ticket
            model = tac.GetTicketListByUser(Request.Url.Authority, Helper.UserName, finalsortOrder, pageNo, pageSize, out totalCount).ToList();
            IPagedList <TicketEntity> pagedTicket = new StaticPagedList <TicketEntity>(model.ToList(), pageNo, pageSize, totalCount);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(PartialView("_Index", pagedTicket));
                return(View("Index", pagedTicket));
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Edit(TicketEntity model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (model != null)
                    TicketFacade      tac        = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
                    TicketAuditEntity auditmodel = new TicketAuditEntity();

                    TicketEntity model1 = tac.GetLastTicketAuditByTicketIdByClient(model.Id);  // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                    auditmodel.AssignedTo = model.AssignedTo;
                    auditmodel.Priority   = model.Priority;
                    auditmodel.Status     = model1.CurrentStatus;// model.CurrentStatus;
                    auditmodel.Notes      = model.Note;
                    auditmodel.TicketId   = model.Id;
                    //Get Logged in User Name
                    auditmodel.ChangedByUser = Helper.UserName;
                    //Get Uploaded file name from tempdata
                    string Files = SessionHelper.ImageName;
                    //Save ticket data
                    tac.InsertUpdateTicketAuditForClient(auditmodel, model.PrimaryEmailAddress, model.PrimaryContactNumber, Files, model.Title, model.TicketType);   // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                    SessionHelper.TicketMessage = CommonMessagesLang.msgCommanUpdateMessage;
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { Parameters = StringCipher.Encrypt(model.Id.ToString(), General.passPhrase) }));
Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult Create(TicketEntity model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (model != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionHelper.ImageName))
                        model.Files = SessionHelper.ImageName.TrimEnd(':');

                    model.EnteredBy = Helper.UserName;
                    TicketFacade tac = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
                    //Save Ticket
                    int ticketId = tac.InsertUpdateTicketForClient(model);  // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT

                    if (ticketId > 0)
                        #region Send Notification on success
                        // When Create new ticket at time send mail user for creation of ticket.
                        TicketEntity objTicket = new TicketEntity();
                        objTicket = tac.GetTicketByIDByClients(ticketId);  // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                        string SupportEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationEmail"];
                        string emailBody    = string.Empty;
                        if (Helper.Branding == Branding.Matchbook.ToString())
                            emailBody += "Hi, " + model.EnteredBy + "<br/><br/>";
                            emailBody += MessageCollection.MatchbookTicketText + "<br/><br/>";
                            emailBody += "<table width='100%'>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Title :</td><td>" + model.Title + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Priority :</td><td>" + objTicket.PriorityValue + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Status :</td><td>" + objTicket.CurrentStatusValue + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Description :</td><td>" + model.IssueDescription + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "</table>";
                            Helper.SendMail(model.PrimaryEmailAddress, MessageCollection.MatchbookTicketCreated, emailBody, SupportEmail);
                        else if (Helper.Branding == Branding.DandB.ToString())
                            emailBody += "Hi, " + model.EnteredBy + "<br/><br/>";
                            emailBody += MessageCollection.DandBTicketText + "<br/><br/>";
                            emailBody += "<table width='100%'>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Title :</td><td>" + model.Title + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Priority :</td><td>" + objTicket.PriorityValue + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Status :</td><td>" + objTicket.CurrentStatusValue + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "<tr><td style='width:11%;'>Description :</td><td>" + model.IssueDescription + "</td></tr>";
                            emailBody += "</table>";
                            Helper.SendMail(model.PrimaryEmailAddress, MessageCollection.DandBTicketCreated, emailBody, SupportEmail);
                    SessionHelper.TicketMessage = CommonMessagesLang.msgCommanInsertMessage;
Esempio n. 5
    private void DoBuy()
        string issueIdString   = HidIsuseID.Value;
        string isuseNumber     = HidIsuseNumber.Value;
        string endTime         = HidIsuseEndTime.Value;
        string playTypeString  = Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("playType");
        string lotteryNumber   = Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(base.Request["tb_LotteryNumber"]);
        string sumMoneyString  = Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("tb_hide_SumMoney");
        string sumNumberString = Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("tb_hide_SumNum");
        string lotteryIdString = Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("HidLotteryID");
        string multipleString  = Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("tb_Multiple");

        if (multipleString == "")
            multipleString = "1";
            HPBuyRequestInfo requestInfo = new HPBuyRequestInfo();

            decimal money    = decimal.Parse(sumMoneyString);
            int     multiple = int.Parse(multipleString);
            int     playType = int.Parse(playTypeString);

            BuyType       buyType;
            List <string> anteCodes;
            // 分析选择的玩法类型和号码
            GetAnteCodes(playType, lotteryNumber, out buyType, out anteCodes);

            string result = @"投注结果\n\n";
                TicketFacade   ticketFacade = new TicketFacade();
                HPResponseInfo info         = ticketFacade.DoBuy(CurrentUser, LotteryCode, isuseNumber, buyType, anteCodes, money, multiple);
                if (info.Code == "0000")
                    result += "成功 - " + info.Message;
                    throw new Exception("失败 - " + info.Code + " - " + info.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result += "失败!";
                LogWriter.Write(LogCategory.Lottery, "投注错误", ex);
            JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, result);
            JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "输入有错误,请仔细检查。");
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult Index(int?page, int?sortby, int?sortorder, int?pagevalue)
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            if (!(sortby.HasValue && sortby.Value > 0))
                sortby = 1;

            if (!(sortorder.HasValue && sortorder.Value > 0))
                sortorder = 2;

            int sortParam        = int.Parse(sortby.ToString() + sortorder.ToString());
            int totalCount       = 0;
            int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int pageSize         = pagevalue.HasValue ? pagevalue.Value : 10;

            #region Set Viewbag

            ViewBag.SortBy    = sortby;
            ViewBag.SortOrder = sortorder;
            ViewBag.pageno    = currentPageIndex;
            ViewBag.pagevalue = pageSize;


            TicketFacade        tac   = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
            List <TicketEntity> model = new List <TicketEntity>();

            //Get Ticket List
            model = tac.GetTicketListByUser(Request.Url.Authority, Helper.UserName, sortParam, currentPageIndex, pageSize, out totalCount).ToList();

            //Get Paged Ticket List
            IPagedList <TicketEntity> pagedTicket = new StaticPagedList <TicketEntity>(model.ToList(), currentPageIndex, pageSize, totalCount);
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(PartialView("_Index", pagedTicket));
                return(View("Index", pagedTicket));
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult RemoveImage(string ImageName, int?TicketId)
            List <string> lstFiles = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageName))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionHelper.ImageName))
                    string FilesName = SessionHelper.ImageName.TrimEnd(':');
                    for (int i = 0; i < FilesName.Split(':').Length; i++)
                        if (FilesName.Split(':')[i].ToString() != ImageName)
                            //Add file in list if it exist on blob
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilesName.Split(':')[i]))
                                if (ImageHelper.IsFileExists(FilesName.Split(':')[i].ToString(), ImageHelper.PictureType.TicketImage))
                //Delete file from blob storage
                ImageHelper.DeleteBlob(ImageHelper.PictureType.TicketImage, ImageName);
                SessionHelper.ImageName = SessionHelper.ImageName.Replace(ImageName, "").Replace("::", ":").TrimEnd(':');

                if (TicketId != null)
                    //Update Files in ticket table
                    TicketFacade tac       = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
                    TicketEntity objTicket = tac.GetTicketByIDByClients(TicketId.Value); // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                    objTicket.Files = SessionHelper.ImageName.Trim(':');
                    int result = tac.UpdateTicketFileForClients(objTicket);              // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
            IPagedList <string> pagedProducts = new StaticPagedList <string>(lstFiles, 1, 10000, 0);

            return(PartialView("_UploadImage", pagedProducts));
Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult UploadImage(HttpPostedFileBase file, int?TicketId)
            List <string> lstFiles = new List <string>();

            if (CommonMethod.CheckFileType(".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.txt,.docx,.doc,.xlsx,.xls,.pdf", file.FileName.ToLower()))
                if (file != null)
                    FileInfo oFileInfo     = new FileInfo(file.FileName);
                    string   fileExtension = oFileInfo.Extension;
                    string   TicketImage   = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks + fileExtension.ToLower();
                    //Check for uploaded file is image or not

                    if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || fileExtension.ToLower() == ".jpeg" || fileExtension.ToLower() == ".png")
                        //Upload Image
                        ImageHelper.UploadImage(file, TicketImage, ImageHelper.PictureType.TicketImage);
                        //Upload Other file
                        ImageHelper.UploadNONImage(file, TicketImage, ImageHelper.PictureType.TicketImage);

                    //Set ImageName tempdata
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionHelper.ImageName))
                        SessionHelper.ImageName = TicketImage;
                        SessionHelper.ImageName = SessionHelper.ImageName + ":" + TicketImage;

                    string Files = SessionHelper.ImageName.TrimEnd(':');
                    for (int i = 0; i < Files.Split(':').Length; i++)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Files.Split(':')[i]))
                            //Add file in list if it exist on blob
                            if (ImageHelper.IsFileExists(Files.Split(':')[i].ToString(), ImageHelper.PictureType.TicketImage))

                    if (TicketId != null)
                        //Update Files in ticket table
                        TicketFacade tac       = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
                        TicketEntity objTicket = tac.GetTicketByIDByClients(TicketId.Value); // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                        objTicket.Files = Files;
                        int result = tac.UpdateTicketFileForClients(objTicket);              // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                return(new JsonResult {
                    Data = CommonMessagesLang.msgWrongFormat

            IPagedList <string> pagedProducts = new StaticPagedList <string>(lstFiles, 1, 10000, 0);

            return(PartialView("_UploadImage", pagedProducts));
Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult Edit(string Parameters)
            // Get Query string in Encrypted mode and decrypt Query string and set Parameters
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters))
                Parameters = StringCipher.Decrypt(Parameters.Replace(Utility.Utility.urlseparator, "+"), General.passPhrase);

            int          id        = Convert.ToInt32(Parameters);
            TicketFacade tac       = new TicketFacade(StringCipher.Decrypt(Helper.GetMasterConnctionstring(), General.passPhrase));
            TicketEntity model     = new TicketEntity();
            TicketEntity objTicket = new TicketEntity();

            if (id > 0)
                //Get ticket Details for given ticket Id
                model     = tac.GetLastTicketAuditByTicketIdByClient(id); // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                objTicket = tac.GetTicketByIDByClients(id);               // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT
                //Store Files in tempdata
                SessionHelper.ImageName = Convert.ToString(model.Files);

            #region Ticket History

            List <TicketAuditEntity> ticketAuditList = new List <TicketAuditEntity>();

            //Get All Ticket Audit for given ticket Id
            ticketAuditList = tac.GetTicketAuditByTicketIdByClient(id);     // MP-846 Admin database cleanup and code cleanup.-CLIENT

            List <TicketHistory> ticketHistoryList = new List <TicketHistory>();
            if (ticketAuditList.Any())
                #region History for Main Record

                TicketHistory           ticketHistoryMain        = new TicketHistory();
                List <ItemModification> itemModificationMainList = new List <ItemModification>();
                ticketHistoryMain.ChangedByName = ticketAuditList.First().ChangedByUser;

                #region Property Info

                Type elementNewMain = ticketAuditList.First().GetType();
                Type elementOldMain = objTicket.GetType();

                PropertyInfo[] propertyInfosNewMain = elementNewMain.GetProperties();
                PropertyInfo[] propertyInfosOldMain = elementOldMain.GetProperties();
                //Set the Value for the Priority for the Ticket
                for (int j = 0; j < propertyInfosNewMain.Length; j++)
                    var fieldName = propertyInfosNewMain[j].Name;
                    if (fieldName == "StatusValue" || fieldName == "PriorityValue" || fieldName == "AssignedToName")
                        #region Set OldFieldName

                        string oldFieldName = string.Empty;
                        switch (fieldName)
                        case "StatusValue":
                            oldFieldName = "CurrentStatusValue";

                        case "PriorityValue":
                            oldFieldName = "PriorityValue";

                        case "AssignedToName":
                            oldFieldName = "AssignedToName";

                        case "Notes":
                            oldFieldName = "IssueDescription";


                        if (fieldName == "StatusValue")
                            fieldName = "Status";
                        else if (fieldName == "PriorityValue")
                            fieldName = "Priority";
                        else if (fieldName == "AssignedToName")
                            fieldName = "AssignedTo";

                        var    newValue    = propertyInfosNewMain[j].GetValue(ticketAuditList.First());
                        var    oldValue    = elementOldMain.GetProperty(oldFieldName).GetValue(objTicket);
                        string strNewValue = newValue == null ? null : newValue.ToString();
                        string strOldValue = oldValue == null ? null : oldValue.ToString();
                        if (strNewValue != strOldValue)
                            ItemModification itemModification = new ItemModification();
                            itemModification.FieldName = fieldName;
                            itemModification.OldValue  = strOldValue;
                            itemModification.NewValue  = strNewValue;


                ticketHistoryMain.itemModification = itemModificationMainList;
                ticketHistoryMain.ModificationDate = ticketAuditList.First().AuditDateTime;
                ticketHistoryMain.Note             = ticketAuditList.First().Notes;


                for (int i = 0; i < ticketAuditList.Count - 1; i++)
                    TicketHistory           ticketHistory        = new TicketHistory();
                    List <ItemModification> itemModificationList = new List <ItemModification>();
                    ticketHistory.ChangedByName = ticketAuditList[i + 1].ChangedByUser;

                    #region Property Info

                    Type elementNew = ticketAuditList[i + 1].GetType();
                    Type elementOld = ticketAuditList[i].GetType();

                    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfosNew = elementNew.GetProperties();
                    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfosOld = elementOld.GetProperties();

                    for (int j = 0; j < propertyInfosNew.Length; j++)
                        var fieldName = propertyInfosNew[j].Name;
                        if (fieldName == "StatusValue" || fieldName == "PriorityValue" || fieldName == "AssignedToName")
                            if (fieldName == "StatusValue")
                                fieldName = "Status";
                            else if (fieldName == "PriorityValue")
                                fieldName = "Priority";
                            else if (fieldName == "AssignedToName")
                                fieldName = "AssignedTo";

                            var    newValue    = propertyInfosNew[j].GetValue(ticketAuditList[i + 1]);
                            var    oldValue    = propertyInfosOld[j].GetValue(ticketAuditList[i]);
                            string strNewValue = newValue == null ? null : newValue.ToString();
                            string strOldValue = oldValue == null ? null : oldValue.ToString();

                            if (strNewValue != strOldValue)
                                ItemModification itemModification = new ItemModification();
                                itemModification.FieldName = fieldName;
                                itemModification.OldValue  = strOldValue;
                                itemModification.NewValue  = strNewValue;


                    ticketHistory.itemModification = itemModificationList;
                    ticketHistory.ModificationDate = ticketAuditList[i + 1].AuditDateTime;
                    ticketHistory.Note             = ticketAuditList[i + 1].Notes;

            SessionHelper.TicketHistory = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ticketHistoryList);
