Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        sounds = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        thwompCharacterController = this.GetComponent <CharacterController> ();

        //Records the Thwomp's start position
        startPosition = this.transform.position;

        currentState = ThwompState.waitingToFall;

        timer = 0f;
Esempio n. 2
    IEnumerator IDLE()
        Debug.Log("Enter Idle State");

        while (CurrentState == ThwompState.IDLE)
            if (Vector3.Distance(Dan.transform.position, transform.position) < ActivationDistance)
                CurrentState = ThwompState.CHASING;

            yield return(null);

        Debug.Log("Exit Idle State");
Esempio n. 3
    //This coroutine helps determine if the Thwomp has run into something
    //(as an alternative to OnCollisionEnter(), which was giving me (Nick) some problems)
    IEnumerator CheckIfMoving()
        //Saves the current position of the Thwomp
        Vector3 currentPos = this.transform.position;

        //Waits a frame
        yield return(0);

        //Checks to see if the Thwomp is in the same position as it was a frame ago
        if (currentPos == this.transform.position)
            sounds.PlayOneShot(boom, 0.5f);
            sounds.PlayOneShot(grunt, 1f);

            //Tells the Thwomp to stop moving and to prepare to rise again
            currentState = ThwompState.waitingToRise;
Esempio n. 4
    IEnumerator ATTACKING()
        Debug.Log("Enter Attacking State");
        while (CurrentState == ThwompState.ATTACKING)
            var oldY        = transform.position.y;
            var newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, Dan.transform.position, ThwompSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, newPosition.y, transform.position.z);

            if (Math.Abs(transform.position.x - Dan.transform.position.x) > 0.5)
                CurrentState       = ThwompState.CHASING;
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, oldY, transform.position.z);

            yield return(null);
        Debug.Log("Exit Attacking State");
Esempio n. 5
    IEnumerator CHASING()
        Debug.Log("Enter Chasing State");
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ActivationDelay));

        while (CurrentState == ThwompState.CHASING)
            var newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, Dan.transform.position, MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            transform.position = new Vector3(newPosition.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);

            if (Math.Abs(transform.position.x - Dan.transform.position.x) < 0.5)
                CurrentState = ThwompState.ATTACKING;

            yield return(null);
        Debug.Log("Exit Chasing State");
Esempio n. 6
    void Update()
        //STEP 1: Define ray
        Ray thwompDetectionRay = new Ray(transform.position, new Vector3(0, -1, 0));

        //STEP 2: Declare raycast distance
        float rayDistance = 2f;

        //STEP 3: Visualize the raycast
        Debug.DrawRay(thwompDetectionRay.origin, thwompDetectionRay.direction * rayDistance, Color.yellow);

        //If the Thwomp is wating to drop
        if (currentState == ThwompState.waitingToFall)
            //Tells the script that it's okay for the Thwomp to do damage to the player again
            didDamage = false;

            //Resets the Thwomp to it's starting position
            this.GetComponent <Transform> ().position = startPosition;

            //Ticks up the timer
            timer += Time.deltaTime;

            //Checks if it's time to drop yet
            if (timer >= secondsToDrop)
                //Resets the timer for the next drop
                timer = 0f;

                currentState = ThwompState.falling;

        if (currentState == ThwompState.falling)
            //Moves the Thwomp downward
            thwompCharacterController.Move(Vector3.down * dropSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            Vector3 currentPos = this.transform.position;

            //Checks if the Thwomp is still moving or if it has run into something

        //If the Thwomp is wating to rise
        if (currentState == ThwompState.waitingToRise)
            //Ticks up the timer
            timer += Time.deltaTime;

            //Checks if it's time to rise back up yet
            if (timer >= secondsToRise)
                //Resets the timer for the next drop
                timer = 0f;

                currentState = ThwompState.rising;

        if (currentState == ThwompState.rising)
            //Moves the Thwomp upward
            thwompCharacterController.Move(Vector3.up * risingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            //Returns the Thwomp to waiting mode if it returns to it's original position
            if (this.transform.position.y >= startPosition.y)
                currentState = ThwompState.waitingToFall;
Esempio n. 7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     CurrentState = ThwompState.IDLE;