public void RegisterMetrics(MetricFactory metrics)
            if (!_threadPoolInfo.Enabled && !_runtimeCounters.Enabled)

            NumThreads = metrics.CreateGauge("dotnet_threadpool_num_threads", "The number of active threads in the thread pool");
            _runtimeCounters.Events.ThreadPoolThreadCount += e => NumThreads.Set(e.Mean);

            Throughput = metrics.CreateCounter("dotnet_threadpool_throughput_total", "The total number of work items that have finished execution in the thread pool");
            _runtimeCounters.Events.ThreadPoolCompletedItemsCount += e => Throughput.Inc(e.IncrementedBy);

            QueueLength = metrics.CreateHistogram("dotnet_threadpool_queue_length",
                                                  "Measures the queue length of the thread pool. Values greater than 0 indicate a backlog of work for the threadpool to process.",
                                                  new HistogramConfiguration {
                Buckets = _options.QueueLengthHistogramBuckets
            _runtimeCounters.Events.ThreadPoolQueueLength += e => QueueLength.Observe(e.Mean);

            NumTimers = metrics.CreateGauge("dotnet_threadpool_timer_count", "The number of timers active");
            _runtimeCounters.Events.ActiveTimerCount += e => NumTimers.Set(e.Mean);

            if (_threadPoolInfo.Enabled)
                AdjustmentsTotal = metrics.CreateCounter(
                    "The total number of changes made to the size of the thread pool, labeled by the reason for change",

                _threadPoolInfo.Events.ThreadPoolAdjusted += e =>

                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                    // IO threadpool only exists on windows
                    NumIocThreads = metrics.CreateGauge("dotnet_threadpool_io_num_threads", "The number of active threads in the IO thread pool");
                    _threadPoolInfo.Events.IoThreadPoolAdjusted += e => NumIocThreads.Set(e.NumThreads);