Esempio n. 1
        private void RemoveFromAllQueues(ThrottledControlSocket socket, bool dolock)
            if (dolock)
                // Get critical section

                if (doRun_)
                    // Remove this socket from control packet queue

                    lock (tempQueueLocker_)
                if (dolock)
Esempio n. 2
        private void RunInternal(object arg)
            uint lastLoopTick             = MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime();
            long realBytesToSpend         = 0;
            uint allowedDataRate          = 0;
            uint rememberedSlotCounter    = 0;
            uint lastTickReachedBandwidth = MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime();

            uint nEstiminatedLimit              = 0;
            int  nSlotsBusyLevel                = 0;
            uint nUploadStartTime               = 0;
            uint numberOfConsecutiveUpChanges   = 0;
            uint numberOfConsecutiveDownChanges = 0;
            uint changesCount = 0;
            uint loopsCount   = 0;

            bool bAlwaysEnableBigSocketBuffers = false;

            while (doRun_)

                uint timeSinceLastLoop = MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime() - lastLoopTick;

                // Get current speed from UploadSpeedSense
                allowedDataRate = MuleApplication.Instance.LastCommonRouteFinder.Upload;

                // check busy level for all the slots (WSAEWOULDBLOCK status)
                uint cBusy    = 0;
                uint nCanSend = 0;

                lock (sendLocker_)
                    for (int i = 0; i < standardOrderList_.Count &&
                         (i < 3 || (uint)i < GetSlotLimit(MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue.DataRate)); i++)
                        if (standardOrderList_[i] != null && standardOrderList_[i].HasQueues)

                            if (standardOrderList_[i].IsBusy)

                // if this is kept, the loop above can be a little optimized (don't count nCanSend, just use nCanSend = GetSlotLimit(MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue.DataRate)
                if (MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue != null)
                    nCanSend = Math.Max(nCanSend, GetSlotLimit(MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue.DataRate));

                // When no upload limit has been set in options, try to guess a good upload limit.
                bool bUploadUnlimited = (MuleApplication.Instance.Preference.MaxUpload == MuleConstants.UNLIMITED);
                if (bUploadUnlimited)

                    if (nCanSend > 0)
                        float fBusyPercent = ((float)cBusy / (float)nCanSend) * 100;
                        if (cBusy > 2 && fBusyPercent > 75.00f && nSlotsBusyLevel < 255)
                        else if ((cBusy <= 2 || fBusyPercent < 25.00f) && nSlotsBusyLevel > (-255))

                    if (nUploadStartTime == 0)
                        if (standardOrderList_.Count >= 3)
                            nUploadStartTime = MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime();
                    else if (MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime() - nUploadStartTime > MuleConstants.ONE_SEC_MS * 60)
                        if (MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue != null)
                            if (nEstiminatedLimit == 0)
                            {     // no autolimit was set yet
                                if (nSlotsBusyLevel >= 250)
                                { // sockets indicated that the BW limit has been reached
                                    nEstiminatedLimit = MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue.DataRate;
                                    allowedDataRate   = Math.Min(nEstiminatedLimit, allowedDataRate);
                                    nSlotsBusyLevel   = -200;
                                    changesCount      = 0;
                                    loopsCount        = 0;
                                if (nSlotsBusyLevel > 250)
                                    if (changesCount > 500 || changesCount > 300 && loopsCount > 1000 || loopsCount > 2000)
                                        numberOfConsecutiveDownChanges = 0;
                                    uint changeDelta = CalculateChangeDelta(numberOfConsecutiveDownChanges);

                                    // Don't lower speed below 1 KBytes/s
                                    if (nEstiminatedLimit < changeDelta + 1024)
                                        if (nEstiminatedLimit > 1024)
                                            changeDelta = nEstiminatedLimit - 1024;
                                            changeDelta = 0;
                                    Debug.Assert(nEstiminatedLimit >= changeDelta + 1024);
                                    nEstiminatedLimit -= changeDelta;

                                    numberOfConsecutiveUpChanges = 0;
                                    nSlotsBusyLevel = 0;
                                    changesCount    = 0;
                                    loopsCount      = 0;
                                else if (nSlotsBusyLevel < (-250))
                                    if (changesCount > 500 || changesCount > 300 && loopsCount > 1000 || loopsCount > 2000)
                                        numberOfConsecutiveUpChanges = 0;
                                    uint changeDelta = CalculateChangeDelta(numberOfConsecutiveUpChanges);

                                    // Don't raise speed unless we are under current allowedDataRate
                                    if (nEstiminatedLimit + changeDelta > allowedDataRate)
                                        if (nEstiminatedLimit < allowedDataRate)
                                            changeDelta = allowedDataRate - nEstiminatedLimit;
                                            changeDelta = 0;
                                    Debug.Assert(nEstiminatedLimit < allowedDataRate && nEstiminatedLimit + changeDelta <= allowedDataRate || nEstiminatedLimit >= allowedDataRate && changeDelta == 0);
                                    nEstiminatedLimit += changeDelta;

                                    numberOfConsecutiveDownChanges = 0;
                                    nSlotsBusyLevel = 0;
                                    changesCount    = 0;
                                    loopsCount      = 0;

                                allowedDataRate = Math.Min(nEstiminatedLimit, allowedDataRate);

                if (cBusy == nCanSend && standardOrderList_.Count > 0)
                    allowedDataRate = 0;
                    if (nSlotsBusyLevel < 125 && bUploadUnlimited)
                        nSlotsBusyLevel = 125;

                uint minFragSize    = 1300;
                uint doubleSendSize = minFragSize * 2; // send two packages at a time so they can share an ACK
                if (allowedDataRate < 6 * 1024)
                    minFragSize    = 536;
                    doubleSendSize = minFragSize; // don't send two packages at a time at very low speeds to give them a smoother load

                const uint TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS = 1;
                uint       sleepTime;
                if (allowedDataRate == uint.MaxValue || realBytesToSpend >= 1000 || allowedDataRate == 0 && nEstiminatedLimit == 0)
                    // we could send at once, but sleep a while to not suck up all cpu
                    sleepTime = TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS;
                else if (allowedDataRate == 0)
                    sleepTime = Math.Max((uint)Math.Ceiling(((double)doubleSendSize * 1000) / nEstiminatedLimit), TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS);
                    // sleep for just as long as we need to get back to having one byte to send
                    sleepTime = Math.Max((uint)Math.Ceiling((double)(-realBytesToSpend + 1000) / allowedDataRate), TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS);

                if (timeSinceLastLoop < sleepTime)
                    Thread.Sleep((int)(sleepTime - timeSinceLastLoop));

                uint thisLoopTick = MpdUtilities.TimeGetTime();
                timeSinceLastLoop = thisLoopTick - lastLoopTick;

                // Calculate how many bytes we can spend
                long bytesToSpend = 0;

                if (allowedDataRate != uint.MaxValue)
                    // prevent overflow
                    if (timeSinceLastLoop == 0)
                        // no time has passed, so don't add any bytes. Shouldn't happen.
                        bytesToSpend = 0; //realBytesToSpend/1000;
                    else if (long.MaxValue / timeSinceLastLoop > allowedDataRate &&
                             long.MaxValue - allowedDataRate * timeSinceLastLoop > realBytesToSpend)
                        if (timeSinceLastLoop > sleepTime + 2000)
                            timeSinceLastLoop = sleepTime + 2000;
                            lastLoopTick      = thisLoopTick - timeSinceLastLoop;

                        realBytesToSpend += allowedDataRate * timeSinceLastLoop;

                        bytesToSpend = realBytesToSpend / 1000;
                        realBytesToSpend = long.MaxValue;
                        bytesToSpend     = int.MaxValue;
                    realBytesToSpend = 0; //long.MaxValue;
                    bytesToSpend     = int.MaxValue;

                lastLoopTick = thisLoopTick;

                if (bytesToSpend >= 1 || allowedDataRate == 0)
                    ulong spentBytes    = 0;
                    ulong spentOverhead = 0;

                    lock (sendLocker_)
                        lock (tempQueueLocker_)
                            // are there any sockets in m_TempControlQueue_list? Move them to normal m_ControlQueue_list;
                            while (tempControlQueueFirstList_.Count > 0)
                                ThrottledControlSocket moveSocket = tempControlQueueFirstList_[0];
                            while (tempControlQueueList_.Count > 0)
                                ThrottledControlSocket moveSocket = tempControlQueueList_[0];

                        // Send any queued up control packets first
                        while ((bytesToSpend > 0 && spentBytes < (ulong)bytesToSpend ||
                                allowedDataRate == 0 && spentBytes < 500) &&
                               (controlQueueFirstList_.Count > 0 || controlQueueList_.Count > 0))
                            ThrottledControlSocket socket = null;

                            if (controlQueueFirstList_.Count > 0)
                                socket = controlQueueFirstList_[0];
                            else if (controlQueueList_.Count > 0)
                                socket = controlQueueList_[0];

                            if (socket != null)
                                SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes =
                                    socket.SendControlData(allowedDataRate > 0 ? (uint)(bytesToSpend - (long)spentBytes) : 1, minFragSize);
                                uint lastSpentBytes = socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets +
                                spentBytes    += lastSpentBytes;
                                spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets;

                        // Check if any sockets haven't gotten data for a long time. Then trickle them a package.
                        for (uint slotCounter = 0; slotCounter < (uint)standardOrderList_.Count; slotCounter++)
                            ThrottledFileSocket socket = standardOrderList_[(int)slotCounter];

                            if (socket != null)
                                if (thisLoopTick - socket.LastCalledSend > MuleConstants.ONE_SEC_MS)
                                    // trickle
                                    uint neededBytes = socket.NeededBytes;

                                    if (neededBytes > 0)
                                        SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes =
                                            socket.SendFileAndControlData(neededBytes, minFragSize);
                                        uint lastSpentBytes =
                                            socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets + socketSentBytes.SentBytesStandardPackets;
                                        spentBytes    += lastSpentBytes;
                                        spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets;

                                        if (lastSpentBytes > 0 && slotCounter <
                                            highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_ = slotCounter;

                        // Equal bandwidth for all slots
                        uint maxSlot = (uint)standardOrderList_.Count;
                        if (maxSlot > 0 && allowedDataRate / maxSlot < MuleConstants.UPLOAD_CLIENT_DATARATE)
                            maxSlot = allowedDataRate / MuleConstants.UPLOAD_CLIENT_DATARATE;
                        // if we are uploading fast, increase the sockets sendbuffers in order to be able to archive faster
                        // speeds
                        bool bUseBigBuffers = bAlwaysEnableBigSocketBuffers;
                        if (maxSlot > 0 && (allowedDataRate == uint.MaxValue || allowedDataRate / maxSlot > 100 * 1024) && MuleApplication.Instance.UploadQueue.DataRate > 300 * 1024)
                            bUseBigBuffers = true;

                        if (maxSlot > highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_)
                            highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_ = maxSlot;

                        for (uint maxCounter = 0; maxCounter < Math.Min(maxSlot, (uint)standardOrderList_.Count) && bytesToSpend > 0 && spentBytes < (ulong)bytesToSpend; maxCounter++)
                            if (rememberedSlotCounter >= (uint)standardOrderList_.Count ||
                                rememberedSlotCounter >= maxSlot)
                                rememberedSlotCounter = 0;

                            ThrottledFileSocket socket = standardOrderList_[(int)rememberedSlotCounter];
                            if (bUseBigBuffers)

                            if (socket != null)
                                SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes =
                                                                                 bytesToSpend - (long)spentBytes), doubleSendSize);
                                uint lastSpentBytes = socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets +

                                spentBytes    += lastSpentBytes;
                                spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets;


                        // Any bandwidth that hasn't been used yet are used first to last.
                        for (uint slotCounter = 0; slotCounter < (uint)standardOrderList_.Count && bytesToSpend > 0 && spentBytes < (ulong)bytesToSpend; slotCounter++)
                            ThrottledFileSocket socket = standardOrderList_[(int)slotCounter];

                            if (socket != null)
                                uint            bytesToSpendTemp = (uint)(bytesToSpend - (long)spentBytes);
                                SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes  =
                                    socket.SendFileAndControlData(bytesToSpendTemp, doubleSendSize);
                                uint lastSpentBytes =
                                    socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets +

                                spentBytes    += lastSpentBytes;
                                spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.SentBytesControlPackets;

                                if (slotCounter + 1 > highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_ &&
                                    (lastSpentBytes < bytesToSpendTemp ||
                                     lastSpentBytes >= doubleSendSize))
                                { // || lastSpentBytes > 0 && spentBytes == bytesToSpend /*|| slotCounter+1 == (uint)m_StandardOrder_list.Count)*/)) {
                                    highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_ = slotCounter + 1;
                        realBytesToSpend -= (long)spentBytes * 1000;

                        // If we couldn't spend all allocated bandwidth this loop, some of it is allowed to be saved
                        // and used the next loop
                        if (realBytesToSpend < -(((long)standardOrderList_.Count + 1) * minFragSize) * 1000)
                            long newRealBytesToSpend = -(((long)standardOrderList_.Count + 1) * minFragSize) * 1000;

                            realBytesToSpend         = newRealBytesToSpend;
                            lastTickReachedBandwidth = thisLoopTick;
                            ulong bandwidthSavedTolerance = 0;
                            if (realBytesToSpend > 0 && (ulong)realBytesToSpend > 999 + bandwidthSavedTolerance)
                                long newRealBytesToSpend = 999 + (long)bandwidthSavedTolerance;
                                //MuleApplication.Instance.QueueDebugLogLine(false,_T("UploadBandwidthThrottler::RunInternal(): Too high saved bytesToSpend. Limiting value. Old value: %I64i New value: %I64i"), realBytesToSpend, newRealBytesToSpend);
                                realBytesToSpend = newRealBytesToSpend;

                                if (thisLoopTick - lastTickReachedBandwidth > Math.Max(1000, timeSinceLastLoop * 2))
                                    highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots_ = (uint)standardOrderList_.Count + 1;
                                    lastTickReachedBandwidth            = thisLoopTick;
                                    //MuleApplication.Instance.QueueDebugLogLine(false, _T("UploadBandwidthThrottler: Throttler requests new slot due to bw not reached. m_highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots: %i m_StandardOrder_list.Count: %i tick: %i"), m_highestNumberOfFullyActivatedSlots, m_StandardOrder_list.Count, thisLoopTick);
                                lastTickReachedBandwidth = thisLoopTick;

                        // save info about how much bandwidth we've managed to use since the last time someone polled us about used bandwidth
                        sentBytesSinceLastCall_         += spentBytes;
                        sentBytesSinceLastCallOverhead_ += spentOverhead;
                    }// sendLocker.Unlock();


            lock (tempQueueLocker_)

            lock (sendLocker_)