Esempio n. 1
 void reportHandler(Int32 sleepMinutes)
     if (_activeExtractions.Count() == 0 && _workStack.Count() == 0 && _completedExtractions.Count() > 0)
         catch (Exception) { /* worried about this? */ }
Esempio n. 2
        void startListenerAndMonitor()
            if (!startListener())
                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to start orchestrator listener! Unable to continue...");

            _report.addInfo("The orchestrator service has started!");

            while (true)
                    _report.addDebug("The main orchestrator process will sleep before checking it's job stack again");
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, _cronSchedule, 0));

                    // first check if any of our workstacks have items - if not, see if db says we have work
                    if (_workStack.Count() == 0 && _activeExtractions.Count() == 0 && _erroredExtractions.Count() == 0 && _completedExtractions.Count() == 0)
                        if (_configurations.Count == 0)
                            _report.addDebug("Didn't find any scheduled jobs for this iteration");
                            continue; // nothing on any of the collections and no jobs reported by getConfigs - SLEEP!
                        else // found configs! let's set the worklist
                            _report.addDebug("Found jobs scheduled for this iteration! Setting worklists and new batch ID");
                    //sleepUntil = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cronSchedule);
                    //_serviceState.NextRun = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cronSchedule);
                    _report.addDebug(String.Format("The orchestrator service has completed an iteration - one configured every {0} minutes", _cronSchedule.ToString()));

                    _report.addInfo("The orchestrator reported " + _workStack.Count() + " jobs still on the stack at iteration");
                    _report.addInfo("The orchestrator reported " + _completedExtractions.Count() + " completed jobs at iteration");
                    _report.addInfo("The orchestrator reported " + _erroredExtractions.Count() + " errored jobs at iteration");
                    _report.addInfo("The orchestrator reported " + _activeExtractions.Count() + " active jobs at iteration");

                    if (_activeExtractions.Count() > 0 || _workStack.Count() > 0) // if there is still work occurring, don't clear anything - wait until jobs finish
                        _report.addDebug("Found active extractions/jobs on workstack - going back to sleep");

                    if (_completedExtractions.Count() > 0 || _erroredExtractions.Count() > 0) // only save our report if something interesting happened
                        _report.addInfo(String.Format("Looks like all jobs finished for batch {0}! - getting ready to save report", _report.BatchId));
                        _report.EndTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                            logging.Log.LOG("Successfully saved report to db");
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            logging.Log.LOG("There was a problem saving the report to SQL: " + exc.ToString());




                    //if (_workStack.Count() == 0) // if we didn't find any jobs to add for this iteration, just continue so we sleep again
                    //    _report.addDebug("Didn't find any jobs to add for this iteration");
                    //    continue;

                    // TBD - do we really want to do this?
                    // ensure server is still listening - will throw an exception and be caught below if failure occurs
                    //Client c = new Client(_myIp.ToString(), _listeningPort);
                    //ThreadUtils.retryAction(new Action(() => c.connect()), 3, new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), new ApplicationException("Unable to re-start listener after 10 attempts. Unable to continue..."));
                    //_report.addDebug("Successfully verified the orchestrator service is listening for requests");
                catch (Exception exc)
                    _server.SocketContainer.Locked = true;
                    _report.addError(exc.Message, exc);
                    ((OrchestratorReport)_report).HasError = "T";
                    throw exc;