Esempio n. 1
        public void Disconnect()
            // only if started
            if (Connecting || Connected)
                // close client

                // kill the receive thread
                // => AbortAndJoin is the safest way and avoids race conditions!
                //    this way we can guarantee that when Disconnect() returns,
                //    we are 100% ready for the next Connect!

                // we interrupted the receive Thread, so we can't guarantee that
                // connecting was reset. let's do it manually.
                _Connecting = false;

                // clear send queues. no need to hold on to them.
                // (unlike receiveQueue, which is still needed to process the
                //  latest Disconnected message, etc.)

                // let go of this one completely. the thread ended, no one uses
                // it anymore and this way Connected is false again immediately.
                client = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Stop()
            // only if started
            if (!Active)

            Logger.Log("Server: stopping...");

            // stop listening to connections so that no one can connect while we
            // close the client connections
            // (might be null if we call Stop so quickly after Start that the
            //  thread was interrupted before even creating the listener)

            // kill listener thread at all costs. only way to guarantee that
            // .Active is immediately false after Stop.
            // => AbortAndJoin is the safest way and avoids race conditions!

            // wait until thread is TRULY finished. this is the only way
            // to guarantee that everything was properly cleaned up before
            // returning.
            // => this means that calling Stop() may sometimes block
            //    for a while, but there is no other way to guarantee that
            //    everything is cleaned up properly by the time Stop() returns.
            //    we have to live with the wait time.

            listenerThread = null;

            // close all client connections
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ClientToken> kvp in clients)
                TcpClient client = kvp.Value.client;
                // close the stream if not closed yet. it may have been closed
                // by a disconnect already, so use try/catch
                try { client.GetStream().Close(); } catch {}

            // clear clients list

            // reset the counter in case we start up again so
            // clients get connection ID's starting from 1
            counter = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        // the listener thread's listen function
        // note: no maxConnections parameter. high level API should handle that.
        //       (Transport can't send a 'too full' message anyway)
        void Listen(int port)
            // absolutely must wrap with try/catch, otherwise thread
            // exceptions are silent
                // start listener on all IPv4 and IPv6 address via .Create
                listener = TcpListener.Create(port);
                listener.Server.NoDelay     = NoDelay;
                listener.Server.SendTimeout = SendTimeout;
                Logger.Log("Server: listening port=" + port);

                // keep accepting new clients
                while (true)
                    // wait and accept new client
                    // note: 'using' sucks here because it will try to
                    // dispose after thread was started but we still need it
                    // in the thread
                    TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();

                    // set socket options
                    client.NoDelay     = NoDelay;
                    client.SendTimeout = SendTimeout;

                    // generate the next connection id (thread safely)
                    int connectionId = NextConnectionId();

                    // add to dict immediately
                    ClientToken token = new ClientToken(client);
                    clients[connectionId] = token;

                    // spawn a send thread for each client
                    Thread sendThread = new Thread(() =>
                        // wrap in try-catch, otherwise Thread exceptions
                        // are silent
                            // run the send loop
                            SendLoop(connectionId, client, token.sendQueue, token.sendPending);
                        catch (ThreadAbortException)
                            // happens on stop. don't log anything.
                            // (we catch it in SendLoop too, but it still gets
                            //  through to here when aborting. don't show an
                            //  error.)
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            Logger.LogError("Server send thread exception: " + exception);
                    sendThread.IsBackground = true;

                    // spawn a receive thread for each client
                    Thread receiveThread = new Thread(() =>
                        // wrap in try-catch, otherwise Thread exceptions
                        // are silent
                            // run the receive loop
                            ReceiveLoop(connectionId, client, receiveQueue, MaxMessageSize);

                            // remove client from clients dict afterwards
                            clients.TryRemove(connectionId, out ClientToken _);

                            // sendthread might be waiting on ManualResetEvent,
                            // so let's make sure to end it if the connection
                            // closed.
                            // otherwise the send thread would only end if it's
                            // actually sending data while the connection is
                            // closed.
                            // => AbortAndJoin is the safest way and avoids race conditions!
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            Logger.LogError("Server client thread exception: " + exception);
                    receiveThread.IsBackground = true;
            catch (ThreadAbortException exception)
                // UnityEditor causes AbortException if thread is still
                // running when we press Play again next time. that's okay.
                Logger.Log("Server thread aborted. That's okay. " + exception);
            catch (SocketException exception)
                // calling StopServer will interrupt this thread with a
                // 'SocketException: interrupted'. that's okay.
                Logger.Log("Server Thread stopped. That's okay. " + exception);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // something went wrong. probably important.
                Logger.LogError("Server Exception: " + exception);
Esempio n. 4
        // the thread function
        void ReceiveThreadFunction(string ip, int port)
            // absolutely must wrap with try/catch, otherwise thread
            // exceptions are silent
                // connect (blocking)
                client.Connect(ip, port);
                _Connecting = false;

                // set socket options after the socket was created in Connect()
                // (not after the constructor because we clear the socket there)
                client.NoDelay     = NoDelay;
                client.SendTimeout = SendTimeout;

                // start send thread only after connected
                sendThread = new Thread(() => { SendLoop(0, client, sendQueue, sendPending); });
                sendThread.IsBackground = true;

                // run the receive loop
                ReceiveLoop(0, client, receiveQueue, MaxMessageSize);
            catch (SocketException exception)
                // this happens if (for example) the ip address is correct
                // but there is no server running on that ip/port
                Logger.Log("Client Recv: failed to connect to ip=" + ip + " port=" + port + " reason=" + exception);

                // add 'Disconnected' event to message queue so that the caller
                // knows that the Connect failed. otherwise they will never know
                receiveQueue.Enqueue(new Message(0, EventType.Disconnected, null));
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                // expected if Disconnect() aborts it
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // expected if Disconnect() aborts it
            catch (Exception exception)
                // something went wrong. probably important.
                Logger.LogError("Client Recv Exception: " + exception);

            // sendthread might be waiting on ManualResetEvent,
            // so let's make sure to end it if the connection
            // closed.
            // otherwise the send thread would only end if it's
            // actually sending data while the connection is
            // closed.
            // => AbortAndJoin is the safest way and avoids race conditions!

            // Connect might have failed. thread might have been closed.
            // let's reset connecting state no matter what.
            _Connecting = false;

            // if we got here then we are done. ReceiveLoop cleans up already,
            // but we may never get there if connect fails. so let's clean up
            // here too.