public static async Task GuildCreateEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildCreateEventArgs e) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Joined {NewGuild}", e.Guild); if (bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().IsGuildBlocked(e.Guild.Id)) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "{Guild} is blocked. Leaving...", e.Guild); await e.Guild.LeaveAsync(); return; } IReadOnlyCollection <DiscordMember> members = await e.Guild.GetAllMembersAsync(); int botCount = members.Where(m => m.IsBot).Count(); if (botCount > 25 || (members.Count - botCount < 0)) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "{Guild} is most likely a bot farm. Leaving and blocking...", e.Guild); await e.Guild.LeaveAsync(); await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().BlockGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id, "Bot farm"); return; } await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>().RegisterGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id); DiscordChannel defChannel = e.Guild.GetDefaultChannel(); if (!defChannel.PermissionsFor(e.Guild.CurrentMember).HasPermission(Permissions.SendMessages)) { return; } string prefix = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BotConfigService>().CurrentConfiguration.Prefix; string owners = bot.Client.CurrentApplication.Owners.Select(o => o.ToDiscriminatorString()).Humanize(", "); await defChannel.EmbedAsync( $"{Formatter.Bold("Thank you for adding me!")}\n\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} The default prefix for commands is {Formatter.Bold(prefix)}, but it can be changed " + $"via {Formatter.Bold("prefix")} command.\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} I advise you to run the configuration wizard for this guild in order to quickly configure " + $"functions like logging, notifications etc. The wizard can be invoked using {Formatter.Bold("config setup")} command.\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} You can use the {Formatter.Bold("help")} command as a guide, though it is recommended to " + $"read the documentation @ \n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} If you have any questions or problems, feel free to use the {Formatter.Bold("report")} " + $"command in order to send a message to the bot owners ({owners}). Alternatively, you can create an issue on " + $"GitHub or join WorldMafia Discord server for quick support (" , Emojis.Wave ); }
public static async Task MessageCreateEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, MessageCreateEventArgs e) { if (e.Author.IsBot) { return; } if (e.Guild is null) { LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(null), new[] { "DM message received from {User}:", "{Message}" }, e.Author, e.Message); return; } if (bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().IsBlocked(e.Guild.Id, e.Channel.Id, e.Author.Id)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message?.Content)) { return; } if (!e.Message.Content.StartsWith(bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>().GetGuildPrefix(e.Guild.Id))) { short rank = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <UserRanksService>().ChangeXp(e.Guild.Id, e.Author.Id); if (rank != 0) { LocalizationService ls = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <LocalizationService>(); LevelRole? lr = await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <LevelRoleService>().GetAsync(e.Guild.Id, rank); DiscordRole?levelRole = lr is { } ? e.Guild.GetRole(lr.RoleId) : null;
public static Task GuildAvailableEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildCreateEventArgs e) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Available: {AvailableGuild}", e.Guild); GuildConfigService gcs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>(); return(gcs.IsGuildRegistered(e.Guild.Id) ? Task.CompletedTask : gcs.RegisterGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id)); }
public static Task CommandExecutionEventHandler(TheGodfatherBot bot, CommandExecutionEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is null || e.Command.QualifiedName.StartsWith("help")) { return(Task.CompletedTask); } LogExt.Information( bot.GetId(e.Context.Guild?.Id), new[] { "Executed: {ExecutedCommand}", "{User}", "{Guild}", "{Channel}" }, e.Command.QualifiedName, e.Context.User, e.Context.Guild?.ToString() ?? "DM", e.Context.Channel ); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public static async Task MessageReactionAddedEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, MessageReactionAddEventArgs e) { if (e.Guild is null || e.Channel is null || e.Message is null) { return; } StarboardService ss = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <StarboardService>(); if (ss.IsStarboardEnabled(e.Guild.Id, out ulong cid, out string star) && cid != e.Channel.Id && e.Emoji.GetDiscordName() == star) { LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Reacted with star emoji: Message {MessageId}, {Guild}", e.Message.Id, e.Guild); ss.RegisterModifiedMessage(e.Guild.Id, e.Channel.Id, e.Message.Id); } ReactionRoleService rrs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <ReactionRoleService>(); ReactionRole? rr = await rrs.GetAsync(e.Guild.Id, e.Emoji.GetDiscordName()); if (rr is { })
public static async Task GuildMemberJoinEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e) { if (e.Guild is null) { return; } LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Member added: {Member} {Guild}", e.Member, e.Guild); GuildConfigService gcs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>(); GuildConfig gcfg = await gcs.GetConfigAsync(e.Guild.Id); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveSettings.Cooldown + 1)); if (e.Member.Guild is null) // User left in meantime { return; } // TODO move to service DiscordChannel?wchn = e.Guild.GetChannel(gcfg.WelcomeChannelId); if (wchn is { })
public static Task GuildUnvailableEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildDeleteEventArgs e) { LogExt.Warning(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Unvailable: {UnvailableGuild}", e.Guild); return(Task.CompletedTask); }