public TextureFont LoadTextureFont(string filename) { var rv = TextureFont.CreateFromFile(FontsFolder + filename); TextureFonts.Add(rv.FontTexture.TextureId, rv); return(rv); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { mBackground.Render(); mBackgroundBigBox.Render(new Rectangle((512 - 200) - 15, 40 - 12, 400 + 23, (768 - (40 + 41)) + 16)); mBackgroundSmallBox.Render(new Rectangle((512 - 480) - 15 + 10, 40 - 10, 290 - 30, 300)); mBackgroundSmallBox.Render(new Rectangle((512 + 240) - 15 - 10, 40 - 10, 290 - 30, 190)); mTetrisGrid.Draw(gameTime); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 230, 50, "Level: "); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 400, 50, (mLevel + 1).ToString()); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 230, 90, "Score: "); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 400, 90, mTetrisGrid.TotalScore.ToString()); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 230, 130, "Lines: "); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 400, 130, mTetrisGrid.CrushedLines.ToString()); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 230, 170, "Highscore: "); TextureFont.WriteText(512 + 400, 170, mHighscore.ToString()); base.Draw(gameTime); if (mTetrisGrid.GameOver) { spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.DrawString(CopyrightFont, "Game Over", new Vector2(Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2 - 65, Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2 - 20), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); spriteBatch.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an array of <see cref="TextureFont"/>-s from the <see cref="TrippyFontFile"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="font">The <see cref="TrippyFontFile"/> to create fonts from.</param> /// <param name="graphicsDevice">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> the <see cref="TextureFont"/>-s will use.</param> /// <param name="generateMipmaps">Whether to generate mipmaps for the texture's font.</param> public static TextureFont[] CreateFonts(this TrippyFontFile font, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, bool generateMipmaps = false) { if (graphicsDevice == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphicsDevice)); } if (font == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(font)); } font.ThrowIfAnyNull(); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, (uint)font.Image.Width, (uint)font.Image.Height, generateMipmaps); try { TextureFont[] textureFonts = new TextureFont[font.FontDatas.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < textureFonts.Length; i++) { textureFonts[i] = font.FontDatas[i].CreateFont(texture); } texture.SetData(font.Image); return(textureFonts); } catch { texture.Dispose(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Called once at start to load content /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); background = Content.Load <Texture2D>("DiceTexture.png"); CardImage = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Fighter.png"); CardBack = Content.Load <Texture2D>("CardBack.png"); Assassin = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Assassin.png"); Archer = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Archer.png"); cShip = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Ship.png"); cShipDir = ShipDirection.Straight; cShipUseKeys = true; cShipShow = false; ConsoleRect = new Texture2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); ConsoleRect.SetData(new[] { Color.DarkGray }); cFont = new TextureFont(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Font.png")); TestCont = new Container(GraphicsDevice, background, 20, 250, 100, 200); TestCont.OpenEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideRight; TestCont.CloseEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideLeft; TestCont.EffectDuration = 500; TestCard = new CardDisplay(GraphicsDevice, 350, 250, cFont); TestCard.Top = 105; TestCard.Left = 325; TestCard.SendMouseEvents = true; TestCard.MouseDown += new ContainerMouseButtonEventHandler(MouseLeftDown); cCard = new CardInfo(CardType.Monster); cCard.Background = Content.Load <Texture2D>("CardBase.png"); cCard.Image = CardImage; cCard.Title = "Shield Maiden"; List <string> Lines = new List <string>(); Lines.Add("Health: 5"); Lines.Add("Attack: 3"); Lines.Add(""); Lines.Add("Women of Rohan"); cCard.Description = Lines; cCard.Changed = true; TestCard.Card = cCard; NestedCont = new Container(GraphicsDevice, null, 350, 600, 100, 100); NestedCont.BackgroundColor = Color.BurlyWood; NestedCont.Visible = true; cTextTest = new TextBox(GraphicsDevice, null, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 150, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 200, 125, 175); cTextTest.BackgroundColor = Color.CornflowerBlue; cTextTest.FontColor = Color.Bisque; cTextTest.Font = cFont; cTextTest.Visible = true; DevConsole.AddText("Viewport Bounds: X=" + GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.X + " Y=" + GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Y + " Width=" + GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width + " Height=" + GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height); }
/// <summary> /// Load all graphics content (just our background texture). /// Use this method to make sure a device reset event is handled correctly. /// </summary> /// <param name="loadAllContent">Load everything?</param> protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); CopyrightFont = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Copyright"); font = new TextureFont(graphics.GraphicsDevice, content); base.LoadContent(); }
} // Render() #endregion #region Unit testing #if DEBUG public static void TestRenderSingleAsteroid() { //Model testModel1 = null; GameAsteroidManager asteroidManager = null; TestGame.Start( "TestRenderSingleAsteroid", delegate { //testModel1 = new Model("asteroid1"); // Initialize asteroidManager and use last avialable level. asteroidManager = new GameAsteroidManager( Level.LoadAllLevels()[0]); }, delegate { // Render sky cube map as our background. BaseGame.skyCube.RenderSky(1.0f, BaseGame.remSkyBackgroundColor); asteroidManager.Render(null, null); //tst: render asteroid in center //asteroidManager.GetAsteroidModel(0).Render( // Matrix.CreateScale(15, 15, 15)); //testModel1.Render(Matrix.CreateScale(4)); BaseGame.MeshRenderManager.Render(); TextureFont.WriteText(2, 30, "cam pos=" + BaseGame.CameraPos); }); } // TestRenderSingleAsteroid()
} // WriteCreditsWithLink(xPos, yPos, leftText) #endregion #region Run /// <summary> /// Run game screen. Called each frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Form for access to asteroid manager and co</param> public void Run(RocketCommanderGame game) { // Render background game.RenderMenuBackground(); // Credits int xPos = 50 * BaseGame.Width / 1024; int yPos = 180 * BaseGame.Height / 768; TextureFont.WriteText(xPos, yPos, Texts.Credits); WriteCreditsWithLink(xPos, yPos + 72, "Idea, Design, Programming", "Benjamin Nitschke (abi)", "", game); WriteCredits(xPos, yPos + 167, "Thanks fly out to", "Christoph Rienäcker, Leif Griga, Boje Holtz,"); WriteCredits(xPos, yPos + 217, "", "Enrico Cieslik (Judge), ZMan (,"); WriteCredits(xPos, yPos + 267, "", "Dirk Primbs and Christina Storm of Microsoft and"); WriteCredits(xPos, yPos + 317, "", "and the XNA and .NET Teams at Microsoft :)"); TextureFont.WriteText(xPos, 647 * BaseGame.Height / 768, "Dedicated to the great XNA Framework."); if (game.RenderMenuButton(MenuButton.Back, new Point(1024 - 230, 768 - 150))) { quit = true; } // if } // Run(game)
} // Update() #endregion #region Unit Testing #if DEBUG /// <summary> /// Test play sounds /// </summary> //[Test] public static void TestPlaySounds() { //int crazyCounter = 0; TestGame.Start( delegate { if (Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed || Input.GamePadAJustPressed) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Bomb); } else if (Input.MouseRightButtonJustPressed || Input.GamePadBJustPressed) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Click); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D1)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.GameMusic); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D2)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.MenuMusic); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D3)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Explosion); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D4)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Fuel); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D5)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Victory); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D6)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Defeat); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D7)) { Sound.PlayRocketMotorSound(0.75f); Sound.ChangeRocketMotorPitchEffect(0.5f); } // else if else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D8)) { Sound.StopRocketMotorSound(); } else if (Input.KeyboardKeyJustPressed(Keys.D9)) { Sound.Play(Sounds.Whosh); } TextureFont.WriteText(2, 30, "Press 1-8 or A/B or left/right mouse buttons to play back " + "sounds!"); }); } // TestPlaySounds()
public EditorVisual(ViewRegistry registry) { _registry = registry; GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); _raytraceVoxelPosition = Vector3.Zero; _chunkMeshes = new Dictionary <Vector3I, VoxelMesh>(); _chunkPartMeshes = new Dictionary <Vector3I, VoxelMesh>(); _chunkGeometrys = new Dictionary <Vector3I, VAO>(); _chunkDepthGeometrys = new Dictionary <Vector3I, VAO>(); _amountBuffers = new Dictionary <Vector3I, BufferObject>(); _idBuffers = new Dictionary <Vector3I, BufferObject>(); _renderToTexture = new FBO[5]; _renderToTextureWithDepth = new FBO[2]; _textureIDs = new Dictionary <int, int>(); _materialTextureArray = new Texture(OpenGl4.TextureTarget.Texture2DArray); _crosshairs = TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.FadenkreuzBW); _groundTexture = TextureLoader.FromBitmap(_registry.GetMaterialInfo(1).Texture); _font = new TextureFont(TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.Coders_Crux), 16, 0, 0.6f, 0.9f, 0.75f); InitializeMaterialTextures(); }
/// <summary> /// Load all external content files that are needed /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { TextureFont Font; Content.RootDirectory = INTERFACECONTENTDIR; Font = new TextureFont(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Font.png")); try { cDevConsole = new GameConsole(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice, Content, "Font.png", cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2); cDevConsole.AccessKey = Keys.OemTilde; cDevConsole.UseAccessKey = true; cDevConsole.OpenEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideDown; cDevConsole.CloseEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideUp; cDevConsole.CommandSent += new CommandSentEventHandler(ConsoleCommandEvent); } catch (Exception ExErr) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Failed to initialize console: " + ExErr.GetType().ToString() + " - " + ExErr.Message); Exit(); return; } cTileSets = new TileSetManager(Content, INTERFACECONTENTDIR + @"\Tiles.XML", "/tilescene/tilesets"); cSceneMgr = new TileSceneManager(cTileSets, INTERFACECONTENTDIR + @"\Tiles.XML", "/tilescene"); cSpriteMgr = new SpriteManager(cTileSets, INTERFACECONTENTDIR + @"\Tiles.XML", "/tilescene"); }
} // Show() #endregion #region Unit Testing #if DEBUG /// <summary> /// Test post screen glow /// </summary> public static void TestPostScreenGlow() { Model testModel = null; PostScreenGlow glowShader = null; TestGame.Start("TestPostScreenGlow", delegate { testModel = new Model("Asteroid2"); glowShader = new PostScreenGlow(); }, delegate { //Thread.Sleep(10); glowShader.Start(); BaseGame.skyCube.RenderSky(); testModel.Render(Vector3.Zero); BaseGame.MeshRenderManager.Render(); if (Input.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftAlt) == false && Input.GamePadAPressed == false) { glowShader.Show(); } else { // Resolve first glowShader.sceneMapTexture.Resolve(false); started = false; // Reset background buffer RenderToTexture.ResetRenderTarget(true); // Just show scene map glowShader.sceneMapTexture.RenderOnScreen(BaseGame.ResolutionRect); } // else TextureFont.WriteText(2, 30, "Press left alt or A to just show the unchanged screen."); TextureFont.WriteText(2, 60, "Press space or B to see all menu post screen render passes."); //*TODO if (Input.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || // == false) Input.GamePadBPressed) { glowShader.sceneMapTexture.RenderOnScreen( new Rectangle(10, 10, 256, 256)); glowShader.downsampleMapTexture.RenderOnScreen( new Rectangle(10 + 256 + 10, 10, 256, 256)); glowShader.blurMap1Texture.RenderOnScreen( new Rectangle(10 + 256 + 10 + 256 + 10, 10, 256, 256)); glowShader.blurMap2Texture.RenderOnScreen( new Rectangle(10, 10 + 256 + 10, 256, 256)); } // if (Input.Keyboard.IsKeyDown) }); } // TestPostScreenGlow()
public CardDisplay(GraphicsDevice GraphDev, int Height, int Width, TextureFont Font) : base(GraphDev, Height, Width) { this.OpenEffect = DisplayEffect.Fade; this.CloseEffect = DisplayEffect.Fade; this.BackgroundColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 0); cFont = Font; cIsFullCard = true; }
public FontGL(IContentLoader contentLoader) { //shdFont = context.CreateShader(); //shdFont.FromStrings(Tools.ToString(Resourcen.texColorVert), Tools.ToString(Resourcen.texColorFrag)); //locCamera = shdFont.GetResourceLocation(ShaderResourceType.Uniform, "camera"); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); //TODO: only for non shader pipeline relevant -> remove at some point font = new TextureFont(contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("Video Phreak"), 10, 32, 1, 1, .7f); }
public View(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader) { renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend); renderState.Set(new LineWidth(5f)); texWhite = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("white"); texBlack = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("black"); texTable = contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("pool_table"); font = new TextureFont(contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("Fire 2"), 10, 32, 1.0f, 0.9f, 0.5f); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); //TODO: only for non shader pipeline relevant -> remove at some point }
/// <summary> /// Show car property bar for car selection to differentiate /// the different cars. /// </summary> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <param name="propertyName"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> private void ShowCarPropertyBar(int x, int y, string propertyName, float value) { TextureFont.WriteText(x, y, propertyName); RacingGameManager.UI.OptionsScreen.RenderOnScreen( //try1: new Rectangle(x + BaseGame.XToRes(150), y + BaseGame.YToRes(5), //BaseGame.XToRes((int)(145 * value)), BaseGame.YToRes(6)), new Rectangle(x, y + BaseGame.YToRes(29), BaseGame.XToRes((int)(192 * value)), BaseGame.YToRes(6)), gfxBarFromOptionsScreen); }
public static TextureFont LoadFont(FontData fontData) { var texture = LoadTexture(fontData.FontSheet); var font = new TextureFont(texture, fontData) { Id = fontData.Id }; return(font); }
private MyVisual() { //load font font = new TextureFont(TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.Blood_Bath_2), 10, 32, .8f, 1, .7f); //background clear color GL.ClearColor(Color.Black); //for transparency in textures GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); // for transparency in textures GL.Color3(Color.White); //color is multiplied with texture color white == no change }
private MyVisual(IRenderState renderState, IContentLoader contentLoader) { //for transparency in textures we use blending renderState.Set(BlendStates.AlphaBlend); //load font font = new TextureFont(contentLoader.Load <ITexture2D>("Blood Bath 2"), 10, 32, .8f, 1, .7f); //background clear color renderState.Set(new ClearColorState(0, 0, 0, 1)); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); //TODO: only for non shader pipeline relevant -> remove at some point GL.Color3(Color.White); //color is multiplied with texture color white == no change }
public void ReadBinary() { TextureFont font = TextureFont.FromFile("./TestFiles/Arial 18.txf"); Assert.IsNotNull(font); Assert.IsTrue(font.TextureData != null && font.TextureData.Length > 0); Assert.IsTrue(font.CharacterMap.Count == 224); Assert.IsTrue(font.CroppingData.Count == 224); Assert.IsTrue(font.CharacterMap[0] == ' '); Assert.IsTrue(font.CharacterMap[1] == '!'); }
protected override void LoadContent() { cDrawBatch = new SpriteBatch(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); cSolidTexture = new Texture2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); //cSolidTexture.SetData (new[] { new Color(255, 255, 255, 100) }); //cSolidTexture.SetData (new[] { new Color(0, 0, 0, 100) }); cSolidTexture.SetData(new[] { Color.White }); foreach (Textures CurrTexture in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Textures))) { cTextureDict.Add(CurrTexture, Content.Load <Texture2D>(Tools.EnumTools.GetEnumDescriptionAttribute(CurrTexture))); } //cShader = Content.Load<Effect>("ShaderEffect"); //cShipShader = Content.Load<Effect>("BumpMap"); //cShipShader.Parameters["NormalMap"].SetValue(cTextureDict[Textures.ShipNormal]); cFont = new TextureFont(cTextureDict[Textures.Font]); cDevConsole = new MDLN.MGTools.GameConsole(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice, Content, Content.RootDirectory + "\\Font.png", 0, 0, cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width, cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height / 2); cDevConsole.CommandSent += CommandSentEventHandler; cDevConsole.OpenEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideDown; cDevConsole.CloseEffect = DisplayEffect.SlideUp; cPlayerShip = new Ship(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice, 50); cPlayerShip.BackgroundColor = new Color(100, 100, 100, 0); //Set background completely transparent cPlayerShip.ShipTexture = cTextureDict[Textures.Ship]; cPlayerShip.Visible = true; cPlayerShip.Top = cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height / 2; cPlayerShip.Left = cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width / 2; //cPlayerShip.ImageInitialAngle = 1.570796f; //Offset for image pointing up instead of right cPlayerShip.MouseRotate = true; cPlayerBullets = new ParticleEngine2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); cPlayerBullets.DrawBlendingMode = BlendState.Additive; //cPlayerBullets.ShaderEffect = cShader; cEnemyBullets = new ParticleEngine2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); cEnemyBullets.DrawBlendingMode = BlendState.Additive; cAsteroids = new ParticleEngine2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); cAsteroids.WrapScreenEdges = true; cUFOs = new ParticleEngine2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); //cUFOs.ShaderEffect = cShipShader; cUFOs.WrapScreenEdges = true; cSparkles = new ParticleEngine2D(cGraphDevMgr.GraphicsDevice); cSparkles.DrawBlendingMode = BlendState.Additive; }
} // AddDistanceToBeDisplayed(screenPos, distance, alpha) /// <summary> /// Show all distances /// </summary> public void ShowAllDistances() //TextureFont TextureFont) { foreach (PosAndDistance posDistance in remToDisplayDistance) { TextureFont.WriteSmallTextCentered( posDistance.pos.X, posDistance.pos.Y + 40, // Only display full numbers (round them up) Texts.Distance + ": " + (int)Math.Round(posDistance.distance / SectorDepth - 0.26f), // Only display with half the alpha! posDistance.alpha * 0.5f); } // foreach (posDistance) // Clear remToDisplayDistance.Clear(); } // ShowAllDistances()
protected override void OnLoad() { shaderProgram = SimpleShaderProgram.Create <VertexColorTexture>(graphicsDevice, 0, 0, true); particleTexture = Texture2DExtensions.FromFile(graphicsDevice, "particles.png"); particleTexture.SetTextureFilters(TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest); rectangleTexture = Texture2DExtensions.FromFile(graphicsDevice, "rectangle.png"); ballTexture = Texture2DExtensions.FromFile(graphicsDevice, "ball.png"); diamondTexture = Texture2DExtensions.FromFile(graphicsDevice, "diamond.png"); TextureFont[] fonts = TextureFontExtensions.FromFile(graphicsDevice, "font.tglf"); comicSansFont = fonts[0]; arialFont = fonts[1]; textureBatcher = new TextureBatcher(graphicsDevice); textureBatcher.SetShaderProgram(shaderProgram); graphicsDevice.DepthState = DepthState.None; graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied; graphicsDevice.ClearColor = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.65f, 0.5f, 1f); MaxX = Window.Size.Width; MaxY = Window.Size.Height; Particle.texture = particleTexture; Diamond.texture = diamondTexture; Ball.texture = ballTexture; particles = new LinkedList <Particle>(); diamonds = new Diamond[40]; for (int i = 0; i < diamonds.Length; i++) { diamonds[i] = new Diamond(); } balls = new Ball[40]; for (int i = 0; i < balls.Length; i++) { balls[i] = new Ball(); } stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); graphicsDevice.CullFaceMode = CullFaceMode.Back; graphicsDevice.FaceCullingEnabled = true; }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { TextureFont.WriteText(nextBlockRect.X + 5, nextBlockRect.Y + 10, "Next:"); Rectangle gridRect = new Rectangle(nextBlockRect.X + 5, nextBlockRect.Y + 43, nextBlockRect.Width - 15, nextBlockRect.Height - 46); int blockWidth = gridRect.Width / PreviewGridWidth; int blockHeight = gridRect.Height / PreviewGridHeight; for (int x = 0; x < PreviewGridWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < PreviewGridHeight; y++) { int[,] blockData = TetrisGrid.BlockTypeShapesNormal[(int)nextBlockType]; bool isFilled = x > 0 && y > 0 && x - 1 < blockData.GetLength(0) && y - 1 < blockData.GetLength(1) && blockData[x - 1, y - 1] != 0; game.BlockSprite.Render(new Rectangle(gridRect.X + x * blockWidth, gridRect.Y + y * blockHeight, blockWidth - 1, blockHeight - 1), TetrisGrid.BlockColor[isFilled ? (int)nextBlockType : 0]); } } }
} // Update() #endregion #region Unit testing public static void TestXboxControllerInput() { TestGame.Start( delegate { if (Input.GamePadAJustPressed) { Input.GamePadRumble(0.35f, 0.475f); } else if (Input.GamePadBJustPressed) { Input.GamePadRumble(0.85f, 0.95f); } TextureFont.WriteText(30, 60, "Press A for a little gamepad rumble" + "and B for heavy gamepad rumble effect"); }); } // TestXboxControllerInput()
} // Update() #endregion #region Unit Testing #if DEBUG /// <summary> /// Test space camera /// </summary> public static void TestSpaceCamera() { Model testModel = null; TestGame.Start("TestSpaceCamera", delegate // Init { testModel = new Model("asteroid4"); }, delegate // Render loop { // Just render testModel in the middle of the scene. testModel.Render(Vector3.Zero); TextureFont.WriteText(1, 20, "MoveFactorPerSecond=" + BaseGame.MoveFactorPerSecond); }); } // TestSpaceCamera()
/// <summary> /// Render loading screen /// </summary> public bool Render() { SpriteBatch textBatch = new SpriteBatch(BaseGame.Device); Vector2 position = new Vector2((BaseGame.Width / 2) - 50, (BaseGame.Height / 2) - 20); for (int i = 0; i < loadingText.Length; i++) { string charStr = new string(loadingText[i], 1); int charHeight = (int)(position.Y + 7 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin((i / 4f) + (-BaseGame.TotalTime * 3)))); TextureFont.WriteText((int)position.X, charHeight, charStr, Color.Red); position.X += TextureFont.GetTextWidth(charStr); } TextureFont.WriteTextCentered(BaseGame.Width / 2, (int)position.Y + 40, loadingStatus); return(RacingGameManager.ContentLoaded); }
} // WriteCredits(xPos, yPos, leftText) /// <summary> /// Write credits with link /// </summary> /// <param name="xPos">X coordinate</param> /// <param name="yPos">Y coordinate</param> /// <param name="leftText">Left text</param> /// <param name="rightText">Right text</param> /// <param name="linkText">Link text</param> private void WriteCreditsWithLink(int xPos, int yPos, string leftText, string rightText, string linkText, RocketCommanderGame game) { WriteCredits(xPos, yPos, leftText, rightText); // Process link (put below rightText) bool overLink = Input.MouseInBox(new Rectangle( xPos + 440, yPos + 8 + TextureFont.Height, 400, TextureFont.Height)); TextureFont.WriteText(xPos + 440, yPos /*+ 8*/ + TextureFont.Height, linkText, overLink ? Color.Red : Color.White); if (overLink && Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed) { #if !XBOX360 new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { Process.Start(linkText); })).Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); #endif } // if } // WriteCreditsWithLink(xPos, yPos, leftText)
public MyApplication() { gameWindow.Resize += GameWindow_Resize; gameWindow.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (Key.Escape == e.Key) { gameWindow.Exit(); } }; gameWindow.MouseDown += GameWindow_MouseDown; gameWindow.RenderFrame += GameWindow_RenderFrame; gameWindow.RenderFrame += (sender, e) => { gameWindow.SwapBuffers(); }; GL.ClearColor(Color.Black); for (int x = 0; x < gridRes; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < gridRes; ++y) { grid[x, y] = FieldType.EMPTY; } } texWhite = TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.white); texBlack = TextureLoader.FromBitmap(; texWater = TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.water); font = new TextureFont(TextureLoader.FromBitmap(Resourcen.Fire_2), 10, 32, 1.0f, 0.9f, 0.5f); }
public void SetFont(TextureFont font) { this.font = font; }
// Rest of car variables is automatically calculated below! #endregion #region Render /// <summary> /// Render /// </summary> /// <returns>Bool</returns> public bool Render() { if (BaseGame.AllowShadowMapping) { // Let camera point directly at the center, around 10 units away. BaseGame.ViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt( new Vector3(0, 10.45f, 2.75f), new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); // Let the light come from the front! Vector3 lightDir = -LensFlare.DefaultLightPos; lightDir = new Vector3(lightDir.X, lightDir.Y, -lightDir.Z); // LightDirection will normalize BaseGame.LightDirection = lightDir; // Show 3d cars // Rotate all 3 cars depending on the current selection float perCarRot = MathHelper.Pi * 2.0f / 3.0f; float newCarSelectionRotationZ = RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber * perCarRot; carSelectionRotationZ = InterpolateRotation( carSelectionRotationZ, newCarSelectionRotationZ, BaseGame.MoveFactorPerSecond * 5.0f); // Prebuild all render matrices, we will use them for several times // here. Matrix[] renderMatrices = new Matrix[3]; for (int carNum = 0; carNum < 3; carNum++) { renderMatrices[carNum] = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(BaseGame.TotalTime / 3.9f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, 5.0f, 0)) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-carSelectionRotationZ + carNum * perCarRot) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(1.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); } // Last translation translates the position of the cars in the UI; // For shadows make sure the car position is the origin RacingGameManager.Player.SetCarPosition(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); // Generate shadows ShaderEffect.shadowMapping.GenerateShadows( delegate { for (int carNum = 0; carNum < 3; carNum++) { // Only the car throws shadows RacingGameManager.CarModel.GenerateShadow( renderMatrices[carNum]); } }); // Render shadows ShaderEffect.shadowMapping.RenderShadows( delegate { for (int carNum = 0; carNum < 3; carNum++) { // Both the car and the selection plate receive shadows RacingGameManager.CarSelectionPlate.UseShadow( renderMatrices[carNum]); RacingGameManager.CarModel.UseShadow(renderMatrices[carNum]); } }); } // This starts both menu and in game post screen shader! // It will render into the sceneMap texture which we will use // later then. BaseGame.UI.PostScreenMenuShader.Start(); // Render background and black bar BaseGame.UI.RenderMenuBackground(); BaseGame.UI.RenderBlackBar(170, 390); // Immediately paint here, else post screen UI will // be drawn over! Texture.additiveSprite.End(); Texture.alphaSprite.End(); //SpriteHelper.DrawAllSprites(); // Restart the sprites after the paint Texture.additiveSprite.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.Additive); Texture.alphaSprite.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend); // Cars header int posX = 10; int posY = 18; if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT) { posX += 36; posY += 26; } BaseGame.UI.Headers.RenderOnScreenRelative1600( posX, posY, UIRenderer.HeaderChooseCarGfxRect); // Allow selecting the car color TextureFont.WriteText(BaseGame.XToRes(85), BaseGame.YToRes(512), "Car Color: "); for (int num = 0; num < RacingGameManager.CarColors.Count; num++) { Rectangle rect = RacingGameManager.currentCarColor == num? BaseGame.CalcRectangle(250 + num * 50 - 6, 500 - 6, 46 + 12, 46 + 12) : BaseGame.CalcRectangle(250 + num * 50, 500, 46, 46); RacingGameManager.colorSelectionTexture.RenderOnScreen( rect, RacingGameManager.colorSelectionTexture.GfxRectangle, RacingGameManager.CarColors[num]); if (Input.MouseInBox(rect) && Input.MouseLeftButtonPressed) { if (RacingGameManager.currentCarColor != num) { Sound.Play(Sound.Sounds.Highlight); } RacingGameManager.currentCarColor = num; } } // Show car maxSpeed, Acceleration and Mass values. // Also show braking, friction and engine values based on that. CarPhysics.SetCarVariablesForCarType( CarTypeMaxSpeed[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber], CarTypeMass[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber], CarTypeMaxAcceleration[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber]); // Show info and helper texts //TextureFont.WriteText(30, BaseGame.YToRes(280), // "Car: Left/Right"); //TextureFont.WriteText(30, BaseGame.YToRes(370), // "Color: Up/Down"); // Calculate values float maxSpeed = -1.5f + 2.45f * (CarTypeMaxSpeed[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber] / CarPhysics.DefaultMaxSpeed); float acceleration = -1.25f + 1.85f * (CarTypeMaxAcceleration[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber] / CarPhysics.DefaultMaxAccelerationPerSec); float mass = -0.65f + 1.5f * (CarTypeMass[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber] / CarPhysics.DefaultCarMass); float braking = -0.2f + acceleration - mass + maxSpeed; float friction = -1 + (1 / mass + maxSpeed / 5); float engine = -0.2f + 0.5f * (maxSpeed / mass + acceleration - maxSpeed * 5 + 5); if (engine > 0.95f) { engine = 0.95f; } ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(190), "Max Speed: " + (int)(CarTypeMaxSpeed[RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber] / CarPhysics.MphToMeterPerSec) + "mph", maxSpeed); ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(235), "Acceleration:", acceleration); ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(280), "Car Mass:", mass); ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(335), "Braking:", braking); ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(390), "Friction:", friction); ShowCarPropertyBar( BaseGame.XToRes(1024 - 258), BaseGame.YToRes(445), "Engine:", engine); // Also show bouncing arrow on top of car float arrowWave = (float)Math.Sin(BaseGame.TotalTime / 0.46f) * (float)Math.Cos(BaseGame.TotalTime / 0.285f); float arrowScale = 0.75f - 0.065f * arrowWave; Rectangle arrowRect = BaseGame.CalcRectangle(512, 120, (int)Math.Round(UIRenderer.BigArrowGfxRect.Width * arrowScale), (int)Math.Round(UIRenderer.BigArrowGfxRect.Width * arrowScale)); arrowRect.X -= arrowRect.Width / 2; // Not displayed anymore .. // Show left/right arrows Rectangle selArrowGfxRect = UIRenderer.SelectionArrowGfxRect; Rectangle leftRect = BaseGame.CalcRectangle(35, 250, selArrowGfxRect.Width, selArrowGfxRect.Height); leftRect.Y = BaseGame.YToRes(300 + 60) + arrowRect.Y / 3; leftRect.X += (int)Math.Round(BaseGame.XToRes(12) * arrowWave); BaseGame.UI.Buttons.RenderOnScreen( leftRect, new Rectangle(selArrowGfxRect.X + selArrowGfxRect.Width, selArrowGfxRect.Y, -selArrowGfxRect.Width, selArrowGfxRect.Height)); Rectangle rightRect = BaseGame.CalcRectangle( 1024 - 335 - selArrowGfxRect.Width, 250, selArrowGfxRect.Width, selArrowGfxRect.Height); rightRect.Y = BaseGame.YToRes(300 + 60) + arrowRect.Y / 3; rightRect.X -= (int)Math.Round(BaseGame.XToRes(12) * arrowWave); BaseGame.UI.Buttons.RenderOnScreen( rightRect, UIRenderer.SelectionArrowGfxRect); // Also handle xbox controller input if (Input.GamePadLeftJustPressed || Input.KeyboardLeftJustPressed || Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed && Input.MouseInBoxRelative(new Rectangle(512 + 50, 170, 512 - 150, 135))) { Sound.Play(Sound.Sounds.Highlight); RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber = (RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber + 1) % 3; } else if (Input.GamePadRightJustPressed || Input.KeyboardRightJustPressed || Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed && Input.MouseInBoxRelative(new Rectangle(100, 170, 512 - 200, 135))) { Sound.Play(Sound.Sounds.Highlight); RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber = (RacingGameManager.currentCarNumber + 2) % 3; } // Mouse input is handled in RacingGameManager.cs if (Input.GamePadUpJustPressed || Input.KeyboardUpJustPressed) { Sound.Play(Sound.Sounds.Highlight); RacingGameManager.currentCarColor = (RacingGameManager.currentCarColor + RacingGameManager.NumberOfCarColors - 1) % RacingGameManager.NumberOfCarColors; } else if (Input.GamePadDownJustPressed || Input.KeyboardDownJustPressed) { Sound.Play(Sound.Sounds.Highlight); RacingGameManager.currentCarColor = (RacingGameManager.currentCarColor + 1) % RacingGameManager.NumberOfCarColors; } bool aButtonPressed = BaseGame.UI.RenderBottomButtons(false); if (Input.GamePadAJustPressed || Input.KeyboardSpaceJustPressed || aButtonPressed) { RacingGameManager.AddGameScreen(new TrackSelection()); return(false); } if (Input.KeyboardEscapeJustPressed || Input.GamePadBJustPressed || Input.GamePadBackJustPressed || BaseGame.UI.backButtonPressed) { return(true); } return(false); }