private static void ReplaceIfNecessary(string name, bool normalMap, bool mipmaps, bool readable, bool compressed)
            if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture(name))
                GameDatabase.TextureInfo info = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTextureInfo(name);
                bool isReadable = false;
                try { info.texture.GetPixel(0, 0); isReadable = true; }
                catch { }
                bool hasMipmaps   = info.texture.mipmapCount > 0;
                bool isCompressed = (info.texture.format == TextureFormat.DXT1 || info.texture.format == TextureFormat.DXT5);
                bool isNormalMap  = info.isNormalMap;

                if (!isReadable || (isCompressed && !compressed) || (isNormalMap != normalMap))
                    //Pretty ineficient to not check beforehand, but makes the logic much simpler by simply reloading the textures.
                    info.isNormalMap  = normalMap;
                    info.isReadable   = readable;
                    info.isCompressed = compressed;
                    TextureConverter.Reload(info, false, default(Vector2), null, mipmaps);
           = name;
                else if (isReadable != readable || isCompressed != compressed || hasMipmaps != mipmaps)
                    if (compressed)
                    info.texture.Apply(mipmaps, !readable);