private string AddFileToProject(string filename)
            string openFile = Program.Instance.OpenFile;

            if (openFile != null)
                string projectFolder = string.Concat(new FileInfo(openFile).DirectoryName, "\\");
                string newFileName   = new FileInfo(filename).Name;
                string copiedName    = string.Concat(projectFolder, newFileName);
                if (!File.Exists(copiedName))
                    File.Copy(filename, copiedName);
                    if (filename.EndsWith(".x"))
                        XMesh mesh = new XMesh(filename);
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.NumberTextures; i++)
                            TextureBase texture = mesh.GetTexture(i);
                            if ((texture != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texture.FileName)))
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces a texture with a new one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldTexture"></param>
        /// <param name="newTexture"></param>
        public bool ReplaceTexture(string oldTexture, string newTexture, bool update)
            bool textureFound = false;

            if (meshTextures == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < meshTextures.Length; i++)
                TextureBase texture = meshTextures[i];
                if (texture != null)
                    if ((texture.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(oldTexture.ToLower())) ||
                        (update && texture.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') > 0 &&
                         newTexture.ToLower().EndsWith(texture.FileName.Substring(texture.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1).ToLower())))
                            textureFound = true;
                            texture         = new TextureBase(newTexture);
                            meshTextures[i] = texture;
        /// <summary>
        /// creates non-separable filter pass
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateFilter(
			 string filterName,
			 string filterNamespace,
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase result)
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (result.Width, result.Height));
            var uniformState = new UniformState ();
            uniformState.Set ("viewport_size", viewport);

            var _1stPass = CreateFullscreenQuad (filterName, filterNamespace, viewport,
            window =>
                GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);
            //pass state
            new FramebufferBindingSet {{ "OUT_FragData_result", result }},
            new TextureBindingSet {{ "source_texture", source }});
            return _1stPass;
        /// <summary>
        /// given color and depth textures, render them.
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateSolidBox(
			 TextureBase depth_texture,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_pos_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_color_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_dimensions_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Matrix4> sprite_rotation_local_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Matrix4> sprite_rotation_buffer,
			 IValueProvider<int> particles_count,
				IValueProvider<float> particle_scale_factor,
				IValueProvider<string> fragdepthroutine,
			 ModelViewProjectionParameters mvp
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (depth_texture.Width, depth_texture.Height));
            var outputroutine = ValueProvider.Create (() => "SetOutputsNone");
            return CreateSolidBox
                 new FramebufferBindingSet(
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { Attachment = FramebufferAttachment.DepthAttachment, Texture = depth_texture }
                 sprite_pos_buffer, sprite_color_buffer, sprite_dimensions_buffer, sprite_rotation_local_buffer, sprite_rotation_buffer,
                 particles_count, particle_scale_factor, fragdepthroutine, outputroutine,
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the texture to the specified position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 /// <param name="texturePos"></param>
 public void SetTexture(TextureBase texture, int texturePos)
     Parent.NextTexture = texturePos + 1;
     GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + texturePos);
     GL.BindTexture(texture.Target, texture);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the specified texture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="renderSize">Size of the render.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="centerOrigin">if set to <c>true</c> [center origin].</param>
        public override void Draw(TextureBase texture, PointF position, Size renderSize, ColorW color, Rect source, bool centerOrigin)
            testRectangle.X      = (int)position.X;
            testRectangle.Y      = (int)position.Y;
            testRectangle.Width  = (int)renderSize.Width;
            testRectangle.Height = (int)renderSize.Height;
            if (isClipped && !currentScissorRectangle.Intersects(testRectangle))

            sourceRect.X      = (int)source.X;
            sourceRect.Y      = (int)source.Y;
            sourceRect.Width  = (int)source.Width;
            sourceRect.Height = (int)source.Height;
            vecColor.A        = color.A;
            vecColor.R        = color.R;
            vecColor.G        = color.G;
            vecColor.B        = color.B;
            if (centerOrigin)
                origin.X = testRectangle.Width / 2f;
                origin.Y = testRectangle.Height / 2f;

            Texture2D native = texture.GetNativeTexture() as Texture2D;

            spriteBatch.Draw(native, testRectangle, sourceRect, vecColor, 0, origin);
        public static RenderPass CreateBlurFilter(
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase interm,
			 TextureBase result)
            return CreateSeparableFilter("blur", "RenderPassFactory", source, interm, result, null);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up.
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose()
            foreach (Foliage fol in foliages)

            if (counter == 0)
                if (foliageMesh != null)
                    foliageMesh = null;
                if (trunkMesh != null)
                    trunkMesh = null;
                if (foliageTexture != null)
                    foliageTexture = null;
Esempio n. 9
        public override void Compile(CompileParams data)

            floorTexture    = data.RenderContext.CreateTexture2D(new Bitmap(Textures + "floor_color_map.jpg"), textureFilteringFunctionType.LinearMipmapLinear);
            lightMapTexture = data.RenderContext.CreateTexture2D(new Bitmap(Textures + "floor_light_map.jpg"), textureFilteringFunctionType.LinearMipmapLinear);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the specified texture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="renderSize">Size of the render.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="centerOrigin">if set to <c>true</c> [center origin].</param>
        public override void Draw(TextureBase texture, PointF position, Size renderSize, ColorW color, Rect source, bool centerOrigin)
            Rectangle testRectangle;

            testRectangle.X      = (int)position.X;
            testRectangle.Y      = (int)position.Y;
            testRectangle.Width  = (int)renderSize.Width;
            testRectangle.Height = (int)renderSize.Height;
            if (isClipped && !this.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle.Intersects(testRectangle))

            Rectangle sourceRect;

            sourceRect.X      = (int)source.X;
            sourceRect.Y      = (int)source.Y;
            sourceRect.Width  = (int)source.Width;
            sourceRect.Height = (int)source.Height;
            Color vecColor = new Color();

            vecColor.PackedValue = color.PackedValue;
            Texture2D native = texture.GetNativeTexture() as Texture2D;

            spriteBatch.Draw(native, testRectangle, sourceRect, vecColor, 0, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Esempio n. 11
        public static Sprite Create(
            ulong cameraGroup   = 0,
            Aspect aspect       = Aspect.Keep,
            bool horizontalFlip = false,
            bool verticalFlip   = false,
            Color?color         = null,
            int zOrder          = 0,
            Material material   = null,
            TextureBase texture = null,
            RectF?src           = null
            var elem = BoxUISystem.RentOrNull <Sprite>() ?? new Sprite();

            elem.cameraGroup_    = cameraGroup;
            elem.aspect_         = aspect;
            elem.horizontalFlip_ = horizontalFlip;
            elem.verticalFlip_   = verticalFlip;
            elem.color_          = color ?? new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
            elem.zOrder_         = zOrder;
            elem.material_       = material;
            elem.texture_        = texture;
            elem.src_            = src ?? new RectF(Vector2FExt.Zero, texture?.Size.To2F() ?? Vector2FExt.Zero);
        public override void Draw(TextureBase texture, Renderer renderer, double elapsedGameTime, PointF position, Size renderSize, float opacity)
            if (this.Resource == null)

            IList <TextureBlock> blocks;
            var boxOffset = this.GetBoxOffset();

            if (boxOffset >= 0)
                blocks = this.Layout(this.Resource, new Point((int)renderSize.Width, (int)renderSize.Height), (int)boxOffset);
            else //fallback
                blocks = UIGraphics.LayoutTCB(this.Resource, new Point((int)renderSize.Width, (int)renderSize.Height));

            foreach (var block in blocks)
                if (block.Texture != null && block.Rectangle.Width > 0 && block.Rectangle.Height > 0)
                    PointF pos   = new PointF(block.Rectangle.X + position.X, block.Rectangle.Y + position.Y);
                    Size   size  = new Size(block.Rectangle.Width, block.Rectangle.Height);
                    ColorW color = new ColorW(1f, 1f, 1f, this.Opacity);
                    renderer.Draw(block.Texture, pos, size, color, false);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the texture to the next possible position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 public void SetTexture(TextureBase texture)
     if (Parent != null)
         SetTexture(texture, Parent.NextTexture);
Esempio n. 14
 public void SetVariable(string variableName, TextureBase value)
     if (effect != null)
         effect.SetValue(variableName, value.Texture);
Esempio n. 15
        public void setRenderToTexture(TextureBase texture, bool enableDepthAndStencil = false, int antiAlias = 0,
                                       int surfaceSelector = 0)
            var texture2D = texture as Texture;

            if (texture2D == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid texture");

            GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, mTextureFrameBufferId);
            GL.FramebufferTexture2D(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, FramebufferSlot.ColorAttachment0, TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.textureId, 0);
            GL.FramebufferTexture2D(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, FramebufferAttachment.ColorAttachment0, TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.textureId, 0);
            // setup viewport for render to texture
            // $$TODO figure out a way to invert the viewport vertically to account for GL's texture origin
            GL.Viewport(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height);

            // validate framebuffer status
            var code = GL.CheckFramebufferStatus(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer);
            if (code != FramebufferErrorCode.FramebufferComplete)
                throw new Exception("FrameBuffer status error:" + code);

            // save texture we're rendering to
            mRenderToTexture = texture;
        //computed world-space normal and clipping space depth (depth in range 0, 1)
        //where the result will be stored, results will be stored to the first component of the texture
        //how many samples will be used for occlusion estimation
        public static RenderPass CreateAoc(
		                                    TextureBase normalDepth,
		                                    TextureBase aoc,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> modelviewprojection,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> modelviewprojection_inv,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> projection,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> projection_inv,
		                                    AocParameters parameters)
            return CreateAoc(
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.SamplesCount),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.OccMaxDist),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.OccPixmax),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.OccPixmin),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.OccMinSampleRatio),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.OccConstantArea),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.Strength),
                             ValueProvider.Create (() => parameters.Bias));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// given color and depth textures, render them.
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateRenderTextureToBuffer(
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase depth_source,
			 IValueProvider<Vector2> viewportSize,
			 Action<GameWindow> beforeState,
			 Action<GameWindow> beforeRender,
			 params StatePart[] stateParts
            //TODO: BUG see System21.State.cs: line 351. Order of states has also some influence
            var states = new StatePart[]{
                new TextureBindingSet
                 new TextureBinding { VariableName = "source_texture", Texture = source },
                 new TextureBinding { VariableName = "depth_texture", Texture = depth_source }

            states = stateParts.Concat(states).ToArray();

            return CreateFullscreenQuad
                 "rendertexture", "RenderPassFactory",
        /// <summary>
        /// given color and depth textures, render them.
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateSolidSphere
             TextureBase normal_depth_target,
             TextureBase uv_colorindex_target,
             TextureBase depth_texture,
             BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_pos_buffer,
             BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_color_buffer,
             BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_dimensions_buffer,
             IValueProvider<int> particles_count,
             IValueProvider<float> particle_scale_factor,
             ModelViewProjectionParameters mvp,
             UniformState subroutineMapping,
             IEnumerable<Shader> subroutines
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (depth_texture.Width, depth_texture.Height));
            var mode = ValueProvider.Create (() => 0);

            return CreateSolidSphere
                 new FramebufferBindingSet(
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { Attachment = FramebufferAttachment.DepthAttachment, Texture = depth_texture },
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { VariableName = "Fragdata.uv_colorindex_none", Texture = uv_colorindex_target },
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { VariableName = "Fragdata.normal_depth", Texture = normal_depth_target }
                 sprite_pos_buffer, sprite_color_buffer, sprite_dimensions_buffer,
                 particles_count, particle_scale_factor, mode,
        /// <summary>
        /// given color and depth textures, render them.
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateSolidSphere(
			 TextureBase normal_depth_target,
			 TextureBase uv_colorindex_target,
			 TextureBase depth_texture,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_pos_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_color_buffer,
			 BufferObject<Vector4> sprite_dimensions_buffer,
			 IValueProvider<int> particles_count,
			 IValueProvider<float> particle_scale_factor,
			 ModelViewProjectionParameters mvp
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (depth_texture.Width, depth_texture.Height));
            var fragdepthroutine = ValueProvider.Create (() => "FragDepthDefault");
            var outputroutine = ValueProvider.Create (() => "SetOutputsDefault");

            return CreateSolidSphere
                 new FramebufferBindingSet(
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { Attachment = FramebufferAttachment.DepthAttachment, Texture = depth_texture },
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { VariableName = "uv_colorindex_none", Texture = uv_colorindex_target },
                  new DrawFramebufferBinding { VariableName = "normal_depth", Texture = normal_depth_target }
                 sprite_pos_buffer, sprite_color_buffer, sprite_dimensions_buffer,
                 particles_count, particle_scale_factor, fragdepthroutine, outputroutine,
        //computed world-space normal and clipping space depth (depth in range 0, 1)
        //where the result will be stored, results will be stored to the first component of the texture
        //how many samples will be used for occlusion estimation
        public static RenderPass CreateAoc(
		                                    TextureBase normalDepth,
		                                    TextureBase aoc,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> modelviewprojection,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> modelviewprojection_inv,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> projection,
		                                    IValueProvider<Matrix4> projection_inv,
		                                    IValueProvider<int> samplesCount,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> occ_max_dist = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> occ_pixmax = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> occ_pixmin = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> occ_min_sample_ratio = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<bool> occ_constant_area = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> strength = null,
		                                    IValueProvider<float> bias = null)
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (aoc.Width, aoc.Height));
            //			var sampling_pattern = ValueProvider.Create
            //			(
            //				 () => MathHelper2.RandomVectorSet (256, new Vector2 (1, 1))
            //			);

            var current_pattern = MathHelper2.RandomVectorSet (256, new Vector2 (1, 1));
            var sampling_pattern = ValueProvider.Create
                 () => current_pattern

            var uniformState = new UniformState ();
            uniformState.Set ("viewport_size", viewport);
            uniformState.Set ("sampling_pattern", sampling_pattern);
            uniformState.Set ("sampling_pattern_len", samplesCount);

            uniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_transform", modelviewprojection);
            uniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_inv_transform", modelviewprojection_inv);
            uniformState.Set ("projection_transform", projection);
            uniformState.Set ("projection_inv_transform", projection_inv);

            uniformState.Set ("OCCLUDER_MAX_DISTANCE", occ_max_dist ?? ValueProvider.Create(35.0f));
            uniformState.Set ("PROJECTED_OCCLUDER_DISTANCE_MAX_SIZE", occ_pixmax ?? ValueProvider.Create(35.0f));
            uniformState.Set ("PROJECTED_OCCLUDER_DISTANCE_MIN_SIZE", occ_pixmin ?? ValueProvider.Create(2.0f));
            uniformState.Set ("MINIMAL_SAMPLES_COUNT_RATIO", occ_min_sample_ratio ?? ValueProvider.Create(0.1f));
            uniformState.Set ("USE_CONSTANT_OCCLUDER_PROJECTION", occ_constant_area ?? ValueProvider.Create(false));
            uniformState.Set ("AOC_STRENGTH", strength ?? ValueProvider.Create(2f));
            uniformState.Set ("AOC_BIAS", bias ?? ValueProvider.Create(-0.5f));

            return CreateFullscreenQuad (
                "aoc", "RenderPassFactory",
                viewport, null,
                window =>
                    GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);

                new FramebufferBindingSet{{ "OUT_FragData_aoc", aoc }},
                new TextureBindingSet {{ "normaldepth_texture", normalDepth }});
Esempio n. 20
 public void SetVariable(EffectHandle variableHandle, TextureBase value)
     if (effect != null)
         effect.SetValue(variableHandle, value.Texture);
Esempio n. 21
        public void CopyTexture(TextureBase dstResource, uint dstSubresource, uint dstX, uint dstY, uint dstZ, RenderTarget srcResource, uint srcSubresource)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Unit tests, don't support methods calls. Only properties can be get or set.");
            Internal_CopyTextureRegion3(unmanagedPtr, Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(dstResource), dstSubresource, dstX, dstY, dstZ, Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(srcResource), srcSubresource);
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// サーフェースをコピーします。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="sourceRect"></param>
 /// <param name="dest"></param>
 /// <param name="destPoint"></param>
 internal override void StretchRectangle(TextureBase src, RawRectangle?sourceRect, TextureBase dest, RawPoint?destPoint)
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 ///     Try to sets the texture at the specified position and tells the checkUniform, if worked or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture">The texture you want to add</param>
 /// <param name="pos">The position</param>
 /// <param name="checkUniform">The check uniform.</param>
 public void SetTexture(TextureBase texture, int pos, Uniform checkUniform)
     checkUniform.SetBool(texture != null);
     if (texture != null)
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Clean up.
 /// </summary>
 public void Dispose()
     if (textureBase != null)
         textureBase = null;
Esempio n. 25
            public void CreateThumb()
                    TextureBase texture = movie.Texture;
                    if (texture != null)
                        var    bt     = new Bitmap(texture.ToStream());
                        Bitmap newbit = null;
                        if (aspectApplied)
                            if (movie.TrimmingData.Left < 0 || movie.TrimmingData.Top < 0 || movie.TrimmingData.Bottom < 0 || movie.TrimmingData.Right < 0)
                                newbit = bt.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bt.Width, bt.Height), bt.PixelFormat);
                                bt = new Bitmap(480, 270);
                                var gra    = Graphics.FromImage(bt);
                                int width  = -(int)(movie.TrimmingData.GetLeftTrimming(movie.MovieWidth) + movie.TrimmingData.GetRightTrimming(movie.MovieWidth)) * bt.Width / 800,
                                    height = -(int)(movie.TrimmingData.GetTopTrimming(movie.MovieHeight) + movie.TrimmingData.GetBottomTrimming(movie.MovieHeight)) * bt.Height / 450;
                                gra.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bt.Width, bt.Height));
                                gra.DrawImage(newbit, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(width / 2, height / 2, 480 - width, 270 - height), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, newbit.Width, newbit.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                newbit = bt.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)songInfo.TrimmingData.GetLeftTrimming(movie.MovieWidth),
                                                                               (int)(bt.Width - songInfo.TrimmingData.GetLeftTrimming(movie.MovieWidth) - songInfo.TrimmingData.GetRightTrimming(movie.MovieWidth)),
                                                                               (int)(bt.Height - songInfo.TrimmingData.GetTopTrimming(movie.MovieHeight) - songInfo.TrimmingData.GetTopTrimming(movie.MovieHeight))), bt.PixelFormat);
                                bt = new Bitmap(newbit, 480, 270);
                            newbit = bt.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bt.Width, bt.Height), bt.PixelFormat);
                            bt = new Bitmap(newbit, 480, 270);
                        if (movie.Rotated)
                        bt.Save(Path.Combine(songInfo.DirectoryPath, "thumb.png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                        if (picture != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Capture Error");
Esempio n. 26
        public Terrain(Program owner)
            vegetation = new Vegetation(owner);

            ground              = new GameObject();
            heightMap           = new Heightmap("data/text_height.png", 1000f, 100, 100);
            heightMap.MaxHeight = 100f;
            TerrainMesh sceneryMesh = new TerrainMesh(1.0f, heightMap);

            //sceneryMesh.Texture = new Bonsai.Objects.Textures.TextureBase("data\\grass.png");
            ground.Mesh = sceneryMesh;
            //ground.RotateXAngle = (float)Math.PI / 2;

            splatShader = new ShaderBase("splatting", "splatting3.fx");
            if (Framework.Instance.DeviceCaps.PixelShaderVersion.Major >= 3)
            splatShader.SetVariable("matViewProj", ShaderBase.ShaderParameters.CameraProjection);
            splatShader.SetVariable("sunPosition", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
            splatShader.SetVariable("underwater", 0.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("matWorld", ShaderBase.ShaderParameters.World);
            splatShader.SetVariable("matInvertTransposeWorld", ShaderBase.ShaderParameters.WorldInvertTranspose);
            splatShader.SetVariable("cameraPos", ShaderBase.ShaderParameters.CameraPosition);
            splatShader.SetVariable("nearRepeat", 64.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("farRepeat", 20.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("nearFactor2", 3.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("farFactor2", 2.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("nearFactor3", 3.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("farFactor3", 2.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("nearFactor4", 3.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("farFactor4", 2.0f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("blendSqDistance", 50f * 50f);
            splatShader.SetVariable("blendSqWidth", 1.0f / (200f * 200f));
            TextureBase normalMap       = new TextureBase("data/text_norm.png");
            TextureBase alphaMap        = new TextureBase("data/");
            TextureBase grassTexture    = new TextureBase("data/grass.png");
            TextureBase rockTexture     = new TextureBase("data/rock.png");
            TextureBase rockNormal      = new TextureBase("data/splat_rock_normal.jpg");
            TextureBase sandTexture     = new TextureBase("data/sand.png");
            TextureBase concreteTexture = new TextureBase("data/road.png");

            splatShader.SetVariable("NormalMapTexture", normalMap);
            splatShader.SetVariable("AlphaTexture", alphaMap);
            splatShader.SetVariable("DetailTexture1", grassTexture);
            splatShader.SetVariable("DetailTexture2", rockTexture);
            splatShader.SetVariable("DetailTexture2NormalMap", rockNormal);
            splatShader.SetVariable("DetailTexture3", sandTexture);
            splatShader.SetVariable("DetailTexture4", concreteTexture);

            ground.Shader = splatShader;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// This method flushes all sampler state. Sampler state comes from two sources, the context.setTextureAt()
        /// and the Program3D's filtering parameters that are specified per tex instruction. Due to the way that GL works,
        /// the filtering parameters need to be associated with bound textures so that is performed here before drawing.
        /// </summary>
        private void flushSamplerState()
            int sampler = 0;

            // loop until all dirty samplers have been processed
            while (mSamplerDirty != 0)
                // determine if sampler is dirty
                if ((mSamplerDirty & (1 << sampler)) != 0)
                    // activate texture unit for GL
                    GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + sampler);

                    // get texture for sampler
                    TextureBase texture = mSamplerTextures[sampler];
                    if (texture != null)
                        // bind texture
                        GL.BindTexture(texture.textureTarget, texture.textureId);

                        // get sampler state from program
                        SamplerState state = mProgram.getSamplerState(sampler);
                        if (state != null)
                            var target = texture.textureTarget;
                            GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)state.MinFilter);
                            GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)state.MagFilter);
                            GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int)state.WrapModeS);
                            GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int)state.WrapModeT);
                            if (state.LodBias != 0.0)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Lod bias setting not supported yet");
                            if (enableErrorChecking)
                                Console.WriteLine("warning: no sampler state found for sampler {0}", sampler);
                        // texture is null so unbind texture
                        GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);

                    // clear dirty bit
                    mSamplerDirty &= ~(1 << sampler);

                // next sampler
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>Create new button instance</summary>
        public Picture(Dialog parent, string textureFile)
            : base(parent)
            controlType  = ControlType.Picture;
            parentDialog = parent;

            isPressed   = false;
            textureBase = new TextureBase(textureFile);
            blendColor.Initialize(new ColorValue(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f), new ColorValue(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f), new ColorValue(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
Esempio n. 29
        private void SelTextureMipTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var node = SelDrawableTexturesTreeView.SelectedNode;

            TextureBase texbase = node?.Tag as TextureBase;

            SelTextureMipLabel.Text = SelTextureMipTrackBar.Value.ToString();

            SelectTexture(texbase, true);
Esempio n. 30
 public SizeTexture(PPDDevice device)
     this.device     = device;
     Texture         = ((Texture.DX9.TextureFactory)TextureFactoryManager.Factory).Create(device, Size, Size, 1, SharpDX.Direct3D9.Pool.Default, true);
     availableSpaces = new List <AvailableSpace>
         new AvailableSpace(this, Point.Zero, new Size2(Size, Size))
     onceUsedSpaces = new List <AvailableSpace>();
Esempio n. 31
        private void SelectTexture(TextureBase texbase, bool mipchange)
            Texture tex    = texbase as Texture;
            YtdFile ytd    = null;
            string  errstr = string.Empty;

            if ((tex == null) && (texbase != null))
                tex = TryGetTexture(texbase, out ytd, ref errstr);
            if (tex != null)
                currentTex = tex;
                int mip = 0;
                if (mipchange)
                    mip = SelTextureMipTrackBar.Value;
                    if (mip >= tex.Levels)
                        mip = tex.Levels - 1;
                    SelTextureMipTrackBar.Maximum = tex.Levels - 1;
                DisplayTexture(tex, mip);

                //try get owner drawable to get the name for the dictionary textbox...
                object owner = null;
                if (Selection.Drawable != null)
                    owner = Selection.Drawable.Owner;
                YdrFile ydr = owner as YdrFile;
                YddFile ydd = owner as YddFile;
                YftFile yft = owner as YftFile;

                SelTextureNameTextBox.Text       = tex.Name;
                SelTextureDictionaryTextBox.Text = (ytd != null) ? ytd.Name : (ydr != null) ? ydr.Name : (ydd != null) ? ydd.Name : (yft != null) ? yft.Name : string.Empty;
                SaveTextureButton.Enabled        = true;
                SelDrawableTexturePictureBox.Image = null;
                SelTextureNameTextBox.Text         = errstr;
                SelTextureDictionaryTextBox.Text   = string.Empty;
                SelTextureMipTrackBar.Value        = 0;
                SelTextureMipTrackBar.Maximum      = 0;
                SelTextureDimensionsLabel.Text     = "-";
                SaveTextureButton.Enabled          = false;
                currentTex = null;
        public static RenderPass CreateBilateralFilter(
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase interm,
			 TextureBase result,
			 IValueProvider<Vector4> k)
            UniformState parameters = new UniformState();
            parameters.Set ("K", k);

            return CreateSeparableFilter("bilateralfilter", "RenderPassFactory", source, interm, result, parameters);
Esempio n. 33
        private void SelDrawableTexturesTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            SelDrawableTexturePropertyGrid.SelectedObject = e.Node?.Tag;

            TextureBase texbase = e.Node?.Tag as TextureBase;

            SelTextureMipTrackBar.Value = 0;
            SelTextureMipLabel.Text     = "0";

            SelectTexture(texbase, false);
Esempio n. 34
        public void OpenTexture(Stream data, string fname, Stream paletteData, TextureFormat format)
            Bitmap textureBitmap;

            TextureBase texture = Texture.GetModule(format);

            texture.PaletteStream = paletteData;
            texture.Read(data, out textureBitmap);

            DisplayTexture(textureBitmap, fname, format);
Esempio n. 35
 private void SetTexturePrivate(string key, TextureBase value, bool assign)
     if (key == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key), "引数がnullです");
     if (assign)
         textures[key] = value;
     cbg_Material_SetTexture(selfPtr, key, value != null ? value.selfPtr : IntPtr.Zero);
Esempio n. 36
        public void setTextureAt(int sampler, TextureBase texture)
            // see if texture changed
            if (mSamplerTextures[sampler] != texture)
                // set sampler texture
                mSamplerTextures[sampler] = texture;

                // set flag indicating that this sampler is dirty
                mSamplerDirty |= (1 << sampler);
Esempio n. 37
 private static void RenderImageButton(TextureBase image, Action onClick)
     if (Engine.Tool.ImageButton(image,
                                 new Vector2F(80, 80),
                                 new Vector2F(0, 0),
                                 new Vector2F(1, 1),
                                 new Color(),
                                 new Color(255, 255, 255, 255)))
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// 指定した名前を持つ<see cref="TextureBase"/>のインスタンスを取得します。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">検索する<see cref="TextureBase"/>のインスタンスの名前</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/>がnull</exception>
 /// <returns><paramref name="key"/>を名前として持つ<see cref="TextureBase"/>のインスタンス</returns>
 public TextureBase GetTexture(string key)
     if (key == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key), "引数がnullです");
     if (!textures.TryGetValue(key, out var result))
         var ret = cbg_Material_GetTexture(selfPtr, key);
         result = TextureBase.TryGetFromCache(ret);
Esempio n. 39
        protected void AttachTexture(FramebufferAttachment attachmentTarget, TextureBase texture)

            if (texture == null)
                GL.FramebufferTexture(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, attachmentTarget, 0, 0);

                AttachedTextures.All(pair => pair.Value.Size == texture.Size),
                "All render target sizes for a framebuffer object must be equal.");
            Size = texture.Size;


            GL.FramebufferTexture2D(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, attachmentTarget, texture.Target, texture.Handle, 0);
            AttachedTextures[attachmentTarget] = texture;
Esempio n. 40
        private void PrepareState()
            if (m_Passes != null)

                BeforeAATexture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "BeforeAATexture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    //Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

                AccumTexture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "AccumTexture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

                AATexture = new Texture
                    Name = "AATexture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8,
                    Target = TextureTarget.Texture2D,
                    Width = m_SolidModeTextureSize,
                    Height = m_SolidModeTextureSize,
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        //GenerateMipmap = true,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

                Depth_Texture =
                new DataTexture<float> {
                    Name = "Depth_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent32f,
                    Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new float[m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            var ortho = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic (1, 1, (float)NEAR, (float)FAR);

            m_Projection = new MatrixStack ().Push (ortho);
            m_TransformationStack = new MatrixStack ().Push (m_Projection);

            var frameCount = 1;
            m_UniformState = new UniformState
                {"pRayMarchStepFactor", () => this.RayMarchStepFactor},
                {"k1", () => this.K1},
                {"k2", () => this.K2},
                {"k3", () => this.K3},
                {"k4", () => this.K4},
                {"time", () => this.Time},
                {"u_FrameCount", () => frameCount},

            var workgroupSize = 8;
            var giPass = new SeparateProgramPass(
                window => { GLExtensions.DispatchCompute ((int)Math.Ceiling((float)Depth_Texture.Width/workgroupSize), (int)Math.Ceiling((float)Depth_Texture.Height/workgroupSize), 1); },
              new Program ("")
                    RenderPass.GetShaders ("system6", "gi", "compute")//.PrependText(namemodifier, scode),
                new ImageBindingSet
                    {"u_TargetDepth", () => Depth_Texture },
                    {"u_TargetColorLuma", () => BeforeAATexture },
                  {"u_TargetAccumLuma", () => AccumTexture },

            //var antialiasPass = RenderPassFactory.CreatePass( new Fxaa3Filter{ Source = BeforeAATexture, Target = AATexture});

            var finalRender = RenderPassFactory.CreateRenderTextureToBuffer
                ValueProvider.Create(() => m_Viewport),
                (window) =>
                    SetCamera (window);
                (window) =>
                    GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);

            m_Passes = new RenderPass[]{ giPass, /*antialiasPass, */finalRender };
            m_Manip = new OrbitManipulator (m_Projection);
            //m_Grid = new Grid (m_TransformationStack);

            m_TransformationStack.Push (m_Manip.RT);
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelview_transform", m_Manip.RT);
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_transform", m_TransformationStack);
            m_UniformState.Set ("projection_transform", m_Projection);
            m_UniformState.Set ("projection_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_Projection));
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelview_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_Manip.RT));
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_TransformationStack));

            m_Manip.RT.PropertyChanged +=
            (s, args) => { frameCount = 0; };

            PrepareState ();
Esempio n. 41
        protected override void TextureSetup()

            NormalDepth_Texture_Unfiltered =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "NormalDepth_Texture_Unfiltered",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    //Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            NormalDepth_Texture_H =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "NormalDepth_Texture_H",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    //Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,
Esempio n. 42
        private void PrepareTexture()
            if(m_Texture == null)
                m_Texture = new DataTexture<Vector3> {
                    Name = "custom_texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgb,
                    Data2D = TestTexture(2, 2),
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = true,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear,

                //m_Texture = opentk.Resources.Textures.FromVectors("", 100, 1, MathHelper2.RandomVectorSet(100, new Vector2d(1)));

              if( m_Texture.Width != TextureResolution)
                ((DataTexture<Vector3>)m_Texture).Data2D = TestTexture(TextureResolution, TextureResolution);
        /// <summary>
        /// create two passes in one compound pass. First pass has set "horizontal" uniform boolean to true,
        /// the second has it set to false.
        /// </summary>
        public static RenderPass CreateSeparableFilter(
			 string filterName,
			 string filterNamespace,
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase interm,
			 TextureBase result,
			 UniformState parameters)
            var viewport = ValueProvider.Create (() => new Vector2 (result.Width, result.Height));
            var horizontal = false;
            var uniformState = new UniformState ();
            uniformState.Set ("viewport_size", viewport);
            uniformState.Set ("horizontal", ValueProvider.Create (() => horizontal));

            parameters = parameters?? new UniformState();

            var _1stPass = CreateFullscreenQuad (filterName, filterNamespace, viewport,
            window =>
                horizontal = false;
            window =>
                GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);
            //pass state
            new FramebufferBindingSet {{ "OUT_FragData_result", interm }},
            new TextureBindingSet {{ "source_texture", source }});

            var _2ndPass = CreateFullscreenQuad (filterName, filterNamespace, viewport,
            window =>
                horizontal = true;
            window =>
                GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);
            //pass state
            new FramebufferBindingSet {{ "OUT_FragData_result", result }},
            new TextureBindingSet {{ "source_texture", interm }});

            return new CompoundRenderPass(_1stPass, _2ndPass);
Esempio n. 44
        protected virtual void TextureSetup()
            //TEextures setup
            m_ParticleAttribute1_Texture =
                new DataTexture<Vector3> {
                    Name = "UV_ColorIndex_None_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8,
                    Data2D = new Vector3[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            AOC_Texture = new Texture
                Name = "AOC_Texture",
                InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.R16f,
                Target = TextureTarget.Texture2D,
                Width = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Height = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                    //GenerateMipmap = true,
                    MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                    MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            AOC_Texture_Blurred_H = new Texture
                Name = "AOC_Texture_HBLUR",
                InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.R16f,
                Target = TextureTarget.Texture2D,
                Width = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Height = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                    //GenerateMipmap = true,
                    MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                    MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            AOC_Texture_Blurred_HV = new Texture
                Name = "AOC_Texture_HVBLUR",
                InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.R16f,
                Target = TextureTarget.Texture2D,
                Width = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Height = SsaoEffect.TextureSize,
                Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                    GenerateMipmap = true,
                    MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear,
                    MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            NormalDepth_Texture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "NormalDepth_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    //Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            Depth_Texture =
                new DataTexture<float> {
                    Name = "Depth_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent32f,
                    Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new float[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            BeforeAA_Texture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "BeforeAA_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Linear,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear,

            AA_Texture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "AA_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[SolidModeTextureSize, SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Linear,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear,

            Shadow_Texture =
                new DataTexture<float> {
                    Name = "Shadow_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent32f,
                    Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new float[ShadowTextureSize, ShadowTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = true,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear,
Esempio n. 45
        private void PrepareState()
            if (m_Passes != null)

                AOC_Texture =
                new DataTexture<float> {
                    Name = "AOC_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.R8,
                    Data2D = new float[m_AocTextureSize, m_AocTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = true,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.LinearMipmapLinear,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear,

                NormalDepth_Texture =
                new DataTexture<Vector4> {
                    Name = "NormalDepth_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba32f,
                    //Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new Vector4[m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

                Depth_Texture =
                new DataTexture<float> {
                    Name = "Depth_Texture",
                    InternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent32f,
                    Format = PixelFormat.DepthComponent,
                    Data2D = new float[m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize],
                    Params = new TextureBase.Parameters
                        GenerateMipmap = false,
                        MinFilter = TextureMinFilter.Nearest,
                        MagFilter = TextureMagFilter.Nearest,

            var ortho = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic (1, 1, (float)NEAR, (float)FAR);

            m_Projection = new MatrixStack ().Push (ortho);
            m_TransformationStack = new MatrixStack ().Push (m_Projection);

            m_UniformState = new UniformState
                {"pRayMarchStepFactor", () => this.RayMarchStepFactor},
                {"k1", () => this.K1},
                {"k2", () => this.K2},
                {"k3", () => this.K3},
                {"k4", () => this.K4},
                {"time", () => this.Time},

            var firstPassSolid = RenderPassFactory.CreateFullscreenQuad
                 "raymarch", "System5",
                 ValueProvider.Create(() => new Vector2(m_SolidModeTextureSize, m_SolidModeTextureSize)),
                 (window) =>
                    SetCamera (window);
                 (window) =>
                    GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
                    GL.Enable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                    GL.DepthFunc (DepthFunction.Less);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);

                 //pass state
                 new FramebufferBindingSet
                   { FramebufferAttachment.DepthAttachment, Depth_Texture },
                   { "normal_depth", NormalDepth_Texture }

            var firstPassSolid = new SeparateProgramPass (
                (window) =>
                    SetCamera (window);
                (window) =>
                    /*GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
                    GL.Enable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                    GL.DepthFunc (DepthFunction.Less);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);*/
                x =>
                    GLExtensions.DispatchCompute(m_SolidModeTextureSize/(4 * 8), m_SolidModeTextureSize/(4 * 8), 1);
                RenderPass.GetShaders ("raymarch", "System5"),
                //pass state
                new ImageBindingSet
                    { "u_NormalDepth", NormalDepth_Texture }

            AocParameters = new AocParameters
                TextureSize = 512,
                OccConstantArea = false,
                OccMaxDist = 40,
                OccMinSampleRatio = 0.5f,
                OccPixmax = 100,
                OccPixmin = 2,
                SamplesCount = 32,
                Strength = 2.3f,
                Bias = 0.4f

            var aocPassSolid = RenderPassFactory.CreateAoc
                 new MatrixInversion(m_TransformationStack),
                 new MatrixInversion(m_Projection),

            var thirdPassSolid = RenderPassFactory.CreateFullscreenQuad
                 "lighting", "System5",
                 ValueProvider.Create(() => m_Viewport),
                 (window) =>
                    SetCamera (window);
                 (window) =>
                    GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
                    GL.Enable (EnableCap.DepthTest);
                    GL.DepthFunc (DepthFunction.Less);
                    GL.Disable (EnableCap.Blend);
                //pass state
                 new TextureBindingSet
                   {"normaldepth_texture", NormalDepth_Texture },
                   { "aoc_texture", AOC_Texture },

            m_Passes = new RenderPass[]{ firstPassSolid, aocPassSolid, thirdPassSolid };
            m_Manip = new OrbitManipulator (m_Projection);
            //m_Grid = new Grid (m_TransformationStack);

            m_TransformationStack.Push (m_Manip.RT);
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelview_transform", m_Manip.RT);
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_transform", m_TransformationStack);
            m_UniformState.Set ("projection_transform", m_Projection);
            m_UniformState.Set ("projection_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_Projection));
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelview_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_Manip.RT));
            m_UniformState.Set ("modelviewprojection_inv_transform", new MatrixInversion(m_TransformationStack));

            PrepareState ();
Esempio n. 46
 public ColorRamp(string name, TextureBase texture)
     Name = name;
     Texture = texture;
        public static RenderPass CreateFxaa3Filter(
			 TextureBase source,
			 TextureBase result)
            return CreateFilter("fxaa3", "RenderPassFactory", source, result);