protected override void EndProcessing() { Endpoint onClick = null; if (OnClick != null) { onClick = GenerateCallback(Id + "onClick", OnClick, null); } var counter = new Counter { AutoRefresh = AutoRefresh, RefreshInterval = RefreshInterval, Callback = GenerateCallback(Id), OnClick = onClick, Format = Format, Icon = FontAwesomeIconsExtensions.GetIconName(Icon), Title = Title, Id = Id, BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor?.HtmlColor, FontColor = FontColor?.HtmlColor, Links = Links, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.GetName(), TextSize = TextSize.GetName(), HasOnClick = onClick != null }; Log.Debug(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(counter)); WriteObject(counter); }
private List <SSB64Char> GetChars(string str, TextSize size, int maxLength) { var ssb64Chars = new List <SSB64Char>(); while (str.Length < maxLength) { str += " "; } foreach (var c in str) { SSB64Char ssb64char = null; switch (size) { case TextSize.Small: { ssb64char = CharSet.SSB64CharSet.Single(x => x.CharacterSmall == c.ToString()); break; } case TextSize.Large: { ssb64char = CharSet.SSB64CharSet.Single(x => x.CharacterLarge == c.ToString()); break; } } ssb64Chars.Add(ssb64char); } return(ssb64Chars); }
public static void SetTextMode(TextSize Size) { switch (Size) { case TextSize.Size40x25: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size40x25); break; case TextSize.Size40x50: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size40x50); break; case TextSize.Size80x25: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size80x25); break; case TextSize.Size80x50: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size80x50); break; case TextSize.Size90x30: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size90x30); break; case TextSize.Size90x60: mScreen.SetTextMode(VGADriver.TextSize.Size90x60); break; default: throw new Exception("This situation is not implemented!"); } }
public UIText(Rectangle container, string text, Alignment alignment, TextSize textSize) { this.text = text; this.alignment = alignment; this.container = container; this.textSize = textSize; }
public TitleAttribute(string content, float overrideHeight = 1, LabelStyle style = LabelStyle.bold, TextSize textSize = TextSize.normal) { this.content = content; this.overrideHeight = overrideHeight; = style; this.textSize = textSize; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { this.textMesh = this.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(); this.textSize = new TextSize(textMesh); this.flyInAnimation = this.GetComponent <FlyIn>(); this.startColor = this.renderer ? this.renderer.material.color : Color.white; }
private static void AddTextBlock(Column column, string text, TextSize size, HorizontalAlignment alignment) { column.Items.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = text, Size = size, HorizontalAlignment = alignment }); }
private void Start() { textSize = new TextSize(textMesh); //textMesh.text = "aaa aa aa aaaaa"; //textMesh.text = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qqqqqqqqq"; //textMesh.text = "a b c d e f g h i j"; textMesh.text = WrapTextGreedy(textMesh.text); }
/// <summary> /// Requests the remote HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="cacheProvider">Strategy for caching the remote HTML.</param> /// <param name="selectedSection">The selected section.</param> private void RequestRemoteHtml(RemoteMasterPageCacheProviderBase cacheProvider, string selectedSection) { try { // Get the URL to request the cached control from. // Include text size so that header knows which links to apply var textSize = new TextSize(HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString); Uri urlToRequest = new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, config["MasterPageControlUrl"], this.Control)); var applicationPath = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).TrimEnd('/')); var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(urlToRequest.Query); query.Add("section", selectedSection); query.Add("host", Page.Request.Url.Host); query.Add("textsize", textSize.CurrentTextSize().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); query.Add("path", applicationPath); urlToRequest = new Uri(urlToRequest.Scheme + "://" + urlToRequest.Authority + urlToRequest.AbsolutePath + "?" + query); // Create the request. Pass current user-agent so that library catalogue PCs can be detected by the remote script. var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlToRequest); webRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true; webRequest.UserAgent = Page.Request.UserAgent; webRequest.Proxy = new ConfigurationProxyProvider().CreateProxy(); webRequest.Timeout = 4000; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.config["Timeout"])) { int timeout; if (Int32.TryParse(this.config["Timeout"], out timeout)) { webRequest.Timeout = timeout; } } #if DEBUG // Turn off SSL check in debug mode as it will always fail against a self-signed certificate used for development webRequest.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; #endif // Prepare the information we'll need when the response comes back var state = new RequestState(); state.Request = webRequest; state.CacheProvider = cacheProvider; // Kick off the request and, only if there's nothing already cached which we can use, wait for it to come back if (cacheProvider.SupportsAsync) { RequestRemoteHtmlAsynchronous(cacheProvider, webRequest, state); } else { RequestRemoteHtmlSynchronous(cacheProvider, webRequest); } } catch (UriFormatException ex) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, config["MasterPageControlUrl"], this.Control) + " is not a valid absolute URL", ex); } }
private static void AddTextBlock(Column column, string text, TextSize size, bool isSubTitle = true) { column.Items.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = text, Size = size, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, IsSubtle = isSubTitle, Separation = SeparationStyle.None }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (TranslationText != null ? TranslationText.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Text != null ? Text.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Background != null ? Background.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TextSize.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PartName != null ? PartName.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
public void AddLine(string line, TextSize size = TextSize.Normal, TextAlignment align = TextAlignment.Left, TextWeight weight = TextWeight.Normal) { ReceiptLine l = new ReceiptLine(); l.Text = (line ?? string.Empty); l.Size = size; l.Weight = weight; l.Alignment = align; l.TextRight = null; _lines.Add(l); }
private void FontButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Toggle size this.textSize = this.textSize == TextSize.Small ? TextSize.Large : TextSize.Small; // Apply new size to all text StepOne.FontSize = StepTwo.FontSize = StepThree.FontSize = (double)this.textSize; UserNotifications.FontSize = UserHelpContact.FontSize = UserHelpSkype.FontSize = (double)this.textSize; EmailHeader.FontSize = SkypeHeader.FontSize = PhoneHeader.FontSize = (double)this.textSize; EmailHeader.Height = SkypeHeader.Height = PhoneHeader.Height = this.textSize == TextSize.Small ? 20 : 30; RequestHelp.FontSize = AvailableDoctors.FontSize = (double)this.textSize; }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; writer.Write("<img src='" + "GradientLabel.aspx?" + "Text=" + context.Server.UrlEncode(Text) + "&TextSize=" + TextSize.ToString() + "&TextColor=" + TextColor.ToArgb() + "&GradientColorA=" + GradientColorA.ToArgb() + "&GradientColorB=" + GradientColorB.ToArgb() + "'>"); }
public void AddLineValuePair(string name, string value, TextSize size = TextSize.Large, TextWeight weight = TextWeight.Normal) { ReceiptLine l = new ReceiptLine(); l.Text = (name ?? string.Empty); l.TextRight = (value ?? string.Empty); l.Size = size; l.Weight = weight; l.Alignment = TextAlignment.Center; _lines.Add(l); }
internal static TextSize FromClassList(HTMLElement element, TextSize defaultValue) { var curFontSize = element.classList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.StartsWith("tss-fontsize-")); if (curFontSize is object && Enum.TryParse <TextSize>(curFontSize.Substring("tss-fontsize-".Length), true, out var result)) { return(result); } else { return(defaultValue); } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (Active) { Point size = (TextSize * Scale).ToPoint(); Rect = new Rectangle(Position, size); DefaultSize = TextSize.ToPoint(); } if (Property != null) { Property.Update(gameTime); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected new void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Apply selected text size to page var textSize = new TextSize(Request.Cookies, Request.QueryString); int baseTextSize = textSize.CurrentTextSize(); if (baseTextSize > 1) { // Add a space if there are other classes, then add to body tag this.bodyclass.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" size" + baseTextSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } // Support web fonts required by the current skin if (Skin != null) { var fontsHtml = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var font in Skin.RequiresGoogleFonts()) { fontsHtml.Append("<link href=\"").Append(font.FontUrl).Append("\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"); } if (Skin.RequiresTypekitFonts().Any()) { foreach (var font in Skin.RequiresTypekitFonts()) { fontsHtml.Append("<script src=\"").Append(font.TypekitUrl).Append("\"></script>"); } this.Typekit.Visible = true; } this.fonts.Text = fontsHtml.ToString(); AddClientDependencies(Skin); } // Support web chat var context = new HostingEnvironmentContext(); if (context.WebChatSettingsUrl != null) { var webChat = new WebChat(); webChat.WebChatSettings = new WebChatSettingsFromApi(context.WebChatSettingsUrl, new ConfigurationProxyProvider(), new ApplicationCacheStrategy <WebChatSettings>(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(context.WebChatSettingsCacheDuration))).ReadWebChatSettings(); webChat.WebChatSettings.PageUrl = new Uri(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, UriKind.Relative); if (webChat.IsRequired()) { AddClientDependencies(webChat); } } // Run the base method as well base.Page_Load(sender, e); }
public bool PrintFieldValue(String nameText, String valueText, int textSize, int textWeight) { TextSize size = TextSize.Normal; TextWeight weight = TextWeight.Normal; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TextSize), textSize)) { size = (TextSize)textSize; } if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TextWeight), textWeight)) { weight = (TextWeight)textWeight; } if (_printer == null) { _printer = FindPrinter(_deviceName); } if (_printer != null) { string textField = nameText.Replace("ESC", ((char)27).ToString()); string textValue = valueText.Replace("ESC", ((char)27).ToString()); string mods = ""; switch (size) { case TextSize.Large: mods += DoubleWideAndHightCharacters; break; } switch (weight) { case TextWeight.Bold: mods += Bold; break; } //add padding to fill expected receipt width while (textField.Length + textValue.Length < RECEIPT_CHAR_WIDTH) { textValue = " " + textValue; } _printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, mods + textField + textValue + NewLine); return(true); } return(false); }
public void SaveSettings() { // Открываем узел appSettings, в котором содержится перечень настроек. XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings"); if (node == null) { node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "appSettings", ""); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; root.AppendChild(node); } // Массив ключей (создан для упрощения обращения к файлу конфигурации). string[] keys = new string[] { "BackColor", "TextColor", "TextSize", "TextFont" }; // Массив значений (создан для упрощения обращения к файлу конфигурации). string[] values = new string[] { BackColor.ToString(), TextColor.ToString(), TextSize.ToString(), TextFont.ToString() }; // Цикл модификации файла конфигурации. for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { // Обращаемся к конкретной строке по ключу. XmlElement element = node.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//add[@key='{0}']", keys[i])) as XmlElement; // Если строка с таким ключем существует - записываем значение. if (element != null) { element.SetAttribute("value", values[i]); } else { // Иначе: создаем строку и формируем в ней пару [ключ]-[значение]. element = doc.CreateElement("add"); element.SetAttribute("key", keys[i]); element.SetAttribute("value", values[i]); node.AppendChild(element); } } // Сохраняем результат модификации. doc.Save(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"); }
private void Awake() { Size = size; //set values based on size value dialogueChunk = -1; //default no dialogue chunks = new List <string>(); text = new List <SpriteRenderer>(); GameObject newLetter; SpriteRenderer textRender; //Create all the placeHolders for charachter positions for (int line = 0; line < numLines; line++) { for (int cha = 0; cha < charsPerLine; cha++) { newLetter = Instantiate(charPrefab, transform); = "char" + line + "." + cha; newLetter.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3((cha * offset.x) + initialOffset.x, (line * offset.y) + initialOffset.y, 0); //TODO: make variables for adjustable 'font size' textRender = newLetter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); textRender.color = letterColor; textRender.sortingLayerID = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerID; textRender.sortingOrder = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder + 1; text.Add(newLetter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>()); } } //Create the placeholder for the face image GameObject charachterFace = Instantiate(charPrefab, transform); = "faceImage"; charachterFace.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(-9.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); charachterImage = charachterFace.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); charachterImage.sortingLayerID = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerID; charachterImage.sortingOrder = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder + 1; charachterImage.sprite = letters[letters.Length - 1]; SetAllRenderers(false); audioPlayer = GetComponent <AudioPlayer>(); }
public override void gaxb_load(XmlReader reader, object _parent, Hashtable args) { base.gaxb_load(reader, _parent, args); if (titleExists == false) { = "\""+value+"\""; } gameObject.AddComponent("TextMesh"); textMesh = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(TextMesh)) as TextMesh; ts = new TextSize(gameObject.GetComponent<TextMesh>()); textMesh.font = PlanetUnityGameObject.FindFontNamed(font); textMesh.text = ""; textMesh.color = new Color (textColor.r, textColor.g, textColor.b, textColor.a); // magic numbers explained here: textMesh.characterSize = fontSize*10.0f/(fontSize*2); textMesh.fontSize = (fontSize*2); textMesh.lineSpacing = 0.93f; CreateGeometry (); if (shaderExists == false) { shader = "PlanetUnity/Label"; } MeshRenderer meshRendererComponent = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)) as MeshRenderer; var shaderObj = Shader.Find (fullShaderPath (shader)); Material mat = new Material (shaderObj); mat.mainTexture = textMesh.font.material.mainTexture; mat.mainTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; meshRendererComponent.materials = new Material[] { mat }; gameObject.renderer.material.renderQueue = scope ().getRenderQueue () + renderQueueOffset; LoadTextString(value); }
private void TextSize() { // If the current top-level domain is not *, either the page to change text size won't be there or it // will change the text size for the wrong domain, so just hide the links. However we want the links available on internal // copies of the main site, so check for hostnames without a ., which must be internal servers. var host = Request.Url.Host; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["host"])) { host = Request.QueryString["host"]; } if (host.Contains(".") && !host.Contains("") && !host.Contains("")) { this.textSize.Visible = false; return; } int baseTextSize = new TextSize(Request.Cookies, Request.QueryString).CurrentTextSize(); if (baseTextSize > 1) { // Add the link to make it smaller again var smallerText = new HtmlAnchor(); smallerText.HRef = this._textSizeUrl + "?textsize=" + (baseTextSize - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); smallerText.Attributes["class"] = "zoom-out screen"; smallerText.Attributes["rel"] = "nofollow"; smallerText.InnerText = "Make text smaller"; this.textSize.Controls.Add(smallerText); } // Add the link to make text bigger if (baseTextSize < 3) { var biggerText = new HtmlAnchor(); biggerText.HRef = this._textSizeUrl + "?textsize=" + (baseTextSize + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); biggerText.Attributes["class"] = "zoom-in screen"; biggerText.Attributes["rel"] = "nofollow"; biggerText.InnerText = "Make text bigger"; this.textSize.Controls.Add(biggerText); } }
protected override void EndProcessing() { var card = new Card { Title = Title, Text = Text, Links = Links, Id = Id, Language = Language, FontColor = FontColor?.HtmlColor, BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor?.HtmlColor, Icon = Watermark.GetIconName(), TextAlignment = TextAlignment.GetName(), TextSize = TextSize.GetName(), Content = Content?.Invoke().Select(m => m?.BaseObject).ToArray() }; Log.Debug(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(card)); WriteObject(card); }
public void Start() { if (VRManager.VRMode) { LetterTextLabel = LetterTextLabelVR; LetterTextLabelNormal.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { LetterTextLabel = LetterTextLabelNormal; LetterTextLabelVR.gameObject.SetActive(false); } Size = new TextSize(LetterTextLabel); LetterTextLabel.text = string.Empty; LetterWriter.WritingLetter = true; LetterWriter.OnQuickCreateStart += OnQuickCreateStart; Creator.StartEditing(Profile.Get.CurrentGame.Character); HighlightColor = Color.white; HighlightColor.a = 0f; }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the master page control from a remote URL. /// </summary> private void LoadRemoteControl() { if (BreadcrumbProvider == null) { BreadcrumbProvider = new BreadcrumbTrailFromConfig(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); } var textSize = new TextSize(Page.Request.Cookies?["textsize"]?.Value, Page.Request.QueryString).CurrentTextSize(); var isLibraryCatalogueRequest = new LibraryCatalogueContext(Page.Request.UserAgent).RequestIsFromLibraryCatalogueMachine(); var html = HtmlControlProvider.FetchHtmlForControl( HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url, Control, BreadcrumbProvider, textSize, isLibraryCatalogueRequest ).Result; // Output the HTML this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html)); }
public void SaveSettings() { XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings"); if (node == null) { node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "appSettings", ""); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; root.AppendChild(node); } string[] keys = new string[] { "BackColor", "TextColor", "TextSize", "TextFont" }; string[] values = new string[] { BackColor.ToString(), TextColor.ToString(), TextSize.ToString(), TextFont.ToString() }; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { XmlElement element = node.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//add[@key='{0}']", keys[i])) as XmlElement; if (element != null) { element.SetAttribute("value", values[i]); } else { element = doc.CreateElement("add"); element.SetAttribute("key", keys[i]); element.SetAttribute("value", values[i]); node.AppendChild(element); } } doc.Save(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"); }
private float GetFontSize(TextSize textSize) { switch (textSize) { case TextSize.ExtraLarge: return(24); case TextSize.Large: return(18); case TextSize.Medium: return(14); case TextSize.Default: return(11); case TextSize.Small: return(9); } return(11); }
public static string ToSSB64String(this string text, TextSize size) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var c in text) { SSB64Char ssb64Char; switch (size) { case TextSize.Small: { ssb64Char = CharSet.SSB64CharSet.SingleOrDefault(x => c.ToString() == x.CharacterLarge); if (ssb64Char != null) { sb.Append(ssb64Char.CharacterSmall); } break; } case TextSize.Large: { ssb64Char = CharSet.SSB64CharSet.SingleOrDefault(x => c.ToString() == x.CharacterSmall); if (ssb64Char != null) { sb.Append(ssb64Char.CharacterLarge); } break; } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
protected override void ExportGeometry(XElement xParent) { var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; var tmpDoc = new XDocument(new XElement("TextGeometry", new XAttribute("TopLeft", TopLeft.ToString(nfi)), new XAttribute("BottomRight", BottomRight.ToString(nfi)), new XAttribute("Text", Text), new XAttribute("FontFamily", FontFamily), new XAttribute("FontStyle", FontStyle), new XAttribute("FontWeight", FontWeight), new XAttribute("TextSize", TextSize.ToString(nfi)), new XAttribute("Alignment", Alignment), new XAttribute("Trimming", Trimming))); xParent.Add(new XComment(tmpDoc.Root.ToString())); if (Path.Data is GeometryGroup) { ExportGeometryGroup(xParent, Path.Data as GeometryGroup); } }
public void SetTextMode(TextSize aSize) { switch (aSize) { case TextSize.Size40x25: WriteVGARegisters(g_40x25_text); WriteFont(g_8x16_font, 16); break; case TextSize.Size40x50: WriteVGARegisters(g_40x50_text); WriteFont(g_8x8_font, 8); break; case TextSize.Size80x25: WriteVGARegisters(g_80x25_text); WriteFont(g_8x16_font, 16); break; case TextSize.Size80x50: WriteVGARegisters(g_80x50_text); WriteFont(g_8x8_font, 8); break; case TextSize.Size90x30: WriteVGARegisters(g_90x30_text); WriteFont(g_8x16_font, 16); break; case TextSize.Size90x60: WriteVGARegisters(g_90x60_text); WriteFont(g_8x8_font, 8); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid text size."); } }
void Start() { textMesh = GetComponent<TextMesh>(); textSize = new TextSize(textMesh); setText(textMesh.text); }
public SettingsPanelViewModel() { timeoutPresets.Add("10 seconds", 10000); timeoutPresets.Add("30 seconds", 30000); timeoutPresets.Add("1 minute", 60000); reversedTimeoutPresets.Add(10000, "10 seconds"); reversedTimeoutPresets.Add(30000, "30 seconds"); reversedTimeoutPresets.Add(60000, "1 minute"); selectedTextSize = (TextSize)Settings.PostTextSize; Settings.PropertyChanged += (obj, args) => { if (args.PropertyName.Equals("LoggingEnabled")) NotifyPropertyChangedAsync("LoggingStatus"); }; }
/// <summary> /// Text(正则验证) /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id/name</param> /// <param name="size">大小</param> /// <param name="reg">正则表达式</param> /// <param name="tip">提示</param> /// <param name="description">描述</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString TextKeyUp(string id, TextSize size, string reg, string tip = "", string description = "") { return new HtmlString(string.Format("<input type=\"text\" class=\"{1} regexonly\" reg=\"{2}\" id=\"{0}\" name=\"{0}\"/>", id, size, reg)).AddTitle(tip, description); }
private void showRules() { //contain everything else inside of it GUI.BeginGroup(buttonRect); //tabs GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Height(buttonRect.height * 0.1f)); if (GUILayout.Button("Prospecting")) { currentTab = RulesTab.PROSPECTING; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Mining")) { currentTab = RulesTab.MINING; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Scoring")) { currentTab = RulesTab.SCORING; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Back")) { //return rules to default currentTab = RulesTab.PROSPECTING; textSize = TextSize.BULLET; currentMenuState = MenuState.MAIN; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayoutOption[] options = { GUILayout.Width(buttonRect.width), GUILayout.Height(buttonRect.height * 0.75f) }; if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) { GUILayout.Box(rulesText[(int)currentTab], GuiStyle, options); } else { GUILayout.Box(fullText[(int)currentTab], GuiStyle, options); } string title = "Bullet Form"; if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) { title = "More Info"; } if (GUILayout.Button(title)) { if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) { textSize = TextSize.FULL; } else { textSize = TextSize.BULLET; } } GUI.EndGroup(); }
/// <summary> /// Text(验证) /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id/name</param> /// <param name="size">大小</param> /// <param name="validation">验证类型</param> /// <param name="tip">提示</param> /// <param name="description">描述</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString TextKeyUp(string id, TextSize size, ValidationText validation, string tip = "", string description = "") { return new HtmlString(string.Format("<input type=\"text\" class=\"{1} {2}\" id=\"{0}\" name=\"{0}\"/>", id, size, validation.ToString())).AddTitle(tip, description); }
/// <summary> /// Text(字母限制长度) /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id/name</param> /// <param name="size">大小</param> /// <param name="maxlength">最大长度</param> /// <param name="tip">提示</param> /// <param name="description">描述</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString TextKeyUp(string id, TextSize size, int maxlength, string tip = "", string description = "") { return new HtmlString(string.Format("<input type=\"text\" class=\"{1} alphaonly\" maxlength=\"{2}\" id=\"{0}\" name=\"{0}\"/>", id, size, maxlength)).AddTitle(tip, description); }
/// <summary> /// Text /// </summary> /// <param name="id">is/name</param> /// <param name="size">size</param> /// <param name="isValidation">是否验证必填</param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="reg">Custom</param> /// <param name="tip"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString Text(string id, TextSize size, string tip, bool isValidation, string description = "", params string[] reg) { var regTxt = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var r in reg) { regTxt.AppendFormat("{0},", r); } var regt = regTxt.ToString(); return new HtmlString( string.Format("<input type=\"text\" name=\"{0}\" id=\"{0}\" class=\"validate[{2}{3}] {1}\" />", id, size.ToString(), isValidation ? "required," : "", string.IsNullOrEmpty(regt) ? "" : regt.Substring(0,regt.Length - 1))).AddTitle( tip, description); }
/// <summary> /// Text /// </summary> /// <param name="id">is/name</param> /// <param name="size">size</param> /// <param name="isValidation">是否验证必填</param> /// <param name="reg">Custom</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString Text(string id, TextSize size, bool isValidation, params string[] reg) { return Text(id, size, "", isValidation, "", reg); }
/// <summary> /// Text /// </summary> /// <param name="id">is/name</param> /// <param name="size">size</param> /// <param name="isValidation">是否验证必填</param> /// <param name="reg">Custom</param> /// <param name="tip">提示</param> /// <param name="description">描述</param> /// <param name="isPsw">是否为password</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString Text(string id, TextSize size, string reg, bool isValidation, string tip = "", string description = "", bool isPsw = false) { return new HtmlString( string.Format("<input type=\"{4}\" name=\"{0}\" id=\"{0}\" class=\"validate[{2}{3}] {1}\" />", id, size.ToString(), isValidation ? "required," : "", reg, isPsw ? "password" : "text")).AddTitle( tip, description); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ts = new TextSize(gameObject.GetComponent<TextMesh>()); // Debug.Log("Initial width of string: " + ts.width); ts.FitToWidth(lineWidth); }
private void SetTextBoxText(string text) { //unescape the string to allow newlines _currentAppendingText = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(text); //Text size needs a text mesh _textMesh.text = _currentAppendingText; TextSize ts = new TextSize(_textMesh); ts.FitToWidth(lineLength); //Retrieve the modified string _currentAppendingText = _textMesh.text; //Split the tag and the text from the whole text line string[] splitLines = _currentAppendingText.Split(delimArray, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //Catch if we split correctly if(splitLines.Length == 2) { _currentTBIdentifier = splitLines[0]; _currentAppendingText = splitLines[1]; HideAllTextBoxes(); ShowSpecifiedText(_currentTBIdentifier); } else { HideAllTextBoxes(); //manually set this to interactable tag because the split didn't work _currentTBIdentifier = interactionTag; ShowSpecifiedText(interactionTag); } //Clear the textmesh since we're going to be appending to it _textMesh.text = ""; StartAppendingText(); }
/// <summary> /// Select /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id</param> /// <param name="size">size</param> /// <param name="selectItems">data</param> /// <param name="validation">是否验证为空</param> /// <param name="tip">提示</param> /// <param name="description">描述</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IHtmlString Select(string id, TextSize size, IEnumerable<SelectItem> selectItems, bool validation = false, string tip = "", string description = "") { var str = new StringBuilder(); str.AppendFormat("<select class=\"{1}\" id=\"{0}\" class=\"validate[{2}]\" name=\"{0}\">", id, size.ToString(), validation ? " required" : ""); str.Append("<option value=\"\">请选择</option>"); foreach (var item in selectItems) { str.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\" {2}>{1}</option>", item.Value, item.Text, item.Selected ? "selected=\"selected\"" : ""); } str.Append("</select>"); return new HtmlString(str.ToString()).AddTitle(tip, description); }
private void showRules() { //contain everything else inside of it GUI.BeginGroup(buttonRect); //tabs GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Height(buttonRect.height * 0.1f)); if (GUILayout.Button("Prospecting")) currentTab = RulesTab.PROSPECTING; else if (GUILayout.Button("Mining")) currentTab = RulesTab.MINING; else if (GUILayout.Button("Scoring")) currentTab = RulesTab.SCORING; else if (GUILayout.Button("Back")) { //return rules to default currentTab = RulesTab.PROSPECTING; textSize = TextSize.BULLET; currentMenuState = MenuState.MAIN; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayoutOption[] options = { GUILayout.Width(buttonRect.width), GUILayout.Height(buttonRect.height * 0.75f) }; if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) GUILayout.Box(rulesText[(int)currentTab], GuiStyle, options); else GUILayout.Box(fullText[(int)currentTab], GuiStyle, options); string title = "Bullet Form"; if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) title = "More Info"; if (GUILayout.Button(title)) { if (textSize == TextSize.BULLET) textSize = TextSize.FULL; else textSize = TextSize.BULLET; } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void SetTextMode(TextSize Size) { switch (Size) { case TextSize.Size40x25: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size40x25); break; case TextSize.Size40x50: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size40x50); break; case TextSize.Size80x25: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size80x25); break; case TextSize.Size80x50: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size80x50); break; case TextSize.Size90x30: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size90x30); break; case TextSize.Size90x60: mScreen.SetTextMode(HALVGAScreen.TextSize.Size90x60); break; default: throw new Exception("This situation is not implemented!"); } }
void Awake() { textMesh = transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); textSize = new TextSize( textMesh ); maxWidth = MiscUtils.GetGlobalScaleInLocalXDirection( transform.Find("Boundary") ); }