Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <int> ExecuteInputPopup(string Title)
            var inputView = new TextInputView(Title);
            var popup     = new InputAlertDialogBase <int>(inputView);

            inputView.CloseButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (((TextInputView)sender).TextInputResult >= 0)
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;

            await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup);

            var result = await popup.PageClosedTask;
            await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();

Esempio n. 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void AttachExtraPresenters(CLEMPresenter clemPresenter)
                // Create the grid to display data in
                gridView = new GridView(clemPresenter.View as ViewBase);
                GridPresenter gridPresenter = new GridPresenter();

                // Create the SQL display
                sqlView = new TextInputView(clemPresenter.View as ViewBase);

                // Generate the table using the model
                pivot = clemPresenter.ClemModel as ReportPivot;
                gridPresenter.Attach(null, gridView, clemPresenter.ExplorerPresenter);

                // Attach the views to display data
                clem = clemPresenter.View as CLEMView;

                clem.AddTabView("Data", gridView);
                clemPresenter.PresenterList.Add("Data", this);

                clem.AddTabView("SQL", sqlView);
                clemPresenter.PresenterList.Add("SQL", this);
            catch (Exception err)
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <string> OpenTextInputAlertDialog(string titleText, string placeHolderText,
                                                            string closeButtonText, string validationLabelText)
            // create the TextInputView
            var inputView = new TextInputView(titleText, placeHolderText,
                                              closeButtonText, validationLabelText);

            // create the Transparent Popup Page
            // of type string since we need a string return
            var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView);

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.CloseButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextInputView)sender).TextInputResult))
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;

            // return user inserted text value
            return(await Navigate(popup));
Esempio n. 4
            internal bool HideKeyboard()
                if (TextInputView.IsFirstResponder)

Esempio n. 5
        public MainPresenter CreateMainPresenter()
            ToolbarView     toolbarView     = new ToolbarView();
            TextInputView   textInputView   = new TextInputView();
            WordCounterView wordCounterView = new WordCounterView();
            StatusBarView   statusBarView   = new StatusBarView();

            ToolbarModel toolbarModel = new ToolbarModel();
            //ToolbarPresenter toolbarPresenter = new ToolbarPresenter(toolbarView, toolbarModel);

            IModalDialogBuilder modalDialogBuilder = new ModalDialogBuilder();

            IFileSelectionView     fileSelectionView  = new FileSelectionView();
            FileSelectionModel     fileSelectionModel = new FileSelectionModel();
            FileSelectionPresenter openFilePresenter  = new FileSelectionPresenter(fileSelectionView, fileSelectionModel);

            TextInputModel     textInputModel     = new TextInputModel(fileSelectionModel);
            TextInputPresenter textInputPresenter = new TextInputPresenter(textInputView, textInputModel);

            WordFrequencyCounter wordFrequencyCounter = new WordFrequencyCounter();
            WordCounterModel     wordCounterModel     = new WordCounterModel(wordFrequencyCounter);
            WordCounterPresenter wordCounterPresenter = new WordCounterPresenter(wordCounterView, wordCounterModel);

            RunButtonNavigator runButtonNavigator = new RunButtonNavigator(toolbarView, wordCounterModel);

            MainView      mainView      = new MainView(toolbarView, textInputView, wordCounterView, statusBarView);
            MainModel     mainModel     = new MainModel();
            MainPresenter mainPresenter = new MainPresenter(mainView, mainModel);

            AboutView      aboutView      = new AboutView();
            AboutModel     aboutModel     = new AboutModel();
            AboutPresenter aboutPresenter = new AboutPresenter(aboutView, aboutModel);

            RunButtonNavigator   navigation           = new RunButtonNavigator(toolbarView, wordCounterModel);
            AboutButtonNavigator aboutButtonNavigator = new AboutButtonNavigator(toolbarView, aboutView);
            TextSynchronizer     modelConnector       = new TextSynchronizer(wordCounterModel, textInputModel);

            IFileSelectionDisplay fileSelectionDisplay = new FileSelectionDisplay(fileSelectionModel);

            ILoadTextFromFile           loadTextFromFile            = new LoadTextFromFile(fileSelectionDisplay);
            LoadTextFromFileToTextInput loadTextFromFileToTextInput = new LoadTextFromFileToTextInput(loadTextFromFile, textInputModel);
            FileSelectionNavigator      openFileButtonNavigator     = new FileSelectionNavigator(toolbarView, loadTextFromFileToTextInput);

            TextInputLoader textInputLoader = new TextInputLoader(textInputModel, fileSelectionModel);

             * Wyświetlanie MsgBox
             * Obsługa błędów otwarcia pliku

Esempio n. 6
        private async Task <string> Aanpassen()
            var result = string.Empty;
            // create the TextInputView
            var inputView = new TextInputView(
                "Geef je wachtwoord op", "wachtwoord...", "OK", "Annuleer", "Onjuist wachtwoord!");

            // create the Transparent Popup Page
            // of type string since we need a string return
            var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView);

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.SaveButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (bus.Vergelijken(inputView.TextInputResult) == true)
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    lstGebruiker.SelectedItem = (lstGebruiker.ItemsSource as List <Gebruiker>)[0];
                    Navigation.PushAsync(new GegevensAanpassen()
                        BindingContext = lstGebruiker.SelectedItem as Gebruiker
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;
            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.CancelButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>

            // Push the page to Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup);

            // await for the user to enter the text input
            result = await popup.PageClosedTask;

            // Pop the page from Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();

            // return user inserted text value
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the 'Model' and the 'View' to this presenter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to use</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view object</param>
        /// <param name="parentPresenter">The explorer presenter used</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter parentPresenter)
            memoModel         = model as Memo;
            explorerPresenter = parentPresenter;

            markdownView        = (view as ViewBase).GetControl <MarkdownView>("markdownView");
            textView            = (view as ViewBase).GetControl <TextInputView>("textEditor");
            editButton          = (view as ViewBase).GetControl <ButtonView>("editButton");
            helpButton          = (view as ViewBase).GetControl <ButtonView>("helpButton");
            helpButton.Clicked += HelpBtnClicked;
            textView.Visible    = false;
            textView.WrapText   = true;
            textView.Text          = memoModel.Text;
            textView.Changed      += OnTextHasChanged;
            markdownView.ImagePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(explorerPresenter.ApsimXFile.FileName);
            markdownView.Text      = memoModel.Text;
            editButton.Clicked    += OnEditButtonClick;
            helpButton.Visible     = false;
Esempio n. 8
            internal void UpdateTextViewHeight()
                if (TextInputView == null)

                SendButton.Enabled = TextInputView.HasText;

                var oldTextMessageHeight = TextInputView.Frame.Height;
                var diffHeight           = HeightConstraint.Constant - oldTextMessageHeight;

                var newSize       = TextInputView.SizeThatFits(new CGSize(TextInputView.Bounds.Width, nfloat.MaxValue));
                var newSizeHeight = newSize.Height + diffHeight;

                var maxHeight = IsPortrait ? TextViewMaxHeightPortrait : TextViewMaxHeightLandscape;

                if (newSizeHeight > maxHeight)
                    newSizeHeight = maxHeight;

                if (HeightConstraint.Constant != newSizeHeight)
                    HeightConstraint.Constant = newSizeHeight;

                    if (HeightChangeAction != null)


                    TextInputView.SetContentOffset(new CGPoint(0, 0), true);

                if (SaveUnsentMessageAsync != null)
                    SaveUnsentMessageAsync(TextInputView.Text, false);
Esempio n. 9
        private async Task <string> OpenTextInputAlertDialog()
            // create the TextInputView
            var inputView = new TextInputView(
                "What's your name?", "enter here...", "Ok", "Ops! Can't leave this empty!");

            // create the Transparent Popup Page
            // of type string since we need a string return
            var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView);

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.CloseButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextInputView)sender).TextInputResult))
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    ((TextInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;

            // Push the page to Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup);

            // await for the user to enter the text input
            var result = await popup.PageClosedTask;

            // Pop the page from Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();

            // return user inserted text value
        public async Task NavigateForward(AbstractViewModel vm)
            ContentPage cp      = null;
            bool        isPopup = vm is IPopupViewModel;

            if (vm is LoginViewModel)
                cp = new LoginView();
            else if (vm is AllSnippetsViewModel)
                cp = new AllSnippetsView();
            else if (vm is AllUsersViewModel)
                cp = new AllUsersView();
            else if (vm is YesNoPageViewModel)
                cp = new YesNoPageView();
            else if (vm is SnippetViewModel)
                cp = new SnippetView();
            else if (vm is UserViewModel)
                cp = new UserView();
            else if (vm is VariableViewModel)
                cp = new VariableView();
            else if (vm is MenuViewModel)
                cp = new MenuView();
            else if (vm is AlertViewModel)
                cp = new AlertView();
            else if (vm is ProfileViewModel)
                cp = new ProfileView();
            else if (vm is TextInputViewModel)
                cp = new TextInputView();

            cp.BindingContext = vm;

            await Task.Delay(100);

            if (isPopup)
                SetHasBackButton(cp, false);
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(cp);
                await Navigation.PushAsync(cp);