public static void Testa(BasePlayer player) { var d = new TextDraw(new Vector2(100, 100), "Diploma", TextDrawFont.Diploma); var p = new TextDraw(new Vector2(100, 140), "Pricedown", TextDrawFont.Pricedown); var n = new TextDraw(new Vector2(100, 180), "Normal", TextDrawFont.Normal); p.Show(player); d.Show(player); n.Show(player); }
public void Initialize() { Text = _language.Title + " - " + (IntPtr.Size * 8) + "-bit"; okButton.Text = _languageGeneral.Ok; string[] versionInfo = Utilities.AssemblyVersion.Split('.'); string revisionNumber = "0"; if (versionInfo.Length >= 4) { revisionNumber = versionInfo[3]; } if (revisionNumber == "0") { labelProduct.Text = String.Format("{0} {1}.{2}.{3}, ", _languageGeneral.Title, versionInfo[0], versionInfo[1], versionInfo[2]); revisionNumber = Utilities.AssemblyDescription.Substring(0, 7); } else { labelProduct.Text = String.Format("{0} {1}.{2}.{3}, build", _languageGeneral.Title, versionInfo[0], versionInfo[1], versionInfo[2]); } linkLabelGitBuildHash.Left = labelProduct.Left + labelProduct.Width - 5; linkLabelGitBuildHash.LinkColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 102, 204); linkLabelGitBuildHash.VisitedLinkColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 102, 204); linkLabelGitBuildHash.Text = revisionNumber; var toolTip1 = new ToolTip(); toolTip1.SetToolTip(linkLabelGitBuildHash, GetGitHubHashLink()); string aboutText = _language.AboutText1.TrimEnd() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _languageGeneral.TranslatedBy.Trim(); while (aboutText.Contains("\n ") || aboutText.Contains("\n\t")) { aboutText = aboutText.Replace("\n ", "\n"); aboutText = aboutText.Replace("\n\t", "\n"); } richTextBoxAbout1.Text = aboutText; double height = TextDraw.MeasureTextHeight(richTextBoxAbout1.Font, richTextBoxAbout1.Text, false) * 1.4 + 80; richTextBoxAbout1.Height = (int)height; Height = richTextBoxAbout1.Top + richTextBoxAbout1.Height + 90; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ClickTextDrawEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The player.</param> /// <param name="textDraw">The text draw.</param> public ClickTextDrawEventArgs(BasePlayer player, TextDraw textDraw) { Player = player; TextDraw = textDraw; }