Esempio n. 1
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Nothing(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
Esempio n. 2
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public PloverAlcove(LocationController locationController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = locationController;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
Esempio n. 3
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Say(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        commandsController      = controller.CC;
Esempio n. 4
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public TrollBridge(LocationController locationController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = locationController;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
 // === CONSTRUCTOR ===
 public Inventory(ActionController actionController)
     // Get references to other parts of game engine
     controller              = actionController;
     parserState             = controller.PS;
     playerController        = controller.PC;
     textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
     playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
Esempio n. 6
    private const string RESERVOIR = "45Reservoir"; // Handy reference to reservoir item

    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Zzzzz(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
Esempio n. 7
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Brief(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        locationController      = controller.LC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        subjectOptional = true;
Esempio n. 8
    private const string BIRD = "8Bird";    // Handy reference for the Bird item

    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Listen(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        locationController      = controller.LC;
        commandsController      = controller.CC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
Esempio n. 9
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Wake(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        carryOverVerb   = true;
        subjectOptional = false;
Esempio n. 10
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Drop(ActionController actionController)
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        locationController      = controller.LC;

        carryOverVerb   = true;
        subjectOptional = false;
Esempio n. 11
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===
    public Drink(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        locationController      = controller.LC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        subjectOptional = false;
        carryOverVerb   = true;
Esempio n. 12
        public TextSceneManager(
            TextDisplayController textDisplayController,
            BackgroundDisplayController backgroundDisplayController,
            ImageDisplayController imageDisplayController,
            GameLoop gameLoop,
            NextEventRaiser nextInputEventRaiser)
            _textDisplayController       = textDisplayController;
            _backgroundDisplayController = backgroundDisplayController;
            _imageDisplayController      = imageDisplayController;

            _displays = new IDisplay[] { _textDisplayController, _backgroundDisplayController, _imageDisplayController };

            _gameLoop        = gameLoop;
            _nextEventRaiser = nextInputEventRaiser;
Esempio n. 13
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===

    public Resume(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        locationController      = controller.LC;
        questionController      = controller.QC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        subjectOptional = true;

        // Create question used by this action
        questionController.AddQuestion("resume", new Question("200Acceptable", "54OK", "54OK", false, YesResume, NoDontResume));
Esempio n. 14
        public ResultTabs()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            this.tabsMenu           = new MenuItem();
            this.errorsTabMenuItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
            this.notRunTabMenuItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
            this.menuSeparator      = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
            this.textOutputMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

            this.tabsMenu.MergeType  = MenuMerge.Add;
            this.tabsMenu.MergeOrder = 1;
                new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[]
            this.tabsMenu.Text    = "&Result Tabs";
            this.tabsMenu.Visible = true;

            this.errorsTabMenuItem.Index  = 0;
            this.errorsTabMenuItem.Text   = "&Errors && Failures";
            this.errorsTabMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.errorsTabMenuItem_Click);

            this.notRunTabMenuItem.Index  = 1;
            this.notRunTabMenuItem.Text   = "Tests &Not Run";
            this.notRunTabMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.notRunTabMenuItem_Click);

            this.menuSeparator.Index = 2;
            this.menuSeparator.Text  = "-";

            this.textOutputMenuItem.Index  = 3;
            this.textOutputMenuItem.Text   = "Text &Output...";
            this.textOutputMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(textOutputMenuItem_Click);

            displayController = new TextDisplayController(tabControl);
//			displayController.CreatePages();
Esempio n. 15
     * box of 600x400 fits 1254 chara at 14pt 2 in Space Mono
     * 66 chara per line, 19 lines

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        NodeServerManager.APIReturned += NextWord;
        useVoice = true;
        count    = 0;

        textDisplay   = GetComponent <TextDisplayController>();
        formattedText = sourceText.text.Split("\n"[0]);
        canto         = new string[formattedText.Length][];
        lastWordPos   = transform.position;

        bool scanning = true;
        int  j        = 0;
        int  k        = 0;

        while (scanning)
            line = formattedText [j].Split(new char[] { ' ' });
//				int injectionIndex = line [k].Length / insertedText.Length;
//				Debug.Log (line);
//				for(int i = 0; i < insertedText.Length; i++){
//					line [i * injectionIndex] += insertedText [i];
//				}
            canto[j] = line;

//				k++;

//			else{
//				if (formattedText [j].Length > 5) {
//					canto[k] += injectedText;
//				}
//				canto [k] += formattedText [j];
//			}


            if (j >= formattedText.Length)
                scanning = false;
Esempio n. 16
    private bool isDark;    // True if the player can't see anything at the current location

    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===
    public Read(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        questionController      = controller.QC;
        scoreController         = controller.SC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        carryOverVerb   = true;
        subjectOptional = false;

        // Create question used by this action
        questionController.AddQuestion("read", new Question("192Clue", "193ReadClue", "54OK", false, OysterYes, null));
Esempio n. 17
    // === CONSTRUCTOR ===
    public Attack(ActionController actionController)
        // Get references to other parts of game engine
        controller              = actionController;
        gameController          = controller.GC;
        parserState             = controller.PS;
        playerController        = controller.PC;
        itemController          = controller.IC;
        dwarfController         = controller.DC;
        questionController      = controller.QC;
        textDisplayController   = controller.TDC;
        playerMessageController = controller.PMC;
        playerInput             = controller.PI;

        // Define behaviour for getting a subject
        subjectOptional = false;

        // Add question used by this action
        questionController.AddQuestion("attack", new Question("49BareHands", null, null, true, DragonResponseYes, DragonResponseNo));
Esempio n. 18
		public ResultTabs()
			// This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

			this.tabsMenu = new MenuItem();
			this.errorsTabMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
			this.notRunTabMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
			this.menuSeparator = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
			this.textOutputMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

			this.tabsMenu.MergeType = MenuMerge.Add;
			this.tabsMenu.MergeOrder = 1;
				new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] 
				} );
			this.tabsMenu.Text = "&Result Tabs";
			this.tabsMenu.Visible = true;

			this.errorsTabMenuItem.Index = 0;
			this.errorsTabMenuItem.Text = "&Errors && Failures";
			this.errorsTabMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.errorsTabMenuItem_Click);

			this.notRunTabMenuItem.Index = 1;
			this.notRunTabMenuItem.Text = "Tests &Not Run";
			this.notRunTabMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.notRunTabMenuItem_Click);

			this.menuSeparator.Index = 2;
			this.menuSeparator.Text = "-";
			this.textOutputMenuItem.Index = 3;
			this.textOutputMenuItem.Text = "Text &Output...";
			this.textOutputMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(textOutputMenuItem_Click);

			displayController = new TextDisplayController(tabControl);
//			displayController.CreatePages();