Esempio n. 1
        public void CalculateUserCharGlyphAdvancePos(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan,
                                                     ILineSegmentList lineSegs,
                                                     RequestFont font,
                                                     int[] outputUserInputCharAdvance, out int outputTotalW, out int lineHeight)
            //from font
            //resolve for typeface
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _txtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);

            MyLineSegmentList mylineSegs = (MyLineSegmentList)lineSegs;
            float             scale      = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(font.SizeInPoints);

            outputTotalW = 0;
            int j   = mylineSegs.Count;
            int pos = 0; //start at 0


            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                //get each segment
                MyLineSegment lineSeg = (MyLineSegment)mylineSegs.GetSegment(i);
                //each line seg may has different script lang
                _txtServices.CurrentScriptLang = lineSeg.scriptLang;
                //CACHING ...., reduce number of GSUB/GPOS
                //we cache used line segment for a while
                //we ask for caching context for a specific typeface and font size
                GlyphPlanSequence seq = _txtServices.GetUnscaledGlyphPlanSequence(_reusableTextBuffer,

                int seqLen = seq.Count;

                for (int s = 0; s < seqLen; ++s)
                    UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = seq[s];

                    double actualAdvX = glyphPlan.AdvanceX;

                    outputTotalW +=
                        outputUserInputCharAdvance[pos + glyphPlan.input_cp_offset] +=
                            (int)Math.Round(actualAdvX * scale);
                pos += lineSeg.Length;


            lineHeight = (int)Math.Round(typeface.CalculateRecommendLineSpacing() * scale);

Esempio n. 2
        public Size MeasureString(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan, RequestFont font)
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _txtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);
            _txtServices.MeasureString(textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer(), textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len, out int w, out int h);
            return(new Size(w, h));
Esempio n. 3
        public void MeasureString(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan, RequestFont font, int limitWidth, out int charFit, out int charFitWidth)
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _txtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);

            charFit = 0;
            _txtServices.MeasureString(textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer(), textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len, limitWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);
Esempio n. 4
        public GlyphPlanSequence CreateGlyphPlanSeq(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan, RequestFont font)
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _txtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);


            return(_txtServices.GetUnscaledGlyphPlanSequence(_reusableTextBuffer, textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len));
Esempio n. 5
        public ILineSegmentList BreakToLineSegments(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan)
            //a text buffer span is separated into multiple line segment list
            char[] str         = textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer();
            int    cur_startAt = textBufferSpan.start;

            MyLineSegmentList lineSegments = MyLineSegmentList.GetFreeLineSegmentList();

            foreach (BreakSpan breakSpan in _txtServices.BreakToLineSegments(str, textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len))
                MyLineSegment lineSeg = new MyLineSegment(lineSegments, breakSpan.startAt, breakSpan.len);
                lineSeg.scriptLang = breakSpan.scLang;
Esempio n. 6
        public ILineSegmentList BreakToLineSegments(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan)

            //a text buffer span is separated into multiple line segment list

            char[] str = textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer();

            MyLineSegmentList lineSegs = new MyLineSegmentList(textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len);
            int cur_startAt            = textBufferSpan.start;

            foreach (BreakSpan breakSpan in _txtServices.BreakToLineSegments(str, textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len))
                MyLineSegment lineSeg = new MyLineSegment(lineSegs, breakSpan.startAt, breakSpan.len);
                lineSeg.scriptLang = breakSpan.scLang;

            //TODO: review here,
            //check if we need to create new array everytime?
Esempio n. 7
        public void CalculateUserCharGlyphAdvancePos(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan,
                                                     ILineSegmentList lineSegs, RequestFont font,
                                                     int[] outputUserInputCharAdvance, out int outputTotalW, out int lineHeight)
            //from font
            //resolve for typeface
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _txtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);

            MyLineSegmentList mylineSegs = (MyLineSegmentList)lineSegs;
            float             scale      = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(font.SizeInPoints);

            outputTotalW = 0;
            int j   = mylineSegs.Count;
            int pos = 0; //start at 0


            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                //get each segment
                MyLineSegment lineSeg = mylineSegs.GetSegment(i);
                //each line seg may has different script lang
                _txtServices.CurrentScriptLang = lineSeg.scriptLang;
                //CACHING ...., reduce number of GSUB/GPOS
                //we cache used line segment for a while
                //we ask for caching context for a specific typeface and font size
                GlyphPlanSequence seq = _txtServices.GetUnscaledGlyphPlanSequence(_reusableTextBuffer,

                //num of glyph may more or less than original user input char buffer

                //float g_x = 0;
                //float g_y = 0;
                //int baseY = (int)Math.Round(y);
                //int n = glyphPlanSeq.len;
                //int endBefore = glyphPlanSeq.startAt + n;


                //List<float> vboBufferList = new List<float>();
                //List<ushort> indexList = new List<ushort>();

                //for (int i = glyphPlanSeq.startAt; i < endBefore; ++i)
                //    GlyphPlanList glyphPlanList = GlyphPlanSequence.UnsafeGetInteralGlyphPlanList(glyphPlanSeq);
                //    GlyphPlan glyph = glyphPlanList[i];

                //    Typography.Rendering.TextureGlyphMapData glyphData;
                //    if (!_fontAtlas.TryGetGlyphDataByCodePoint(glyph.glyphIndex, out glyphData))
                //    {
                //        //if no glyph data, we should render a missing glyph ***
                //        continue;
                //    }
                //    //if (scaleFromTexture != 1)
                //    //{

                //    //}
                //    //--------------------------------------
                //    //TODO: review precise height in float
                //    //--------------------------------------
                //    PixelFarm.Drawing.Rectangle srcRect = ConvToRect(glyphData.Rect);
                //    g_x = (float)(x + (glyph.ExactX * scale - glyphData.TextureXOffset) * scaleFromTexture); //ideal x
                //    g_y = (float)(y + (glyph.ExactY * scale - glyphData.TextureYOffset + srcRect.Height) * scaleFromTexture);

                //    //for sharp glyph
                //    //we adjust g_x,g_y to integer value
                //    //float g_y2 = (float)Math.Floor(g_y);

                //    g_x = (float)Math.Round(g_x);
                //    g_y = (float)Math.Floor(g_y);

                //    switch (textureKind)
                //    {
                //        case TextureKind.Msdf:

                //            _glsx.DrawSubImageWithMsdf(_glBmp,
                //                ref srcRect,
                //                g_x,
                //                g_y,
                //                scaleFromTexture);

                //            break;
                //        case TextureKind.StencilGreyScale:

                //            //stencil gray scale with fill-color
                //            _glsx.DrawGlyphImageWithStecil(_glBmp,
                //             ref srcRect,
                //                g_x,
                //                g_y,
                //                scaleFromTexture);

                //            break;
                //        case TextureKind.Bitmap:
                //            _glsx.DrawSubImage(_glBmp,
                //             ref srcRect,
                //                g_x,
                //                g_y,
                //                scaleFromTexture);
                //            break;
                //        case TextureKind.StencilLcdEffect:
                //            _glsx.WriteVboToList(
                //              vboBufferList,
                //              indexList,
                //              ref srcRect,
                //              g_x,
                //              g_y,
                //              scaleFromTexture);
                //            break;
                //    }

                int seqLen = seq.Count;

                for (int s = 0; s < seqLen; ++s)
                    UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = seq[s];

                    double actualAdvX = glyphPlan.AdvanceX;

                    outputTotalW +=
                        outputUserInputCharAdvance[pos + glyphPlan.input_cp_offset] +=
                            (int)Math.Round(actualAdvX * scale);
                pos += lineSeg.Length;


            lineHeight = (int)Math.Round(typeface.CalculateRecommendLineSpacing() * scale);

Esempio n. 8
        public void CalculateUserCharGlyphAdvancePos(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan,
                                                     ILineSegmentList lineSegs, RequestFont font,
                                                     int[] outputUserInputCharAdvance, out int outputTotalW, out int lineHeight)
            //from font
            //resolve for typeface
            Typeface typeface = ResolveTypeface(font);

            _typographyTxtServices.SetCurrentFont(typeface, font.SizeInPoints);

            MyLineSegmentList mylineSegs = (MyLineSegmentList)lineSegs;
            float             scale      = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(font.SizeInPoints);

            outputTotalW = 0;
            int j   = mylineSegs.Count;
            int pos = 0; //start at 0


            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                //get each segment
                MyLineSegment lineSeg = mylineSegs.GetSegment(i);
                //each line seg may has different script lang
                _typographyTxtServices.CurrentScriptLang = lineSeg.scriptLang;
                //CACHING ...., reduce number of GSUB/GPOS
                //we cache used line segment for a while
                //we ask for caching context for a specific typeface and font size
                GlyphPlanSequence seq = _typographyTxtServices.GetUnscaledGlyphPlanSequence(_reusableTextBuffer,

                GlyphPlanList planList = GlyphPlanSequence.UnsafeGetInteralGlyphPlanList(seq);
                //num of glyph may more or less than original user input char buffer

                int endAt       = seq.startAt + seq.len;
                int seq_startAt = seq.startAt;

                for (int s = seq_startAt; s < endAt; ++s)
                    GlyphPlan glyphPlan  = planList[s];
                    float     tx         = glyphPlan.ExactX;
                    float     ty         = glyphPlan.ExactY;
                    double    actualAdvX = glyphPlan.AdvanceX;

                    outputTotalW +=
                        outputUserInputCharAdvance[pos + glyphPlan.input_cp_offset] +=
                            (int)Math.Round(actualAdvX * scale);
                pos += lineSeg.Length;


            lineHeight = (int)Math.Round(typeface.CalculateRecommendLineSpacing() * scale);

Esempio n. 9
 public void MeasureString(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan, RequestFont font, int maxWidth, out int charFit, out int charFitWidth)
     WinGdiTextService.MeasureString(textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer(), textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len, font, maxWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);
Esempio n. 10
 public PixelFarm.Drawing.Size MeasureString(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan, RequestFont font)
     return(WinGdiTextService.MeasureString(textBufferSpan.GetRawCharBuffer(), textBufferSpan.start, textBufferSpan.len, font));
Esempio n. 11

        public static void CalculateGlyphAdvancePos(ref TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan,
                                                    RequestFont font, int[] outputGlyphAdvances, out int outputTotalW)
                outputTotalW = 0;
                int len = textBufferSpan.len;
                if (len == 0)

                WinGdiFont winfont = SetFont(font);
                //ushort* glyhIndics = stackalloc ushort[len];
                //fixed (char* s = &str[startAt])
                //    NativeTextWin32.GetGlyphIndices(
                //        win32MemDc.DC,
                //        s,
                //        len,
                //        glyhIndics,
                //        0);

                byte[] encoding = s_en.GetBytes(
                NativeTextWin32.FontABC[] abcWidths = winfont.GetInteralABCArray();
                int totalW = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    //ushort glyphIndex = *(glyhIndics + i);
                    int enc_index = encoding[i];
                    if (enc_index == 0)
                    totalW += outputGlyphAdvances[i] = abcWidths[enc_index].Sum;
            //    SetFont(font);
            //    NativeTextWin32.GCP_RESULTS gpcResult = new NativeTextWin32.GCP_RESULTS();
            //    int[] caretpos = new int[len];
            //    uint[] lpOrder = new uint[len];
            //    int[] lpDx = new int[len];
            //    fixed (int* lpdx_h = &lpDx[0])
            //    fixed (uint* lpOrder_h = &lpOrder[0])
            //    fixed (int* caretpos_h = &caretpos[0])
            //    fixed (char* str_h = &str[startAt])
            //    {
            //        gpcResult.lpCaretPos = caretpos_h;
            //        gpcResult.lpOrder = lpOrder_h;
            //        gpcResult.lpDx = lpdx_h;
            //        //gpcResult.
            //        ////gpcResult.lpCaretPos =
            //        NativeTextWin32.GetCharacterPlacement(
            //            win32MemDc.DC,
            //            str_h,
            //            len,
            //            len, ref gpcResult, 0);

            //    }
