// Perform the command associated with MenuIndex on the specified TextBoxBase. private void DoTextBoxCommand(TextBoxBase textbox, MenuIndex menuIndex) { switch (menuIndex) { case MenuIndex.Undo: textbox.Undo(); break; case MenuIndex.Redo: if (textbox is RichTextBox) { RichTextBox rt = (RichTextBox)textbox; rt.Redo(); } break; case MenuIndex.Cut: textbox.Cut(); break; case MenuIndex.Copy: textbox.Copy(); break; case MenuIndex.Paste: textbox.Paste(); break; case MenuIndex.Delete: textbox.SelectedText = ""; break; case MenuIndex.SelectAll: textbox.SelectAll(); break; case MenuIndex.Properties: break; } }
private void processKbdCtrlShortcuts(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { TextBoxBase t = (TextBoxBase)sender; if (e.KeyData == (Keys.C | Keys.Control)) { t.Copy(); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.KeyData == (Keys.X | Keys.Control)) { t.Cut(); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.KeyData == (Keys.V | Keys.Control)) { t.Paste(); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.KeyData == (Keys.A | Keys.Control)) { t.SelectAll(); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.KeyData == (Keys.Z | Keys.Control)) { t.Undo(); e.Handled = true; } }
private void pasteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveControl is TextBoxBase) { TextBoxBase tb = (TextBoxBase)ActiveControl; tb.Paste(); } }
public void Paste() { TextBoxBase textBox = FindFocusedTextBox(); if (textBox != null) { textBox.Paste(); } }
public void Paste() { if (isFc) { fc.Paste(); } else { tb.Paste(); } }
public void Paste() { textBox.Paste(); }
public static void ProcessTextContextMenu(TextBoxBase textbox, object sender) { var tsmi = sender as ToolStripMenuItem; if (tsmi == null) { return; } var cmd = tsmi.Tag as string; var text = string.Empty; try { if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_COPY_ALL.ToString()) { if (textbox.Text != "") { Clipboard.SetText(textbox.Text); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_COPY.ToString()) { if (textbox.SelectedText != "") { Clipboard.SetText(textbox.SelectedText); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_CUT.ToString()) { if (textbox.SelectedText != "") { textbox.Cut(); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_PASTE.ToString()) { if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { //TODO no RTF textbox.Paste(); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_SELECT_ALL.ToString()) { textbox.Focus(); textbox.SelectAll(); } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_CLEAR.ToString()) { textbox.Clear(); } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_DELETE.ToString()) { if (textbox.SelectionLength > 0) { var oldStart = textbox.SelectionStart; textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Remove(textbox.SelectionStart, textbox.SelectionLength); textbox.SelectionStart = oldStart; } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_SAVE.ToString()) { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = ResxManager.GetResourceString(FormStringKeys.STR_TEXT_SAVE_FILTER); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { File.WriteAllText(sfd.FileName, textbox.Text); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_WORDWRAP.ToString()) { textbox.WordWrap = !tsmi.Checked; } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_SEND_TO_SOURCE.ToString()) { //TODO STR_MENUITEM_SEND_TO_SOURCE } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_UNDO.ToString()) { if (textbox.CanUndo) { textbox.Undo(); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_COPY_AS_REGEX.ToString()) { text = textbox.SelectedText; if (text != string.Empty) { IRegexAnalyst ra = new RegexAnalyst(); text = ra.ToSimpleRegexString(text); Clipboard.SetText(text); } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_TO_REGEX_FORMAT.ToString()) { text = textbox.SelectedText; if (text == string.Empty) { text = textbox.Text; } if (text != string.Empty) { IRegexAnalyst ra = new RegexAnalyst(); text = ra.ToSimpleRegexString(text); if (textbox.SelectedText.Length > 0) { if (text != textbox.SelectedText) { //TODO it can be undo,but affect the clipboard Clipboard.SetText(text); textbox.Paste(); Clipboard.Clear(); } } else { if (text != textbox.Text) { //TODO it can be undo,but affect the clipboard Clipboard.SetText(text); textbox.SelectAll(); textbox.Paste(); Clipboard.Clear(); } } } } else if (cmd == FormStringKeys.STR_MENU_ITEM_SELECTION_ONLY.ToString()) { tsmi.Checked = !tsmi.Checked; //textbox.HideSelection = !tsmi.Checked; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void PasteText(TextBoxBase textBox) => textBox.Paste();