static async Task Main(string[] args)
            ITextAnalyticsService service = new TextAnalyticsService();

            bool isRunning = true;

            while (isRunning)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                Console.Write("Type the message to be analyzed: ");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                string message = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) && message != "exit")
                    await service.DoSentimentAnalysis(message);

                    Console.WriteLine("Press anything to continue...");
                    isRunning = false;
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(string inputText = "")
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText))
                var sentimentScore = await TextAnalyticsService.GetSentimentScore(inputText);

                var keyPhrases = await TextAnalyticsService.GetKeyPhrases(inputText);

                //Cast sentiment score as a percentage
                sentimentScore = Math.Round((sentimentScore * 100), 0);

                var viewModel = new ResultViewModel()
                    SentimentScore = sentimentScore,
                    KeyPhrases     = keyPhrases,
                    OriginalText   = inputText,

Esempio n. 3
        public TryWatchDialog(IStatePropertyAccessor <Models.UserData> userDataStateAccessor, IConfiguration configuration)
            : base(nameof(TryWatchDialog))
            UserStateAccessor = userDataStateAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userDataStateAccessor));

            // Cognitive Services
            _textAnalyticsService   = new TextAnalyticsService(configuration["textAnalyticsKey"], configuration["region"]);
            _distanceMatrixService  = new DistanceMatrixService(configuration["bingMapsApiKey"]);
            _faceRecognitionService = new FaceRecognitionService(configuration["faceRecognitionKey"], configuration["region"]);

            // Preset latitud and longitude for testing.
            _origin      = $"{configuration["userLatitude"]},{configuration["userLongitude"]}";
            _destination = $"{configuration["storeLatitude"]},{configuration["storeLongitude"]}";

            // Define Waterfallsteps for the new TryWatch dialog
            var tryWatchWaterfallSteps = new WaterfallStep[]

            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(TryWatchWaterfall, tryWatchWaterfallSteps));
            AddDialog(new TextPrompt(ConfirmStore));
            AddDialog(new TextPrompt(SelectStoreSchedule));
            AddDialog(new TextPrompt(NamePrompt));
            AddDialog(new AttachmentPrompt(BookAppointment));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(string inputText = "")
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText))
                var sentimentScore = await TextAnalyticsService.GetSentimentScore(inputText);

                var keyPhrases = await TextAnalyticsService.GetKeyPhrases(inputText);

                var keyPhrasesAsString = string.Empty;

                foreach (var keyPhrase in keyPhrases)
                    keyPhrasesAsString += keyPhrase + " ";

                var viewModel = new ResultViewModel()
                    SentimentScore     = sentimentScore,
                    KeyPhrases         = keyPhrases,
                    OriginalText       = inputText,
                    KeyPhrasesAsString = keyPhrasesAsString

        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> AskforPhotoStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var userData = await BotStateAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new UserData(), cancellationToken);

            // Get the text from the activity to use to show the correct card
            var text = stepContext.Context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();
            var isPositiveFeedback = await TextAnalyticsService.GetTextSentimentAsync(text) > 0.5;

            userData.ProductWasFound = isPositiveFeedback;

            if (isPositiveFeedback)
                // We go directly to the next step as we don't need any input from the user
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync());
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                           new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Do you have a photo of a watch you like? In order to help you we will need an image of a simillar watch to search."),
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("I didn't find any watch on the provided image. Please provide an image with a similar watch you are looking for to continue"),
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task PredictNerBatchAsyncTest(string key, string endpoint, string language, List <string> queries, CliException expectedException)
            if (expectedException == null)
                // act
                ITextAnalyticsService predictionService = new TextAnalyticsService(key, endpoint, language);
                var result = await predictionService.PredictNerBatchAsync(queries);

                // assert
                foreach (RecognizeEntitiesResult r in result)
                    foreach (CategorizedEntity e in r.Entities)
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync(expectedException.GetType(), async() =>
                    ITextAnalyticsService predictionService = new TextAnalyticsService(key, endpoint, language);
                    await predictionService.PredictNerBatchAsync(queries);
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task PredictSentimentBatchAsyncTest(string key, string endpoint, string language, List <string> queries, CliException expectedException)
            if (expectedException == null)
                // act
                ITextAnalyticsService predictionService = new TextAnalyticsService(key, endpoint, language);
                var result = await predictionService.PredictSentimentBatchAsync(queries);

                // assert
                foreach (AnalyzeSentimentResult r in result)
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync(expectedException.GetType(), async() =>
                    ITextAnalyticsService predictionService = new TextAnalyticsService(key, endpoint, language);
                    await predictionService.PredictSentimentBatchAsync(queries);
        public IWantANewWatchDialog(IStatePropertyAccessor <UserData> botStateAccessor, IConfiguration configuration, BotConfigOptions botConfigOptions)
            : base(nameof(IWantANewWatchDialog))
            BotStateAccessor  = botStateAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(botStateAccessor));
            _botConfigOptions = botConfigOptions;

            SiteImagesPath       = configuration["imageHostUrl"];
            TextAnalyticsService = new TextAnalyticsService(configuration["textAnalyticsKey"], configuration["region"]);
            CustomVisionService  = new CustomVisionService(configuration["customVisionKey"], configuration["customVisionProjectId"]);
            ProductService       = new ProductService(configuration);

            // This array defines how the Waterfall will execute.
            var waterfallSteps = new WaterfallStep[]

            // Add named dialogs to the DialogSet. These names are saved in the dialog state.
            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(SearchWatches, waterfallSteps));
            AddDialog(new TextPrompt(ConfirmWatchFound));
            AddDialog(new AttachmentPrompt(AskForImage, ImageValidatorAsync));
            AddDialog(new TextPrompt(SearchSimilarWatches));
Esempio n. 9
        // Matt Text Analytics Part 7
        public static void CallTextAnalyticsEntityAPI()
                // Get the file name
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a some text to analyze:");
                var message = Console.ReadLine();

                var document = new MultiLanguageInput()
                    Id       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    Language = "en-US",
                    Text     = message
                var documentList = new List <MultiLanguageInput>();
                var query  = new TextAnalyticsQuery(Constants.TEXT_ANALYTICS_PREVIEW_URL, Constants.TEXT_ANALYTICS_KEY, documentList.ToArray());
                var result = TextAnalyticsService.callTextAnalyticsEntityAPI(query).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to exit ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 10
        private void ContentService_Saving(IContentService sender, SaveEventArgs <IContent> e)
            var textAnalyticsService = new TextAnalyticsService(_textAnalyticsApiKey);

            foreach (IContent content in e.SavedEntities.Where(a => a.ContentType.Alias == "comment"))
                var request = new TextAnalyticsRequestDocument
                    Id   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    Text = content.GetValue <string>("text")

                var    analyticsResponse = AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => textAnalyticsService.TextAnalyticsRequestAsync(request, TextAnalyticsFeature.Languages));
                string isoLanguageCode   = analyticsResponse.DetectedLanguages.First().Iso6391Name;

                var    analyticsSentimentResponse = AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => textAnalyticsService.TextAnalyticsRequestAsync(request, TextAnalyticsFeature.Sentiment));
                double sentimentScore             = analyticsSentimentResponse.Score;

                var    analyticsKeyPhrasesResponse = AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => textAnalyticsService.TextAnalyticsRequestAsync(request, TextAnalyticsFeature.KeyPhrases));
                string keyPhrases = string.Join("\n", analyticsKeyPhrasesResponse.KeyPhrases);

                content.SetValue("language", isoLanguageCode);
                content.SetValue("sentiment", Math.Round(sentimentScore, 2));
                content.SetValue("keyPhrases", keyPhrases);
        public void ProcessServiceDeskRequest(int id)
            ServiceDeskRequests      serviceDeskItem = new ServiceDeskRequests();
            DepartmentManagerService manageTicket    = new DepartmentManagerService();
            Ticket ticket = serviceDeskItem.GetTicket(id);
            IEnumerable <string> listKeyPhrases = new TextAnalyticsService().GetKeyPhrases(ticket.Body);

            manageTicket.DistributeTicket(listKeyPhrases, ticket);
Esempio n. 12
        public DialogAnalyzerClient(string computerVisionApiRegion, string computerVisionSubscriptionKey,
                                    string textAnalyticsApiRegion, string textAnalyticsSubscriptionKey)
            // Computer Vision Service
            this.ComputerVisionService = new ComputerVisionService(computerVisionApiRegion, computerVisionSubscriptionKey);

            // Text Analytics Service
            this.TextAnalyticsService = new TextAnalyticsService(textAnalyticsApiRegion, textAnalyticsSubscriptionKey);
Esempio n. 13
        protected async override void OnAppearing()

            var tweetAnalytics = await TextAnalyticsService.AnalyzeTweet(tweet);

            BindingContext = tweetAnalytics;
Esempio n. 14
        private async Task Analyze()
            IsBusy = true;

            var newReviews = await TextAnalyticsService.AnalyzeText(Reviews.ToList());

            if (newReviews != null)
                Reviews = new ObservableCollection <Review>(newReviews.OrderBy(x => x.Id));

            IsBusy = false;
        private async void AnalyzeButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var sentiment = await TextAnalyticsService.AnalyzeText(MessageEntry.Text);

            if (sentiment != null)
                ScoreLabel.Text      = sentiment.score.ToString("N4");
                ScoreLabel.TextColor = SentimentColor.Retrieve(sentiment.score);

Esempio n. 16
        private async Task ProcessSentimentAnalysis(IDialogContext context, LuisResult luisResult)
            var result = await TextAnalyticsService.AnalyseSentiment(luisResult.Query);

            if (result.Score.Value > 0.7)
                await context.PostAsync("Merci d'apprecié nos services. Nous travaillons dur pour vous offrir un service de qualité");

                var feedbackForm = new FormDialog <FeedbackForm>(new FeedbackForm(), FeedbackForm.BuildForm, FormOptions.PromptInStart);
                context.Call <FeedbackForm>(feedbackForm, ResumeAfterDialog);
Esempio n. 17
        public async Task SentimentAsyncResult()
            var httpResult = new HttpOperationResponse <SentimentBatchResult>();

            httpResult.Body = new SentimentBatchResult(new List <SentimentBatchResultItem>(new List <SentimentBatchResultItem>()
                new SentimentBatchResultItem((double?)1)
            }), null);
            clientMock.Setup(s => s.SentimentWithHttpMessagesAsync(It.IsAny <MultiLanguageBatchInput>(), null,
            TextAnalyticsService textAnalyticsService = new TextAnalyticsService(clientMock.Object, configurationMock.Object, loggerMock.Object);
            var result = await textAnalyticsService.SentimentAsync(It.IsAny <string>());

            clientMock.Verify(s => s.SentimentWithHttpMessagesAsync(It.IsAny <MultiLanguageBatchInput>(), null,
                                                                    CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);
            Assert.IsType <double>(result);
            Assert.Equal(1, result);
Esempio n. 18
        // Method that gets the Cloud service provider response form user

        public virtual async Task getCloudProvider(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <CloudServiceProvider> cloudProvider)
            var response = await cloudProvider;

            VirtualCloudProvider = response.ToString();
            await context.PostAsync(String.Format("Your request for virtual machine creation is under progress.We will update you via Email."));

            //"Your Virtual Mchine {0} is ready to run on {1} and supports {2} platform.", VirtualName, VirtualCloudProvider, VirtualOSName ));
            var sentence  = response;
            var sentiment = await TextAnalyticsService.DetermineSentimentAsync(sentence.ToString());

            await context.PostAsync($"You rated our service as: {Math.Round(sentiment * 10, 1)}/10");

            if (sentiment < 0.5)
                PromptDialog.Confirm(context, ResumeAfterFeedbackClarification, "I see it wasn't perfect, can we contact you about this?");
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task EntitiesAsyncResult()
            var httpResult = new HttpOperationResponse <EntitiesBatchResult>();

            httpResult.Body = new EntitiesBatchResult(new List <EntitiesBatchResultItem>(new List <EntitiesBatchResultItem>()
                new EntitiesBatchResultItem(null, new List <EntityRecord>()
                    new EntityRecord("name1"), new EntityRecord("name2")
            }), null);
            clientMock.Setup(s => s.EntitiesWithHttpMessagesAsync(It.IsAny <MultiLanguageBatchInput>(), null,
            TextAnalyticsService textAnalyticsService = new TextAnalyticsService(clientMock.Object, configurationMock.Object, loggerMock.Object);
            var result = await textAnalyticsService.EntitiesAsync(It.IsAny <string>());

            clientMock.Verify(s => s.EntitiesWithHttpMessagesAsync(It.IsAny <MultiLanguageBatchInput>(), null,
                                                                   CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);
            Assert.IsType <List <string> >(result);
            Assert.Equal("name1", result[0]);
            Assert.Equal("name2", result[1]);
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity)
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var result = await TextAnalyticsService.AnalyseSentiment(activity.Text);

                var reply = activity.CreateReply();

                reply.Text  = "Votre langue est : " + result.LanguageName + "\n\n";
                reply.Text += "Les mots clés trouvés sont : ";

                foreach (var item in result.KeyPhrases)
                    reply.Text += item + " ";

                if (result.Score.Value > 0.5)
                    reply.Text += "\n\n Vous semblez heureux. Votre score est de : " + result.Score.Value;
                    reply.Text += "\n\n Vous ne semblez pas heureux. Votre score est de : " + result.Score.Value;

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);
                await HandleSystemMessage(activity);
            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

 public TextAnalyticsController(TextAnalyticsService textAnalytics)
     _textAnalytics = textAnalytics;
Esempio n. 22
        // Method not been used in the class

        /*private async Task <double> getSentimentScore(string DocumentText)
         * {
         *  string queryUri = "";
         *  HttpClient client = new HttpClient()
         *  {
         *      DefaultRequestHeaders =
         *      {
         *          {
         *             "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",
         *             ""
         *          },
         *          {
         *              "Accept",
         *              "application/json"
         *          }
         *      }
         *  };
         *  var textInput = new BatchInput
         *  {
         *      documents = new List<DocumentInput>
         *      {
         *          new DocumentInput
         *          {
         *              Id = 1,
         *              Text = DocumentText,
         *          }
         *      }
         *  };
         *  var jsonInput = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(textInput);
         *  HttpResponseMessage postMessage;
         *  BatchResult response;
         *  try
         *  {
         *      postMessage = await client.PostAsync(queryUri, new StringContent(jsonInput, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
         *      response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BatchResult>(await postMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
         *  }
         *  catch(Exception e)
         *  {
         *      return 0.0;
         *  }
         *  return response?.documents[0]?.score ?? 0.0;
         * }*/

         * Method tonhandle the interaction with the HP Service Manager - 9.0

        // method not used it is defined in the Ticket Model

         * Method to calculate the user sentiment score

        private async Task getUserSentiment(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <TicketModel> result)
            var sentence = await result;
            // string sentenceString = sentence.DatabaseName + "-" + sentence.MiddlewareName + "-" + sentence.ServerName;
            string sentenceString = sentence.Desc + "-" + sentence.DBName + "-" + sentence.ServerName + "-" + sentence.MiddlewareName;
            //string sentenceString = sentence.Desc;

             * To call the GetQnAMakerResponse to get the responses to the user queries from QnA Maker KB
             * The QnA maker sends the appropriate response to the user queries

            await context.PostAsync("Let me search my database for a solution to your problem");

                var activity = (Activity)context.MakeMessage();
                activity.Text = sentenceString;

                 * Call to the sentiment analytics api

                var sentiment = await TextAnalyticsService.DetermineSentimentAsync(sentence.ToString());

                var sentimentScore = Math.Round(sentiment * 100, 1) / 10;

                 * Query to check the user issue in the QnA maker knowledge base

                var subscriptionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnaSubscriptionkey"];
                var knowledgeBaseId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnaKnowledgebaseId"];

                var responseQuery = new QnAMakerDailog.QnAMakerDialog().GetQnAMakerResponse(sentenceString, subscriptionKey, knowledgeBaseId);

                var responseAnswers = responseQuery.answers.FirstOrDefault();

                 * If the solution to the issue is found in the Kb then send the result to the user

                if (responseAnswers != null && responseAnswers.score >= double.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAScore"]))
                    await context.PostAsync(responseAnswers.answer);

                 * If no solution is found then the user response from TicketModel is sent to the Dtabase APRDB and stored in dbo.BotDetails Table

                    await context.PostAsync("Could not find a solution to you problem . I have raised a ticket for it, revert to you as soon as we get a solution for it");

                        string connectionEstablish = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["APRMConnection"].ConnectionString;

                         * Establish the connection with the SQL database

                        SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionEstablish);

                         * Connection to the DB being opened

                        if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                            Console.WriteLine("Connection Success");

                             * SQL command to insert data into the table dbo.BotDetails

                            if (sentence.Contact == null)
                                sentence.Contact = "None";

                            else if (sentence.PhoneContact == null)
                                sentence.PhoneContact = "None";

                                Console.WriteLine("Some error occured");

                            SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO dbo.BotDetails (TokenDescription, ServerDetails, MiddlewareDetails, DatabaseDetails, TokenDetails,
                                       SentimentScore, UserName, EmailId, ContactNo) VALUES (@TokenDescription, @ServerDetails, @MiddlewareDetails, @DatabaseDetails, @TokenDetails, @SentimentScore,
                                       @UserName, @EmailId, @ContactNo)", connection);

                             * Commands to insert the user response to the database

                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("TokenDescription", sentence.Desc));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ServerDetails", sentence.ServerName));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("MiddlewareDetails", sentence.MiddlewareName));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("DatabaseDetails", sentence.DBName));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("TokenDetails", System.DateTimeOffset.Now));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("SentimentScore", sentimentScore));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("UserName", sentence.Name));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("EmailId", sentence.Contact));
                            insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ContactNo", sentence.PhoneContact));

                            var DBresult = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
                            if (DBresult > 0)

                                string ReconnectionEstablish = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["APRMConnection"].ConnectionString;

                                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ReconnectionEstablish);


                                var selectTicketId = "Select Id from dbo.BotDetails WHERE UserName = @UserName";

                                SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectTicketId, conn);

                                selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", sentence.Name);

                                using (SqlDataReader queryReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                                    while (queryReader.Read())
                                        String retrieveId = queryReader.GetInt32(0).ToString();
                                        //await context.PostAsync("Your ticket has been raised successfully, " + retrieveId + " your token id for the raised ticket");

                                await context.PostAsync("Some problem occured, Please try again after sometime");

                             * Close the existing connection to the DB

                             * Checks wether the connection is established or not
                            Console.WriteLine("Not connected");

                         * Snow connection code
                        string DetailDescription = sentence.Desc + " the services are running on server " + sentence.ServerName + ", using " + sentence.DBName + " database and the" + sentence.MiddlewareName + " service";
                        String incidentNo        = string.Empty;
                        incidentNo = SnowLogger.CreateIncidentServiceNow(sentence.Desc, sentence.Contact, DetailDescription, sentence.CategoryName);
                        await context.PostAsync("Your ticket has been raised successfully, " + incidentNo + " your token id for the raised ticket");

                        await context.PostAsync("Please keep the note of above token number. as it would be used for future references");
                    catch (Exception e)


                 * Method to check the user sentiment and report it to the user

                await context.PostAsync($"You rated our service as: {Math.Round(sentiment * 10, 1)}/10");

                if (sentiment <= 0.5)
                    PromptDialog.Confirm(context, ResumeAfterFeedbackClarification, "I see it wasn't perfect, can we contact you about this?");

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 23
        public static IForm <TicketModel> BuildForm()
            //Form flow builder being called

            OnCompletionAsyncDelegate <TicketModel> ConnectionRequest = async(context, state) =>
                string sentenceString = state.Desc + "-" + state.DBName + "-" + state.ServerName + "-" + state.MiddlewareName;

                 * To call the GetQnAMakerResponse to get the responses to the user queries from QnA Maker KB
                 * The QnA maker sends the appropriate response to the user queries

                await context.PostAsync("Let me search my database for a solution to your problem");

                    var activity = (Activity)context.MakeMessage();
                    activity.Text = sentenceString;

                     * Call to the sentiment analytics api

                    var sentiment = await TextAnalyticsService.DetermineSentimentAsync(sentenceString.ToString());

                    var sentimentScore = Math.Round(sentiment * 100, 1) / 10;

                     * Query to check the user issue in the QnA maker knowledge base

                    var subscriptionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnaSubscriptionkey"];
                    var knowledgeBaseId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnaKnowledgebaseId"];

                    var responseQuery = new QnAMakerDailog.QnAMakerDialog().GetQnAMakerResponse(sentenceString, subscriptionKey, knowledgeBaseId);

                    var responseAnswers = responseQuery.answers.FirstOrDefault();

                     * If the solution to the issue is found in the Kb then send the result to the user

                    if (responseAnswers != null && responseAnswers.score >= double.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAScore"]))
                        await context.PostAsync(responseAnswers.answer);

                     * If no solution is found then the user response from TicketModel is sent to the Dtabase APRDB and stored in dbo.BotDetails Table

                        await context.PostAsync("Could not find a solution to you problem . I have raised a ticket for it, revert to you as soon as we get a solution for it");

                            string connectionEstablish = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["APRMConnection"].ConnectionString;

                             * Establish the connection with the SQL database

                            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionEstablish);

                             * Connection to the DB being opened

                            if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                                Console.WriteLine("Connection Success");

                                 * SQL command to insert data into the table dbo.BotDetails

                                SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO dbo.BotDetails (TokenDescription, ServerDetails, MiddlewareDetails, DatabaseDetails, TokenDetails,
                                       SentimentScore, UserName, EmailId, ContactNo) VALUES (@TokenDescription, @ServerDetails, @MiddlewareDetails, @DatabaseDetails, @TokenDetails, @SentimentScore,
                                       @UserName, @EmailId, @ContactNo)", connection);

                                if (state.PhoneContact == null)
                                    state.PhoneContact = "0";
                                    state.Contact = "None";

                                 * Commands to insert the user response to the database

                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("TokenDescription", state.Desc));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ServerDetails", state.ServerName));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("MiddlewareDetails", state.MiddlewareName));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("DatabaseDetails", state.DBName));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("TokenDetails", System.DateTimeOffset.Now));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("SentimentScore", sentimentScore));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("UserName", state.Name));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("EmailId", state.Contact));
                                insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ContactNo", state.PhoneContact));

                                var DBresult = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                if (DBresult > 0)

                                    string ReconnectionEstablish = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["APRMConnection"].ConnectionString;

                                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ReconnectionEstablish);


                                    var selectTicketId = "Select Id from dbo.BotDetails WHERE UserName = @UserName";

                                    SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectTicketId, conn);

                                    selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", state.Name);

                                    using (SqlDataReader queryReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                                        while (queryReader.Read())
                                            String retrieveId = queryReader.GetInt32(0).ToString();
                                            //await context.PostAsync("Your ticket has been raised successfully, " + retrieveId + " your token id for the raised ticket");

                                    await context.PostAsync("Some problem occured, Please try again after sometime");

                                 * Close the existing connection to the DB

                                 * Checks wether the connection is established or not
                                Console.WriteLine("Not connected");

                             * Snow connection code
                            string DetailDescription = state.Desc + " the services are running on server " + state.ServerName + ", using " + state.DBName + " database and the" + state.MiddlewareName + " service";
                            String incidentNo        = string.Empty;
                            string contactOption;

                             * If else condition to catch the contact option
                            if (state.ContactType == ContactTypeOptions.Email)
                                contactOption = "Email";

                                contactOption = "Phone";

                            incidentNo = SnowLogger.CreateIncidentServiceNow(state.Desc, contactOption, DetailDescription, state.CategoryName);
                            await context.PostAsync("Your ticket has been raised successfully, " + incidentNo + " your token id for the raised ticket");

                            await context.PostAsync("Please keep the note of above token number. as it would be used for future references");
                        catch (Exception e)

                     * Method to check the user sentiment and report it to the user

                    /*await context.PostAsync($"You rated our service as: {Math.Round(sentiment * 10, 1)}/10");
                     * if (sentiment <= 0.5)
                     * {
                     *  PromptDialog.Confirm(context, ResumeAfterFeedbackClarification, "I see it wasn't perfect, can we contact you about this?");
                     * }*/

                catch (Exception ex)

            return(new FormBuilder <TicketModel>()
                   .Field(nameof(Name), validate: ValidateNameInfo)
                   .Field(nameof(ServerName) /*validate: ValidateServerInfo*/)
                   .Field(nameof(MiddlewareName), validate: ValidateMiddlewareInfo)
                   .Field(nameof(DBName), validate: ValidateDatabaseInfo)
                   .Field(nameof(Contact), (s) => s.ContactType == ContactTypeOptions.Email, validate: ValidateContactInformation)
                   .Field(nameof(PhoneContact), (s) => s.ContactType == ContactTypeOptions.Phone, validate: ValidatePhoneContact)
                   .Message("According to the responses entered by you I have generated a statement for you that showscase you problem : " +
                            "{Desc} running on server {ServerName}, using {DBName} database and the {MiddlewareName} services used by you.")
                   //"Please enter Yes if this successfully describe your problem.")