public async Task None(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            var textAnalyticsClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CognitiveServices_TextAnalyticsKey"]);
            var sentiment           = await textAnalyticsClient.GetSentimentForTextAsync(result.Query);

            // attempt to obtain applicant info
            var a = await ApplicantFactory.GetApplicantByContext(context);

            var app = a.Applications.First().Value;

            app.SentimentData.Add(new Common.Models.Sentiment()
                AdvisorContacted = false,
                SentimentScore   = sentiment,
                SentimentTaken   = DateTime.Now
            await ApplicantFactory.PersistApplicant(a);

            if (sentiment < 0.45)
                PromptDialog.Text(context, ResumeAfterEmailPromptAsync, string.Format("I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like me to email your recruiter, {0}, so that you can discuss the matter?", app.Recrutier.Name));
            else if (sentiment >= 0.45 && sentiment <= 0.75)
                await context.PostAsync(string.Format("Ok. Contact your recruiter, {0}, if there is anything you would like to discuss regarding your placement.", app.Recrutier.Name));

                context.Done <string>(null);
                await context.PostAsync("Great! That's good to hear. I'll check back in with you toward the end of your contract.");

                context.Done <string>(null);