Esempio n. 1
        }                                     // the rate for each state (how many ticks before switching a frame)

        public SpriteAnalyzer(Hero hero, State state)
            Rate = (int)state / 10; //using the rate of each state declared in Global to decide how many ticks pass until the frame switches

            #region tex and color
            Tex = <Texture2D>(hero.ToString() + "/" + state.ToString());             //accessing the desired sprite
            Color[] c = new Color[Tex.Width];                                                       //creating a new color array
            Tex.GetData <Color>(0, new Rectangle(0, Tex.Height - 1, Tex.Width, 1), c, 0, c.Length); //inserting the color from the texture into the color array
            #region black
            List <int> black = new List <int>(); //creating a new list for the locations of the black dots responsible for dividing the sprite
            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)   //for every pixel in the bottom of the sprite
                if (c[i] != c[1])                //if the dot is black
                    black.Add(i);                //add the location of the dot into the list
            #region recs
            for (int i = 0; i < black.Count() - 2; i += 2)                                     //for every second black dot in the array starting from the first one besides the last two -- we dont go over the last 2 because for every dot we have to access the two dots after it
                Recs.Add(new Rectangle(black[i], 0, black[i + 2] - black[i], Tex.Height - 2)); //make a rectangle starting at the dot and ending two dots after it which marks the frame
            #region orgs
            for (int i = 1; i < black.Count() - 1; i += 2)                      // for every second dot starting from the second dot
                Orgs.Add(new Vector2(black[i] - black[i - 1], Tex.Height - 2)); // we add every second dot into the orgs array to mark it is and origin for the specific frame
            makeTranBg(); //calling for a function to erase the picture background and make it transparent
Esempio n. 2
        void makeTranBg()
            Color[] c = new Color[Tex.Width * Tex.Height]; //making a new color array
            Tex.GetData <Color>(c);                        //inserting the color from the texture into the color array
            Color back = c[0];                             //declaring the first pixel of the texture to be the background color

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)             // for every spot in the color array
                if (c[i] == back)                          // if the color is the background color
                    c[i] = Color.Transparent;              // change the color to transparent
            Tex.SetData <Color>(c); //sending all the pixels back into the texture after making the background transparent
Esempio n. 3
        void MakeBgTrans()
            //This Method Tekes the whole Texture and turns the background color into clear pixels.
            Color[] c = new Color[Tex.Width * Tex.Height];
            Tex.GetData <Color>(c);
            Color trans = c[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
                if (c[i] == trans)
                    c[i] = Color.Transparent;

            //Putting back the clear version of the texture into the Texture.
            Tex.SetData <Color>(c);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This Method takes all the information to drawing a frame from
        /// Dots on the Texture itself. black Dots On Tex To represent The
        /// Origin And Rectangle places, and the green spots on the
        /// CollisionMask represent the center of the circels and their radiuses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hero">A chracter from enum Character</param>
        /// <param name="state">A state from enum State</param>
        public SpriteStrip(Character hero, State state)
            //Loading the Texture and Collision Texture respectivly.
            string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            String TexPath = path + "/content/" + hero.ToString() + "/" + state.ToString() + ".xnb";

            if (File.Exists(TexPath))
                Tex = <Texture2D>(hero.ToString() + "/" + state.ToString());

            String ColMaskPath = path + "/content/" + hero.ToString() + "Mask" + "/" +
                                 state.ToString() + "Mask" + ".xnb";

            if (File.Exists(ColMaskPath))
                CollisionMask = <Texture2D>(hero.ToString() + "Mask" + "/" +
                                                      state.ToString() + "Mask");

            //Creats an array of color, with width of the tex.width

            Color[] Cstrip = new Color[Tex.Width];
            Tex.GetData <Color>(0, new Rectangle(0, Tex.Height - 1, Tex.Width, 1), Cstrip, 0, Cstrip.Length);

            // Takes a rectangle from a texture and puts it into a color array (Cstrip)
            List <int> Bpnts = new List <int>(); // a list of int points that contain the X position of the balck dots

            //Puts every black point in the arrray.
            for (int i = 0; i < Cstrip.Length; i++)
                if (Cstrip[i] != Cstrip[1])

            // Creates the diffrent "frames" of the animation strip by skipping
            // Two at a time on the array of black point.
            for (int i = 0; i < Bpnts.Count - 2; i += 2)
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(Bpnts[i], 0, Bpnts[i + 2] - Bpnts[i], Tex.Height - 1);

            //The method uses radCount to count the radius of the Current circle.
            //And tmpCulmn to skip over the next green Dot and not mistake it for another circle.
            int radCount = 0;
            int tmpCulmn;

            for (int i = 0; i < Recs.Count; i++)
                // Creats an array of color, with width and height of the current rectangel
                Color[] tmpCS = new Color[Recs[i].Width * Recs[i].Height];
                CollisionMask.GetData <Color>(0, Recs[i], tmpCS, 0, tmpCS.Length);
                List <CollisionCircle> SemiCollisionCircles = new List <CollisionCircle>();

                for (int row = 0; row < Recs[i].Height; row++)
                    radCount = 0;
                    tmpCulmn = 0;
                    for (int culmn = 1; culmn < Recs[i].Width; culmn++)
                        if (tmpCS[(row * Recs[i].Width) + culmn + tmpCulmn] == tmpCS[0])
                            radCount = 0;
                            tmpCulmn = culmn + 1;
                            while (tmpCS[(row * Recs[i].Width) + tmpCulmn] != tmpCS[0])
                            //Creating the Circle.
                            CollisionCircle c = new CollisionCircle(new Vector2(culmn, row), (float)radCount);


            // Creates the diffrent "origins" of each frame.
            for (int i = 1; i < Bpnts.Count - 1; i += 2)
                Vector2 v = new Vector2(Bpnts[i] - Bpnts[i - 1], Tex.Height - 2);
