public void Count_Get_ReturnsCount()
            // Arrange
            var list = new TestableList(isRandom: true, this.sequence.ToArray());

            // Act & Assert
            list.Count.Should().Be(sequence.Count, because: "this is the count of the sequence passed on construction");
        public void MergeSortOfStub_Sort_ThrowsNotImplementedException()
            // Arrange
            var list = new TestableList(isRandom: false, this.sequence.ToArray());

            // Act & Assert
            list.Invoking(l => l.MergeSort()).Should().Throw <NotImplementedException>();
        public void IndexOf_Get_ReturnsCorrectIndex()
            // Arrange
            var list  = new TestableList(isRandom: false, this.sequence.ToArray());
            var index = this.sequence.Count / 2;
            var value = this.sequence[index];

            // Act & Assert
            list.IndexOf(value).Should().Be(index, because: "this was the index of the value when passed to the constructor");
        public void Index_ValidIndex_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            // Arrange
            var list = new TestableList(isRandom: false, content: sequence.ToArray());

            // Act & Assert
            for (var i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                list[i].Should().Be(sequence[i], because: "this is the value at the index of the original sequence and the list was not shuffled");
        public void DeleteAt_Delete_RemovesItem()
            // Arrange
            var list         = new TestableList(isRandom: false, this.sequence.ToArray());
            var index        = this.sequence.Count / 2;
            var deletedValue = this.sequence[index];

            // Act

            // Assert
            list[index].Should().NotBe(deletedValue, because: "this item was deleted");
        public void Add_Add_AppendsToBottom()
            // Arrange
            var list             = new TestableList(isRandom: false, this.sequence.ToArray());
            var value            = 348;
            var indexOfAddedItem = sequence.Count; // Append after sequence so index of added item should be count of the index.

            // Act

            // Assert
            list[indexOfAddedItem].Should().Be(value, because: "this was the added value");
        public void Index_Set_Get_ReturnsSetValue()
            // Arrange
            var value = 2;
            var size  = 10;
            var list  = new TestableList(capacity: size);
            var index = 2;

            // Act
            list[index] = value;

            // Assert
            list[index].Should().Be(value, because: "this is the value that the value was set to");