/** Goes through all methods and adds an implicit cost for those beginning with "set" (assuming
     * to test the {@code baseMethod}'s class, you need to be able to call the setters for initialization.  */
 private void addSetterInjection(MethodInfo baseMethod, TestabilityVisitor.CostRecordingFrame frame)
     foreach (MethodInfo setter in baseMethod.GetSiblingSetters())
         frame.applyImplicitCost(setter, Reason.IMPLICIT_SETTER);
 /** Adds an implicit cost to all non-static methods for calling the constructor. (Because to test
    * any instance method, you must be able to instantiate the class.) Also marks parameters
    * injectable for the constructor with the most non-primitive parameters. */
 private void addConstructorCost(MethodInfo method, TestabilityVisitor.CostRecordingFrame frame)
     MethodInfo constructor = method.ClassInfo.GetConstructorWithMostNonPrimitiveParameters();
     if (constructor != null)
         frame.applyImplicitCost(constructor, Reason.IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR);
 /** Includes the cost of all static initialization blocks, as well as static field assignments. */
 private void addStaticInitializationCost(MethodInfo baseMethod, TestabilityVisitor.CostRecordingFrame frame)
     if (baseMethod.IsStaticConstructor())
     foreach (var method in baseMethod.ClassInfo.GetMethods())
         //if (method.Name.StartsWith("<clinit>"))
         if (method.Name.StartsWith(".cctor"))
             // TODO, different way to represent constructor method, by sunlw
             frame.applyImplicitCost(method, Reason.IMPLICIT_STATIC_INIT);