public void Deserialize_FromOracleData_WithTestTableWithUnion_And_TestTable1() { var table1 = new TestTable1() { IntProp = 42, ByteProp = 22, ShortProp = 62, }; var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.GenerateTestTableWithUnion(1024, testTable1Prop: table1); var serializer = new FlatBuffersSerializer(); var o = serializer.Deserialize <TestTableWithUnion>(oracleResult, 0, oracleResult.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1024, o.IntProp); Assert.IsInstanceOf <TestTable1>(o.UnionProp); var o1 = o.UnionProp as TestTable1; Assert.AreEqual(table1.IntProp, o1.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(table1.ShortProp, o1.ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(table1.ByteProp, o1.ByteProp); }
protected void Test00() { // Arrange var(builder, v) = Setup(); var t0Name = new DbName(Rnd.Str); var t0Column = Rnd.Str; var t0 = new TestTable0(t0Name, t0Column); var t1Name = new DbName(Rnd.Str); var t1Column = Rnd.Str; var t1 = new TestTable1(t1Name, t1Column); // Act var result = builder.AddRightJoin(v.Parts, t0, t => t.Foo, t1, t => t.Bar); // Assert var some = result.AssertSome(); Assert.NotSame(v.Parts, some); Assert.Collection(some.RightJoin, x => { Assert.Equal(t0Name, x.from.TblName); Assert.Equal(t0Column, x.from.ColName); Assert.Equal(t1Name,; Assert.Equal(t1Column,; } ); }
/// <summary> /// 修改数据。必须传入Id /// </summary> public BaseResult UptUser(TestTableParam param) { if (param.Id == null) { return(new BaseResult(false, null, Msg.ParamError)); } var model = new TestTable1(); if (param.Name != null) { model.Name = param.Name; } if (param.IDNumber != null) { model.IDNumber = param.IDNumber; } if (param.MobilePhone != null) { model.MobilePhone = param.MobilePhone; } var count = TestTableRepository.Update(model, d => d.Id == param.Id); //更新缓存 TestTableCache.DelUserModel(param.Id.Value); return(new BaseResult(true)); }
public void Serialize_TestTable1_And_TestTableWithOriginalOrdering_EmitDifferentBuffers() { const int intProp = 123456; const byte byteProp = 42; const short shortProp = 1024; var obj = new TestTableWithOriginalOrdering() { IntProp = intProp, ByteProp = byteProp, ShortProp = shortProp }; var buffer = FlatBuffersConvert.SerializeObject(obj); var obj2 = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ByteProp = byteProp, ShortProp = shortProp }; var buffer2 = FlatBuffersConvert.SerializeObject(obj2); // Buffers will be different as they've been written in different orders Assert.IsFalse(buffer.SequenceEqual(buffer2)); }
public void Serialize_WithTestTableWithTable_CanBeReadByOracle() { const int intProp = 42; const byte byteProp = 22; const short shortProp = 62; var serializer = new FlatBuffersSerializer(); var testTable = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ShortProp = shortProp, ByteProp = byteProp }; var obj = new TestTableWithTable() { TableProp = testTable, IntProp = 1024 }; var buffer = new byte[256]; serializer.Serialize(obj, buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.ReadTestTableWithTable(buffer); Assert.AreEqual(obj.IntProp, oracleResult.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.IntProp, oracleResult.TableProp.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.ByteProp, oracleResult.TableProp.ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.ShortProp, oracleResult.TableProp.ShortProp); }
public void Serialize_TestTableWithUnion_And_TestTable1_CanBeReadByOracle() { const int intProp = 123456; const byte byteProp = 42; const short shortProp = 1024; var table1 = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ByteProp = byteProp, ShortProp = shortProp }; var obj = new TestTableWithUnion() { IntProp = 512, UnionProp = table1 }; var buffer = FlatBuffersConvert.SerializeObject(obj); var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.ReadTestTableWithUnion(buffer); Assert.AreEqual(512, oracleResult.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestTable1), oracleResult.UnionProp.GetType()); var oracleResult1 = oracleResult.UnionProp as TestTable1; Assert.IsNotNull(oracleResult1); Assert.AreEqual(intProp, oracleResult1.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(byteProp, oracleResult1.ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(shortProp, oracleResult1.ShortProp); }
public IHttpActionResult PutTestTable1(int id, TestTable1 testTable1) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != testTable1.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(testTable1).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!TestTable1Exists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public byte[] GenerateTestTableWithUnion(int intProp, TestTable1 testTable1Prop = null, TestTable2 testTable2Prop = null) { if (testTable1Prop != null && testTable2Prop != null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(8); var unionTableOffset = 0; var unionType = TestUnion.NONE; if (testTable1Prop != null) { unionTableOffset = SerializationTests.TestTable1.CreateTestTable1(fbb, testTable1Prop.IntProp, testTable1Prop.ByteProp, testTable1Prop.ShortProp).Value; unionType = TestUnion.TestTable1; } else if (testTable2Prop != null) { var stringOffset = fbb.CreateString(testTable2Prop.StringProp); unionTableOffset = SerializationTests.TestTable2.CreateTestTable2(fbb, stringOffset).Value; unionType = TestUnion.TestTable2; } var tableOffset = SerializationTests.TestTableWithUnion.CreateTestTableWithUnion(fbb, intProp, unionType, unionTableOffset); fbb.Finish(tableOffset.Value); return(GetBytes(fbb)); }
public void Serialize_TestTableWithNestedTestTable1_CanBeReadByOracle() { const int intProp = 123456; const byte byteProp = 42; const short shortProp = 1024; var nested = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ByteProp = byteProp, ShortProp = shortProp }; var obj = new TestTableWithNestedTestTable1() { IntProp = 2048, Nested = nested }; var buffer = FlatBuffersConvert.SerializeObject(obj); var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.ReadTestTableWithNestedTable1(buffer); Assert.AreEqual(2048, oracleResult.IntProp); var oracleResult1 = oracleResult.Nested as TestTable1; Assert.IsNotNull(oracleResult1); Assert.AreEqual(intProp, oracleResult1.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(byteProp, oracleResult1.ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(shortProp, oracleResult1.ShortProp); }
public void TestRegisterColumnDefault() { var t = new TestTable1(); Assert.That(t.AllColumns.Contains(t.Username)); Assert.That(t.AllColumns.Contains(t.Password)); }
/// <summary> /// attach session to "main" and update table with new row /// </summary> private void MakeAndValidateTableChanges() { // create a session for "main" database Assert.That(dbPrimary.CreateSessionAndAttachTable("main", out session, zTab: null), Is.EqualTo(SQLite3.Result.OK)); // validate no changes have occurred Assert.That(SQLiteSession.IsEmptySession(session), Is.True); // verify that "main" has 2 rows in TestTable1 var mainTestTable1Rows = dbPrimary.Query <TestTable1>("Select * FROM main.TestTable1;"); Assert.That(mainTestTable1Rows.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); // add a row to table var newRow = new TestTable1 { myString = "test", myInt = 3, myDate = DateTime.Now, myTable2Object = sampleData.myTable2Object }; Assert.That(dbPrimary.Insert(newRow), Is.EqualTo(1)); // verify that "main" now has 3 rows in TestTable1 mainTestTable1Rows = dbPrimary.Query <TestTable1>("Select * FROM main.TestTable1;"); Assert.That(mainTestTable1Rows.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); // session should no longer be empty, as we have inserted a row Assert.That(SQLiteSession.IsEmptySession(session), Is.False); }
public void Oracle_WithTestTableWithTable_CanReadGeneratedData() { const int intProp = 42; const byte byteProp = 22; const short shortProp = 62; var testTable = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ShortProp = shortProp, ByteProp = byteProp }; var obj = new TestTableWithTable() { TableProp = testTable, IntProp = 1024 }; var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var buffer = oracle.GenerateTestTableWithTable(testTable, 1024); var oracleResult = oracle.ReadTestTableWithTable(buffer); Assert.AreEqual(obj.IntProp, oracleResult.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.IntProp, oracleResult.TableProp.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.ByteProp, oracleResult.TableProp.ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(obj.TableProp.ShortProp, oracleResult.TableProp.ShortProp); }
/// <summary> /// 新增数据。必须传入姓名Name,手机号MobilePhone,身份证号IDNumber /// </summary> public BaseResult AddUser(TestTableParam param) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.MobilePhone) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.IDNumber)) { return(new BaseResult(false, null, Msg.ParamError)); } var model = new TestTable1 { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = param.Name, IDNumber = param.IDNumber, MobilePhone = param.MobilePhone, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, T2 = 0, T3 = 0, T4 = true, T7 = 0, T9 = 0 }; var count = TestTableRepository.Insert(model); //设置缓存 TestTableCache.SetUserModel(model); return(new BaseResult(count > 0, count, count > 0 ? "" : Msg.Line0)); }
public void Deserialize_FromOracleData_WithTestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields_And_TestTable1() { var table1 = new TestTable1() { IntProp = 42, ByteProp = 22, ShortProp = 62, }; var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.GenerateTestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields(1024, "Hello, FlatBuffers", 123.5f, 3.14, testTable1Prop: table1); var serializer = new FlatBuffersSerializer(); var o = serializer.Deserialize <TestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields>(oracleResult, 0, oracleResult.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1024, o.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual("Hello, FlatBuffers", o.StringProp); Assert.AreEqual(123.5f, o.FloatProp); Assert.AreEqual(3.14, o.DoubleProp); Assert.IsInstanceOf <TestTable1>(o.UnionProp); var o1 = o.UnionProp as TestTable1; Assert.AreEqual(table1.IntProp, o1.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(table1.ShortProp, o1.ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(table1.ByteProp, o1.ByteProp); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { TestTable1 testTable1 = db.TestTable1.Find(id); db.TestTable1.Remove(testTable1); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Field1,Field2")] TestTable1 testTable1) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(testTable1).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(testTable1)); }
static void InsertSomeEntities(DbContext dbContext) { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var table1s = new TestTable1(); table1s.Dummy = "Testin"; table1s.Dummy2 = i; dbContext.GetTable <TestTable1>().InsertOnSubmit(table1s); } dbContext.SubmitChanges(); }
public IHttpActionResult GetTestTable1(int id) { TestTable1 testTable1 = db.TestTable1.Find(id); if (testTable1 == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(testTable1)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Field1,Field2")] TestTable1 testTable1) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.TestTable1.Add(testTable1); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(testTable1)); }
static void TestInsertOrder(DbContext dbContext) { var testTable1 = new TestTable1(); testTable1.Dummy = "First"; testTable1.Dummy2 = 1; var testTable3 = new TestTable3(); testTable3.TestTable1 = testTable1; dbContext.GetTable <TestTable3>().InsertOnSubmit(testTable3); dbContext.SubmitChanges(); }
public TestTable1 ReadTestTable1(byte[] buffer) { var test = SerializationTests.TestTable1.GetRootAsTestTable1(new ByteBuffer(buffer)); var result = new TestTable1() { IntProp = test.IntProp, ByteProp = test.ByteProp, ShortProp = test.ShortProp }; return(result); }
public IHttpActionResult PostTestTable1(TestTable1 testTable1) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.TestTable1.Add(testTable1); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = testTable1.Id }, testTable1)); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteTestTable1(int id) { TestTable1 testTable1 = db.TestTable1.Find(id); if (testTable1 == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.TestTable1.Remove(testTable1); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(testTable1)); }
// GET: TestTable1/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TestTable1 testTable1 = db.TestTable1.Find(id); if (testTable1 == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(testTable1)); }
public byte[] GenerateTestTableWithTable(TestTable1 testTableProp, int intProp) { var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(8); var tableOffset = SerializationTests.TestTable1.CreateTestTable1(fbb, testTableProp.IntProp, testTableProp.ByteProp, testTableProp.ShortProp); SerializationTests.TestTableWithTable.StartTestTableWithTable(fbb); SerializationTests.TestTableWithTable.AddIntProp(fbb, intProp); SerializationTests.TestTableWithTable.AddTableProp(fbb, tableOffset); var offset = SerializationTests.TestTableWithTable.EndTestTableWithTable(fbb); fbb.Finish(offset.Value); return(GetBytes(fbb)); }
public ActionResult SecureXSS(TestTable1 testTable) { var testData = new TestTable1(); using (var db = new TestDbContext()) { testTable.Field2 = Encoder.HtmlEncode(testTable.Field2); db.TestTable1.Add(testTable); db.SaveChanges(); testData = db.TestTable1.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == testTable.Name); } testData.Field2 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(testData.Field2); return(View(testData)); }
public void Deserialize_FromOracleData_WithTestTableWithArrayOfTables() { var tableArray = new TestTable1[] { new TestTable1 { ByteProp = 1, IntProp = 2, ShortProp = 3 }, new TestTable1 { ByteProp = 4, IntProp = 5, ShortProp = 6 }, }; var tableList = new List <TestTable1> { new TestTable1 { ByteProp = 7, IntProp = 8, ShortProp = 9 }, new TestTable1 { ByteProp = 10, IntProp = 11, ShortProp = 12 }, }; var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.GenerateTestTableWithArrayOfTables(tableArray, tableList); var serializer = new FlatBuffersSerializer(); var o = serializer.Deserialize <TestTableWithArrayOfTables>(oracleResult, 0, oracleResult.Length); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[0].IntProp, tableArray[0].IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[0].ByteProp, tableArray[0].ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[0].ShortProp, tableArray[0].ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[1].IntProp, tableArray[1].IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[1].ByteProp, tableArray[1].ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableArrayProp[1].ShortProp, tableArray[1].ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[0].IntProp, tableList[0].IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[0].ByteProp, tableList[0].ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[0].ShortProp, tableList[0].ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[1].IntProp, tableList[1].IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[1].ByteProp, tableList[1].ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(o.TableListProp[1].ShortProp, tableList[1].ShortProp); }
public void Deserialize_FromOracleData_WithTestTableWithTable() { var testTable = new TestTable1() { IntProp = 42, ByteProp = 22, ShortProp = 62, }; var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.GenerateTestTableWithTable(testTable, 1024); var serializer = new FlatBuffersSerializer(); var o = serializer.Deserialize <TestTableWithTable>(oracleResult, 0, oracleResult.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1024, o.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(testTable.IntProp, o.TableProp.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(testTable.ShortProp, o.TableProp.ShortProp); Assert.AreEqual(testTable.ByteProp, o.TableProp.ByteProp); }
static void TestDeleteMultiple(DbContext dbContext) { var testTable1 = new TestTable1(); testTable1.Dummy = "Del"; testTable1.Dummy2 = 69; dbContext.GetTable <TestTable1>().InsertOnSubmit(testTable1); var testTable31 = new TestTable3(); testTable31.TestTable1 = testTable1; var testTable32 = new TestTable3(); testTable32.TestTable1 = testTable1; dbContext.SubmitChanges(); dbContext.DeleteOnSubmit(testTable31); dbContext.DeleteOnSubmit(testTable32); dbContext.DeleteOnSubmit(testTable1); dbContext.SubmitChanges(); }
public void Serialize_TestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields_And_TestTable1_CanBeReadByOracle() { const int intProp = 123456; const byte byteProp = 42; const short shortProp = 1024; var table1 = new TestTable1() { IntProp = intProp, ByteProp = byteProp, ShortProp = shortProp }; var obj = new TestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields() { IntProp = 512, StringProp = "Hello, world!", FloatProp = 3.125f, DoubleProp = 3.14, UnionProp = table1 }; var buffer = FlatBuffersConvert.SerializeObject(obj); var oracle = new SerializationTestOracle(); var oracleResult = oracle.ReadTestTableWithUnionAndMoreFields(buffer); Assert.AreEqual(512, oracleResult.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual("Hello, world!", oracleResult.StringProp); Assert.AreEqual(3.125f, oracleResult.FloatProp); Assert.AreEqual(3.14, oracleResult.DoubleProp); Assert.IsInstanceOf <TestTable1>(oracleResult.UnionProp); var oracleResult1 = oracleResult.UnionProp as TestTable1; Assert.IsNotNull(oracleResult1); Assert.AreEqual(intProp, oracleResult1.IntProp); Assert.AreEqual(byteProp, oracleResult1.ByteProp); Assert.AreEqual(shortProp, oracleResult1.ShortProp); }