/// <summary> /// Send a meeting response email /// </summary> /// <param name="calendar">The meeting calendar</param> protected void SendMeetingResponse(Calendar calendar) { // Create reply mail to organizer string emailBody = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "content"); string icalendarResponseContent = TestSuiteHelper.CreateMeetingResponseiCalendarFormatContent( (DateTime)calendar.DtStamp, (DateTime)calendar.EndTime, calendar.UID, calendar.Subject, calendar.Location, calendar.OrganizerEmail, calendar.Attendees.Attendee[0].Email); // Create reply mail mime content string meetingResponseEmailMime = TestSuiteHelper.CreateMeetingRequestMime( calendar.Attendees.Attendee[0].Email, calendar.OrganizerEmail, calendar.Subject, emailBody, icalendarResponseContent); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); SendMailRequest sendMailRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSendMailRequest(clientId, false, meetingResponseEmailMime); this.SwitchUser(this.User2Information, true); SendMailResponse response = this.EMAILAdapter.SendMail(sendMailRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <string>( string.Empty, response.ResponseDataXML, "The server should return an empty xml response data to indicate SendMail command success."); }
/// <summary> /// Get the specified email item. /// </summary> /// <param name="emailSubject">The subject of the email item.</param> /// <param name="folderCollectionId">The serverId of the default folder.</param> /// <param name="bodyPreference">The preference information related to the type and size of information that is returned from fetching.</param> /// <returns>The result of getting the specified email item.</returns> protected SyncStore GetSyncResult(string emailSubject, string folderCollectionId, Request.BodyPreference bodyPreference) { SyncStore syncItemResult; Sync item = null; int counter = 0; int waitTime = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("WaitTime", this.Site)); int retryCount = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RetryCount", this.Site)); do { Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // Get the new added email item SyncStore initSyncResult = this.InitializeSync(folderCollectionId); syncItemResult = this.SyncChanges(initSyncResult.SyncKey, folderCollectionId, bodyPreference); if (syncItemResult != null && syncItemResult.CollectionStatus == 1) { item = TestSuiteHelper.GetSyncAddItem(syncItemResult, emailSubject); } counter++; }while ((syncItemResult == null || item == null) && counter < retryCount); Site.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "The email item with subject {0} should be found. Retry count: {1}", emailSubject, counter); // Verify sync result Site.Assert.AreEqual <byte>( 1, syncItemResult.CollectionStatus, "If the Sync command executes successfully, the status in response should be 1."); return(syncItemResult); }
/// <summary> /// Send a plain text email. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject of email</param> /// <param name="cc">The cc address of the mail</param> /// <param name="bcc">The bcc address of the mail</param> protected void SendPlaintextEmail(string subject, string cc, string bcc) { string emailBody = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "content"); string emailMime = TestSuiteHelper.CreatePlainTextMime( Common.GetMailAddress(this.User1Information.UserName, this.User1Information.UserDomain), Common.GetMailAddress(this.User2Information.UserName, this.User2Information.UserDomain), cc, bcc, subject, emailBody); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); SendMailRequest sendMailRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSendMailRequest(clientId, false, emailMime); this.SwitchUser(this.User1Information, false); SendMailResponse response = this.EMAILAdapter.SendMail(sendMailRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <string>( string.Empty, response.ResponseDataXML, "The server should return an empty xml response data to indicate SendMail command executes successfully."); this.SwitchUser(this.User2Information, true); this.RecordCaseRelativeItems(this.User2Information.UserName, this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId, subject); }
/// <summary> /// Send a plain text email. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject of email</param> /// <param name="cc">The cc address of the mail</param> /// <param name="bcc">The bcc address of the mail</param> /// <param name="to">The to address of the mail</param> /// <param name="sender">The sender address of the mail</param> /// <param name="replyTo">The replyTo address of the mail</param> /// <param name="from">The from address of the mail</param> protected void SendPlaintextEmail( string subject, string cc, string bcc, string to, string sender, string replyTo, string from) { string emailBody = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "content"); string emailMime = TestSuiteHelper.CreatePlainTextMime( string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) ? Common.GetMailAddress(this.User1Information.UserName, this.User1Information.UserDomain) : from, string.IsNullOrEmpty(to) ? Common.GetMailAddress(this.User2Information.UserName, this.User2Information.UserDomain) : to, cc, bcc, subject, emailBody, sender, replyTo); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); SendMailRequest sendMailRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSendMailRequest(clientId, false, emailMime); this.SwitchUser(this.User1Information, false); SendMailResponse response = this.EMAILAdapter.SendMail(sendMailRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <string>( string.Empty, response.ResponseDataXML, "The server should return an empty xml response data to indicate SendMail command was executed successfully."); }
/// <summary> /// Sync changes between client and server /// </summary> /// <param name="syncKey">The synchronization key returned by last request.</param> /// <param name="collectionId">Identify the folder as the collection being synchronized.</param> /// <param name="bodyPreference">Sets preference information related to the type and size of information for body</param> /// <returns>Return change result</returns> protected SyncStore SyncChanges(string syncKey, string collectionId, Request.BodyPreference bodyPreference) { // Get changes from server use initial syncKey SyncRequest syncRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncRequest(syncKey, collectionId, bodyPreference); SyncStore syncResult = this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(syncRequest); return(syncResult); }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC10_UndoCheckOut_Succeed() { string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file. bool isFicheckOutSuccessfully = false; isFicheckOutSuccessfully = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); if (!isFicheckOutSuccessfully) { Site.Assert.Fail("Expect CheckOutFile operation failed due to unexpected reason."); } #endregion #region Undo the checkout. bool isUndoCheckOutSucceed = false; // Undo a checkOut process by calling UndoCheckOut operation. isUndoCheckOutSucceed = this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(absoluteFileUrl); #endregion #region Capture R7781 R787 and R1973 if the UndoCheckOut succeeds and returns true value. // Verify requirement R7781. // If undo check out is successful, it means implementation does support this UndoCheckOut method. R7781 can be captured. if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(7781, this.Site)) { Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isUndoCheckOutSucceed, 7781, @"Implementation does support this method[UndoCheckOut]. (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and above follow this behavior.)"); } Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isUndoCheckOutSucceed, 787, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] If there are no errors, the protocol server MUST undo the checkout operation on the specified document."); Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isUndoCheckOutSucceed, 1973, @"[UndoCheckOutResponse]The value is True if the operation is successful;"); #endregion }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC04_CheckInFile_Succeed() { // create a list by using document library template string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file. bool checkOutSucceeded = false; checkOutSucceeded = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); Site.Assert.IsTrue(checkOutSucceeded, "CheckOutFile must succeed!"); #endregion #region Check in the file which has been checked out. bool checkInSucceeded = false; // generate a random string. string checkInComments = TestSuiteHelper.GenerateRandomString(5); checkInSucceeded = this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(absoluteFileUrl, checkInComments, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); #endregion #region Capture R16381, R398 and R1660 if the CheckInFile succeeds and returns true value. // Verify requirement R16381. // If there are no other errors, it means implementation does support this CheckInFile method. R16381 can be captured. if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(16381, this.Site)) { Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( checkInSucceeded, 16381, @"Implementation does support this method[CheckInFile]. (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and above follow this behavior.)"); } // If CheckInFile operation return true, capture R398, 1660 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( checkInSucceeded, 398, @"[In CheckInFile operation] If there are no other errors, the document located at pageUrl MUST be checked-in by using comments and CheckinType specified in the CheckInFileSoapIn request message."); Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( checkInSucceeded, 1660, @"[CheckInFileResponse][CheckInFileResult]The value is True if the operation is successful;"); #endregion }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC02_CheckInFile_EmptyCheckInType() { // create a normal list document Library and upload a file to SUT string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, (int)TemplateType.Document_Library); string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); // Check out the added file. bool isSoapFautExisted = false; isSoapFautExisted = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSoapFautExisted, "CheckOutFile must succeed!"); // Check in file with null "comment" parameter and valid "checkinType" parameter. isSoapFautExisted = this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(absoluteFileUrl, null, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSoapFautExisted, "CheckInFile must succeed!"); // Check out the added file again. isSoapFautExisted = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSoapFautExisted, "CheckOutFile must succeed!"); // Invoke CheckInFile operation with pageUrl not referring to a document library, and catch the exception. string errorCode = string.Empty; isSoapFautExisted = false; try { string emptyCheckInTypeValue = string.Empty; this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(absoluteFileUrl, null, emptyCheckInTypeValue); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFautExisted = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // If there is a soap fault capture R395 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFautExisted, 395, @"[In CheckInFile operation] If the CheckinType element is an empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault."); // If there is a soap fault and no error code, capture R1643 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFautExisted && string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCode), 1643, @"[In CheckInFile operation] [If the checkInType parameter is an empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.]There is no error code for this fault."); }
/// <summary> /// Update email with more data /// </summary> /// <param name="collectionId">The collectionId of the folder which contains the item to be updated.</param> /// <param name="syncKey">The syncKey which is returned from server</param> /// <param name="read">The value is TRUE indicates the email has been read; a value of FALSE indicates the email has not been read</param> /// <param name="serverId">The server id of the email</param> /// <param name="flag">The flag instance</param> /// <param name="categories">The list of categories</param> /// <param name="additionalElement">Additional flag element</param> /// <param name="insertTag">Additional element will insert before this tag</param> /// <returns>Return update email result</returns> protected SendStringResponse UpdateEmailWithMoreData(string collectionId, string syncKey, bool read, string serverId, Request.Flag flag, Collection <object> categories, string additionalElement, string insertTag) { // Create normal sync request Request.SyncCollectionChange changeData = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncChangeData(read, serverId, flag, categories); SyncRequest syncRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncChangeRequest(syncKey, collectionId, changeData); // Calls Sync command to update email with invalid sync request SendStringResponse result = this.EMAILAdapter.InvalidSync(syncRequest, additionalElement, insertTag); return(result); }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC08_UndoCheckOut_WithNoDocument() { // create a normal document Library and upload a file to SUT string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Invoke UndoCheckOut operation with pageUrl not referring to a document library, and catch the exception. string errorCode = string.Empty; bool isSoapFaultExisted = false; try { this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(absoluteFileUrl + TestSuiteHelper.GenerateRandomString(2)); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExisted = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } #endregion #region Capture R786 R1964 // If Soap Fault Existed, Capture R786 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExisted, 786, "[In UndoCheckOut operation] If the pageUrl does not refer to a document, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault. "); // If there is no any error code in soap fault, capture R1964 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCode), 1964, "[In UndoCheckOut operation] [If the pageUrl does not refer to a document, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.] There is no error code for this fault."); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Update email /// </summary> /// <param name="collectionId">The collectionId of the folder which contains the item to be updated.</param> /// <param name="syncKey">The syncKey which is returned from server</param> /// <param name="read">The value is TRUE indicates the email has been read; a value of FALSE indicates the email has not been read</param> /// <param name="serverId">The server id of the email</param> /// <param name="flag">The flag instance</param> /// <param name="categories">The array of categories</param> /// <returns>Return update email result</returns> protected SyncStore UpdateEmail(string collectionId, string syncKey, bool?read, string serverId, Request.Flag flag, Collection <string> categories) { Request.SyncCollectionChange changeData = new Request.SyncCollectionChange { ServerId = serverId, ApplicationData = new Request.SyncCollectionChangeApplicationData() }; List <object> items = new List <object>(); List <Request.ItemsChoiceType7> itemsElementName = new List <Request.ItemsChoiceType7>(); if (null != read) { items.Add(read); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType7.Read); } if (null != flag) { items.Add(flag); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType7.Flag); } if (null != categories) { Request.Categories2 mailCategories = new Request.Categories2 { Category = new string[categories.Count] }; categories.CopyTo(mailCategories.Category, 0); items.Add(mailCategories); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType7.Categories2); } changeData.ApplicationData.Items = items.ToArray(); changeData.ApplicationData.ItemsElementName = itemsElementName.ToArray(); SyncRequest syncRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncChangeRequest(syncKey, collectionId, changeData); SyncStore result = this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(syncRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <byte>( 1, result.CollectionStatus, "The server returns a Status 1 in the Sync command response indicate sync command success."); return(result); }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC07_CheckOutFile_Succeed() { string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file with all valid parameters. bool isCheckout = false; isCheckout = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, "False", null); #endregion #region Capture R16611, R412 and R1679 if the CheckOutFile succeeds and returns true value. // Verify requirement R16611. // If there are no other errors, it means implementation does support this CheckOutFile method. R16611 can be captured. if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(16611, this.Site)) { Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isCheckout, 16611, @"Implementation does support this method[CheckOutFile]. (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and above follow this behavior.)"); } Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isCheckout, 412, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] If there are no other errors, the document located at pageUrl MUST be checked out by using checkoutToLocal and last modified as specified in the CheckOutFileSoapIn request message."); Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isCheckout, 1679, @"[CheckOutFileResponse]The value is True if the operation is successful;"); #endregion }
public void TestCaseInitialize() { this.listwsInstance = this.Site.GetAdapter <IMS_LISTSWSAdapter>(); Common.CheckCommonProperties(this.Site, true); this.sutControlAdapter = this.Site.GetAdapter <IMS_LISTSWSSUTControlAdapter>(); #region New initialization if (!TestSuiteHelper.GuardEnviromentClean()) { Site.Debug.Fail("The test environment is not clean, refer the log files for details."); } // Initialize the TestSuiteHelper TestSuiteHelper.Initialize(this.Site, this.listwsInstance); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Call SendMail command to send one voice email /// </summary> /// <param name="emailSubject">Email subject</param> /// <param name="firstVoiceFilePath">First voice attachment file name</param> /// <param name="secondVoiceFilePath">Second voice attachment file name</param> /// <returns>Email item</returns> private Sync SendVoiceMail(string emailSubject, string firstVoiceFilePath, string secondVoiceFilePath) { // Create mail content string senderEmail = Common.GetMailAddress(this.User1Information.UserName, this.User1Information.UserDomain); string receiverEmail = Common.GetMailAddress(this.User2Information.UserName, this.User2Information.UserDomain); string emailBody = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "content"); string callNumber = "7125550123"; // Create voice mail content mime string voiceMailMime = TestSuiteHelper.CreateVoiceAttachmentMime( senderEmail, receiverEmail, emailSubject, emailBody, callNumber, firstVoiceFilePath, secondVoiceFilePath); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); SendMailRequest sendMailRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSendMailRequest(clientId, false, voiceMailMime); SendMailResponse response = this.EMAILAdapter.SendMail(sendMailRequest); // Verify send voice mail success Site.Assert.AreEqual <string>( string.Empty, response.ResponseDataXML, "The server should return an empty xml response data to indicate SendMail command executes successfully.", response.ResponseDataXML); #region Record user name, folder collectionId and item subject that are used in this case. this.SwitchUser(this.User2Information, true); this.RecordCaseRelativeItems(this.User2Information.UserName, this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId, emailSubject); #endregion #region Sync changes in user2 mailbox . // Sync changes SyncStore result = this.GetSyncResult(emailSubject, this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId, null); Sync emailItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetSyncAddItem(result, emailSubject); #endregion return(emailItem); }
/// <summary> /// Update email with invalid data /// </summary> /// <param name="invalidElement">invalid element send to server</param> /// <returns>Update results status code</returns> private string UpdateVoiceEmailWithInvalidData(string invalidElement) { // Switch to user2 mailbox this.SwitchUser(this.User2Information, true); // Sync changes SyncStore initSyncResult = this.InitializeSync(this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId); SyncStore syncChangeResult = this.SyncChanges(initSyncResult.SyncKey, this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId, null); string syncKey = syncChangeResult.SyncKey; string serverId = this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId; // Create normal Sync change request Request.SyncCollectionChange changeData = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncChangeData(true, serverId, null, null); SyncRequest syncRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncChangeRequest(syncKey, this.User2Information.InboxCollectionId, changeData); // Calls Sync command to update email with invalid sync request string insertTag = "</ApplicationData>"; SendStringResponse result = this.EMAILAdapter.InvalidSync(syncRequest, invalidElement, insertTag); // Get status code return(TestSuiteHelper.GetStatusCode(result.ResponseDataXML)); }
/// <summary> /// Send a meeting request email. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject of email</param> /// <param name="calendar">The meeting calendar</param> protected void SendMeetingRequest(string subject, Calendar calendar) { string emailBody = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "content"); string icalendarFormatContent = TestSuiteHelper.CreateiCalendarFormatContent(calendar); string meetingEmailMime = TestSuiteHelper.CreateMeetingRequestMime( calendar.OrganizerEmail, calendar.Attendees.Attendee[0].Email, subject, emailBody, icalendarFormatContent); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); SendMailRequest sendMailRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSendMailRequest(clientId, false, meetingEmailMime); this.SwitchUser(this.User1Information, false); SendMailResponse response = this.EMAILAdapter.SendMail(sendMailRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <string>( string.Empty, response.ResponseDataXML, "The server should return an empty xml response data to indicate SendMail command success."); }
/// <summary> /// Add a meeting to the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="calendarCollectionId">The collectionId of the folder which the item should be added.</param> /// <param name="elementsToValueMap">The key and value pairs of common meeting properties.</param> protected void SyncAddMeeting(string calendarCollectionId, Dictionary <Request.ItemsChoiceType8, object> elementsToValueMap) { Request.SyncCollectionAddApplicationData applicationData = new Request.SyncCollectionAddApplicationData { Items = new object[elementsToValueMap.Count], ItemsElementName = new Request.ItemsChoiceType8[elementsToValueMap.Count] }; if (elementsToValueMap.Count > 0) { elementsToValueMap.Values.CopyTo(applicationData.Items, 0); elementsToValueMap.Keys.CopyTo(applicationData.ItemsElementName, 0); } SyncStore iniSync = this.InitializeSync(calendarCollectionId); SyncRequest syncAddRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncAddRequest(iniSync.SyncKey, calendarCollectionId, applicationData); SyncStore syncAddResponse = this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(syncAddRequest); Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>( 1, int.Parse(syncAddResponse.AddResponses[0].Status), "The sync add operation should be successful."); }
public void TestCaseCleanup() { #region New clean up TestSuiteHelper.CleanUp(); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Create a default calendar object in the current login user calendar folder /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The calendar subject</param> /// <param name="organizerEmailAddress">The organizer email address</param> /// <param name="attendeeEmailAddress">The attendee email address</param> /// <param name="calendarUID">The uid of calendar</param> /// <param name="timestamp">The DtStamp of calendar</param> /// <param name="startTime">The StartTime of calendar</param> /// <param name="endTime">The EndTime of calendar</param> /// <returns>Returns the Calendar instance</returns> protected Calendar CreateDefaultCalendar( string subject, string organizerEmailAddress, string attendeeEmailAddress, string calendarUID, DateTime?timestamp, DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime) { #region Configure the default calendar application data Request.SyncCollectionAdd syncAddCollection = new Request.SyncCollectionAdd(); string clientId = TestSuiteHelper.GetClientId(); syncAddCollection.ClientId = clientId; syncAddCollection.ApplicationData = new Request.SyncCollectionAddApplicationData(); List <object> items = new List <object>(); List <Request.ItemsChoiceType8> itemsElementName = new List <Request.ItemsChoiceType8>(); if (!Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("12.1")) { items.Add(true); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.ResponseRequested); } #region TIME/Subject/Location/UID items.Add(string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}Z", null == startTime ? DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5) : startTime.Value)); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.StartTime); items.Add(string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}Z", null == endTime ? DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5).AddMinutes(30) : endTime.Value)); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.EndTime); if (!Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.0") && !Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.1")) { items.Add(string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}Z", null == timestamp ? DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5) : timestamp.Value)); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.DtStamp); } items.Add(subject); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Subject); items.Add(calendarUID ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); if (Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.0") || Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.1")) { itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.ClientUid); } else { itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.UID); } if (Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.0") || Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.1")) { Request.Location location = new Request.Location(); location.DisplayName = "OFFICE"; items.Add(location); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Location); } else { items.Add("OFFICE"); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Location1); } #endregion #region Attendee/Organizer Request.AttendeesAttendee attendee = new Request.AttendeesAttendee { Email = attendeeEmailAddress, Name = new MailAddress(attendeeEmailAddress).User, AttendeeStatus = 0x0, AttendeeTypeSpecified = true, AttendeeType = 0x1 }; // 0x0 = Response unknown // 0x1 = Required items.Add(new Request.Attendees() { Attendee = new Request.AttendeesAttendee[] { attendee } }); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Attendees); if (!Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.0") && !Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site).Equals("16.1")) { items.Add(organizerEmailAddress); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.OrganizerEmail); items.Add(new MailAddress(organizerEmailAddress).DisplayName); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.OrganizerName); } #endregion #region Sensitivity/BusyStatus/AllDayEvent // 0x0 == Normal items.Add((byte)0x0); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Sensitivity); // 0x1 == Tentative items.Add((byte)0x1); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.BusyStatus); // 0x0 not an all-day event items.Add((byte)0x0); itemsElementName.Add(Request.ItemsChoiceType8.AllDayEvent); #endregion syncAddCollection.ApplicationData.Items = items.ToArray(); syncAddCollection.ApplicationData.ItemsElementName = itemsElementName.ToArray(); #endregion #region Execute the Sync command to upload the calendar SyncStore initSyncResponse = this.InitializeSync(this.User1Information.CalendarCollectionId); SyncRequest uploadCalendarRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncAddRequest(initSyncResponse.SyncKey, this.User1Information.CalendarCollectionId, syncAddCollection); this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(uploadCalendarRequest); #endregion #region Get the new added calendar item SyncStore getItemResponse = this.GetSyncResult(subject, this.User1Information.CalendarCollectionId, null); Sync calendarItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetSyncAddItem(getItemResponse, subject); Site.Assert.IsNotNull(calendarItem, "The item with subject {0} should be found in the folder {1}.", subject, FolderType.Calendar.ToString()); #endregion return(calendarItem.Calendar); }
/// <summary> /// Delete all the items in a folder. /// </summary> /// <param name="userInformation">The user information which contains user created items</param> private void DeleteItemsInFolder(UserInformation userInformation) { foreach (CreatedItems createdItems in userInformation.UserCreatedItems) { SyncStore syncStore = this.InitializeSync(createdItems.CollectionId); SyncStore result = this.SyncChanges(syncStore.SyncKey, createdItems.CollectionId, null); string syncKey = result.SyncKey; int retryCount = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RetryCount", this.Site)); int waitTime = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("WaitTime", this.Site)); int counter = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(waitTime); if (result != null) { if (result.CollectionStatus == 1) { break; } } counter++; }while (counter < retryCount / 10); if (result.AddElements != null) { SyncRequest deleteRequest; foreach (Sync syncItem in result.AddElements) { if (createdItems.CollectionId == userInformation.CalendarCollectionId) { foreach (string subject in createdItems.ItemSubject) { if (syncItem.Calendar != null && syncItem.Calendar.Subject != null) { if (syncItem.Calendar.Subject.Equals(subject, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { deleteRequest = CreateSyncPermanentDeleteRequest(syncKey, createdItems.CollectionId, syncItem.ServerId); SyncStore deleteSyncResult = this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(deleteRequest); syncKey = deleteSyncResult.SyncKey; Site.Assert.AreEqual <byte>(1, deleteSyncResult.CollectionStatus, "Item should be deleted."); } } } } else { List <Request.SyncCollectionDelete> deleteData = new List <Request.SyncCollectionDelete>(); foreach (string subject in createdItems.ItemSubject) { string serverId = null; if (result != null) { foreach (Sync item in result.AddElements) { if (item.Email.Subject != null && item.Email.Subject.Contains(subject)) { serverId = item.ServerId; break; } if (item.Calendar.Subject != null && item.Calendar.Subject.Contains(subject)) { serverId = item.ServerId; break; } } } if (serverId != null) { deleteData.Add(new Request.SyncCollectionDelete() { ServerId = serverId }); } } if (deleteData.Count > 0) { Request.SyncCollection syncCollection = TestSuiteHelper.CreateSyncCollection(syncKey, createdItems.CollectionId); syncCollection.Commands = deleteData.ToArray(); syncCollection.DeletesAsMoves = false; syncCollection.DeletesAsMovesSpecified = true; SyncRequest syncRequest = Common.CreateSyncRequest(new Request.SyncCollection[] { syncCollection }); SyncStore deleteResult = this.EMAILAdapter.Sync(syncRequest); syncKey = deleteResult.SyncKey; Site.Assert.AreEqual <byte>( 1, deleteResult.CollectionStatus, "The value of Status should be 1 to indicate the Sync command executes successfully."); } } } } } }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC09_UndoCheckOut_InvalidParameter() { string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file. bool checkOutSucceeded = false; checkOutSucceeded = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); if (!checkOutSucceeded) { Site.Assert.Fail("Expect CheckOutFile operation failed due to unexpected reason."); } #endregion #region Undo the checkout with null pageUrl parameter, try to capture R783 and R2306 bool isSoapFaultExist = false; string errorCode = string.Empty; try { string nullPageUrl = null; this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(nullPageUrl); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // Capture R783 if the error code 0x82000001 is returned. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 783, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] If the pageUrl is null the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); #endregion #region Undo the checkout with pageUrl parameter setting to an invalid URL, try to capture R7851 and R7852 isSoapFaultExist = false; string errorString = string.Empty; try { string invalidPageUrl = "/"; this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(invalidPageUrl); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorString = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorString(soapEx); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(7851, this.Site)) { this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isSoapFaultExist, 7851, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] Implementation does not return a SOAP fault if the pageUrl is an invalid URL. <74> Section wss3 does not return a SOAP fault."); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(7852, this.Site)) { // Add the debug information this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-LISTSWS_R7852. SOAP fault {0}.", isSoapFaultExist ? "is returned with error string '" + errorString + "'" : "is not returned"); // Verify MS-LISTSWS requirement: MS-LISTSWS_R7852 bool isVerifiedR7852 = isSoapFaultExist && string.Equals(errorString, "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR7852, 7852, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] Implementation does return a SOAP fault with the error string: ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."" if the pageUrl is an invalid URL.(Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2010 and above follow this behavior.)"); } #endregion #region Undo the checkout with the pageUrl is an empty string, try to capture R784 and R1962 isSoapFaultExist = false; errorCode = string.Empty; try { string nullPageUrl = string.Empty; this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(nullPageUrl); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // Capture R784 if the error code 0x82000001 is returned. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 784, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] If the pageUrl is an empty string the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); // Capture R1962 if the error code 0x82000001 is returned. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 1962, @"[In UndoCheckOut operation] [If the pageUrl is an empty string the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.] This indicates that the parameter pageUrl is missing or invalid."); #endregion #region Check out a file that has been checked out, if the CheckOutFile should return false, capture R2305; bool isUndoCheckOutSuccess = false; isUndoCheckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(absoluteFileUrl); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isUndoCheckOutSuccess, "The UndoCheckOutFile operation must be successful in the first time."); // Check out a file that have been undo checked out isUndoCheckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.UndoCheckOut(absoluteFileUrl); // Capture R2306 if the UndoCheckOut returns a false value. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isUndoCheckOutSuccess, 2306, @"[UndoCheckOutResponse] [The value is True if the operation is successful;]otherwise, False is returned."); #endregion }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC03_CheckInFile_InvalidParameter() { // create a normal document Library and upload a file to SUT string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file. bool isFileCheckOutSuccessfully = false; isFileCheckOutSuccessfully = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isFileCheckOutSuccessfully, "CheckOutFile must succeed!"); #endregion #region Try to check in the file which has been checked out with invalid pageUrl parameter. bool isSoapFaultExisted = false; string errorCode = string.Empty; try { string nullPageUrl = null; this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(nullPageUrl, string.Empty, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExisted = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } #endregion #region Capture R390 if the error code 0x82000001 is returned. // if there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R390 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExisted && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 390, @"[In CheckInFile operation] If the pageUrl is null the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); #endregion #region Try to check in the file if the pageUrl is empty string. isSoapFaultExisted = false; errorCode = string.Empty; try { string emptyPageUrl = string.Empty; this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(emptyPageUrl, string.Empty, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExisted = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // if there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R391 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExisted && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 391, @"[In CheckInFile operation] If the pageUrl is empty string the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); // if there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture 1640 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExisted && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 1640, @"[In CheckInFile operation] [If the pageUrl is empty string the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.] This indicates that the parameter pageUrl is missing."); #endregion #region Try to check in the file if pageUrl setting to an invalid URL. isSoapFaultExisted = false; string errorString = string.Empty; errorCode = string.Empty; try { string invalidPageUrl = "/"; this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(invalidPageUrl, string.Empty, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExisted = true; errorString = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorString(soapEx); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(3921, this.Site)) { // Add the debug information this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-LISTSWS_R3921. SOAP fault {0}.", isSoapFaultExisted ? "is returned with error string '" + errorString + "'" : "is not returned"); // Verify MS-LISTSWS requirement: MS-LISTSWS_R3921 bool isVerifiedR3921 = isSoapFaultExisted && string.Equals(errorString, "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR3921, 3921, @"[In CheckInFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined"".(SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above follow this behavior.)"); // Verify MS-LISTSWS requirement: MS-LISTSWS_R1641 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR3921, 1641, @"[In CheckInFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL, the protocol server SHOULD<36> return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined"".] This indicates that the parameter pageUrl is invalid."); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(3922, this.Site)) { this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isSoapFaultExisted, 3922, @"[In CheckInFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does not return a SOAP fault.(<36> Section Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 does not return a SOAP fault..)"); } #endregion #region Try to check in the file that have been check in success bool isCheckInSuccess = false; // Call the "CheckInFile" operation and ensure check in successfully. isCheckInSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(absoluteFileUrl, string.Empty, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); Site.Assert.IsTrue(isCheckInSuccess, "CheckInFile operation must be successfully for the first time"); // Call the "CheckInFile" operation to check in the file which have been check in successfully in previous checked in file operation. isCheckInSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckInFile(absoluteFileUrl, string.Empty, CheckInTypeValue.MajorCheckIn); // If "CheckInFile" operation return false, capture R2304 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isCheckInSuccess, 2304, @"[CheckInFileResponse][CheckInFileResult] [The value is True if the operation is successful;] otherwise, False is returned."); #endregion }
public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC06_CheckOutFile_InvalidParameter() { // create a normal document Library and upload a file to SUT string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName(); int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library; TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId); // Upload the file to the document library string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle); Site.Assert.IsTrue( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFileUrl), "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]", listTitle, absoluteFileUrl); #region Check out the added file with null pageUrl parameter, try to capture R406; R2305; bool isSoapFaultExist = false; string errorCode = string.Empty; try { string nullPageUrl = null; this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(nullPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // if there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R406 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 406, @"[In CheckOutFile operation]If the pageUrl is null the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); #endregion #region Check out the added file with pageUrl is empty string, and try to capture R407; R1663 isSoapFaultExist = false; errorCode = string.Empty; try { string emptyPageUrl = string.Empty; this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(emptyPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // If there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R407 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 407, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] If the pageUrl is empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001."); // If there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R1663 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), 1663, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.] This indicates that the pageUrl is an empty string."); #endregion #region Check out the added file with pageUrl setting to an invalid URL, try to capture MS-LISTSWS_R4081 MS-LISTSWS_R1664 and MS-LISTSWS_R4082 isSoapFaultExist = false; string errorString = string.Empty; errorCode = string.Empty; try { string invalidPageUrl = "/"; this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(invalidPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorString = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorString(soapEx); errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(4081, this.Site)) { // Add the debug information this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-LISTSWS_R4081. SOAP fault {0}.", isSoapFaultExist ? "is returned with error string '" + errorString + "'" : "is not returned"); // Verify MS-LISTSWS requirement: MS-LISTSWS_R4081 bool isVerifiedR4081 = isSoapFaultExist && string.Equals(errorString, "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR4081, 4081, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."".(SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above follow this behavior.)"); // If there is no any error code in soap fault, capture MS-LISTSWS_R1664 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCode), 1664, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL, the protocol server SHOULD<38> return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."". ]There is no error code for this fault."); } if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(4082, this.Site)) { this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isSoapFaultExist, 4082, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does not return a SOAP fault.(<38> Section wss3 does not return a SOAP fault.)"); } #endregion #region Check out the added file with the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string.Try to capture R410;R1666; isSoapFaultExist = false; errorCode = string.Empty; try { // Get an invalid path string invalidBoolValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, invalidBoolValue, string.Empty); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } // If there are a Soap fault, capture R410 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist, 410, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] If the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string (case-insensitive equality to ""True"" or ""False"", ignoring leading and trailing white space), the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault."); // If there are a soap fault and no error code return in SoapFault, capture R1666 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isSoapFaultExist && string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCode), 1666, @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string (case-insensitive equality to ""True"" or ""False"", ignoring leading and trailing white space), the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.]There is no error code for this fault."); #endregion isSoapFaultExist = false; errorCode = string.Empty; try { // Get an invalid path string invalidBoolValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, invalidBoolValue, string.Empty); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { isSoapFaultExist = true; errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx); } #region Check out a file that have been checked out, if the CheckOutFile should return false, capture R2305; bool ischeckOutSuccess = false; ischeckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); Site.Assert.IsTrue(ischeckOutSuccess, "The CheckOutFile operation must be successful in the first time."); // Check out a file that have been checked out ischeckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty); // if the second CheckOutFile operation return false, capture R2305 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( ischeckOutSuccess, 2305, @"[CheckOutFileResponse][The value is True if the operation is successful; ]otherwise, False is returned"); #endregion }