// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!initialised) { try { GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera") [0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; socket = socketScript.getSocket(); socket.registerObserver(outlet); initialised = true; Debug.Log("Successfully Initialised Presentation Board"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { } } else { if (!outlet.IsOutletEmpty()) { Message m = outlet.GetNextMessage(); if (m.Signal == "CHNG") { ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(m.Payload); currentSlideNumber = buffer.ReadInt(); //The only way the current slide number changes is if a CHNG message is received FixSlideNumber(); meetingDisplay.SetCurrentSlideNumber(currentSlideNumber); StartCoroutine(ChangeImage()); //The only way the image on the board will change is if a CHNG message is received } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!initialised) { try { GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera") [0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; socket = socketScript.getSocket(); socket.registerObserver(outlet); initialised = true; Debug.Log("Successfully Initialised Player Manager"); Message ma = new Message("GAP", new byte[0]); socket.sendMessage(ma); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { } } else { if (!outlet.IsOutletEmpty()) { Message m = outlet.GetNextMessage(); if (m.Signal.Equals(ServerSignals.LEFT.ToString())) { int userID = BitConverter.ToInt32(m.Payload, 0); User user = GetUser(userID); if (user != null) { Debug.Log("User " + user.userID + ":" + user.firstName + " has left"); RemoveUser(userID); } } else if (m.Signal.Equals(ServerSignals.UDM.ToString())) { string userInfo = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(m.Payload); User user = JsonUtility.FromJson <User> (userInfo); if (user.presenting) { meetingDisplay.SetPresenterName(user.firstName); } if (user.userID == ReadFile.getUserID()) { Configuration.Config.isClientPresenter = user.presenting; button1.SetActive(user.presenting); button2.SetActive(user.presenting); presenterScript.enabled = user.presenting; participantScript.enabled = !user.presenting; } AddUser(user); } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!initialised) { try { GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera")[0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; ClientSocket socket = socketScript.getSocket(); socket.registerObserver(messageOutlet); initialised = true; Debug.Log("Successfully Initialised New Avatar"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { } } else { //Debug.Log("In else statement"); if (messageOutlet != null) { if (!messageOutlet.IsOutletEmpty()) { Message m = messageOutlet.GetNextMessage(); Debug.Log("signal:" + m.Signal); if (m.Signal == "UDM") { ByteBuffer bf1 = new ByteBuffer(m.Payload); String userData = bf1.ReadString(m.Payload.Length); dataField userInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <dataField>(userData); String userID = userInfo.userID; String firstName = userInfo.firstName; String surName = userInfo.surName; String Company = userInfo.Company; String jobTitle = userInfo.jobTitle; String workEmail = userInfo.workEmail; String phoneNumber = userInfo.phoneNumber; String avatarID = userInfo.avatarID; int id; int.TryParse(avatarID, out id); Debug.Log("Avatar ID:" + id); DisplayAvatar(id); } } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!initialised) { try { GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera") [0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; socket = socketScript.getSocket(); initialised = true; Debug.Log("Successfully Initialised LeaveButton"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { clip = Microphone.Start(null, true, Config.CAPTURE_LENGTH, Config.MIC_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY); while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(null) > 0)) { } //Debug.Log("start playing... position is " + Microphone.GetPosition(null)); GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera")[0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; socket = socketScript.getSocket(); Debug.Log("Obtained socket"); InvokeRepeating("SendNextClip", Config.CAPTURE_LENGTH, Config.CAPTURE_LENGTH); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!initialised) { try { GameObject camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera") [0]; TestSocket socketScript = camera.GetComponent(typeof(TestSocket)) as TestSocket; socket = socketScript.getSocket(); socket.registerObserver(presenterAudioOutlet); initialised = true; //Debug.Log("Successfully Initialised Meeting Participant Script"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { } } else { if (!presenterAudioOutlet.IsOutletEmpty()) //Whenever you receive a message { Message next = presenterAudioOutlet.GetNextMessage(); //Get that message if (next.Signal.Equals(ServerSignals.AUDI.ToString())) //Add the payload to the buffer of data for the next audio sample { payloadBuffer.Add(next.Payload); } else if (next.Signal.Equals(ServerSignals.EAUD.ToString())) //Take all of the payloads obtained until this point and append them to make 1 byte[] then decompress the array and convert it to an audio clip { ByteBuffer combinedPayload = new ByteBuffer(); //Debug.Log ("Received full audio clip. It took " + payloadBuffer.Count + " messages to receive the audio"); foreach (byte[] currentPayload in payloadBuffer) { combinedPayload.WriteBytes(currentPayload); } payloadBuffer.Clear(); int originalDataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(next.Payload, 0); // DecompressAndStore (new CompressedData (combinedPayload.ToBytes (), originalDataLength)); Thread decompressThread = new Thread(DecompressAndStore); Debug.Log("Decompressing " + combinedPayload.ToBytes().Length + " bytes"); decompressThread.Start(new CompressedData(combinedPayload.ToBytes(), originalDataLength)); } } if (canOutput) //If the initial 15 seconds has passed { if (Time.time >= playNextSampleAt) // If it's time to play the next sample i.e the time since the last sample has started + it's length has elapsed { if (!IsClipQueueEmpty()) //If there's a full clip to play { //Debug.Log("Playing audio"); AudioClip nextClip = GetNextClipInQueue(); if (nextClip != null) { //Debug.Log("Playing audio clip that is " + nextClip.length + " seconds long"); lastSampleStartedAt = Time.time; playNextSampleAt = Time.time + nextClip.length; AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(nextClip, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } } } } } }