Esempio n. 1
        internal void Test(TestServices services, EmployeesQuery q, Ref <Employee> employee, IReadOnlyCollection <EmployeeRM> result)
            GIVEN["a query"] = () => {
                services = new TestServices(b => b
                                            .Services(c => c.RegisterType <EmployeesQuery>().AsImplementedInterfaces())

                q = new EmployeesQuery(services.GetRequiredService <IEventStore>());

                var e = new Employee(ID.NewID(), "Test employee");
                employee = e;

                EmployeeCodes ec = new EmployeeCodes();
                ec.AssignCode(employee, "1234");

            WHEN["running the query"] = () => result = q.Run(services.GetRequiredService <IContext>());

            THEN["the result is correct"] = () => result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new EmployeeRM(employee)
                Code = "1234",
                Name = "Test employee"

            WHEN["running the query via container"] = () => result = services.RunQuery(new GetEmployees()).Result;
            THEN["it returns the result"]           = () => result.Should().NotBeEmpty();