public void CorrectlyInferViewModelName_OnlyPageSuffixConfigured()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.XamlFileSuffix = "Page";

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(
                new TestVisualStudioAbstraction(),
                new TestFileSystem());

            var(view, viewModel, _) = sut.InferViewModelNameFromFileName("TestPage.xaml.cs");

            Assert.AreEqual("TestPage", view);
            Assert.AreEqual("Test", viewModel);
        public void CorrectlySplitCamelCasePropertyNames()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "$namewithspaces$",

            var cpb    = new CodeParserBase(DefaultTestLogger.Create(), 4, profile);
            var result = cpb.GetPropertyOutput("string", "MyProperty", isReadOnly: false);

            Assert.AreEqual("My Property", result);
        public void DetectsWhenPageContentIsAlreadySet()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.XamlFileSuffix      = "Page";
            profile.ViewGeneration.ViewModelFileSuffix = "ViewModel";
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindPageContent  = @"public $viewmodelclass$ ViewModel
        return new $viewmodelclass$();

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "TestPage.xaml.cs",
                ActiveDocumentText     = @"class TestPage
    public TestPage()

    public TestViewModel ViewModel
            return new TestViewModel();

            var fs = new TestFileSystem();

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var result = sut.ShouldEnableCommand();

        public void CanMapMultipleAttributesToSameTypeInSingleMapping()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Foo]int|[Bar]int",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"FOOBAR_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1☆
        public string Property1 { get; set; }
        public int Property2 { get; set; }
        public int Property5 { get; set; }
        public int Property6 { get; set; }

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"FOOBAR_Property5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"FOOBAR_Property6\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetStructAllPropertyOptions()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping = "StackPanel";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String Name=\"$name$\" />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "integer",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int Name=\"$name$\" />",

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Structure Str☆uctViewModel
        Public Property Property1 As String
        Public Property Property2 As Integer
    End Structure
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <String Name=\"Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Int Name=\"Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "StructViewModel",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void CorrectlyInferViewModelNameSpace()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.ViewModelDirectoryName = "VMS";

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(
                new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveProject = new ProjectWrapper {
                    Name = "TestApp"
                new TestFileSystem());

            var(_, _, vmNamespace) = sut.InferViewModelNameFromFileName("Test.xaml.cs");

            Assert.AreEqual("TestApp.VMS", vmNamespace);
        public void MappingSupportsGenericTypeInVBAndCSFormats()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<Int>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List(Of String)",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String />",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public List<Int> SomeInts { get; set; }
        public List<String> SomeStrings { get; set; }☆

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name   = "SomeInts and SomeStrings",
                Output = "<Int />" + Environment.NewLine
                         + "<String />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Esempio n. 8
        public void DetectsWhenPageContentIsAlreadySet()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.XamlFileSuffix      = "Page";
            profile.ViewGeneration.ViewModelFileSuffix = "ViewModel";
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindPageContent  = @"Public ReadOnly Property ViewModel As $viewmodelclass$
        Return New $viewmodelclass$
    End Get
End Property";

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "TestPage.xaml.vb",
                ActiveDocumentText     = @"Public NotInheritable Class TestPage
    Inherits Page

    Sub New()
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property ViewModel As TestViewModel
            Return New TestViewModel
        End Get
    End Property
End Class",

            var fs = new TestFileSystem();

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var result = sut.ShouldEnableCommand();

Esempio n. 9
        public void CanDetectWhereAndWhenToInsertConstructorContentAndConstructorExists()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindConstructorContent = "DataContext = ViewModel";

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var fs = new TestFileSystem
                FileText = @"Public NotInheritable Class TestPage
    Inherits Page

    Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class",

            var synTree = VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(fs.FileText);

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "TestPage.xaml.vb",
                ActiveDocumentText     = fs.FileText,
                SyntaxTree             = synTree,
                DocumentIsCSharp       = false,

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var(anythingToAdd, lineNoToAddAfter, contentToAdd, constructorAdded)
                = sut.GetCodeBehindConstructorContentToAdd(vs.ActiveDocumentText, vs.SyntaxTree.GetRoot(), "TestPage", "TestViewModel");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, lineNoToAddAfter);
            Assert.AreEqual($"{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}DataContext = ViewModel", contentToAdd);
        public void CanDetectWhereAndWhenToInsertConstructorContentAndConstructorExists()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindConstructorContent = "this.DataContext = this.ViewModel;";

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var fs = new TestFileSystem
                FileText = @"class TestPage
    public TestPage()

            var synTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(fs.FileText);

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "test.xaml.cs",
                ActiveDocumentText     = fs.FileText,
                SyntaxTree             = synTree,
                DocumentIsCSharp       = true,

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var(anythingToAdd, lineNoToAddAfter, contentToAdd, constructorAdded)
                = sut.GetCodeBehindConstructorContentToAdd(vs.ActiveDocumentText, vs.SyntaxTree.GetRoot(), "TestPage", "TestViewModel");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, lineNoToAddAfter);
            Assert.AreEqual($"{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}this.DataContext = this.ViewModel;", contentToAdd);
        public void GetSelectionOfStructProperties()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String Name=\"$name$\" />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "integer",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int Name=\"$name$\" />",

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Structure StructViewModel
        ☆Public Property Property1 As String
        Public Property Property2 As Integer☆
    End Structure
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<String Name=\"Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<Int Name=\"Property2\" />";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Property1 and Property2",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Esempio n. 12
        public void MappingSupportsGenericTypeInVBAndCSFormats()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<Int>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Int />",
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List(Of String)",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<String />",

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1
        *Public Property SomeInts As List(Of int)
        Public Property SomeStrings As List(Of String)*
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "SomeInts and SomeStrings",
                Output     = @"<Int />
<String />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Selection,

            this.SelectionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        // This is based on GetVisualBasicClassTests.GetClassWithAllTheProperties
        private void GetNameAndType(string property, string xaml)
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Public Class TestClass
        ☆" + property + @"
End Namespace";

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Name=\"$name$\" Type=\"$type$\" />";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "IgNoRe",
                Output     = xaml,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Member,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Esempio n. 14
        public void GetClassWithDynamicListProperty()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping     = "form";
            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<dynamic>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Dyno>$subprops$</Dyno>",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    *class Class1
        public List<dynamic> SomeList { get; set; }

            // A single "DymnProp" with no value indicates that no sub-properties of the dynamic type were found
            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = @"<form>
<DymnProp Value="""" />
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Class,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetDynamicListProperty()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.SubPropertyOutput = "<DymnProp Value=\"$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "List<dynamic>",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<Dyno>$subprops$</Dyno>",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        ☆public List<dynamic> SomeList { get; set; }☆

            var expectedXaml = "<Dyno>"
                               + Environment.NewLine + "    <DymnProp Value=\"\" />"
                               + Environment.NewLine + "</Dyno>";

            // A single "DymnProp" with no value indicates that no sub-properties of the dynamic type were found
            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "SomeList",
                Output     = expectedXaml,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetStructProperty()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "MyStruct",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
                NameContains = string.Empty,
                Output       = "<MyStruct />",

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1
        *public MyStruct Property2 { get; set; }*

    struct MyStruct
        public string MyProperty1 { get; set; }
        public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }

            var expected = new AnalyzerOutput
                Name       = "Property2",
                Output     = "<MyStruct />",
                OutputType = AnalyzerOutputType.Property,

            this.EachPositionBetweenStarsShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetAttributedTypeAndReadOnlyCombinations()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_RO_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = true,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = true,

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1☆
        Public Property Property1 As String
        Public ReadOnly Property Property2 As String
        Public Property Property3 As String
        Public ReadOnly Property Property4 As String
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_Property4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void GetClassAllAttributedTypeCombinations()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "T",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"T_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "object",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"OBJECT_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]T",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1☆
        public string Property1 { get; set; }
        public int Property2 { get; set; }
        public object Property3 { get; set; }
        public double Property4 { get; set; }
        public string Property5 { get; set; }
        public int Property6 { get; set; }
        public object Property7 { get; set; }
        public double Property8 { get; set; }
        public string Property9 { get; set; }
        public int Property10 { get; set; }

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"STRING_Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"OBJECT_Property3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property6\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property7\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property8\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"STRING_Property9\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property10\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void CheckConstructorRequiredParam_VS()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            var sut = new DropHandlerLogic(DefaultTestLogger.Create(), null);
        public void GetAttributedTypeAndReadOnlyCombinations()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_RO_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = true,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = true,

            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1☆
        public string Property1 { get; set; }
        public string Property2 { get; private set; }
        public string Property3 { get; set; }
        public string Property4 { get; private set; }

            // Note that property1 test does not start "STRING_" because the mapping with an attribute takes priority over the one without.
            // Note that property2 test does not start "STRING2_" because the attribute/Type mapping takes priority over name.
            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_RO_Property4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void FallbackIsNotUsedForMethods()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1☆
        Public Sub New()
            ' Constructor is a method but shouldn't match anything
        End Sub

        Public Sub OnPhotoTaken(ByVal args As CameraControlEventArgs)
        End Sub

        Public Sub ZoomIn()
            Return _zoomService?.ZoomIn()
        End Sub

        Public Sub Undo()
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub SwitchTheme(ByVal theme As ElementTheme)
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub Redo()
        End Sub

        Public Sub MethodName(ByVal name As String, ByVal amount As Integer)
        End Sub

        Private Sub DoNotMatchBecausePrivate()
        End Sub

        Public Function DoNotMatchBecauseOfReturnType() As Integer
        End Function

        Friend Sub DoNotMatchBecauseInternal()
        End Sub

        Protected Sub DoNotMatchBecauseProtected()
        End Sub

        Public Sub DoNotMatchAsGeneric(Of T)()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<DoNotOutputForMethods />";
            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void FilterMethodsByName()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1☆
        Public Sub OnPhotoTaken(ByVal args As CameraControlEventArgs)
        End Sub

        Public Sub ZoomIn()
            Return _zoomService?.ZoomIn()
        End Sub

        Public Sub Undo()
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub SwitchTheme(ByVal theme As ElementTheme)
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub Redo()
        End Sub

        Public Sub MethodName(ByVal name As String, ByVal amount As Integer)
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub OtherMethodNamez(ByVal name As String, ByVal amount As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "$nooutput$";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method()",
                NameContains = "e",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_$method$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T)",
                NameContains = "e",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_$method$_$arg1$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T,T)",
                NameContains = "z",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_$method$_$arg1$_$arg2$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_OnPhotoTaken_args\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_SwitchTheme_theme\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Redo\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_OtherMethodNamez_name_amount\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void MethodOutputCanBeInGrid_TwoColumns()
            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1☆
        Public Sub OnPhotoTaken(ByVal args As CameraControlEventArgs)
        End Sub

        Public Sub ZoomIn()
            Return _zoomService?.ZoomIn()
        End Sub

        Public Sub Undo()
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub SwitchTheme(ByVal theme As ElementTheme)
        End Sub

        Public Async Sub Redo()
        End Sub

        Public Sub MethodName(ByVal name As String, ByVal amount As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<Grid>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <ColumnDefinition Width=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <ColumnDefinition Width=\"*\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"*\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    </Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"0\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_OnPhotoTaken_args\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"0\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_ZoomIn\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Undo\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_SwitchTheme_theme\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Redo\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_MethodName_name_amount\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping = "GRID-PLUS-ROWDEFS-2COLS";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method()",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" /><TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_$method$\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"$repint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T)",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" /><TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_$method$_$arg1$\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"$repint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T,T)",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<Lbl Grid.Column=\"0\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" /><TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_$method$_$arg1$_$arg2$\" Grid.Column=\"1\" Grid.Row=\"$repint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
        public void CanDetectWhereAndWhenToInsertConstructorAndPageContentWhenConstructorDoesNotExist()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.XamlFileSuffix            = "Page";
            profile.ViewGeneration.ViewModelFileSuffix       = "ViewModel";
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindConstructorContent = "this.DataContext = this.ViewModel;";
            profile.Datacontext.DefaultCodeBehindConstructor = @"public $viewclass$()
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindPageContent        = @"public $viewmodelclass$ ViewModel
        return new $viewmodelclass$();

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var fs = new TestFileSystem
                FileText = @"class TestPage

            var synTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(fs.FileText);

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "TestPage.xaml.cs",
                ActiveDocumentText     = fs.FileText,
                SyntaxTree             = synTree,
                DocumentIsCSharp       = true,

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var documentRoot = synTree.GetRoot();

            var result = sut.GetCodeBehindContentToAdd("TestPage", "TestViewModel", "TestVmNamespace", documentRoot);

            var expectedContent0 = @"
public TestPage()

this.DataContext = this.ViewModel;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].lineNoToAddAfter);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedContent0, result[0].contentToAdd);

            var expectedContent1 = @"

public TestViewModel ViewModel
        return new TestViewModel();

            Assert.AreEqual(8, result[1].lineNoToAddAfter);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedContent1, result[1].contentToAdd);
Esempio n. 25
        public void MethodOutputCanBeInGrid_OneColumn()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1☆
        public void OnPhotoTaken(CameraControlEventArgs args) { }

        public void ZoomIn() => _zoomService?.ZoomIn();

        public void Undo() {  }

        public async void SwitchTheme(ElementTheme theme) { }

        public async void Redo() {  }

        public void MethodName(string name, int amount) { }

            var expectedOutput = "<Grid>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"Auto\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "        <RowDefinition Height=\"*\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    </Grid.RowDefinitions>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_OnPhotoTaken_args\" Grid.Row=\"0\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_ZoomIn\" Grid.Row=\"1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Undo\" Grid.Row=\"2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_SwitchTheme_theme\" Grid.Row=\"3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Redo\" Grid.Row=\"4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_MethodName_name_amount\" Grid.Row=\"5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</Grid>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping = "GRID-PLUS-ROWDEFS";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method()",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_$method$\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T)",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_$method$_$arg1$\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T,T)",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_$method$_$arg1$_$arg2$\" Grid.Row=\"$incint$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Esempio n. 26
        public void FilterMethodsByName()
            var code = @"
namespace tests
    class Class1☆
        public void OnPhotoTaken(CameraControlEventArgs args) { }

        public void ZoomIn() => _zoomService?.ZoomIn();

        public void Undo() {  }

        public async void SwitchTheme(ElementTheme theme) { }

        public async void Redo() {  }

        public void MethodName(string name, int amount) { }

        public async void OtherMethodNamez(string name, int amount) { }

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "$nooutput$";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method()",
                NameContains = "e",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_$method$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T)",
                NameContains = "e",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_$method$_$arg1$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "method(T,T)",
                NameContains = "z",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_$method$_$arg1$_$arg2$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_OnPhotoTaken_args\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"ONEPARAM_SwitchTheme_theme\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"NOPARAMS_Redo\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"TWOPARAMS_OtherMethodNamez_name_amount\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);
Esempio n. 27
        public void CanDetectWhereAndWhenToInsertConstructorAndPageContentWhenConstructorDoesNotExist()
            var defaultConstructor = "Sub New()"
                                     + Environment.NewLine + "    InitializeComponent()"
                                     + Environment.NewLine + "End Sub";

            var pageContent = "Public ReadOnly Property ViewModel As $viewmodelclass$"
                              + Environment.NewLine + "    Get"
                              + Environment.NewLine + "        Return New $viewmodelclass$"
                              + Environment.NewLine + "    End Get"
                              + Environment.NewLine + "End Property";

            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ViewGeneration.XamlFileSuffix            = "Page";
            profile.ViewGeneration.ViewModelFileSuffix       = "ViewModel";
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindConstructorContent = "DataContext = ViewModel";
            profile.Datacontext.DefaultCodeBehindConstructor = defaultConstructor;
            profile.Datacontext.CodeBehindPageContent        = pageContent;

            var logger = DefaultTestLogger.Create();

            var fs = new TestFileSystem
                FileText = @"Public NotInheritable Class TestPage
    Inherits Page

End Class",

            var synTree = VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(fs.FileText);

            var vs = new TestVisualStudioAbstraction
                ActiveDocumentFileName = "TestPage.xaml.vb",
                ActiveDocumentText     = fs.FileText,
                SyntaxTree             = synTree,
                DocumentIsCSharp       = false,

            var sut = new SetDataContextCommandLogic(profile, logger, vs, fs);

            var documentRoot = synTree.GetRoot();

            var result = sut.GetCodeBehindContentToAdd("TestPage", "TestViewModel", "TestVmNamespace", documentRoot);

            var expectedContent0 = ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "Sub New()"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "    InitializeComponent()"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "DataContext = ViewModel"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "End Sub"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "";

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].lineNoToAddAfter);
            StringAssert.AreEqual(expectedContent0, result[0].contentToAdd);

            var expectedContent1 = ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "Public ReadOnly Property ViewModel As TestViewModel"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "    Get"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "        Return New TestViewModel"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "    End Get"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "End Property";

            Assert.AreEqual(7, result[1].lineNoToAddAfter);
            StringAssert.AreEqual(expectedContent1, result[1].contentToAdd);
        public void GetClassAllAttributedTypeCombinations()
            var profile = TestProfile.CreateEmpty();

            profile.ClassGrouping  = "StackPanel";
            profile.FallbackOutput = "<TextBlock Text=\"FALLBACK_$name$\" />";
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "T",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"T_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "object",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"OBJECT_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]T",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,
            profile.Mappings.Add(new Mapping
                Type         = "[Hidden]string",
                NameContains = "",
                Output       = "<TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_$name$\" />",
                IfReadOnly   = false,

            var code = @"
Namespace tests
    Class Class1☆
        Public Property Property1 As String
        Public Property Property2 As Integer
        Public Property Property3 As Object
        Public Property Property4 As Double
        Public Property Property5 As String
        Public Property Property6 As Integer
        Public Property Property7 As Object
        Public Property Property8 As Double
        Public Property Property9 As String
        Public Property Property10 As Integer
    End Class
End Namespace";

            var expectedOutput = "<StackPanel>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"STRING_Property1\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property2\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"OBJECT_Property3\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property4\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_STRING_Property5\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property6\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property7\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"HIDDEN_T_Property8\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"STRING_Property9\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "    <TextBlock Text=\"T_Property10\" />"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "</StackPanel>";

            var expected = new ParserOutput
                Name       = "Class1",
                Output     = expectedOutput,
                OutputType = ParserOutputType.Class,

            this.PositionAtStarShouldProduceExpected(code, expected, profile);